May BFP - roll up roll up!!

Oh and sore nipples (noticed when trying clothes on!) in the car on the way home there was about 5mins where they were tingling/burning
Well 4 dpo is very early to test! You have so many symptoms. Need some more bfp's on here!x
Have been reading up about soy today, any thoughts or anyone try it? I've never had any fertility problems per-se myself but my cousin has been ttc for 2 years now and is due to see fertility docs on NHS in the summer. Do you think it might be worth a try?

Maxi dresses are very handy when preggo, anything empire lined really suits a lovely bump! :flower:
I've taken soy the last two cycles, although the first one I doubt I o as still had hcg in system, so this is my first. I'll let you know in a few days if it worked! Didn't get any side effects. Lots of posts on bnb about soy and lots of bfp's!
mmm thats interesting, what dosage did you take, what cycle days did you take it for and where did you get it?

I'm very interested to see if it works myself, did you take it for any infertility reason? I may give the au naturale approach a couple of months and have a go if it works! :thumbup:

Thanks Cornish, now get that BFP and we're sorted :haha:
Well 4 dpo is very early to test! You have so many symptoms. Need some more bfp's on here!x

This is true but 4dpo is also too early to feel anything lol!!
Won't even have implanted!
Woody, no dont opk, other than now Ive never been so into ttc, before mmc was trying to do the relaxed approach but secretly read up tons of cm and cp.
I took soy on cd3-cd7, I took an increased dosage, so cd3 80mg, cd4 80mg, cd5 120mg, cd6 160mg and cd7 200mg. I got them from Tesco in a yellow bottle, buy 2 get one free, although I only bought one bottle as was rather hopeful!
I dont think Id have the patience to poas 3 times a day with opks!
I dont think Id have the patience to poas 3 times a day with opks!

Hehe. Some people only POAS once a day with OPKs. I usually test around 2pm, as the LH from morning surge is supposed to show up in urine in the early afternoon. But once I get the positive strip, I test more frequently to see how long it lasts.
So do you poas every day? then once you get the surge more that day? Thats alot of poas!
Are they really helpful though?
Even with a positive opk it only really shows you are gearing up to O and not that you have actually ovulated so don't know if I will next time

Although I would LOVE to know when I peaked this month!!
Hey TTC ladies.

Im new but had a MC 4 wks ago and TTC already- Been using OPKS everyday for the last 2 weeks and doesnt look like ive ovulated yet?!!

Should I carry on testing or just wait for my period??

Really looking forward to all the support u ladies seem to give each other.

Also could someone spare five mins to list all the abbreviations ?I seem to keep seeing. BD/DH/ and so on and so on.

Big hugs to all

J xx
Hey hun sorry for your loss,
I'm not sure I ovulated at all the first cycle and I've heard quite a few people say this, but it depends how you feel!

0 - 9
2WW (aka. TWW) - Two Week Wait - Luteal Phase - 14 days after ovulation

AF - Aunt Flo, menstruation, period
AH - Assisted Hatching
AI - Artificial Insemination
AKA - Also Known As

BABY ASPIRIN - aka. children's aspirin which contains only 80mg of aspirin used to quiet immune system
BAW - Board at work
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance, Sex
Beta - Blood test for PG
BFN - Big Fat Negative (Pregnancy Tests)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (Pregnancy Test)
BTW - By the way
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BIL - Brother inlaw
BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts, Boobs, funbags etc
BA - Baby Aspirin
BM - Breast Milk
BPM - Beats per minute
BOB - Baby on board

CB - Clear Blue Pregnancy Test
CBFM - Clear Blue Fertility Monitor
CD - Cycle Day
CL - Corpus Luteum
CM- Cervical Mucus, Icky Sticky
CP - Cervical Position
C# - Cycle Number
CP - Cervical Position

DD - Dear Daughter
DH- Dear Husband
DP - Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
DB - Dear Boyfriend
DS - Dear Son
DTD - Doing The Dance, BD, sex
DPT - Days Post-Transfer
D&C - Dilate and Curetage

EC - Embryo Cyro/Freezing
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
EWCM - Egg-White Cervical Mucus
ER - Egg Retrieval
ET - Egg transfer
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
EPU - Early pregnancy unit
ETA - Edited to add
EVAP - Evapouration

FIL - Father in law
FMU - First morning urine
FOB - Father of baby
FRER - First Response Early Result (Pregnancy Test)
FXed - Fingers crossed
FRER - First response early result
FAO - For attention of

GP - General Practitioner
Gyno - Gynocologist

HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected in HPTs
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray
HB - Heartbeat

ICSI Microfertilization
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
IC - Internet Cheapie
IYKWIM - If you know what i mean
IRL - In real life
IYO - In your opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IB - Implantation bleeding

KEGELS - The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.

LH - Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LP - Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
LAP - Laparoscopy
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LSP - Low Sperm Count
LO - Little One

MC, m/c - Miscarriage
MMC - Missed miscarriage
MF - MaleFactor
MIL - Mother in law
M/S, MS - Morning Sickness
NP - No Problem

NTNP - Not trying, not preventing

O or OV - Ovulation
OH - Other Half
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OMG - Oh My God/Goodness
OP - Original poster

PG - Pregnancy, pregnant
PNV - Prenatal Vitamin
PCO - Polycystic Ovaries
PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PMA - Positive mental attitude
PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)
PND - Post Natal Depression
PGP - see SPD

RE - Reproductive Endocronolgist - doctor who specializes in fertility problems
R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
ROBI - A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup (expectorant) used to thin CM
ROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing

SOD - Sex on Demand
SA - Semen Analysis
SAHM - Stay at Home Mom
SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SIL - Sister in law
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
SMEP - Sperm meets egg plan
SPD - Symphisis pubis dysfunction - Also know as PGP, Pelvic girdle pain

TCOYF - *“Taking Charge of Your Fertility*” by Toni Weschler
TR - Tubal Reversal
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TMI - Too Much Information
TR - Tubal Reversal
TIA - Thanks in Advance
TWW - Two week wait

U/S - Ultrasound
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection

WAH - Work at Home
WAHM - Work at Home Mum
WAHD - Work at Home Dad
WAHP - Work at Home Parents

YI Yeast Infection
I'm sorry that's huge ladies! Wouldn't let me post to the page!!!
So do you poas every day? then once you get the surge more that day? Thats alot of poas!
Are they really helpful though?

I start a few days into my cycle, and POAS once a day. I kinda had an idea when it would be surging so I tested twice that day. Once in the afternoon and once right before bedtime. The next day two days, I think I tested in the morning and afternoon trying to find out when the surge ended. For me, I get pos. OPKs for 3 days. Some people get a much quicker surge so they test more frequently. That way they don't miss it. It doesn't seem like a lot of POAS, but maybe that's because I'm addicted!

To me, it's just another piece of data I can use. I'm TTC a girl, so I've got a whole method to my madness. I also temp and check CM, but today I would say it's NOT helpful. I'm about to pull out my hair with all the nervousness and stress. Maybe I ovulated, maybe not... I hope so!
Thanks littlebird, bit of a personal q and please dont answer if you dont want to, but,

Do you and your OH feel ok having :sex: on the night you got the positive opk or does it feel weird? Do you tell him or keep it as knowledge for yourself?
I just cant help but think that my Oh would freak if I told him tonight was the night!

Welcome gregorysbabe, im sorry for your loss and hope you find some comfort in these posts. As your mc was only 4 weeks ago I would say that you can go either way, if you want to continue then you are more than likely get a positive at some point, or wait for af and start fresh from there. AFs can be quite mixed up after mc. :hugs:
Hey TTC ladies.

Im new but had a MC 4 wks ago and TTC already- Been using OPKS everyday for the last 2 weeks and doesnt look like ive ovulated yet?!!

Should I carry on testing or just wait for my period??

Really looking forward to all the support u ladies seem to give each other.

Also could someone spare five mins to list all the abbreviations ?I seem to keep seeing. BD/DH/ and so on and so on.

Big hugs to all

J xx

Sorry for your loss! :hugs:

How long is your cycle usually? It's possible you could still ovulate. Do you have any other symptoms that can tell you where you are in your cycle? CM?
Welcome Gregory's babe, I also had a MC in April and I'm just waiting for my first period too, hoping it never comes though as I'm pretty sure I ovulated 10 days ago, been getting lots of negative hpts though it is early days for me!
Thanks littlebird, bit of a personal q and please dont answer if you dont want to, but,

Do you and your OH feel ok having :sex: on the night you got the positive opk or does it feel weird? Do you tell him or keep it as knowledge for yourself?
I just cant help but think that my Oh would freak if I told him tonight was the night!

Welcome gregorysbabe, im sorry for your loss and hope you find some comfort in these posts. As your mc was only 4 weeks ago I would say that you can go either way, if you want to continue then you are more than likely get a positive at some point, or wait for af and start fresh from there. AFs can be quite mixed up after mc. :hugs:

Sorry, didn't see this message! So here's the deal. I'm TTC a girl. I have a couple of friends who have tried, one who had a girl early this year and another one who won't know until delivery -- in July (she wants it to be a surprise). The basic version of the plan is to BD every day until you get a positive OPK and then stop. I know, it sounds like madness. But I did get pregnant like this back in March. It ended in early miscarriage, though. So it is possible. This is my last pregnancy. So I'm trying to give my self even the smallest advantage to conceive a girl.

You are actually fertile for up to five days before ovulation and 24 hours after ovulation. So telling OH, "Today's the day!" isn't really accurate, as I'm hoping to conceive with sperm that entered the vagina at least a day before ovulation. But yes, I'm walking a thin line, I try to keep as much info. to myself as possible, but he knows that once the test goes positive, we can stop (and he can go play video games). :haha:

This cycle, I shared WAY TOO MUCH information with him. I just felt so desperate because it was my first cycle with Clomid and I don't particularly like the side-effects. I wanted to get the BFP and be done with it. But I think next time I'll have to be a little gentler with him because he seemed stressed this time around. The last cycle before MC, which was March, I used OPKs for the first time. He never saw them or knew what was going on really. I also use several ovulation calendars online to help me try to figure out what my cycle is going to look like. So I am thinking about all this before AF has even left the building. I'm checking if it's a weekend, if we have anything else going on, can we go away for an evening and leave the boys with my in-laws (that hasn't actually happened yet).

Ok, so now that I've spilled my guts about the crazy things I'm trying, can I still hang out in this thread? I feel very self-conscious about it and I know we all talk about how crazy we are, but I am so so bad...

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