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May BFP - roll up roll up!!

I don't think I'll be on here for a while ladies

I've found some things out today that have left me heartbroken

Good luck to everyone xxx

I'm sorry, WoodyA! Please talk to us whenever you can, we're here to help! I hate that you're feeling heartbroken. :nope:
I don't think I'll be on here for a while ladies

I've found some things out today that have left me heartbroken

Good luck to everyone xxx

U ok woody? Xxx

Afm : came back from tescos empty handed on the test front but with some soy tabs, coulldn't afford both really so close to holiday next week so I will just have to make do withh the ones I have for now if AF comes i'm all set!
I'm not ok,
I've this evening found out my hubby was arranging an affair with a mutual friend.
Some of the things I've read have made me physically sick.
I don't know where to turn or what to do
I am alone and have no family near me (80miles away)

My heart is ripped to shreds
awww Woody :hugs:

I know we cant do anything but were all here for you :hugs: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm not ok,
I've this evening found out my hubby was arranging an affair with a mutual friend.
Some of the things I've read have made me physically sick.
I don't know where to turn or what to do
I am alone and have no family near me (80miles away)

My heart is ripped to shreds

Woody I don't know what to say hun apart from sorry :hugs:

Don't disappear on us, let us support you. If you prefer to pm then do that. Either way, don't be alone :hugs:

OMG! I am so sorry you found out that your hubby was doing the dirty behind your back, I had one of my exs do this to me too and it messed with my head for ages. If you need to talk i've been there and I totally understand how you feel x x x you are in my thoughts, babe hope that you can work things out in your head soon and figure out what to do xxx

Men make me so sick sometimes!!!
Woody!! So sorry to hear this!!!

Here if you want to talk or vent how youre feeling x x x
rachelbubble -- I think the BD schedule is ok. And even though some of the "liquid gold" falls out, there's probably still a lot left in that didn't get out. I have heard about some ladies trying to push it back in, though. :haha:

Ha!! The thought of that makes me laugh!!! :rofl:

x x
I really don't know what to do/think

Apparently nothing has happened in person only message/text

But how can I ever trust again

And what if I am pregnant??
I really don't know what to do/think

Apparently nothing has happened in person only message/text

But how can I ever trust again

And what if I am pregnant??

WoodyA, something like this that happens really shakes a relationship to the core. I don't know the details, but I think that it depends on his reaction to you finding things out. If he is defensive AT ALL, then I would be worried. If he is sincerely apologetic, then I don't know... every situation is different. Sometimes it breaks a relationship, other times, the relationship survives. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. Even with the two of you TTC! It makes me very angry... Women are so vulnerable during and after pregnancy. We are here for you. Please lean on us whenever you need to!
Firstly woody :hugs: what terrible news to discover while you are sonstressed already in the tww. I sincerely hope you can work through this if that's the right thing for you to do, lots of talking needed. Will be a shoulder to rant on whenever you like.

Babybaba-sorry af got you, fxd for June.x

Rachel- I took soy this month, was hoping it was going to regulate cycles but cd 28 and a bfn and no af! So I don't know what to think at the mo.xx
Can stress make your boobs hurt?
Mine feel like they are on fire and tingly aswell

What bloody awful timing if this turns out to be our BFP
Stress can do a # of things to your body...have you spoken to your OH? How are you doing???
I've spoken to him yeah, he's getting released to come home early (2moz)

I'm working in the afternoon and not sure yet if ill even go home after work

I'm pretty depressed, so tired but can't sleep and it's coming up to 2am
Think I'm all cried out
Just want to know what to do
Yes, WoodyA. We're thinking about you a lot, hoping you're doing as well as can be expected. :hugs:
I've spoken to him yeah, he's getting released to come home early (2moz)

I'm working in the afternoon and not sure yet if ill even go home after work

I'm pretty depressed, so tired but can't sleep and it's coming up to 2am
Think I'm all cried out
Just want to know what to do

Aw, wish I could be there so you would have someone to lean on. What a mess he made. :( So sorry.
dear woody, i am feeling alot for u as ive been thru similar situation, but it pains more when its someone u know. ((hugss)) did he tell u honestly or did u found out on ur own? did he apologies to u after u spoke to him? wat did he say?

for me the last time, i shifted out and moved into my mentor's apartment for a week n then we went for counselling with my mentor and my OH. but that was because he was repentant. my parents didnt know about it as my mom wld detest him forever if she knew (she was a divorcee). :( however, mines less complicated as we werent trying for a baby. I wish hun, that things will work out for u dear. tell him tt its wrong! n get him to explain. u deserve a good explanation and a good sincere apology, and steps he should take to win u back.
Woody...I am so sorry. I truly hurt for you and know the pain you are feeling. I don't know if you know the Lord, but He will take care of you and heal you. I will pray continually for you and the heart of your husband. I'm so sorry.
Woody I hope you got some sleep. I do think it would be good for you to see each other, sometimes it's hard to close a gap once it's made.

Afm- still no af, not tested today, not going to! Bad nausea when I woke but getting better now I've eaten- I never wake hungry. Still have ample cm, no cramps today, slight twinge on the right, little headache, no backache. Don't know what to think but not testing until Monday.
Hope you ladies have a wonderful day.xx

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