Midwife has confirmed that my waters have gone; probably the hind waters. But I'm not contracting yet so induction has been booked for tomorrow, which means no birthing unit
Argh, how frustrating for you. Hope induction goes well and smoothly. Try not to be upset about not being in a birthing unit, maternity units in hospitals are just as fab. I know no different though because we have no birthing unit here - just the hospital.
Im being majorly teased tonight!
Horrible isn't it! With #1 we were up until early hours just waiting for something to happen. I've given up this time and just gone to bed in the vain hope things would wake me up! Urgh!
So I'm throwing a pitty party for myself lol had my MW appt today cervix still high thick, posterior and only a fingertip dilated!!!!! Aaahhh! I'm SO annoyed she couldn't even do a sweep for me
she made me bleed too and now I'm just sore down there
Induction booked for Wednesday...
Hang in there. Is that Wednesday as in today? Hope you're ok and all goes smoothly.
As for me... 9 days late! Induction is booked for Friday. I have a sweep on Monday and had NOTHING yesterday, no discharge, nothing. But this morning my mucus plug has come away - no blood or anything, so I'm hoping things move along soon.
I really hope this is it and that the stress of thinking about induction and the logistics around going in etc isn't keeping her in there. I am rather annoyed at my parents for booking a holiday next week. They booked it when they KNEW my due date and they KNEW I went overdue last time. So we are having a bit of a faff finding someone to look after our eldest for the Friday night when if I'm in induction and go into labour! Argh! Parents don't leave until Saturday and we have people around to look after LO from then but they have made it clear that they don't want to look after him on the Friday night because they'll be "packing" ARGH! I am just so annoyed! They're in a self-catering place so could leave a day later if needs be. I hope they do because otherwise they won't meet baby until a week later.
Plus! They KNEW that baby would be only around a week old when they went away yet they take it for granted that we would look after their house and water their garden etc when away! (We live in the same village). When we'd also have a toddler and a newborn to juggle as well! Crazy!
What also gets me is that they cut their holiday short when my brother caused them a load of agro once. They came home because my Dad was in such a bad mood. But for something positive its sounding to me that they'll stay put? Maybe its me being extra hormonal and just worried that because its our 2nd she isn't as special.
I was so upset last night about it all I was really wanting to have the induction etc just so to call their bluff and see if they really would go away when their daughter (high risk of blood loss, retained placenta etc) would be in hospital giving birth to their first granddaughter. I really hope that wouldn't be the case but just so scared that I'll be proved wrong and they actually do go away and not come back until the end of their holiday.
Urgh! x