May due dates lets labor watch :-)

Being teased as well but not to that extent. Just random cramps and painful aches in my lower back that are making me nauseous. My belly has dropped even more. So uncomfortable!! I've never had an internal yet so no clue how dilated I am.

Baby's feet, knees and elbows are getting quite pokey and uncomfortable. Does she file them down to a point? They feel so sharp!
Midwife has confirmed that my waters have gone; probably the hind waters. But I'm not contracting yet so induction has been booked for tomorrow, which means no birthing unit :(
Oh how frustrating for you! I'm hoping bub comes soon :hugs:
So I'm throwing a pitty party for myself lol had my MW appt today cervix still high thick, posterior and only a fingertip dilated!!!!! Aaahhh! I'm SO annoyed she couldn't even do a sweep for me :( she made me bleed too and now I'm just sore down there :brat:
Induction booked for Wednesday...
Midwife has confirmed that my waters have gone; probably the hind waters. But I'm not contracting yet so induction has been booked for tomorrow, which means no birthing unit :(

Argh, how frustrating for you. Hope induction goes well and smoothly. Try not to be upset about not being in a birthing unit, maternity units in hospitals are just as fab. I know no different though because we have no birthing unit here - just the hospital.

Im being majorly teased tonight! :nope:

Horrible isn't it! With #1 we were up until early hours just waiting for something to happen. I've given up this time and just gone to bed in the vain hope things would wake me up! Urgh!

So I'm throwing a pitty party for myself lol had my MW appt today cervix still high thick, posterior and only a fingertip dilated!!!!! Aaahhh! I'm SO annoyed she couldn't even do a sweep for me :( she made me bleed too and now I'm just sore down there :brat:
Induction booked for Wednesday...

Hang in there. Is that Wednesday as in today? Hope you're ok and all goes smoothly.

As for me... 9 days late! Induction is booked for Friday. I have a sweep on Monday and had NOTHING yesterday, no discharge, nothing. But this morning my mucus plug has come away - no blood or anything, so I'm hoping things move along soon.

I really hope this is it and that the stress of thinking about induction and the logistics around going in etc isn't keeping her in there. I am rather annoyed at my parents for booking a holiday next week. They booked it when they KNEW my due date and they KNEW I went overdue last time. So we are having a bit of a faff finding someone to look after our eldest for the Friday night when if I'm in induction and go into labour! Argh! Parents don't leave until Saturday and we have people around to look after LO from then but they have made it clear that they don't want to look after him on the Friday night because they'll be "packing" ARGH! I am just so annoyed! They're in a self-catering place so could leave a day later if needs be. I hope they do because otherwise they won't meet baby until a week later.

Plus! They KNEW that baby would be only around a week old when they went away yet they take it for granted that we would look after their house and water their garden etc when away! (We live in the same village). When we'd also have a toddler and a newborn to juggle as well! Crazy!

What also gets me is that they cut their holiday short when my brother caused them a load of agro once. They came home because my Dad was in such a bad mood. But for something positive its sounding to me that they'll stay put? Maybe its me being extra hormonal and just worried that because its our 2nd she isn't as special.

I was so upset last night about it all I was really wanting to have the induction etc just so to call their bluff and see if they really would go away when their daughter (high risk of blood loss, retained placenta etc) would be in hospital giving birth to their first granddaughter. I really hope that wouldn't be the case but just so scared that I'll be proved wrong and they actually do go away and not come back until the end of their holiday.

Urgh! x
Argh, how frustrating for you. Hope induction goes well and smoothly. Try not to be upset about not being in a birthing unit, maternity units in hospitals are just as fab. I know no different though because we have no birthing unit here - just the hospital.

Horrible isn't it! With #1 we were up until early hours just waiting for something to happen. I've given up this time and just gone to bed in the vain hope things would wake me up! Urgh!

Hang in there. Is that Wednesday as in today? Hope you're ok and all goes smoothly.

As for me... 9 days late! Induction is booked for Friday. I have a sweep on Monday and had NOTHING yesterday, no discharge, nothing. But this morning my mucus plug has come away - no blood or anything, so I'm hoping things move along soon.

I really hope this is it and that the stress of thinking about induction and the logistics around going in etc isn't keeping her in there. I am rather annoyed at my parents for booking a holiday next week. They booked it when they KNEW my due date and they KNEW I went overdue last time. So we are having a bit of a faff finding someone to look after our eldest for the Friday night when if I'm in induction and go into labour! Argh! Parents don't leave until Saturday and we have people around to look after LO from then but they have made it clear that they don't want to look after him on the Friday night because they'll be "packing" ARGH! I am just so annoyed! They're in a self-catering place so could leave a day later if needs be. I hope they do because otherwise they won't meet baby until a week later.

Plus! They KNEW that baby would be only around a week old when they went away yet they take it for granted that we would look after their house and water their garden etc when away! (We live in the same village). When we'd also have a toddler and a newborn to juggle as well! Crazy!

What also gets me is that they cut their holiday short when my brother caused them a load of agro once. They came home because my Dad was in such a bad mood. But for something positive its sounding to me that they'll stay put? Maybe its me being extra hormonal and just worried that because its our 2nd she isn't as special.

I was so upset last night about it all I was really wanting to have the induction etc just so to call their bluff and see if they really would go away when their daughter (high risk of blood loss, retained placenta etc) would be in hospital giving birth to their first granddaughter. I really hope that wouldn't be the case but just so scared that I'll be proved wrong and they actually do go away and not come back until the end of their holiday.

Urgh! x
No, next Wednesday :( so 7 more days. I'm just hoping he will come before then. I really don't want to be induced.

Oh I really feel for you! I understand how you feel, my fil and step mil are going overseas for a month tomorrow! So they won't see baby until he is 4 weeks old. Like who even books a holiday around someone's due date, apparently the date was set before I was even pregnant. So I've had to have my mum come down 5 hours to make sure we've got someone to mind our boys while I'm in labour cause we don't have anyone else. She was coming to stay anyway but my little sister is in the middle of exams and gets braces off on Friday so we have had to organise my brother to stay with her and have to find someone to drive her half way here and we have to drive half way to pick her up. So frustrating!
I really hope your bubby comes soon and all goes super smoothly :hugs:
My waters have gone :happydance:
Had an absolutely lovely day in the zoo today, even commented to DH how I didn't feel pregnant let alone like I'm 10 days late. Got a picnic in with the girls and everything, came home sunburned ;)

Anyways! Went to bed as usual, no signs what so ever. Had some trouble getting to sleep, but must have dozed off for a little while. Woke up to a coughing fit and suddenly felt wet. My first thought was 'ugh, I've wet myself', so went to clean up. Got back to bed, found I was wet again... small little inkling that it might be my waters, but put it to the back of my head and put it down to just not having dried properly. 3rd Time of being soaking wet in just a matter of minutes though, and I figured it must have been my waters. Popped a pad on, and sure enough had some small gushes. Nothing too significant, but still.

I'm not used to this! With my first 2 I had 2 days of contractions before my waters went. I never really paid much attention to my waters because of this. I assume it's normal for it not to be a constant leak and only small gushes at a time?

This happened at 0.40, contractions have started sloooowly since then. Still very minor and infrequent, but hoping they'll build up quicker than they did with DD1 and DD2. Just tidying up the house (planning a home birth) as it's a massive tip, then heading back to bed and try to sleep through some of the excitement.

Won't be long now until I get newborn cuddles!! =D
How exciting!!! Good luck I hope it all goes really smoothly and bubby is here in no time! Looking forward to seeing your update :)
Erised- Yay!!! So happy for you and I certainly wish you an amazing birthday experience. :)
Erised - that's exciting! Hoping labour starts up soon so you won't need any interventions.

Misscalis - had my internal today and I'm also still high and closed. Boo. My only hope is the same happened with my son and he was born less than a week later. I remember my mom telling me it was the same with me. She was a week overdue and her doctor told her she had "weeks to go" which depressed her so much. I was born 2 days later. So anything can happen. I hope your LO surprises you soon!
Erised - that's exciting! Hoping labour starts up soon so you won't need any interventions.

Misscalis - had my internal today and I'm also still high and closed. Boo. My only hope is the same happened with my son and he was born less than a week later. I remember my mom telling me it was the same with me. She was a week overdue and her doctor told her she had "weeks to go" which depressed her so much. I was born 2 days later. So anything can happen. I hope your LO surprises you soon!
Oh no really, it's so discouraging isn't it.. I hope that bub doesn't keep you waiting.
I *think* I'm loosing parts of my plug, I've still got brown spotting from my check yesterday and its just been a streak on the loo paper but I had a huge glob mixed in with heaps of brown and a few small bits every time I go to the toilet! I'm hoping that it might be the start of things but I'm not hopeful lol!!!
I'm still waiting ladies. Contractions are basically not there even though it's been 11 hours since my waters broke now. Managed to get quite a few hours of sleep, and just waiting for things to (hopefully) kick in soon. No plug loss or bloody show or anything either, and haven't dripped waters since 9am. Midwife is coming over some time today, I assume she'll do an internal to see how things are there. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she tells me I'm only 1cm dilated and cervix is still high. We'll see, just hoping they won't have a problem with me having a home birth after my waters have been broken for more than 24 hours as I don't see me having this baby before 1am if today or tomorrow at all.
Good luck Erised! I really hope things pick up and you get your home birth.

Still prego here! I have bouts of painful contractions every afternoon but then they stop when I go to bed :dohh: haven't had any checks or anything so idk if I'm progressing or not. Hopefully she's not too late!
Good luck Erised, I hope things pick up for you and you can still get your home birth!

I know I shouldn't be so impatient but I'm getting worried that I'll have to be induced. Technically I'm only 1 day overdue (ticker is off as the hospital gave me an extra 2 days by taking the scan date as opposed to my LMP date - which is good for me!) - but as my mum was overdue with all her kids, I'm expecting the same. Damn crappy genes! I'm planning a home birth so induction is NOT an option for me :( Come on baby!

Good luck to the rest of you still waiting! This thread has become much quieter since there are only a handful of us left!
Erised - hopefully things will get moving for you soon. It's very exciting to know you will be holding your healthy little one soon!!

Miss & Red & daddiesgift- these babies love our bellies ;) I absolutely wish the best for you ladies and your birth. It seems as though my little girl will be in here forever. Lol I have an appointment this morning at 1030. We will see what he says, honestly I see no reason to induce. She has been monitored often always behaving but it's a holiday weekend so I'm wondering if he'll get itchy and suggest it.
I can tell my LO is still trying to somersaults but can't because her head is stuck in my pelvis now. I keep telling her she can do all the somersaults she wants if she comes out but Noooooooo.....she has to do it her way. Still a week until my due date though. DS was four day lates. I'm hoping she comes a bit earlier. I don't want a June 12th baby. I don't forsee anything happening that would make my doctor induce me earlier. She's very willing to let me get to 42 weeks. *sighs*
Erised - I really hope things start happening for you soon. Will keep my FX for you xx
Good luck Erised... hope you get your homebirth xxx

Day 10 overdue for me and I'm highly doubtful anything is going to happen until induction tomorrow. Urgh! Having contractions, cramps but that's about it!
One day past due date. Hopefully this little one decides to come soon!!!
Well ladies, I'm back in the waiting game with you!
I leaked water quite steadily with gushes from 0.40am until 9am, then nothing since. Midwife came around and did a speculum check of my membranes, but after 20 minutes of laying down there was no pooling of waters what so ever bringing her to the conclusion that my waters haven't gone.

As they hadn't gone she did a sweep (had one booked for tomorrow anyway, but she wouldn't have done a cervix check or anything if my waters had gone to reduce the chance of infection). Cervix is still quite hard, approx 2 cm dilated aaaand the membranes were tight on babies head. She couldn't feel a rupture, they were definitely still there, but no bulging like she was expecting either. So she left the house confused and while leaning towards 'not broken', she's not entirely sure. She's now worried about the fact she did a sweep, bless her.

I've been told to check my temperature every 4 hours in case of infection. If it raises past 37.5 C I need to call her and be taken to hospital. If my waters start leaking again she'll come over tomorrow, if they don't she'll come over on Monday. Of course we're really hoping that things kick off tonight, but we'll see.
Erised - hopefully things will get moving for you soon. It's very exciting to know you will be holding your healthy little one soon!!

Miss & Red & daddiesgift- these babies love our bellies ;) I absolutely wish the best for you ladies and your birth. It seems as though my little girl will be in here forever. Lol I have an appointment this morning at 1030. We will see what he says, honestly I see no reason to induce. She has been monitored often always behaving but it's a holiday weekend so I'm wondering if he'll get itchy and suggest it.

Thanks Rebecca! My DH said the same thing to me this morning - 'baby loves your belly too much, you're making it too comfy for her' :haha:

Good luck at your appointment! Even if your doctor does suggest induction, you can always refuse it.

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