Congrats again! I am so excited for you!!!!! FJL started a thread in the 1st trimester for the LTTTCers. I'm sure it's bumped way down as no one's really been using it. But, check it out. It's a great way to keep everyone together through their pregnancies.

May's been a good month and June will be too!!! :happydance:
Congrats again! I am so excited for you!!!!! FJL started a thread in the 1st trimester for the LTTTCers. I'm sure it's bumped way down as no one's really been using it. But, check it out. It's a great way to keep everyone together through their pregnancies.

May's been a good month and June will be too!!! :happydance:

Brilliant Idea, vineyard, I take my test this saturday, hopefully I will be joining ye on that link.
Hi Everyone:

Mrs. T and Dilek - good luck with your egg pick up this weekend. Dilek on Friday right? Mrs. T on Saturday? Woo Hoo. I was so very nervous (my first one) but it was fine. Just remember to rest, rest, rest afterwards.

Pixie - I can't wait for Saturday until you test! Good luck.

Well, my clinic just called me and my Beta is 1146 14dp3dt or 17 dpo. I don't really know what it means. I go back next week to make sure all is well. I'm now obsessively googling HCG levels at work... I must stop.
Hi All I really really wanted to do the test yesterday and my partner and I talked about doing it this morning, but I then decided to wait out the last couple of hours, cant wait, I am so scared, nervous and excited about this, will post result on sat! Good luck to Mrs T and Dilek!
Late starter - think that is a really good/strong level isn't it. In fact might even suggest there is more than one in there?? Don't want to scare you though - one at a time hey! xx

Pixie - I have everything crossed for you xxxxx
Morning all,

I'm here obsessively waiting for updates from you all.

Mrs. T - is your retrieval going ahead today or tomorrow?
Dilek - How did it go? I think you have retrieval on Friday (today for me - already done for you?). I've got my fingers crossed for you! Please we need a report!
Pixie - Good for you for holding out. I managed to hold out until the night before my blood test. But given my Beta - I probably could have known earlier...

I've had a few people say my beta might indicate twins. We'll see in a couple of weeks! Twins I can handle - I'll need a new financial plan, but it is doable. Scares the hell out of me though.

I'm still cautiously optiimistic. My symptoms come and go (I hope that is normal) and this morning, I woke up and feel completely like I'm in mid cycle. No breast pain at all (really my only symptom the last couple of days). So I hope its ok that it comes and goes.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear all of the updates and fertilzation reports, and transfer numbers and BFP's!

Woo Hoo.
Hi Latestarter
Sorry I've not been online much today, had lots on my mind as my mum's was admitted into hospital today. They think its her heart but as she's up in Scotland and am in london am feeling a little to far from home. I'm still waiting for my sister to call me with an update. So glad my DH is here now.
yes my egg collection is tomorrow at 11am, Dilek is today...not hear any news yet!????
Hi Ladies

Sorry I havnt been on earlier. I have been sleeping all afternoon and its a beautiful day outside. Somehow I ended up with 10 official follicles, im sure there were more. Nurse said all the follies where pushing each other and once they pushed through one they could have pushed through more. But we all know its eggs not follies. And I have 5 eggs. I am praying they are good quality and we have our little baby(s) in our arms.

Mrs T - Hun, sorry about your mum. Have you heard anything more from your sis?

Good luck Pixie with the test.

Im still dopie ill go on later.
Congrats Latestarter!

Just wanted to wish u all luck girls.. I am starting IVF this month with ET first week July

Take care all

Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't posted in ages, but my Dad has been in hospital twice and then my granddad got taken in aswell !! Work is still horribly busy and in between we've been to a wedding!! Both are Dad and Granddad are ok now Dad has had his gallstones removed and is recovering well, Granddad has a lung infection but has medication and is back at home !!

Anyway Latestarter........I am delighted for you! :happydance:You must be so happy. What great news!! Possible twins eh? That will keep you busy but how exciting if that's the case! Congratulations xx

Everyone else, I'm sorry, but I haven't had time to read all your threads. I hope everyone is doing ok. I will catch up tomorrow when I have a bit of time to myself.

An update on me..... I went to the hosp for my baseline scan this morning - everything ok so I start stimming tomorrow. I have a scan on 8th June and if everything going to plan will more than likely have EC on 10th June. I can't believe how fast these past few weeks have gone. In a couple of weeks I will be in the TWW (fingers crossed [-o< )!!

Right I'd better go. Will catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Roobie xx
Hi everyone

Dilek - 5 eggs is more than enough. Can't wait to hear the fertilization report. My fingers are crossed for you.

Mrs. T - I'm sorry about your Mum. I hope she is better soon. Best of luck with egg retrieval tomorrow - send a report when the drugs wear off!

Roobie - Hi. Nice to see you back. Very cool to start stimming. What are you taking?

Brambletess - How are you feeling? I hope everything is going well.

Pixie - OMG you test soon. Its Friday night here (Vancouver) so you may have already tested. My baby vibes are headed your way.

Tanya - Hi Tanya. When do you start down regs? What kind of protocol are you taking? Will you be stimming soon?

I don't have much to update. Just trying to relax and not over analyze every single twinge.

I can't wait to hear your updates! My thoughts are with you all.
Thanks latestarter, am excited. I'll come online as soon as I can with an update.
My mums still in hopsital, the drs are trying to work on a diagnosis.

I start birth control tomorrow, down reg injection 9 June and start Gonal F 19 July.. good luck girls... xxxxxx:hug:
Hello all :happydance:
Am back from egg collection.....feeling great and am very pround of my 6 eggs!!
:cloud9:So much happier having 6 eggs which is 100% better than last time. Am not as sore as last time either everything feels so much more better and positive too.
So fingers crossed for tomorrows fertility report. [-o<[-o<
Hello Ladies

How are you all?

Mrs T - Congrats on 6 eggs. Its great that you've got a 100% improvement from last time. Cant wait to hear tomorrows fertility report. Hope your mum is ok :hug::hugs:

Delik - Have you had your fertility report yet?

Roobie - Good luck with stimming let me know how you get on should be following you shortly got my baseline scan on Tuesday cant wait. hope everything is fine and can start stimming asap.

Well its been hot here the last few days and guess what ...... I've been having the worst hot flushes ever. I'm really gutted because I love going in the garden and sun bathing but its just too much with the flushes so been stuck in the house with all my windows open and the fan on full blast. If there are people around when I start getting a hot flush I'm getting embarrassed now because my friend pointed out to me on Thursday that i go bright red and i start sweating loads. I know i cant help it and its just a side effects of the drugs that i wont have forever but just can't seem to help but get embarrassed over it. Hope its not going to be hot on Tuesday I don't fancy having a hot flush on the train :lol:

Hope you are all well and everything is on track

:hug::hug::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh my god am on :cloud9: 5 of my 6 eggs have fertilised :happydance:

I've to call the clinic tomorrow for a further update and to arrange transfer for Tuesday :happydance:

I can stop crying....happy tears
Mrs t - wow that is brillient news :happydance::happydance: good luck with ET on tuesday:hug::hugs:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry ladies for no personals but i thought i should update you all re im EC.

I had 10 follicles, and there were 5 egss. We had IVF and only 1 fertilised.
I have ET on Monday at 10.30am. The emryologist didnt tell me why the other 4 didnt fertilise which i will be on there case on Monday to get answers.

DH SA was really good last time, i have come to the conclustion its my egg quality at the age of 27

I am praying our survivor is doing well and ready for us tomorrow.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend
Hi Ladies,

Dilek - Don't despair, I hear stories all of the time about women with one fertilized egg - it gets transferred and they have a beautiful BFP at the end of it. You are so young, that your little embryo is very likely to stick. Good luck with transfer tomorrow. Will you get to see the transfer on the ultrasound? I did and it was amazing. Keep us posted!
Mrs. T - Congrats on 5 fertilized eggies. That is a great response, especially compared to last time. I can't wait to hear how they are doing tomorrow (or do you get an update before transfer). Its so cool that you and Dilek get to go through the 2ww at exactly the same time.

Wrightywales - Ughhh.. Hot flashes. I only had a couple when I was down reg and they were horrible. I sure feel your pain.

Tanya - Excellent to be officially starting your IVF protocol? Do BCP's give you any side effects? I never tolerated them very well.

I'm doing OK. I panic when I feel crampy, and then panic more when I don't! Hate when my breasts hurt and then am scared when I have no symptoms. I'm pretty much as nuts as I was in the 2ww. I'm trying to relax though. Today I have acupuncture (which I did in the weeks leading up to my IVF) so that will help. I haven't been sick or anything, but my stomach has definitely been unsettled this past week, and I have terrible indigestion. But - bring it on I say!

Take care everyone, all my sticky baby vibes are with you!

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