Oh - and one more obvious point to my last bit of nuttiness.

Keep in mind I have been injecting myself with LH for 10 days this month. OF COURSE I have it in my system.

Brambletess - I'm so happy for you about your scan! 6 weeks! Wow - it goes by so fast. It must have been incredible to see the heartbeat. I hope you are feeling well.

You made me LOL!!! I feel sick a lot of the time know! A good sign hopefully, and I really want to do POAS too, might just get one and do it, and then do theirs on sat as well!
Oh God the wait is soooo long!
Latestarter - do they want you to wait that long to avoid people noticing chemical pregnancies? Its a very long wait! You are doing so well and I feel very hopeful for you. I am on tenterhooks too!

Dilek and Mrs T you have been so brilliant throughout this and I hope it continues to go well.

Wrightywales - hope the week goes quickly for you.

I am well, had scan and it showed us a small embryo with a heartbeat. It was very exciting.It has caught up a bit and is now 6weeks and 2 days.I have a little sore patch as well in there caused from implantation that may bleed a tiny bit from time to time. It was what caused any brown mucus I have will go away in time. Starting to feel really good about it all now!

That is brillient news brambletess. Just relax now and enjoy your pregnancy :hug::hugs:
Latestarter - do they want you to wait that long to avoid people noticing chemical pregnancies? Its a very long wait! You are doing so well and I feel very hopeful for you. I am on tenterhooks too!

Dilek and Mrs T you have been so brilliant throughout this and I hope it continues to go well.

Wrightywales - hope the week goes quickly for you.

I am well, had scan and it showed us a small embryo with a heartbeat. It was very exciting.It has caught up a bit and is now 6weeks and 2 days.I have a little sore patch as well in there caused from implantation that may bleed a tiny bit from time to time. It was what caused any brown mucus I have will go away in time. Starting to feel really good about it all now!

Congrats thats brilliant!
Hi Pixie,

thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't know anyone who has been through IVF so I have nobody to talk to who understands about how I am feeling.

Is this your first round of IVF? I see you have a daughter but your profile states IVF now.
Congratulations Brambletess, thats brilliant news xxxx

Latestarted- am loving your frame of mind just now. cant wait to see what the proper pregnacy test says.

Dilek any news yet??

Well I been very good, kept my spirits up so for...... its my turn a for panic today!!

To days scan was ok. I have 8 follicals- 7 on my left ovary and only 1 on my right..... so whats wrong with my right ovary!!!!???? I've done everything by the book this time and she only gives me 1 follical! Out of the 8 follicals 2 of them were only 11mm so my dr not convinced they will be ready in time as the others are almost ready to go. Because of this I've got a deep down mixture of feelings panic,scared,lack of hope..... 1st time i've felt like this throught this cycle. Maybe am just nervous because my egg collection is just around the corner. I got some bloods taken today they will comfirm my Saturday egg collection, just waiting on a phone call this afternoon. I've got my trigger shot in the fridge ready. I wish my dh was here right now, I need a cuddle.... he flys in tomorrow night.
I've been telling myself to stop this panic, cause I can feel my stomach flipping over and my ovaries dont need to be stressed..... but :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy: ahhhh thats helped a bit.... no wait :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:
Hi Pixie,

thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't know anyone who has been through IVF so I have nobody to talk to who understands about how I am feeling.

Is this your first round of IVF? I see you have a daughter but your profile states IVF now.


Yeah IVF now, take the POAS test this saturday.
Yeah I had a daughter in 1997, naturally conceived with a previous partner, current partner has low sperm count and I didnt have that many follicles, so IVF hopefully will work, will know on sat, and I really dont have any friends going through IVF so this is a great help to talk on line!
How you keeping?
Congratulations Brambletess, thats brilliant news xxxx

Latestarted- am loving your frame of mind just now. cant wait to see what the proper pregnacy test says.

Dilek any news yet??

Well I been very good, kept my spirits up so for...... its my turn a for panic today!!

To days scan was ok. I have 8 follicals- 7 on my left ovary and only 1 on my right..... so whats wrong with my right ovary!!!!???? I've done everything by the book this time and she only gives me 1 follical! Out of the 8 follicals 2 of them were only 11mm so my dr not convinced they will be ready in time as the others are almost ready to go. Because of this I've got a deep down mixture of feelings panic,scared,lack of hope..... 1st time i've felt like this throught this cycle. Maybe am just nervous because my egg collection is just around the corner. I got some bloods taken today they will comfirm my Saturday egg collection, just waiting on a phone call this afternoon. I've got my trigger shot in the fridge ready. I wish my dh was here right now, I need a cuddle.... he flys in tomorrow night.
I've been telling myself to stop this panic, cause I can feel my stomach flipping over and my ovaries dont need to be stressed..... but :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy: ahhhh thats helped a bit.... no wait :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:

I know of a person who had one follicle, one egg and it worked! This is my first IVF. I conceived my daughter in 1996 no probs and had her in early 1997 with a previous relationship. I only got 5 follicles (4 on one side, 1 on other), they were too small for the date set and they upped the perugon which helped, I had the eggs retrieved and they got 4, one was immature and they fertilized the other 3, 24 hours later I got a call to say that one was grainy and slightly abnormal and the other two were ok, we were to go for 5 day blastocyte but they convinced us to go for 3, so on the monday (18th may) I had two embryos one 4 cell one 9 cell transferred. No period or blood show as yet and I do the POAS on sat, please dont despair and fingers crossed for you!
Pixie, I wish you all the best. thanks for sharing your story.....I've found my hope again!
Hello ladies,

How are you all?

Pixie - All my friends have children so find it very hard to talk to them about my ivf. They all had their children naturally so dont think they will really understand what im going through. I'm really glad i found this site.
Gives me the chance to talk to lots of people going through or have gone through the same me. Good luck with testing on saturday got fingers crossed that it has worked for you :hug::hugs: xxxxxx

Mrs T - Have you heard back yet about your EC?

Dilek - Red your other post does that mean that you've got your EC on friday? Good luck hun :hug::hugs:xxxxxxxx

Well its day 11 of buserelin injections and im now 3 days late. Wish the :witch: would just come. Dont really fancy going for a baseline scan if im still bleeding even though they say its ok. Will just feel abit strange i think.
Still not getting stressed out yet. Have had a few hot flushes today though which i dont like cos i start feeling sick at the same time. My body and heat just dont mix :rofl:

:hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxx
Hey Ladies

OK after a panic attack, argument with DH, posting on all sorts of boards, a lovely chat to Mrs T, finally getting to my clinics nurse at 9pm, running over to A&E to get more needles I can now declare I have had my last injection. Ohh god i am so relieved. I have EC Friday morning at 9.30am.

Writywales - sorry about the hotflushes, i was lucky to have them during winter. It must be really bad now its getting warmer

Pixie and Emalt good luck with your POAS and praying its all a :bfp: for both of you.
Well, I just couldn't make it to Beta day girls, and had to POAS.:dohh:

Its a :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:!!!!!!

I am going to have a baby! I cannot believe that IVF actually worked for me! I am in shock and so,so,so happy. I have never, ever seen a :bfp: on one of my pee sticks. Ever. It is a beautiful sight!

Thank you all for your support - this has truly been the hardest 2ww I've had to endure. And I can't wait to hear of your BFP's too.

Join me!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh, I am soooo doing the: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Mrs. T - I would't worry about the one ovary not responding. They couldn't even find one of my ovaries for the retrieval - and they still got more eggs than they thought I would for the ultrasound. And my RE told me that my follicles wouldn't mature in time either - but they sure did. You will be fine.

And you only need one - When do you go for egg retrieval?
I just messaged you, latestarter, on facebook. Congrats again!!! I just about peed myself with excitement when I got your message!!!!!
:yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:oh wow Latestater, thats wonderfull news.... a great start to my day. CONGRATULATIONS:baby::baby::baby:

Well, I just couldn't make it to Beta day girls, and had to POAS.:dohh:

Its a :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:!!!!!!

I am going to have a baby! I cannot believe that IVF actually worked for me! I am in shock and so,so,so happy. I have never, ever seen a :bfp: on one of my pee sticks. Ever. It is a beautiful sight!

Thank you all for your support - this has truly been the hardest 2ww I've had to endure. And I can't wait to hear of your BFP's too.

Join me!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh, I am soooo doing the: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Mrs. T - I would't worry about the one ovary not responding. They couldn't even find one of my ovaries for the retrieval - and they still got more eggs than they thought I would for the ultrasound. And my RE told me that my follicles wouldn't mature in time either - but they sure did. You will be fine.

And you only need one - When do you go for egg retrieval?

Yea!!!! Congrats, I so want to do mine toooo!!! :happydance::hug:
:wohoo::wohoo::Latestarter what great news, im beaming one ear to another. You have just made my day. Congratulations. Sending you big hugs :wohoo::wohoo: Our 2nd Maybe BABY :bfp:
That is the best news ever. I feel soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had a tear even.

It worked, that is brilliant. You are such a lovely person and you really deserve it:hug:

Now you are in first trimester with me....yaaay. Eargerly waiting for Mrs T, Dilek and all the others to join us too.

Now you just need to wait to see how many you have!!! Any symptoms yet? its probably still too early. My morning sickness and fartigue comes and goes and has only really started to be noticable in the last week and i am 7 weeks.

Must get back to work, but once again i am so happy for really deserve this.:hugs:
Well, I just couldn't make it to Beta day girls, and had to POAS.:dohh:

Its a :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:!!!!!!

I am going to have a baby! I cannot believe that IVF actually worked for me! I am in shock and so,so,so happy. I have never, ever seen a :bfp: on one of my pee sticks. Ever. It is a beautiful sight!

Thank you all for your support - this has truly been the hardest 2ww I've had to endure. And I can't wait to hear of your BFP's too.

Join me!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh, I am soooo doing the: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Mrs. T - I would't worry about the one ovary not responding. They couldn't even find one of my ovaries for the retrieval - and they still got more eggs than they thought I would for the ultrasound. And my RE told me that my follicles wouldn't mature in time either - but they sure did. You will be fine.

And you only need one - When do you go for egg retrieval?

wow latestarter congrats on your :bfp: :happydance: :happydance: that is great news. wanna wish you all the best :hug: :hugs: xxxxxxx
Latestarter congratulations I am so pleased for you x I have been following you blog you are an inspiration. You've given us all that little bit of hope to spur us on. I am wondering now if it's going to be triplets ;-) well done again and good luck x
Ahhh... you guys are so nice! Thanks so much. Especially for the support over the last couple of weeks. I sure needed it, and you guys were incredible.

I can't wait for you all to join Brambletess and I. We can all move over together! (I'm still too afraid to believe its true).

I'm off for my Beta in about a half hour - but shouldn't get the results until later today, or even tomorrow. Sucks - but at least I know the big result.

:hug: to everyone...
I've got my egg collection on Saturday.....wont be long before am joining you latestarter :happydance:PMA:happydance:

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