Hi Everyone,

Well I managed another day without POAS - AND I didn't buy any to test tomorrow AM either. I'm very proud of me. Its 11dp3dt today so about 14 dpo. My usual luteal phase is about 15dpo so if nothing happens tomorrow I'll test the following morning. I have NO symptoms - except of course... no period, or spotting, or anything. I did have some cramping at 9dp3dt and I was sure AF was coming. But she didn't. So I guess we'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up - just can't bear to have them dashed - I'd rather be pleasantly surprised.

Pixie - we are at the same stage. I think I'm a bit ahead of you though. Good luck and I hope you see that :bfp:!

How is everyone else doing? I hope everyone is managing with their injections, scans are going well, and looking forward to retrieval.
Hi Latestarter and all others on the page

Yes I think we might be at roughly the same stage, I am not in the UK and dont know of any groups except this one, my cousin told me about it, she got pregnant naturally and is due November time.

Its 8 days since transfer now and no spotting at all, they transferred two embryos on 18th May, so its looking good.

I have had some nausea and loss of appetite (not a bad thing!).
My tummy is naturally a little flabby so am getting away with it so far, although a lot of my clothes do feel tighter as my tummy is a little bloated already, it was the same with my daughter.

Anyone know how soon before the dating scan that I could be told if it is twins, or will I just know by the tummy size, am very excited and nervous about all of this! The waiting is the worst part, but saturday is getting closer and closer!
Oh Pixie and latestarter you guys are getting closer and closer to your OTD. Im praying both of you will get your BFPs. Then both Mrs T and I will follow.

Pixie, i think you will officially know at your 8 week scan. They should see 2 sacs if there twins. You can check out vineyards journal, she had IVF in March and is expecting twins.

How is everyone else?

Update with me, is that I have another 6 follicles. I have 11 now :) :) This is more than double what i had 5 days ago. I have another scan tomorrow at 10.30 and we think EC is on Friday.

I had one embryo implanted last Monday and have to wait until next Monday until I can take a test.

Can't say I enjoyed IVF. My emotions were up and down, I was extremely tired and it was quite painful as my ovaries were on the point of going into ovary hyper simulation syndrome. I also felt like I was on a conveyor belt.

Out of 11 eggs harvested of which 8 were good we only got one embryo, which was a disappointment.

I feel like I am going to start my period but this could be a side effect of the drugs I am on.

Good morning Dilek!
How's the follical factory going??
is it today you have your job reinterview? good luck with that x

Pixie, Looks like Dilek answered your questions. keep positive during your 2ww.... al least you've found us now.... we're here for each other x

Latestarted- well done for not poas........ hold out girl almost there x

Am fine today, am heading out in 30 mins for an accupuncture session. Am going to get wet!!! :rain:

Chat later x

I had one embryo implanted last Monday and have to wait until next Monday until I can take a test.

Can't say I enjoyed IVF. My emotions were up and down, I was extremely tired and it was quite painful as my ovaries were on the point of going into ovary hyper simulation syndrome. I also felt like I was on a conveyor belt.

Out of 11 eggs harvested of which 8 were good we only got one embryo, which was a disappointment.

I feel like I am going to start my period but this could be a side effect of the drugs I am on.


Hi Emma
You are at lest a week and half ahead of me, am still stimulating. Sorry your IVF experence has been tough and from what I gather the 2ww is worse.
Fingers crossed for you:hug:
Hi Latestarter and all others on the page

Yes I think we might be at roughly the same stage, I am not in the UK and dont know of any groups except this one, my cousin told me about it, she got pregnant naturally and is due November time.

Its 8 days since transfer now and no spotting at all, they transferred two embryos on 18th May, so its looking good.

I have had some nausea and loss of appetite (not a bad thing!).
My tummy is naturally a little flabby so am getting away with it so far, although a lot of my clothes do feel tighter as my tummy is a little bloated already, it was the same with my daughter.

Anyone know how soon before the dating scan that I could be told if it is twins, or will I just know by the tummy size, am very excited and nervous about all of this! The waiting is the worst part, but saturday is getting closer and closer!

Hi Pixie71,

We are at the same stage! My emryo was implanted on May 18th as well. So you must be testing June 1st? I will be on holiday then so I can hide from the family if it is negative.

Fingers crossed for us both.


I had one embryo implanted last Monday and have to wait until next Monday until I can take a test.

Can't say I enjoyed IVF. My emotions were up and down, I was extremely tired and it was quite painful as my ovaries were on the point of going into ovary hyper simulation syndrome. I also felt like I was on a conveyor belt.

Out of 11 eggs harvested of which 8 were good we only got one embryo, which was a disappointment.

I feel like I am going to start my period but this could be a side effect of the drugs I am on.


I had 5 follicles and 2 embryos, both were transferred and it seems ok so far. A friend of mine, her cousin had awful trouble with periods, low fertility and had to beg for IVF, she had one follicle, one embryo and succeeded! Don't despair and the best of luck hon!
Hi Latestarter and all others on the page

Yes I think we might be at roughly the same stage, I am not in the UK and dont know of any groups except this one, my cousin told me about it, she got pregnant naturally and is due November time.

Its 8 days since transfer now and no spotting at all, they transferred two embryos on 18th May, so its looking good.

I have had some nausea and loss of appetite (not a bad thing!).
My tummy is naturally a little flabby so am getting away with it so far, although a lot of my clothes do feel tighter as my tummy is a little bloated already, it was the same with my daughter.

Anyone know how soon before the dating scan that I could be told if it is twins, or will I just know by the tummy size, am very excited and nervous about all of this! The waiting is the worst part, but saturday is getting closer and closer!

Hi Pixie71,

We are at the same stage! My emryo was implanted on May 18th as well. So you must be testing June 1st? I will be on holiday then so I can hide from the family if it is negative.

Fingers crossed for us both.


Hi, Ive to test on 30th!!!! Cant wait! Best of luck let me know!!:hug:
Ow Pixie that is such good news about your friend. A nice sucess story.

Mrs T - hope u didnt get wet! it stopped raining here, where are you getting the accupuncture? I just had the interview, i think i did well but again i have too much competition for the london role and probably wont get my job. But im not too worried.
how exciting, we both have our scans tomorrow!!

Emmalt - Im sorry how your feeling, My ovaries are killing at the moment, i have severe and aggressive endo. So these estrogen hormones are making everything bad, they are waking up the endo and prob making it spread. Yep I HATE ENDOMETRIOSIS!!!
Hun good luck, i really hope its the outcome we all want.
I found the egg retrieval quite painful as one follicle was deep down somewhere and they upped the meds and I couldnt speak afterwards! Took ages for the meds to wear off.

I found the self injecting and buserlin nasal spray ok, slightly painful for one of the injections (not the puregon) and it didnt seem to affect my moods.

I have to take aspirin each morning and do a progesterone vaginal gel in the morning and at night and also take estrofem at night, anyone else doing this too? It says on the sheet that if I am pregnant I will have to remain on the medicines for the entire pregnancy!!
Dilek- I hope you get the right out come for your job.
I've been going to Zita West clinic for my accupuncture its just off Baker Street, they only do fertility accupuncture. As its only a 5 min walk from my flat, it's very handy.... thankfully the rain had stopped just in time for me to walk there! I seem come away feeling very sleepy after accupuncture and most of the time I've to go home for a nap....... todays no exception!!
So now the sun is out I think I might have a walk to Oxford St for some retail therapy!!

Pixie- After egg collection I've to start progesteron but only for the 1st trimester. Dont know the dose yet. There's been some mention of taking baby asprine too. I got as far as egg retrevial last time, and I'd say it took about a month before I felt normal 'down there'! BUT I keep telling myself it will be all worth it in the end :baby:
Hello Laides

How are you all?

Pixie71 & Emma - Welcome and i want to wish you both good luck fx :hug::hugs::dust:

Dilek - Glad to her your follie count has doubled. Good luck with your scan tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Mrs T - Enjoy the retail therapy and good luck with your scan tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Latestarter - Only a few more days to go. Just keep yourself busy and relaxed it will soon go. fx:hug::hugs::dust:

Well im on day 10 of down reg and the :witch: is 2 days late. i am having cramps so hope thats a sign she is on her way.

My injections are going ok. not really having any side effects now which i think is great. Today is day 6 that i havent bruised myself but looking more and more like a pin cushion :lol: can still see the bruise from the day 4 injection.

Got my first baseline scan a week today cant wait. Got to take the menopur with me for them to show me how to mix it. Hope everything is on the right track so i can start stimming asap.
Good luck to everyone. Off to the doctors shortly, I had a pain my side last night, I think its the gall bladder as I get pains after eating anything too creamy or after too much ice cream!
Mrs T and Dilek - Good luck on your scans tomorrow. I hope everything goes as expected... wait - I hope everything is better than expected.

Wrighty Wales - Why is it that when we want AF to show she doesn't? Stupid :witch:

Emma - Welcome! Pixie too!

I'm still holding on. Another day and I still haven't bought the Pee sticks. I'm very happy. So I treated myself to some lovely tulips on my coffee table. They are very pretty.

Today is 12dp3dt. No spotting. No :witch: I don't really feel like she is coming either. So I guess that is positive. We'll see how things go tomorrow. I'm really going to try to hold out until my blood test. I so hate seeing a BFN. But it sure is hard waiting. Especially since my clinic makes me wait until 17 days after retreival. Yuck.

I hope everyone is doing great!
All right,

I have taken pathetic to completely new heights.

Remember all that "proud of myself" for not POAS. In fact I don't even have a HPT in the house! Yep. That was me. Today, I even bought the tulips? Remember?

Well that is true. But then I found this link (make sure you go before you read the rest of the post!)

Did you check out the link?

So, what I do have an abundance of at home are OPK's... so I was thinking... maybe I should pee on that stick.

And I did. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And it is obviously positive - and was so immediately. Of course it doesn't mean anything. Its an OPK not an HPT. And really, what am I thinking? :blush: And have I not yet learned to ignore the nuttiness that is on the web? Noooooo.... apparently not.

I'm going to get to the drug store to buy an HPT so I can take it in the morning. And put this to rest once and for all. Obviously I'm willing to pee on pretty much anything at my disposal that might give me an indication of pregnancy! :dohh:

Honestly ladies - I function in the normal world much better than I do in this one.

I am truly nuts. Thank god my beta is on Thursday. I'll keep you posted.

Its already 9:00 pm here, and I'm pretty sure the nearest drug store closes at 9:00. So I guess I'll have to buy one after work tomorrow.

I'm going to back away slowly from the computer now...

Save me :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Latestarter - do they want you to wait that long to avoid people noticing chemical pregnancies? Its a very long wait! You are doing so well and I feel very hopeful for you. I am on tenterhooks too!

Dilek and Mrs T you have been so brilliant throughout this and I hope it continues to go well.

Wrightywales - hope the week goes quickly for you.

I am well, had scan and it showed us a small embryo with a heartbeat. It was very exciting.It has caught up a bit and is now 6weeks and 2 days.I have a little sore patch as well in there caused from implantation that may bleed a tiny bit from time to time. It was what caused any brown mucus I have will go away in time. Starting to feel really good about it all now!
Oh - and one more obvious point to my last bit of nuttiness.

Keep in mind I have been injecting myself with LH for 10 days this month. OF COURSE I have it in my system.

Brambletess - I'm so happy for you about your scan! 6 weeks! Wow - it goes by so fast. It must have been incredible to see the heartbeat. I hope you are feeling well.
Feeling really down today. I have cramps which are just like period pains and just generally feeling low. Not looking good. :sad1:
Feeling really down today. I have cramps which are just like period pains and just generally feeling low. Not looking good. :sad1:

Hey, dont despair, I have had some pains too! My cycle is normally 24 days that would be a period last thursday and I had pains! I have a pain in my right side since 7.30 pm on Monday night and the doctor says its just a pain and to ignore it, it comes and goes.

When I was expecting my daughter, before I knew I was pregnant I had a bleed and was taking all types of pain killers (very bad period pain every month!!) and hot water bottles and for a few days this continued and then it stopped and nausea set in and hey presto!

Please please dont despair. Progesterone works on the smooth muscles in the womb and the intestine and can give you cramps!

Let me know how you get on!
Lots of hugs

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