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May/June BFP Anyone? *UPDATE* 5 BFP!!

Oooo sounds promising yay

I'm 5dpo and my boobs have started hurting and I also have done sharp cramps every so often today. Hoping it's implantation yat

You sounds as if you are heading to implantation. I am having sharp pains and mild cramps on my abdomen
Sprite, maybe dh's new job will be a bit of a distraction making time fly by, you'll be in the dreaded tww before you know it.

Littlemama that's brilliant I wish there was a way our dh's could have all our symptoms.

Mrstruth and poppy promising signs, fingers crossed.

afm no symptoms to report just a touch of a headache today that won't go away.
Haha yeah it would be nice , last night when I was in bed I have little niggly pains in both my ovaries hoping it was implantation I also bbt chart and when I temped this morning my temp had gone up again so hoping that's a good sign :) xx
Good luck to everyone baby dust to all so hoping we all get our may BFPs x
Hi all today is my first day posting in any threads and I have enjoyed reading all your threads. I've recently had two miscarriages one Jan and one three weeks ago. I'm wanting to conceive straight away again. After bleeding we started BD and I used OPK for a few days and then decided to stop using the OPKs and just hope nature takes its course. I've just decided again that I really want to know when I ovulate and have started using the OPK again. I'm hoping for a positive OPK soon and a BFP in May. Two losses in a row has been un bearable so fingers crossed for a sticky bean soon for us all!!
So sorry to hear your MC straub hugs to you xx hope you get your BFP real soon hunni xx
So sorry for your losses Straub, fingers crossed for all our sticky beans soon.

More positive signs there littlemama yay.
I can't wait to be in the 2ww!! The cbfm has started showing high again after no peak last month, am hoping get to peak this cycle then at least will know body gearing up to ovulate, if nothing this cycle am going to start temping as well, seems so unfair that i got pregnant so easily last time but after the loss its so hard!

You ovulate on Monday too? I'm supposed to! FX!
Welcome to the torture of the tww Tawn.

Bring on the BFP's.

When in May are you all starting to test?

right now my thinking is i will test on the 15th, the day my AF is supposed to return. That would be 14/15 DPO but not sure i'll be able to wait that long. I thought about testing on Mother's Day. How awesome would it be to see a +! But then how horrible and sad would it be to see a -...we shall see.
Hi all today is my first day posting in any threads and I have enjoyed reading all your threads. I've recently had two miscarriages one Jan and one three weeks ago. I'm wanting to conceive straight away again. After bleeding we started BD and I used OPK for a few days and then decided to stop using the OPKs and just hope nature takes its course. I've just decided again that I really want to know when I ovulate and have started using the OPK again. I'm hoping for a positive OPK soon and a BFP in May. Two losses in a row has been un bearable so fingers crossed for a sticky bean soon for us all!!

welcome to this thread Straub! So sorry to hear about your miscarriages but hang in there and hopefully you get a :bfp: soon! One that sticks this time!
Hi all today is my first day posting in any threads and I have enjoyed reading all your threads. I've recently had two miscarriages one Jan and one three weeks ago. I'm wanting to conceive straight away again. After bleeding we started BD and I used OPK for a few days and then decided to stop using the OPKs and just hope nature takes its course. I've just decided again that I really want to know when I ovulate and have started using the OPK again. I'm hoping for a positive OPK soon and a BFP in May. Two losses in a row has been un bearable so fingers crossed for a sticky bean soon for us all!!

Strain I am sorry for your lost. Wishing you get another :BFP:

Been off here for a few days...been a very busy bee. 1st of all welcome to all the new faces!!!!

Good News:
Blood tests came back and all were good (enough lol) Nothing to be really concerned about. All he said is if I do get pregnant they need to watch for diabetes.

My son started baseball again (so proud)

Have been babysitting the nephew...DH says training for when ours comes bc this boy is a VERY hyperactive and emotional 4 y/o lol. I finally got him to bed, and I am pooped!! :wacko:

Have been a bit emotional for no reason, gasy (I know...TMI) and today when I freed my girls from their holding cell they were sore and a wee bit swollen...All good signs in my book! COME ON MORE SIGNS!! lol:happydance:

Bad News:

I am still as impatient as ever! :winkwink:
Hello everyone

It sounds like youve been really busy sweetz, great news about your results :thumbup: your symptoms look good too, when will you test?

I need your help please lovely ladies. It looks like my second bleed was my af and not the first bleed even though the first was more af like.

Just to recap I bled for 5 days which I thought was my first af after my mmc and erpc in feb then started bleeding again cd13-17 which was very light not much on my panty liner just when I wipe (sorry tmi) I wasn't using opks at this time but thought maybe it was ov bleeding when it started?

I then bought opks and started testing once a day after the bleeding stopped and yesterday I had a faint line. I tested again this morning and got a dark line. Did a pg test just in case but bfn

Is it possible to have 2 periods within 2 weeks of each other?

My gut is that I am back at ov and cd11 and not cd23 or could I be pregnant and opks are picking it up but not the cheapie pg tests as I could be 10 days dpo?

My damn body is just confusing me.
I had some spotting about 2 weeks after my mmc. Aparently it's not counted as af unless it is red. Was urs red?
Hi poppy thanks for responding I bled after my op then nothing for 6 days then bled for 3 days the nothing for 26 days so I assumed the next bleed was af but then the final bleed 13 days later and yes it was all red blood?
Hello everyone

It sounds like youve been really busy sweetz, great news about your results :thumbup: your symptoms look good too, when will you test?

I need your help please lovely ladies. It looks like my second bleed was my af and not the first bleed even though the first was more af like.

Just to recap I bled for 5 days which I thought was my first af after my mmc and erpc in feb then started bleeding again cd13-17 which was very light not much on my panty liner just when I wipe (sorry tmi) I wasn't using opks at this time but thought maybe it was ov bleeding when it started?

I then bought opks and started testing once a day after the bleeding stopped and yesterday I had a faint line. I tested again this morning and got a dark line. Did a pg test just in case but bfn

Is it possible to have 2 periods within 2 weeks of each other?

My gut is that I am back at ov and cd11 and not cd23 or could I be pregnant and opks are picking it up but not the cheapie pg tests as I could be 10 days dpo?

My damn body is just confusing me.

Wow how confusing for you! I suppose it is possible to have 2 bleeds, after mmc and erpcs are bodies are so messed up!! I say keep bding and buy a hpt tomorrow or if you can't wait today!! I know they say that a OPK will come up positive in pregnancy but I have never tried so am not sure!!
Good luck- let us know what happens!!!
fx'd for a BFP to everyone in the 2WW xx
Hi MrsDuck, My AF have been all over the place following ERPC in Jan, first one was 8 weeks after then had another AF 3 weeks after that and I was due again on Friday got the pains but no blood (sorry if TMI) plus BFN.

Hi Straub, welcome and I know how you feel, I had to MC in Oct got PG again straight away and then had a MMC.
Thanks poppy, sprite an JoLM for your thoughts I suppose it's just a bit of a waiting game see what happens next with my crazy body I'll keep peeing on sticks til I get fingers crossed a BFP or another AF shows.
I heard this today for the first time and it made me think of my miscarriage and loss of my first baby (although too early to even be my baby i guess). I know some of the lyrics don't make sense for that but most do. It's a pretty song but sad.

After my D&C I bleed right after, then 2 weeks later and I have been on a to the "T" 28 day schedule since. My docs said it was normal bc of the changes my hormones were going through.

I test on May 7th....FX'd! When I got pregos this last time I had sore tatas. So the fact I have them now...that is a positive sign in my case. The only time they hurt is if I get pregos. I really hope this is our month. My best friend of over 30 years (who incidentally is 5 months pregnant now) supported me fully through my MC. When she found out she was, she didn't tell me or post pictures bc she was guarding my feelings. We live states apart...and when I finally was ready to try again she kinda dropped hints. I figured it out and she asked if I was ok with her posting pictures on FB. She is the absolute BEST!! <3 her to PIECES!!! She said that she is praying daily that this month is our month. If it wasn't for her and my DH...I would of lost it. :)

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