Hi everyone
todays appt was just horrible. Got there and was seen by a nurse who asked if I’d fasted for theatre. I said “excuse me, I’m here for a scan”. She looked confused. Returned with the consultant who said based on the scan and HCG levels, he thinks this is a successful pregnancy but outside the womb and I need to go to theatre immediately
the short story is… I refused. They refused to re-scan me today as it isn’t protocol. I said what if you get into theatre and you’re wrong and the baby is there in the right place he said “it can’t be reversed and we will have to take the pregnancy either way”.
finally agreed that as I’m not bleeding or in pain, they will re-scan me Sunday morning at 8:40am. If there’s no uterine pregnancy I’ll be faster for theatre there and then. So I’m going with bags packed preparing for the worst
he said he’s “95% sure” this is a scar ectopic pregnancy. He based this on the fact that my HCG was 9135 at the time of the scan and nothing was seen. He said if he sees a baby in the uterus on Sunday he will never believe what he was told at gynae medical school because it will go against all guidance on HCG he was taught.
so yeah basically, hanging onto the thinnest thread of hope. He seemed very clued up and explained everything very well but he’s willing to give it another shot with the scan but he’s fully prepared that this will be theatre to remove
it’s very sad because he said the baby is definitely thriving and alive
But not where it should be
pray for a miracle for me on Sunday but in all honesty, I think it’ll be my last day pregnant