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May/June Flowers 2023

Thanks ladies, I don’t know why I panic so much. I do this every pregnancy without fail. I can’t even be sure when I ovulated I’m just going on a day I had pain so who knows as I have really wonky cycles - the previous one was 10 weeks long. I have a private scan booked for the 26th so if I can just get to that without going completely crazy.
Hi all, I hope youre all doing well, I have started having to have an afternoon nap at lunch time now, the nausea is becoming a way of life lol. I got an appointment for our 12 week scan for october 18th! I am so excited! lol

I am trying to follow along with you all but I have been on duty this week with work, I manage a very large team of people who care for about 97 service users with alzheimers, duty desk is all the safe guarding events and issues so I will catch up properly over the weekend x
@3boys I spend my pregnancies in panic, and first trimester is the worst. I am able to step back and enjoy it a bit more at the moment since this is (almost definitely haha) our last baby. Part of being at peace with moving on is being glad to be done with the hideous level of anxiety I feel during pregnancy especially at first. I am terrified and preoccupied with stillbirth too so it never lets up. I’m a worried mom too but it’s not the same.

@ukgirl23 my first appointment is October 21! It’ll be here before we know it.
Hi everyone

todays appt was just horrible. Got there and was seen by a nurse who asked if I’d fasted for theatre. I said “excuse me, I’m here for a scan”. She looked confused. Returned with the consultant who said based on the scan and HCG levels, he thinks this is a successful pregnancy but outside the womb and I need to go to theatre immediately

the short story is… I refused. They refused to re-scan me today as it isn’t protocol. I said what if you get into theatre and you’re wrong and the baby is there in the right place he said “it can’t be reversed and we will have to take the pregnancy either way”.

finally agreed that as I’m not bleeding or in pain, they will re-scan me Sunday morning at 8:40am. If there’s no uterine pregnancy I’ll be faster for theatre there and then. So I’m going with bags packed preparing for the worst

he said he’s “95% sure” this is a scar ectopic pregnancy. He based this on the fact that my HCG was 9135 at the time of the scan and nothing was seen. He said if he sees a baby in the uterus on Sunday he will never believe what he was told at gynae medical school because it will go against all guidance on HCG he was taught.

so yeah basically, hanging onto the thinnest thread of hope. He seemed very clued up and explained everything very well but he’s willing to give it another shot with the scan but he’s fully prepared that this will be theatre to remove

it’s very sad because he said the baby is definitely thriving and alive :( But not where it should be

pray for a miracle for me on Sunday but in all honesty, I think it’ll be my last day pregnant
Oh @IsabellaJayne I’m so sorry you’ve been through hell. Praying for your miracle on Sunday. I’ve heard crazier stories where all worked out ok. It’s not over until it’s over. Hugs
@IsabellaJayne that’s insane. Like actually insane. What is he talking about, those are great numbers. Even Google shows chart after chart saying that 9000 at your gestation is comfortably and solidly in the healthy range. For real what is this guy talking about. And we already know why you didn’t see anything on that earlier scan. This is bizarre and I’d file a complaint.
Good luck for Sunday. I think baby will be ok and in the right place.
@IsabellaJayne that’s insane. Like actually insane. What is he talking about, those are great numbers. Even Google shows chart after chart saying that 9000 at your gestation is comfortably and solidly in the healthy range. For real what is this guy talking about. And we already know why you didn’t see anything on that earlier scan. This is bizarre and I’d file a complaint.
Good luck for Sunday. I think baby will be ok and in the right place.

yeah he said HCG of 9000 should show a healthy uterine pregnancy, at least a sac he says. But there was nothing other than “this thing” near my scar. He still couldn’t tell me what that was for 100% today. Just refused to scan me today!
Praying for you and baby @IsabellaJayne So sorry you are going through this and hoping you defy odds and baby is okay! My older sister had a chromosome disorder and when my parents were expecting me, they were told that I had a 80% chance of having the same disorder. And the statistics were not in our favor. My dad replied “God doesn’t work in statistics” And I turned out fine. I always think about that when the odds seemed stacked against us and somehow things work out.
@elmum i love that. There’s a saying: “There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.” I think of that a lot too.

also @IsabellaJayne didnt you say you had this same issue last pregnancy because of the way your uterus is tilted?
@elmum i love that. There’s a saying: “There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.” I think of that a lot too.

also @IsabellaJayne didnt you say you had this same issue last pregnancy because of the way your uterus is tilted?

yes I did but my HCG was only 1800 that time. I asked about that today but he seemed adamant that HCG of 9000 should show a sac :(
Normally by this stage my test line is darker than control line. Am I just being paranoid?

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The lines look great to me! Some tests just aren't very sensitive (FRER hasn't been that great for me this pregnancy, I think they're not as good as they used to be). Also, every pregnancy is different :) <3
This is absolutely bonkers Isabella! How frustrating that they wouldn't scan you today and are instead going to make you come in on Saturday for a rescan with your bags packed in case it needs to be a D&C. Why not just scan you today while you were there and if a D&C *is* needed, then go in tomorrow?
It is absolutely ridiculous they are putting you through this!

I am now hoping even more than ever that there is a healthy little baby in there NOT on your scar do you can give your Dr the finger and then bar him from having anything further to do with your care.
@IsabellaJayne as others have said that is insane I hope and pray that on Sunday they will see a lovely healthy baby xx
This is absolutely bonkers Isabella! How frustrating that they wouldn't scan you today and are instead going to make you come in on Saturday for a rescan with your bags packed in case it needs to be a D&C. Why not just scan you today while you were there and if a D&C *is* needed, then go in tomorrow?
It is absolutely ridiculous they are putting you through this!

I am now hoping even more than ever that there is a healthy little baby in there NOT on your scar do you can give your Dr the finger and then bar him from having anything further to do with your care.

exactly what I said. He said “the sonographer won’t do it, it’s against protocol to scan that frequently and against NICE guidelines”

I said why am I here then? You told me I had to come today for an urgent scan, you said it was ok to bring my baby, and now you’re telling me you’re 95% sure it’s scar ectopic.

they don’t scan on Saturday so they’ve made a compromise doing it on Sunday even though there’s push back from radiology as it’s not 7 days apart. Though he doesn’t want to leave me until Tuesday as he’s so certain it’s ectopic.

Im praying for a miracle but I think deep down, I know it’s bad news :(

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