I haven't been on in a few weeks and I had over 60 pages to catch up on!!
I found something fun, I don't know if it has already been mentioned, but the Chinese Gender Predictor. Mine says ANOTHER boy. I haven't really decided what I really want. A girl would obviously be awesome after having 2 boys, but part of me says hopefully it is another boy. I already have the stuff, and they are pretty laid back in the teenage years.![]()
I think it would be when you ovulated as that's when conception really occurrs.
Is anyone planning to stay team yellow?
I just told DH if they can't find out the sex at 20 weeks they won't rescan you just to find it and he was gutted. He genuinely thought 20 weeks might be too early to see the sex and they would rescan you to find it out. He would pay for a private scan. I know he would.
ETA that gender chart is right for my son. Hoping it's right for this one too.
Eurgh to headaches! I feel rough today too. I thought perhaps it was the weather because the air pressure does make me feel rotten sometimes!
Maybe it is actually doing a 5 day week again after two 4 day weeks.
Talking about starting again, my youngest is 8 so a big gap for me there. However I do have a niece and nephew who are 3 and 1 so I haven't been without babies.
I still haven't told my kids yet. Going to get that done tomorrow either before or after the scan. Eeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!
BTW with Chinese gender prediction I get BGG then B for this one. BUT I have GGG![]()
Anyone feel like they are so far out from taking care of a baby that its like being pg with your first?
Things change so quickly with what the experts (I use that lightly) say you should and shouldnt do that I feel like I have to retrain myself on how to care for an infant. Someone mentioned that they recommended baby is in your room for the first year to prevent SIDS! That sounds crazy to me only becAuse Ill never sleep if the baby is in my room and constantly checking on him/her. Im not judging Im only thinking about myself and sleep.
I think there is far to much info out there these days and people only feel like they are bound to screw up because REALLY how can we do it all?? Having a mindf@k of a day today!
Sorry to hear that broken I haven't told my ex partners parents yet either. My mum can barely keep her mouth shut. She keeps saying can't i just tell so and so.