Kazy congrats on TWINS!
Congrats to those of you having good scans also.
I began the suppositories the night before last. I cannot say that I've noticed an increase in symptoms, or that I'm really noticing anything out of the ordinary. I had an early ultrasound today and the sac is measuring 5w2d. Too Early for a heartbeat but things seem to be progressing as they should so far. I have a few more blood draws and another ultrasound scheduled for next week so I'm hoping everything is well. My lack of symptoms is a bit nerve wracking esp because everyone keeps telling me I should be feeling tons of stretching, cramping, and breast tenderness. I have some bloating, some lower back pain, the occasional very light cramping, and fatigue. That is all. Trying not to worry but, I mean, it's not easy and I'm sure you all get where I'm coming from.