Thanks Kazy, yes you can add me. I think my dd is 24th May. Still sounds very brave actually saying that though. I didn't mc last time until 11 weeks, so I am still 5 weeks off that.
Jnypal, yes I have had symptoms since just before 5 weeks. Nausea, constipation, tired, and now I am eithe ravenously hungry and can eat a horse or hungry but no appetite, kind of all over the place really! With my dd I started this all at about 6 weeks, so it's a bit earlier this time. How are you with symptoms? When do you get your labs back? What was your last HCG and progesterone. I did a sneaky test at work at 5 weeks, as we don't usually do them here in the UK, all were good numbers. As for the scan, in my last pregnancy I had a scan at 6+1 and saw HB, measured perfect but then at 9+4 found that the baby had not made it past 7 weeks. So for me I would prefer to live in ignorance and try and be positive, that's the hard part sometimes!
Greener grass, that would be a lovely 30th pressie for your hubby
I hope the ms and tiredness has eased, I find I am better by the evening.