Hello ladies!
I'm very very very confused. Just this afternoon I went for a scan. Well it's good news at least I think but I'm not sure the tech knows exactly what he's talking about. Lol... Either that or I'm simply stupid.
Well there's 2 babies in there. Baby a) close my cervix has a low heart beat. He is saying that the baby is 5w5d calculated from the day I ovulated not my LMP. Baby b) is 6w1d with a healthy heartbeat.
I was very confused about the weeks and days part. I thought they calculated from my LMP?
Anyhow, it's gets more odd... My due dates are different. I thought I was due 16th May, doctor at my visit a while back said the 18th but these guys are saying the end of May. WHAT?!
So this is freaking me out a little. I mean I part think they just got the dates wrong. I don't know whether to call my hospital or the doctor?
What should I do?