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May rainbow baby

I hope later we can all look back at these conversations with grateful and happy hearts full of so much love because of the bundle of joy/joys we are holding in our arms. God Bless you all. may He wrap you with His love and warmth wherever you all are. Xxx
Hello ladies. Hope everyone is keeping ok. I can totally relate to those saying no bleeding isn't comforting because of the chance of mmc. That is my biggest fear at this point. It's the furthest by far I've made it and I feel very pregnant but until I see that healthy baby on the screen I won't relax at all. Even then things can still go wrong. I think it's just constant stress until you give birth then you worry about them all the time when they're here lol

I've had my booking in and had blood tests yesterday. I got my scan date and it's 3 weeks tomorrow. So far away. I'll be 12+ 4 by then so fingers crossed after that I'll be able to tell our son. I literally can't wait :cloud9:
Um yeah the worry never stops even once they're out of our stomachs.
Bad news today. There was not heart beat and the fetus is deformed. Going for a D and C Friday because my body is not looking like it's planning to pass naturally. We are devastated, but they are sending the tissue for genetic testing since it isy second loss. Keep me in your thoughts for Friday...I nervous and DH is really worried to get the tests back. He was crushed because he saw the baby on screen and thought that was a good sign before the tech told us she couldn't find a hear beat.
Hmmohmra- I am so so sorry for your loss. I hope you get some answers and your rainbow soon.
Thank you ladies. We know we have something in our future, and we are lucky to have the science today to tell us if something is really wrong. It is obviously very hard right now. My cousin pointed out tonight that my sweet mother is spoiling both of our little babies in heaven as we speak. I will keep that thought close to my heart to help me through this procedure. I am very nervous.
^ I'm so sorry you're going through this. If it help I was very worried and scared for my past D&C and it went so smoothly. I hope you get your forever rainbow soon.
Hmmohrma I'm so so sorry sweetie. Thinking of you lots and hoping you get some answers soon, such sad news :cry::cry::cry:
Im So so sorry to hear this :( my thoughts are with you. I hope the dnc goes as smoothly as possible and you get your rainbow soon xxx
Bad news today. There was not heart beat and the fetus is deformed. Going for a D and C Friday because my body is not looking like it's planning to pass naturally. We are devastated, but they are sending the tissue for genetic testing since it isy second loss. Keep me in your thoughts for Friday...I nervous and DH is really worried to get the tests back. He was crushed because he saw the baby on screen and thought that was a good sign before the tech told us she couldn't find a hear beat.

I'm so sorry for your loss x thinking of you x
Bad news today. There was not heart beat and the fetus is deformed. Going for a D and C Friday because my body is not looking like it's planning to pass naturally. We are devastated, but they are sending the tissue for genetic testing since it isy second loss. Keep me in your thoughts for Friday...I nervous and DH is really worried to get the tests back. He was crushed because he saw the baby on screen and thought that was a good sign before the tech told us she couldn't find a hear beat.

I am so sorry Hun, lots of :hugs: and hope your D&C goes smoothly. Mine was fine. :hugs:
Ok still pukey and dry heaving ugh. I do get the odd break but I'm so over the nausea. The only thing keeping me liking it even just a little is in my opinion I'm more pukey with girls so the longer it lasts the more I think we're having a girl which is what I'd like if I could choose.

How is everyone doing?
Kelly, sorry for the dry heaving, horrible, but yey for girl if that's what you think :)

I am ok, yesterday I had a great day, in that I had zero symptoms! Then this morning, vomit, nausea, bloat and my worst symptom tbh which has never gone away, constipation! Any one else constipated? I hate it, I was like this throughout my pregnancy with dd! I have my scan date of 17th Nov, it will put me at 13 weeks. I have also ordered a Doppler, slightly nervous about using that.
Kelly, sorry for the dry heaving, horrible, but yey for girl if that's what you think :)

I am ok, yesterday I had a great day, in that I had zero symptoms! Then this morning, vomit, nausea, bloat and my worst symptom tbh which has never gone away, constipation! Any one else constipated? I hate it, I was like this throughout my pregnancy with dd! I have my scan date of 17th Nov, it will put me at 13 weeks. I have also ordered a Doppler, slightly nervous about using that.

I was worried about Doppler too but it has been great! I got when I was almost 11 weeks and figured it out quite fast. I recommend watching a youtube video to get used to all the sounds you will hear. Finding the heartbeat is much easier now and it's louder. I do it twice a day and usually am done in 2-3 minutes. Good luck! :)
I'm very sorry for your loss, hmmohrma. I hope you have lots of rest and support from your loved ones. And of course, I wish you to have your rainbow very-very soon.
Bad news for me today. Lost one of our babies. Other baby looks healthy but dr says I'm at increased risk for miscarriage of 2nd now. So I have another scan on the 29th. I may be on hold from these threads for a bit. Not for sure but I'm just so heartbroken right now.
I haven't had constipation but have had firmer poops. I use my doppler once or twice a week and can find the HB in a few minutes now. At the docs the other day she literally put it down moved it to my right side and had it in a few seconds, fastest ever for finding it lol.
Oh Kazy I am so sorry! lots of hugs hun take all the time you need and I hope your other little one pulls through.
Kazy I'm so sorry to hear that :( praying for your other baby. Hope they are ok in there.

Gosh so much bad news on this thread. I'm heartbroken for you ladies. Can relate all too well. Terrified I might go through the same for the 3rd time too. It's so heartbreaking. I'm so emotionally invested in this baby. After 4.5 years of struggling to get this far. The fall seems so much higher to fall now. I'm not sure I could risk the heartache again if this doesn't go well. There's only so much grief one can take :(

Sorry for the downer ladies. I find it so hard to be positive when so many ladies are going through bad times.

Is there anyone else on here who hasn't had a scan or found the heartbeat yet? Starting to feel like the only one.

Love and prayer to all of you and your babies. Please no more devastation on this thread. Thoughts are with those ladies who are going through a hard time xxx

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