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May rainbow baby

I'm due on the same day as you and have yet to find it. I've tried 3 times each time for over an hour with no luck. I am overweight though which could affect things? I'm desperate to try again everyday but each time i try and am unsuccessful it makes me more worried.
I'm due on the same day as you and have yet to find it. I've tried 3 times each time for over an hour with no luck. I am overweight though which could affect things? I'm desperate to try again everyday but each time i try and am unsuccessful it makes me more worried.
I'm overweight too my bmi is 30.9 ( but a massive improvement from 39 last time ) my bump is big though but putting this down to 5th baba (9th pregnancy) x
Ok well I decided a break was not a good idea. Hiding up in my room doesn't help anything. And I DO have one very healthy baby to celebrate. And I don't want to miss out on that. I'll try and post a picture later today. Since I got to go to the hospital for a scan I got a high resolution photo and it's perfect. Now I'm just holding out til the 29th praying and asking God to keep this baby safe and growing strong. Dr said if everything looks good then I am back to the normal risks if a singleton pregnancy at that date and no increased risk. I measured about a week behind (which I already knew I would based on O) so my new due date is May 8th.

To all those with good news. Don't feel guilty! I can mourn my loss and still celebrate with you. It brings joy to see others with good news. And I know all things are in God's hands and completely trust that.
To the ladies worrying. I pray for you all so much. I pray that we all can enjoy the life in our womb to the fullest. It's such an honor to carry these babies.
Hope you all have a great day!
Kazy, glad you feel able to still celebrate your healthy bean. I can understand the worry though, positive thoughts only!

Greener grass, this is the risk with dopplers, if you can't find the HB. I could never find my dds before my 12 wk scan and neither could my GP. It turned out I had an anterior placenta. But it's still a worry of mine. I will be 9 weeks on Sunday and I hope to not get it delivered until next week and then I will hold out until I am close to 10 weeks.

I think it's important for all of us to try an be positive and believe that there is a healthy LO growing. It's hard for sure, I have big ups and downsa and I really have to pull myself up from those down days. Xx
Kazy, I'm so glad you have hope for the little one still there! I know it's fairly common for one twin to be lost while the other survives, so I'm really hoping for a good update on the 29th!
Here's a picture of our healthy little one. I showed this to my 5 year old and he says "look mom, the baby is sleeping. It has those things coming out of its mouth to show it." lol I couldn't stop laughing forever. He thought they looked like the ZZZ on a cartoon. lol

I changed my due date to May 8th on the front page. Let me know if I missed anyone's date changes or anything.


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Chrissi I'm sorry for your loss also.

Kazy your baby looks beautiful and so funny about your son and the z's.

Can I have a quick vent here...?Everyone else is having all sorts of symptoms and I am not. Everyone is having cramping, stretching, sore breasts, killer nausea, and I'm not. As crazy as it sounds I WANT IT! I'll take it all just to make me feel a tiny bit more positive about this pregnancy. I have 2 weeks until my appt (where I'm assuming they will just be using a doppler) and I can't help but think that they won't be able to find the heartbeat. I'm finding it so hard to stay positive. I have some hope but I have such a nagging feeling just telling me not to get excited. It's so frustrating and scary. I just want to fast forward....Rant over. Sorry about that.
Kazy that's a beautiful picture congrats, how lovely to see an actual baby and you seem to be coping well I hope you are doing ok?

I'msotired I hope you get some symptoms soon I can fully relate to how you feel. I literally feel like I'm about to be sick all day everyday and have been living off white bread and lemonade as its all I can stand but I daren't complain about it. I hope you are just one of the lucky ones who escapes it all.

I had my first appointment with my doctor yesterday she didn't do anything but start the process for my scan. I said how the baby wasn't planned and she tried to reassure me a 16 month age gap won't be too bad but all she did was bring home the realities of how difficult its actually going to be
George I can sympathise. I am stressing about the same thing. We are going through the process of adopting a family members baby at the moment. We should get the baby in the next month or two. I'm facing a 15 month age gap and to be honest I'm terrified. I'm trying to focus on how close they'll be a year down the line.

Kazy I love your picture. So exciting that it looks like a baby already
George I can sympathise. I am stressing about the same thing. We are going through the process of adopting a family members baby at the moment. We should get the baby in the next month or two. I'm facing a 15 month age gap and to be honest I'm terrified. I'm trying to focus on how close they'll be a year down the line.

Kazy I love your picture. So exciting that it looks like a baby already

Oh wow that's a big step, sounds like you have a lot going on, I hope everything goes through for you?

I keep telling myself that lots of people plan on having an 18 month age gap and hopefully it won't be much worse than that. I have my first midwife appointment next week and I'm hoping she'll be more supportive
Kazy, beautiful baby :flower:

I'msotired, please rant away, we are all here to support each other through this PAL and it's not easy. I would feel exactly the same, so I totally understand your worry. I don't know what your previous pregnancy was like with your dd, but I do know that with boys you typically have easier pregnancies, so it make just be that you have lucked out with a symptom free pregnancy, maybe a boy? Also as much as people feel reassured by symptoms they don't exclude a miscarriage. But I do hope all your worries are about nothing and that you get some reassurance soon :hugs:

About age gaps, I know 2 women who have recently had a second baby with a 13 month age gap :dohh: I think it is hard work for sure, maybe for the first year, but then from what I hear it is actually a lot easier than a bigger age gap. For me we would have a 2.5 yr age gap, which for me is the largest age ago I would want in an ideal world.

Greener grass, that sounds like a lot going on with an adoption, but an amazing thing to do.
My two kids at home are 31 months apart and it's hard work! Probably just a different kind lol. Right now my younger one Lexi, 19 months wants to do everything my 4 year old son Skyler does which leads to many upset moments as she's just not big enough :wacko:

This mommy has a headache....
Kazy, what a sweet little baby just perfect!

I understand the need and want of morning sickness aswell, I posted earlier about waiting to have my first appointment until I was around 8+ when 8w rolled around I couldn't find the courage to ring for one. (Stupid?.....Perhaps) Then I rang to talk worh my sister and she lost her first son at 26weeks, she said if you don't ring for an appointment I'm doing it for you!! I rang and made it that morning.
Point is that no matter what goes on I think it's hard to swallow that we have a life inside us until we see/hear that little heartbeat. It is this that let's us relax and bring down our wall of dispear, worry and finally we are able to fàll in love. I'm happy I've now seen my baby although I am looking at statistics and know that I'm not outta the woods yet. It's damned hard!! Hold on though ladies I'm praying for you :hugs:

As for the age gap between children, ds1 and ds2 are 17 months apart. I found it was fine I loved it, ds1 was at a I want to help age and they have grown and been very close buddies. Until recently that my oldest had hit pubity and he's little brother is to "dumb" for him. It's hard to watch them fight but I know that once ds2 hits the big boy time they'll be mates again.
What I am looking forward to is having one baby at home, itll be a differant experience and I'll have so much help!! My dd is 8 and will be 9 when bubs is welcomed into this world. She is such a mothering little girl and I know that she will help with sooo much :). I feel blessed to have this little one growing and look forward to our future.

I hope you all get the results your after and deserve xo
For those worried about symptoms I had zero with my first two.
And as far as the worry goes. Here's what I've decided for me and maybe it will help someone else. I've decided to love my children with all I have no matter how long I have them. Telling a bunch of people that we lost another baby is going to be difficult. But I don't regret it. Because I celebrated that life while God have it to me. That's how I feel about the baby I have now. I don't know if this baby will make it. But I do know I will love it every second I have it in my womb and forever after. Someone once told me you can't truly love without the risk of the worst pain imaginable. I feel like I understand that now.
Just a few more weeks until the 2nd trimester! I am looking forward to it. :)
Oh and my boys are 18 months. Probably a bit easier than 13-15 months but I wouldn't change it for the world. I think the key to sanity when they are that close is sleep training! Worked with all 3 of my kids and helped me to survive my oldest two so close together.
Here's a picture of our healthy little one. I showed this to my 5 year old and he says "look mom, the baby is sleeping. It has those things coming out of its mouth to show it." lol I couldn't stop laughing forever. He thought they looked like the ZZZ on a cartoon. lol

I changed my due date to May 8th on the front page. Let me know if I missed anyone's date changes or anything.

So great to see your picture!

It's been a rough day for us, but there will be a group memorial and burial for all losses this week at a local funeral home. It helps for the hospital to treat our little angel like a baby and not some tissue to dispose (I hated hearing people say tissue when we saw our little baby.) I am not in terrible pain, and the bleeding is not bad. The hospital staff was wonderful today. I will still keep in touch a bit, but please remove me from the cover page.
Thanks. Life is stressful. Ibe been fighting for the baby since it was born. It's almost 8 months old now. Social services are totally rubbish. The baby Should've been here months ago. It's a scary prospect going from a 1 child family to a 3 child family within 6 months. I'm most stressed about not having the baby settled and in a good routine before my baby comes. After trying for a baby for so long I am just so grateful to be in this position. If God gives me 10 babies I'd take them with open arms. I'm a believer that he only gives you what you can manage so I'm sure we will both be fine xx

Hope everyone is well. I'm 10 weeks tomorrow, can't believe it. Potentially 1/4 of the way there. I honestly cannot wait.
I've missed so much but I haven't been able to get on here lately. I'm so sorry for the terrible news and hope for more rainbow babies soon. hugs sent.

I'm officially 8 weeks today. I feel so far behind everyone else. my ms symptoms have picked up but before the last couple of days I had had close to none.
What kind of doppler does everyone have and where did they order it from.

kazy ill be praying for your little one to stay strong

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