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May rainbow baby

I like that labour doesn't take long although it is painful it's like a standard labour jammed into 1hr (average) I don't get a break from contractions, they just keep coming. Although I agree with you Kazy, once it's time to push - 2 pushes and it's over, holding baby and feeling relieved.
I find it amazing how we women are designed to go back time after time. We do know that it hurts, though once your holding your baby you are so smitten, proud, happy and in love, the pain seems like a bad headache and your holding the painkiller in your arms. I love the fact that we can do this. We are amazing!!
Hats off to mums and mums to be!

Truth be known id love to see a male go through pregnancy and labour. They would only do it once lol.

Did I tell you all that I found baby's heartbeat this morning? So exciting :) so beautiful and beating at around 158 :). Nawww- mummy's in love xo
Congrats to those that have managed to find the heartbeats I'm very jealous! I'm just too scared to use a Doppler in case I can't find anything. I have got another private scan tomorrow though so hoping that's just as good.

Bushmomma I can't imagine labouring that quickly! Mine have been 4 hours and 3 and a half hours, both times I've been at the hospital less than a hour before delivering and that is far too close for me, I'd be petrified at doing it again if I was you

I would also love to see my husband go through it himself he calls me a wimp all the time but you should see him when he's got man flu!
Hahaha ^^^^ oh I say that to my hubby when he starts to sniffle... Ahhh the man glu aye babe???
Grrrrr... It's not the man flu- I'm really sick! :hehe:
What ever I vomit every for a week and still gotta do everything!

I'm a little frightened about how fast this LO will take to enter the world, I'm really thinking I'll pitch a tent in the waiting room lol..
Do you find that because pain is condensed into a much smaller amount of time that its crazy labour?
Oh and ds2- I got in the shower and used HOT water only on the hand held and simed straight at my tummy! It's the only thing that helped. Also I find the standing is better than laying down as gravity takes over and things move quicker.
Hahaha ^^^^ oh I say that to my hubby when he starts to sniffle... Ahhh the man glu aye babe???
Grrrrr... It's not the man flu- I'm really sick! :hehe:
What ever I vomit every for a week and still gotta do everything!

I'm a little frightened about how fast this LO will take to enter the world, I'm really thinking I'll pitch a tent in the waiting room lol..
Do you find that because pain is condensed into a much smaller amount of time that its crazy labour?
Oh and ds2- I got in the shower and used HOT water only on the hand held and simed straight at my tummy! It's the only thing that helped. Also I find the standing is better than laying down as gravity takes over and things move quicker.
Yes I definitely think the pain seems worse because I've never really had a break in contractions once they've started but obviously don't have anything to compare it to so I don't know what's best! I definitely find it easier standing up for as long as possible, with my first I had to lay down as I had an episiotomy but with my second I was up for practically the whole thing and it was much easier. My midwife told me last time I should consider a home birth but it really doesn't appeal to me so I hope she doesn't mention it this time. Although I have heard that third labours can take longer so I'm dreading that too!
I found the heartbeat :cry::cry::cry::cloud9:

Can't stop crying. I'm in total shock. After so long waiting it seems my rainbow is finally on its way :cloud9:
Thats awesome greener grass :)

George let us know how you get on, hoping for an excellent scan for you!

I wouldn't mind a home birth except not being in a hospital scares me in case something goes wrong so that will never happen unless baby comes unexpectedly.
Last night I had a dream that I started bleeding. Luckily it was just a dream, but it kind of made me nervous after I woke up. I couldn't find the heartbeat when I looked for it with the doppler last night - it will be nice to get the ultrasound on Monday!
Yey Greener Grass, so happy that you found it :)

George, good luck at the scan tomorrow.

Kategirl, I have had some horrible dreams too, hormones! I am sure all is ok in there.

All this talk about fast labours, not that I would want a fast labour as I know they come with there own problems and can be quite dramatic. But I had a back to back labour so no break in contractions from Friday evening until Monday night! Ended up with an emergency C section!
Yey Greener Grass, so happy that you found it :)

George, good luck at the scan tomorrow.

Kategirl, I have had some horrible dreams too, hormones! I am sure all is ok in there.

All this talk about fast labours, not that I would want a fast labour as I know they come with there own problems and can be quite dramatic. But I had a back to back labour so no break in contractions from Friday evening until Monday night! Ended up with an emergency C section!
Greener, that's so awesome!! It's the most wonderful noise to hear :).

Kate- that's a horrid dream, bubs will be just fine darlin- silly dreams! :hugs:

Wow back to back for that long sweetheart I feel for you, it's crazy how different we all are with labouring!

I have mentioned a home birth to my hubby as we have a spa and I thought that it may just be the safest bet for me and baby..,. Tossing up- possible birth in car or spa?? Seems as though it answers itself...no?

My third child was quicker- 37mins maybe 4th could take longer?
I spoke to DH last night and asked him how quick his ex wife laboured... She was also quick like me. I had this thought that seen this LO has a different daddy to my other three it may play a part in labour?
If it was to play a part, it's not looking as though it'll be doing much for me as quick labours may just be how I am & after the info of ex wife... Chances seem slim. Either that or I'm reading much too much into it... Standard for me though lol...

So I found bub again this morning within 1min! Nice heartbeat of 167 held it for a good 20sec!! Yay :). Also each time he/she moved I could hear swooshing of amniotic fluid.. So cool :).
Hello ladies. I had an eventful morning. Started having steady pains in my lower abdomen last night through this morning. Called dr and nurse practitioner said she would get me in. Couldn't hear a steady heartbeat and what they did hear seemed low at 114. So had another ultrasound. It showed healthy baby. Dr pushed baby around to make it move and heart rate went up to 170 with movement and is measuring perfectly. Turns out pain is due to a UTI. So I'm thankful nothing serious!
Anyway, that's my madness for the day. Lol. Hoping with hitting 12 weeks tokorrow I'll start calming down a bit.
Oh and other good news. Just one more day of progesterone suppositories. Woo hoo!
Thats great Kazy must be a relief!

George how did you make out?
Wow kazy what an eventful day, I hope your feeling ok now? It's so stressful!

My scan went really well too, baby was moving around with a good heartbeat too. The doctor moved me forward 3 days too which I know isn't much but still makes me feel better. Both my other babies came on their due dates so I'm keen to get a final date to see if I can get the three of them on time! I also got my 'official' scan date today which is next Thursday so hoping everything stays ok until then.

I hope everyone else is doing well? x x
Great news george! And I think your new date give you the same due date as Kate and I!
Great news george! And I think your new date give you the same due date as Kate and I!

Thanks, she re-dated me to the 10th may but I think I'll wait and see what the nhs scan and go by their date as a definite
Great news George.

Kazy, sorry you got a uti but phew! I had to pop another urine specimens back to hospital this week as query uti for me, but I have no symptoms at all so hopefully it'll come back clear.
10th of may is a great date George just saying :) It's mothers day here in Canada, wouldn't that be an interesting mothers day lol.
Kazy...... That's insane, what an adventurous day! So glad baby is doing well- sorry to hear about the uti though. Hope you overcome it quickly.

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