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May rainbow baby

I almost bought a Doppler the other day but ended up not doing it because I'm too afraid I wouldn't be able to find the heartbeat and panic!
I've managed to find the heartbeat now for the past 3days x was lovely yesterday could actually hear the baba moving about .. So in love xx
I finally have my prenatal intake appointment in a few hours lol. I think it's about time!
Yay, lolly!

Kelly, I agree, about time, lol! I'm also playing the waiting game; I technically had an "intake" type appointment at 8 weeks to get a history, but will actually get to see an OB next Thursday. It feels like a long wait, I hope I like this OB!
That sounds good lolly must be such a relief.

Good luck Kelly hope everything goes well.

I'm having a paranoid day today, my symptoms don't seem as strong which I know could just be because of how far along I am but I can't help thinking the worst. I have another scan on Thursday morning followed by my midwife appointment Thursday pm I have this impending sense of dread I'll have to cancel my midwife appointment
That sounds good lolly must be such a relief.

Good luck Kelly hope everything goes well.

I'm having a paranoid day today, my symptoms don't seem as strong which I know could just be because of how far along I am but I can't help thinking the worst. I have another scan on Thursday morning followed by my midwife appointment Thursday pm I have this impending sense of dread I'll have to cancel my midwife appointment

I know what you mean. Trying to stay positive here as well. Today has been particularly rough.

2nd trimester is just around the corner. I can't wait to feel continuous baby kicks!! On that note, it seems that there is a little disagreement about when the 2nd tri starts. Is it at 13 or 14 weeks??
I'm super sure it's 13 weeks, actually the start of week 12 puts you into your 13th week. Like this- 7days past and your 1week so at this stage the 8th day puts you Into your 2nd week. Am I making sense :/ lol... This is how my OB explained it to me.

I have another appointment tomorrow- testing for downs and I hope he asks if I wanna see baby again, being a week older baby should be much easier to find and get better measurements. FXD that all is still fine :).
I count it at 13 weeks 3 days thats mine own method though I just divided 40 weeks by 3 lol. But pretty sure most places it's 13 weeks as measured by our tickers.

Appointment went well, bloodwork and a full 3 hour GTT next tuesday ugh. Not looking forward to the gtt. I've got a cold and overall just feel like crap plus my two kids and husband are also sick.
Funny you know coz I remember when I was pregnant with my first and 12 weeks was 2trimester, doctors explanation of this was because term is 38 weeks. That still actually puts it at 12w6d so I'm just going to go with 12-13 weeks. Super duper cool coz I'm getting close now- I'm 10w2d YAY!! My pregnancy app says welcome to your 11th week of pregnancy. Either way the it's all only a guess anyway for those that don't know the exact day of conception onto implantaion.
That's why there is a veriation of 4 weeks, term starts at 38 through to 42...
My first son was born at 37weeks exactly and was perfect. The doctors put on his records that he was term. Confused of this much lol.
Funny how different everything is depending on where you are. I know my dr says 37 is considered full term but will let you go to 41. All I know is I do not want to be induced this time. I did a completely natural birth with my last pregnancy (epidural complications on first two) and it was intense to say the least. So I'm hoping if I'm not induced it may be a bit easier.
So no matter what there's still that 4weeks towards the end where we wish it roils just hurry up lol.... See ds1 37weeks, ds2 40 weeks (completly over baked!!) dd 38 weeks and nearly died. All natural labours with no medication, although it was something I looked at with ds2 but labour progressed to quickly snd there was not time.
Well I got my doppler yesterday and played a little łast night, not Gavin's the best luck, after watching a few YouTube vids I yried this morning and got baby's heartbeat within 30sec!! Amazing!
I got to 8cm's before getting an epi with my first, my second was natural dd born at 5 month gestation so heartbreaking circumstances then my third I got to 10cm before asking for epi so I figure 4 time is the charm for a full term natural labour lol.
I was upset as the doctors knew I laboured quickly, see ds1 2hr45min ds2 1hr28min dd 37min. They said that it really has to be done as soon as I come in. Thing is that this time round I'll have no time to even get to hospital from home syarting from first contraction! I can see a baby born in car :/.... This does not excite me.
Kelly- hopefully this time! I asked for an epi last time even though I knew the consequences (long story and not that exciting) and by the time they got there I was ready to push. And I found that leading up to 9cm is all the hard work anyway. Pushing to me was more of a relief and I wouldn't call it painful.

bushmamma- that would terrify me too. A friend of ours had a baby this summer and she labors incredibly fast. She actually slept in the hospital parking garage in her car one night because she wasn't sure if she was going to go into active labor! My labors have never been under 8 hours but once the pain really starts I usually have 2 hours or so.
oh and I fully expect to go beyond my due date. 1st was 40wk1d, 2nd 39wk1d, and 3rd was 40 exactly. My water broke with my first and they had to use pit. 2nd wasn't moving like they would like so they induced. And 3rd I chose to be induced. So...... probably will be waiting lol. But I was never miserable so hopefully I can hold out.
Well if someone had of told me that maybe I would have just pushed then with my last lol. I was to afraid to find out.

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