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May rainbow baby

Oh yes kazy feel better soon! Thankfully antibiotics typically relieve those symptoms pretty fast!
Hello Ladies! I have been keeping quiet because I wanted to pass the 12 wks period. I have not been thinking, reading or doing anything pregnant trying not to jinx it.

Yesterday I had a Dr.'s visit and we already know the gender. I had an early genetic blood screening done at 11 wks and my waiting agony has finally ended yesterday. It's a girl for us! My due date has not changed, it is May 5, 2015.

I have been feeling nauseous this whole time and my sleeping is interrupted by bathroom runs. I also have had terrible migraines due to hypothyroidism. All is under control, for now. Yesterday I wAs given an option for flu vaccine, which I refused, I have never used it before and only know people get nasty flu afterwards. I don't remember when I last had flu so decided not to inject any viruses at this time.

I have a lot of catching up here.

Kazy good luck with your UTI! And good luck and healthy pregnancy to all ladies!


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Amarles congrats on reaching 12 weeks, it's felt like the longest time but I'm so pleased some of us are getting to the magic number already, definitely helps me think positive. Congrats too on a baby girl, so lucky to have found out already x x
Kazy, glad all is okay!

Amarles, congrats on the girl (I'm so jealous of people who already know, lol!) and reaching 12 weeks!

I felt really awful yesterday, and then I had another horrible dream last night. I started bleeding, and then I had a (inaccurate but very graphic) miscarriage. Then in my dream I kept trying to use my doppler to try and find the heartbeat just to make sure it really was gone and not finding anything. Ugh, I never had these dreams with my DD, I hope they stop! Maybe it will help once I have my NT scan on Monday.
Amaries, comgratulations of making 12 weeks and a little girl :cloud9:

Kategirl, sorry you are having these awful nightmares, they sound pretty disturbing.:hugs:

Well, I have found baby's heart beat, still don't quite believe it but it was there, loud and too fast t count :happydance: feeling a bit on shock still as never found dds HB this early, I am 9+5 today.
Thank you Kategirl and try keep positive! I had those dreams too!
I can't wait until 12 wks! I'm getting so anxious to have a little bit of faith in this pregnancy! Just a few weeks to go and I'll also get to stop the progesterone suppositories hopefully. Glad to hear about all of the good scans and all here!
Amarles congrats! They don't do that blood test here in Canada as far as I know at least it's not covered by health care so it would cost a lot of it's even an option here! I've heard good things about it screening potential so hopefuly it'll become common practice here. Also just for accuracy the flu shot cannot give you the flu it is not a live vaccine :) but just because you get the shot doesn't mean you won't develop a different strain of the flu then what was in the shot. The vaccine only protects against so many strains and all of the strains out in circulation cannot be predicted so some will still get sick despite getting vaccinated.

Kate your scan is so close!

I'm going to Doppler tonight just love hearing that sound.
A comment on the flu shot... Just make sure you don't get the FluMist, which is a nasal spray and DOES contain live virus. It's not supposed to be given to pregnant women, but last time I was pregnant they didn't realize that and tried to get me to take that instead of the shot (luckily I knew better).

I'm going to doppler tonight if I have a chance. I've been scared to since I couldn't find it the other night, but I really want to try finding it again.
I'm so anti flu vaccinations right now! My 3 year old had his yesterday, I didn't let him have it last year but thought with him just having started at playgroup, his little brother being only young and me being pregnant it might be a good idea this year. He had it all fine and then I took him to his first school disco tonight and he threw up everywhere and has been sick loads since which I'm now blaming on his flu vaccination. My poor little man :cry:
Amarles congrats! They don't do that blood test here in Canada as far as I know at least it's not covered by health care so it would cost a lot of it's even an option here! I've heard good things about it screening potential so hopefuly it'll become common practice here. Also just for accuracy the flu shot cannot give you the flu it is not a live vaccine :) but just because you get the shot doesn't mean you won't develop a different strain of the flu then what was in the shot. The vaccine only protects against so many strains and all of the strains out in circulation cannot be predicted so some will still get sick despite getting vaccinated.

Kate your scan is so close!

I'm going to Doppler tonight just love hearing that sound.

Yes, the blood test is also not very common here in the US too, but because of our age factor and previous genetic disorders (I was pregnant with a trisomy 18 baby and pregnancy ended in the 26th week) that is why my Dr ordered the test.
I think it should be common, it is very safe and over 90% accurate!
Kategirl and George!

Re: vaccines

I am the type of person that reads labels, all labels, foods, meds for ingredients and I have read vaccine ingredients and I am very scared of what I have read and think I will be filing an exemption for my child. The stats in the US are scary, over 40% of kids are diagnosed with Autism and scientific data points to vaccines. :(

Hard decisions.
Yes flumist is live which is why we get the shot even my kids get the shot.

George can't be the flu shot, vomitting is not a symptom of the flu. His throwing up was likely just badly timed with him getting the shot before, he still would have thrown up regardless if you got it from a stomach flu possibly (which the vaccine does not protect against).

I'm not trying to cram this down peoples throats but being a health care professional I hate when the wrong information gets propagated because then people believe the wrong thing and make uninformed decisions then we end up with whooping cough and measles outbreaks etc that could have been prevented. Unfortunately as we can see a lot of damage has been done due to certain celebrities pointing the finger of vaccines to illnesses that don't have valid researched links by credible studies. An evil of the internet is anything and everything can be posted regardless of it's truth and people often don't know how to source out whats right from wrong leading them astray. I am pro vaccine but I don't judge those who make informed decisions based off of credible studies (that haven't been discredited especially where the doctor lost their license for fabricating results).
The DNA blood test (Harmony, etc) is not commonly ordered right now because it's pricey. But the OB coordinator said that she thunks it will be routine within 5 years or so. I wish it were routine now! After some scares in my DD's 20 weeks scan, I wish we had had a more accurate test than the quad screen.
I hope it's routine and soon it'll replace the amino in so many ways which has that risk of infection or loss. I have never gotten the quad screen done with any of my pregnancies and already denied it this time. Mainly because I would never do an amnio and I would never terminate for down syndrom plus there are false positives with the quad screen and who wants that worry.
I can't wait until 12 wks! I'm getting so anxious to have a little bit of faith in this pregnancy! Just a few weeks to go and I'll also get to stop the progesterone suppositories hopefully. Glad to hear about all of the good scans and all here!

I know what you mean. Today is my first time not doing the suppositories in 6 weeks or so and it's weird to not have to plan my day around when I can take them and sit down for 15-20 minutes!
Yes flumist is live which is why we get the shot even my kids get the shot.

George can't be the flu shot, vomitting is not a symptom of the flu. His throwing up was likely just badly timed with him getting the shot before, he still would have thrown up regardless if you got it from a stomach flu possibly (which the vaccine does not protect against).

The website I was looking on last night which was an official one does say that vomiting can be a side effect of the flu mist, luckily he's fine in himself in fact at the minute he's chasing his brother around the living room on his hands and knees! With my ms and his sick yesterday I've had enough of it to last me a lifetime now!
It would only be a side affect of that as an immediate reaction to having something sprayed up your nose. I'm sorry I thought you meant he got the flu from it as was vomiting! I can't do most sprays cause they make me gag and be sick just from having the liquid up there. So gross! Give me a needle any day.

I am still super sick with a cold. It's been a week now and I'm miserable. Why can't our immune systems get stronger when we're pregnant!
It would only be a side affect of that as an immediate reaction to having something sprayed up your nose. I'm sorry I thought you meant he got the flu from it as was vomiting! I can't do most sprays cause they make me gag and be sick just from having the liquid up there. So gross! Give me a needle any day.

I am still super sick with a cold. It's been a week now and I'm miserable. Why can't our immune systems get stronger when we're pregnant!

:hugs: I hope you feel better soon, it would be ok if you could tell people we're sick and pregnant I'm sure you'd get loads more sympathy then!
Thanks George. I guess I just miss the days when I had no responsibility and could hide in bed till I felt better. I forgot how miserable being sick while pregnant can be and ms on top of that and it's just horrible.

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