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May rainbow baby

How is everyone doing? I was out of town all weekend and am sooooo tired and tryig to catch up today.
Any scans this week??
I just had my NT scan this afternoon! It was great since I've been having trouble finding the heartbeat lately. Baby looks good, heartbeat was 156, and it was moving around a bit. :)
See kate! Now take a deep breath and relax!

I'm crampy today so baby must be growing, also still sick with a cold so mostly trying to take it easy.
I had a very quick scan on Saturday in the ER where I went after some weird shooting pains next to my cervix. We saw a baby briefly - it had a heartbeat and moved a bit in those 30 seconds we had a scan for. My cervix was closed and looked ok. The pain is gone mostly. We will have a more detailed scan tomorrow at the hospital and I'm terrified. We found out there last time that the baby was measuring behind and then lost it. So lots of anxiety and bad memories. Thankfully, my husband will be coming with me. On Thursday I will also have my first obgyn appointment, so he will hopefully reassure me that all is well.
vgirl I hope the scan is a happy time for you guys!

I know this was asked before but who is staying team yellow? I need buddies to help me keep my will power up lol!
Vgirl, hope all goes well tomorrow. I get those shooting pains too. I did with my dd as well, so I have never worried about them, they are weird though!

Kategirl yey for great scan. :thumbup:

Kelly, we are staying team yellow. We did last time too, have you been team yellow before or have you found out with your dd and ds?

I have since listened to babys HB a couple of times, I can find it quite easily now which is reassuring. But I am exhausted still, a lot less nausea though, but so tired!
I found out with all 3 of my other pregnancies so I want to try and do something different this time! This will be our last baby so last chance to wait it out. I just listened with the kids to babe's heartbeat and they got all excited I mean I don't think they really understood it but it was cute.
I like the idea of team yellow but I already know I can't so it. Lol but I think it would be so awesome if I had enough self control.
Maybe baby will agree with me and just not show their parts! Come on baby cooperate with mommy! I'm still thinking a girl and my DD agrees but my DS still insists he's getting a baby brother.
Congratulations kategirl on your scan :) and breathe!

Good luck vgirl for yours

I can now officially say my scan is next week. 9 days to go and I can't wait.

We still haven't told our son and I'm so desperate to. Almost did at the weekend but something held me back.

I can't believe it i'll be 12 weeks on Sunday. At long last!

My nausea has gone (hurrah) but the fatigue is making up for it :( I'm beyond exhausted everyday. I slept for 9 hours the other night then still had to nap during the day. Last night I fell asleep on the sofa at 8.30.

We won't be staying team yellow I'm afraid. We didn't find out with our son but this time it's too inconvenient not to find out since we'last have our niece. Need to find out so I know whether to keep her old clothes or not. Plus I'm impatient and can't wait to know :D

Hope everyone is well xx
Kate congrats on the scan - such great news I hope you can relax a bit more now.

Vgirl I'm glad you saw baby and I'm really hoping everything goes ok at your next appointment. I fully understand what you mean about bad memories though every time we go to the lady who told us about our mc I dread hearing those same words again. Thinking of you.

Greener grass I hope the next 9 days go quickly for you I hate the waiting part the most.

Kelly we've always been team yellow but I'm worried I might suffer from a touch of gender disappointment - which I know makes me a horrible mother so please don't judge me - if we have our third boy so I tempted to find out to see if it helps me bond but I'm also worried it might have the opposite effect.

I'm having a couple of panicky days at the minute, my ms is so bad it's making me think something has happened and my 2 lo's haven't adjusted to the clocks changing so are up by 5 each morning making me so tired in the afternoon that I can barely function. I wouldn't mind so much if my oh understood and was trying to help me out but he's not interested in the slightest
George I understnad gender disappointment or at least the feeling of maybe having it. I don't judge. I'm sure a tiny part of me will be a tad bit sad if I don't get the gender id prefer and I have 1 of each! I know because I have 1 of each it will come and go fast though I just want a baby and I have my first names picked for each and love them both so will be excited to use which ever. It's funny though but not wanting to know this time for me is so I won't have issues bonding if it's the gender I'm not leaning towards. That and the surprise factor!
Thanks kelly, i really appreciate it. I loved the surprise factor the last two times, there's nothing that can describe that feeling of finding out after going through the whole of labour.
Thats what I'm hoping for! And no matter what I have I think having that surprise will just make it perfect regardless of it being a little boy or girl.
I have to say that I loved been team yellow with my dd. But I totally knew deep down that I was having a girl, maybe it was my instinct but it's only 50:50 at the end of the day!!

No judgement from me either. I can imagine it would be hard if you have children all of the same gender and would like one of the other. Now I really don't mind boy or girl at all. But before I had my dd, I really really wanted a boy, but now I would be over the moon with 2 daughters, funny how things can change!
I can relate to the gender disappointment too. I was sooooo hoping I would have a girl with my 3rd and we did! My husband really wanted a girl too so it increased that a bit. This time is the first time I have no preference but DH really wants another girl.

I have another scan and appointment tomorrow. I'm really hoping all looks well with my healthy baby and they have to check the one that passed. Hoping all is well. And it's my bday so really wanting good news. :)
Happy Birthday, kazy! I hope a great ultrasound will be the first of many gifts you will receive tomorrow :)
Thanks for all the god wishes, girls! I had my scan today and everything looked great. The heartbeat was 162 and baby measured ahead - I think it was 14w2d. They won't change the due date though as the dating scan I had before is more important and crown to rump length is not accurate for dating after 14 weeks. We are very relieved atm and will have appt with obgyn on Thursday to discuss my very long list of questions :)
George, I totally understand. I really really want a second girl and I'm scared that I won't feel the same way about a boy. I have a strong feeling this one is a boy, and even all the silly predictors (Chinese calendar, skull shape, etc) all say boy. I'm just hoping that I won't mind it once we find out for real!
Ok since everyone else is fessing up, I'd love another girl. I always wanted a girl then had my son first which was fine because I knew we'd have more so no disappointment there! Then we had Hannah and she passed away so when we got pregnant again it was even more important for that one to be a girl and she was, I cried tears of joy the day I found out. Now after having a boy and girl I really want another girl! But I keep thinking I can't possibly be lucky enough to have 3 girls in a row lol! Though I feel very much that this one is a girl. I also knew the genders of my other 3 way before I ever found out, just had a feeling so we'll see if I keep my unblemished record.
Vgirl congrats on a good scan!

Kazy yay for getting to see your little one again. I hope it goes very well.

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