Kazy, mine is tomorrow morning, too! I'm a bit worried about finding out the gender... I really am expecting a boy and am worried I'll be disappointed. I hope I don't mind once I find out for sure (or that it's a girl). I've also been worrying a little bit if the baby is okay and everything is fine, especially because of my friend's experience right now*, but I'm just trying to push that out of my head.
I hope you scan is just fine, Kelly!
(* A "Facebook friend", someone I knew casually in high school and college but haven't seen in 8 years or so, recently had a baby who they knew was going to need surgery to correct a problem with his intestines but seemed otherwise fine. He was born at 36 weeks and the surgery went fine, but they discovered he had severe brain development issues which were causing him to not breath and had an extremely poor prognosis. Along with the specialists they decided to take him out of the NICU and hospice has been providing "comfort care". So far he's been doing better than expected at home, but they only expect him to live a couple more days to weeks. They've had a really good attitude about it, but it's been breaking my heart to hear about.)