Military WAGs

Hi everyone,

hope you are all keeping well. I have a favour to ask, does anyone live at or lived at cottesmore?? I have a good friend of mine posted in there in March & I would like to try and get some info on the camp/houses/baby gps etc for her etc.

Thanks ladies. Must say I'm really looking forward to being based back in the mainland & hubby not going away for more than a week! And I've been noseying on the Harrogate tourism website too! X

Its beautiful, and so is York. If you venture into York at all I can give you tips on nice places to go. Lived there for 3 years with the RAF :)
hello! only just found this thread, sorry i havent read all 51 pages lol

im Lauren (23) married to Darren (27) who is a Submariner in the Navy. We have a "nearly" 9 month old baby boy called Benjamin.

In a way we have been really lucky as he hasnt been away since we met but we have lived apart and only seen each other at the weekends and when he is on leave.

At the moment he is on a course and i have moved back to my parents house as its closer to the location of his course, if we hadnt of arranged it like this i wouldnt have seen him for 6 months and although i need to get used to it, there isnt any need for that right now (if that makes sense!) Me and Ben still get to see him at the weekend and he doesnt miss out on much of Bens development etc.

in April after 3 years together we will finally be allowed to live together!!!! so in June we are TTC number 2 :)

He will be shore based until 2012 so it makes sense to have #2 when he can be there to help out and be there while the baby grows.

Even though he has seen Ben every weekend he has missed so much because Ben changes dramatically and so quickly that it even shocks me!

Anyway enough rambling from me :rofl:
Thanks ladies. Must say I'm really looking forward to being based back in the mainland & hubby not going away for more than a week! And I've been noseying on the Harrogate tourism website too! X

Its beautiful, and so is York. If you venture into York at all I can give you tips on nice places to go. Lived there for 3 years with the RAF :)

Aw thank you - I'll keep that in mind. :flower:

Hubby wanted York as his first posting after Sandhurst, but we ended up in Northern Ireland instead...
hello! only just found this thread, sorry i havent read all 51 pages lol

im Lauren (23) married to Darren (27) who is a Submariner in the Navy. We have a "nearly" 9 month old baby boy called Benjamin.

In a way we have been really lucky as he hasnt been away since we met but we have lived apart and only seen each other at the weekends and when he is on leave.

At the moment he is on a course and i have moved back to my parents house as its closer to the location of his course, if we hadnt of arranged it like this i wouldnt have seen him for 6 months and although i need to get used to it, there isnt any need for that right now (if that makes sense!) Me and Ben still get to see him at the weekend and he doesnt miss out on much of Bens development etc.

in April after 3 years together we will finally be allowed to live together!!!! so in June we are TTC number 2 :)

He will be shore based until 2012 so it makes sense to have #2 when he can be there to help out and be there while the baby grows.

Even though he has seen Ben every weekend he has missed so much because Ben changes dramatically and so quickly that it even shocks me!

Anyway enough rambling from me :rofl:

Hi Wispa :hi:

Bet you can't wait until April - best of luck TTC :)
Hi girls, I not posted for a few weeks..feels strange being back here. But he leaves 3am tomorrow for Afghan. Feeling pretty shit right now..face as puffy as a fat sausage with the crying..dunno if I can totally blame the preggers hormones. Anyway, I'm off up home to Mums for a few weeks too tomorrow so once I'm settled there I'll look forward to getting back into this site and getting through the last weeks of this pregnancy. Whinge over. x
Hi girls, I not posted for a few weeks..feels strange being back here. But he leaves 3am tomorrow for Afghan. Feeling pretty shit right now..face as puffy as a fat sausage with the crying..dunno if I can totally blame the preggers hormones. Anyway, I'm off up home to Mums for a few weeks too tomorrow so once I'm settled there I'll look forward to getting back into this site and getting through the last weeks of this pregnancy. Whinge over. x

its sh*t thats hes going away tomo :( its a hard thing to deal with preg or not but bein pregnant really wont help.

i dont think ur whinging at all rant away im sure we will all listen, hope u have a good time at ur mums x
Hey ladies :).

Only just found this thread after about half an hour searching lol.
I'm Natalie, engaged to my gorgeous man Paul who's in the navy.
We're expecting our baby girl on the 23rd of march next year :)..
But he left on wednesday for 5 months :cry:. We're both devestated he wont be here when baby's born and i'm not sure if i can do it without him but i suppose i'l have too.
This is the first time he's been away since we've been together and right now i'm still a bit of a mess tbh lol but trying to stay somewhat postitve for bubs sake.
Think its the lack of contact that really gets me. Obviously i'm gonna miss him like mad but if i was able to talk to him more than once every few weeks it might not seem as bad.
Just wondering if any of you ladies have any advice on staying at least semi-sane till he's home? :p.

Hope everyone's well.x
Hey ladies :).

Only just found this thread after about half an hour searching lol.
I'm Natalie, engaged to my gorgeous man Paul who's in the navy.
We're expecting our baby girl on the 23rd of march next year :)..
But he left on wednesday for 5 months :cry:. We're both devestated he wont be here when baby's born and i'm not sure if i can do it without him but i suppose i'l have too.
This is the first time he's been away since we've been together and right now i'm still a bit of a mess tbh lol but trying to stay somewhat postitve for bubs sake.
Think its the lack of contact that really gets me. Obviously i'm gonna miss him like mad but if i was able to talk to him more than once every few weeks it might not seem as bad.
Just wondering if any of you ladies have any advice on staying at least semi-sane till he's home? :p.

Hope everyone's well.x

Hey bumpy, you're due a day before me and my man went away sunday! I'm feeling total shit right now..spesh as all comms are down due to the number of deaths this week so far..plays with your mind. As for advice, this is my first deployment too so I have no tried and tested methods..only that currently I'm writing him 10+ emails a day and sending him so many photos of the, you name it..anything to keep me occupied.

Are you living with parents while he's away?

Sorry to hear he won't be back for the birth..thats tough but just think that although he's missing that huge occasion, hopefully he will be around a long time before they send him again and thats something to be grateful for.

Hope you're having a better day today, I'm still welling up every hour or so but god damn it I gotta fight it cos I look horrendous with puffy cry face.

Big hug me dear, and if you want to swap emails etc..or facebook me, just ask. Be good to support each other thru this xx this is SSAFA they are ace for advice BFBS radio a great way to get messages out to OH's who are away and also i find it helps you to feel close to them.

Navy Families Federation

The Naval Families Federation (NFF) was established in 2003 to give Royal Naval and Royal Marines' families an independent voice. The impact of separation and mobility on naval Service families may present challenges that are not commonly experienced by a civilian population.


e-mail via the website

Call 023 9265 4374

RAF Association

The RAF Association (RAFA) is a membership organisation of serving and former members of the Royal Air Force, their families and dependants and all those supporting the aims of the Association. It is the largest single-service membership organisation in the United Kingdom and has roughly 74,000 members and 500 Branches in the UK, Europe and further afield. The Association provides help and advice, assistance, comradeship and, where required, welfare and care for the whole RAF family.


e-mail via the website

Call 0116 266 5224

The Army Families Federation is the independent voice of Army families and works hard to improve the quality of life for Army families worldwide on any aspect that is affected by the Army lifestyle.

Tel: 01980 615525

[email protected]

Hi, I'm glad you said that SSAFA are great for advice.... because I volunteer for them. Many of the camps have SSAFA volunteers who can help out both the serving members and their families with lots of things.... including help with transport, befriending, help when OH is away etc. this is SSAFA they are ace for advice BFBS radio a great way to get messages out to OH's who are away and also i find it helps you to feel close to them.

Navy Families Federation

The Naval Families Federation (NFF) was established in 2003 to give Royal Naval and Royal Marines' families an independent voice. The impact of separation and mobility on naval Service families may present challenges that are not commonly experienced by a civilian population.


e-mail via the website

Call 023 9265 4374

RAF Association

The RAF Association (RAFA) is a membership organisation of serving and former members of the Royal Air Force, their families and dependants and all those supporting the aims of the Association. It is the largest single-service membership organisation in the United Kingdom and has roughly 74,000 members and 500 Branches in the UK, Europe and further afield. The Association provides help and advice, assistance, comradeship and, where required, welfare and care for the whole RAF family.


e-mail via the website

Call 0116 266 5224

The Army Families Federation is the independent voice of Army families and works hard to improve the quality of life for Army families worldwide on any aspect that is affected by the Army lifestyle.

Tel: 01980 615525

[email protected]

Hi, I'm glad you said that SSAFA are great for advice.... because I volunteer for them. Many of the camps have SSAFA volunteers who can help out both the serving members and their families with lots of things.... including help with transport, befriending, help when OH is away etc.

I have a had support from SSafa over the years as i have had bouts of very ill heath and in most places they have been ace
We are just awaiting housing details for wittering - just checking if we have anone posted there atm ???
Hiya ladies, I'm Ruth (24) I have posted on here before but a while ago now, my DH, Rich (26) is in the RAF we are based at Lyneham, anyone else??? he has been based here 6 years, but we've lived together here in married quarters almost 2 years now. (we did live together before the quarters back home in yorkshire and he would commute on his days off) we have a little boy, almost 8 months now. Rich goes away 1-2 times a year, sometimes 3 and its usually 2 months at a time, I've always coped really well with it, and have enjoyed the forces life so far. He has been back from afghanistan a month now, and on this occasion while he was away I really struggled and had a really hard time, some feelings in my head I've never had before, a huge black cloud over my head came and I couldn't seem to shift it, anxiety feeling etc, anyway I finally got through it with help of family, and now hes been back I have been fine again up until the other week when the feelings came back again, the worst was christmas day, which was strange as he was back I thought I would be fine, but I'm still not myself and not sure what it is or why it is, I love my husband and little boy so much.

The only thing I know its I've lived away from my parents for 4 years now and I'm starting to feel homesick, but why now, the only time I seem to feel better is being in yorkshire with rich and my family, I love it there, or when he is away to be with my family, seems pretty sad really as I never used to be like this. I feel very isolated down here at times and since having my baby I have a strong feeling to want to be around my family and have them see my baby grow up etc, which I never thought I would feel, we are 4 hours away from home, and we've thought about trying to get posted nearer home, but have been on the list a long time now and nothing has happened.

Rich loves his job, but of course the air force gets him down and has really affected him since having our baby being away from us etc. We don't really want to leave as he's only been in 6 years, job security etc, plus what would we do where would we go, how would we cope moneywise? I am not working at the moment. Plus our base is supposed to be closing down 2012 which keeps getting changed and were supposed to be moving to Brize Norton which is over an hour away from Lyneham, and theres not enough quarters over there to accomodate all of lyneham, so not sure whats going to happen to us, just feel really down with everything like my life is uncertain, just wanting a bit of support advice, what to do??? from people who understand, I can talk to my family about everthing until I'm blue in the face but nobody really understands what its like until they are living it. I think my family are sick of seeing me, I always seem to be up there lately and as some have said I can't keep running up there when I feel down. We have no other family members in the RAF. I'm going to book a docs appointment and speak to them but my life is good I love it but why do I feel down I don't want to end up on anti-depressants if my life is fine! Sorry for the long post xx
Hi everyone, my name is Stacey and I'm 22 weeks pregnant with our first! My husband is a Security Forces officer in the US Air Force. He's been in for about 5 years now and we've been married for a little over 3 years. He's stationed at Schriever AFB in Colorado though we're living at the Air Force Academy at the moment as Schriever just started getting housing. I should be getting the keys to our new house at Schriever on January 26th! :happydance:

Hubby just left yesterday AM to Iraq for 8 months. Haven't gone to bed yet, just can't sleep for some reason. This is the second deployment since we've been together but so far it seems just as hard as the first one! Last time he left 2 days after our second miscarriage and now he will be missing the birth of our first child. :cry: I really need to find a hobby of some sort I think since I don't work.

Anyway, sorry for the long, babbling post. Nice to meet you ladies.
Hi there guys :hi: is it ok if I join this group too? Hubby is in the Army and we're posted over in Germany at the moment (we've been here since 2007). He was away for most of my pregnancy and has now gone away again (only for 3-4 months this time but its the first time leaving me with Poppy) and I'm worried how I'm going to cope what with being so far from family. Anyways it would be nice to have somewhere to chat to people who understand and hopefully we'll all support each other :thumbup: By the way - anyone in the Paderborn area??? TTFN xx
:hi: everyone xx

my hubby has been away for my whole pregnancy pretty much, he's not on tour but he's training and we are hoping he will make it back for the birth but we're not sure yet!

Things can be tough, and your right Noone else understands but if you ever need to chat send me a PM cos I know what it's like xxx
Hi to all the new girls, and welcome to the group :)

Did everyone have a nice Christmas? Was nice having OH around for once!

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