just had a removal man round to see what we have, and he had to be gorgeous didnt he because im looking so rough hahaha
my oh has really left me in the shit, didnt tell me anything about the fact we need insurance for our things being moved over and what our weight limit is, but we shud be well under the limit anyway so thats not a problem.
oh fixed the dishwasher last night so i asked him to do the kitchen, i woke up this morning to find the sides and floor were dirty so he hadnt done the kitchen at all. i also asked him to put his huddies away....did he? NO
im so sick of having to do and worry about everything while he does f all and wonders why im screaming at him.
And now ive found out we dont have an address in Germany yet as they dont even have a place sorted out for us, and he hasnt even told them i cant be moved to a top flat as my hips cant handle carrying heavy loads up the stairs. so knowing my luck we will get a top flat again. and because they havent got us a house yet oh is going over to germany by himself for 2 weeks! so in that time ile have zane to look after and hes expecting me to get the flat ready to sign over.