Mommies with style ! November/ December Babies !

hey girls, my scan has knocked me back by 6 weeks!!! :rofl: so i only just squeeze in here now, all being well new due date 31/12 !!!! hahaha

can anyone explain this to me in english??
"no fetal pole seen, no yoke sac seen, MSD =18.7 = 6+2 suggest rescan in 2 weeks to confirm ongoing pregnancy. both ovaries appear normal"

earliest apt i could get was 3 weeks away 28th may

when i went for my scan at 4 weeks and 5 days we only saw a yolk sac but no fetal past 7 weeks we saw a sac + fetal pole and heartbeat ....

mmmmmmmm? when you periods where suppose to be due sweetie ?
i dont know cos i fel preg straight after patch, all i can think about is "is my baby dead inside me" and "is it possible to get bfp at about 1wk preg??"
i dont know cos i fel preg straight after patch, all i can think about is "is my baby dead inside me" and "is it possible to get bfp at about 1wk preg??"

i don't know if you can get a bfp after only 1 week after ovulation sweetie darling :hugs:but anything is possible i guess...

like genki said if i was you i will call my doc and ask to have a blood test done to see the level of hormones's not really fair they make you wait 2 weeks ...
I totally agree about getting bloods taken. The wait will be long otherwise now you have doubt in your mind...

I got a :bfp: at 8dpo so I think it is possible to get one a week after ovulation!

Try to stay positive but do go and have a chat with your midwife about things and getting bloods done. That way you can settle your mind. :hugs:
MissyMojo - just wanted to say that I hope everything works out for you, sounds like a stressful time, the girls have given you some good advice though, definitely contact your doctor or midwife. Really hope everything is OK and you will just look back on this as a scare.
so what is everyone due dates already ?

Mine December 13 th 2009 !
I went to the doctor today for my first visit. Usually included blood test, blood pressure, urine sample, weight, and family history of dad/mom to be. At this appt the nurse usually does all the work and the doc are out of the office. I was talking to the nurse about being nervous about twins/something being wrong so she said that she would give me a free ultrasound that was just between us. UMMMM OK!!!!

Everything looked great!! 158 beats per minute, baby moving like crazy. She also said that today the baby is measuring about 5 days ahead and if by next Wed (when I have my 12 week official ultrasound) baby is still measuring big we will move EDD up 1 week.

As far as my due date goes:
going off of LMP would be Nov 26th
going off of ultrasound today Nov 22nd
and if I am measuring ahead next week will be Nov 19/20.

Plus I have to have a c-section and they do those in the 39th week... so I will prolly have baby mid Nov. Will know more next Wed.
Miel... I just saw this thing on TV about restraunts that feature dining in the dark. Apparently it is something that they do around San Francisco. Just wondering if you have ever done this or heard of it. Looked interesting.
yes i heard of it here...but i never went !!lol
i will be to scare something get in my food or other thing happening to me while in there !!!

and also i like to see what i eat too :)
I'm a bit ahead of most of you I think, mine is 5th November. I'm not sure if the midwife will change it by a day or two based on the scan results, the sonographer just said I was measuring correctly for 13 weeks but I thought I saw 13+1 on the screen and by my calculations I was 12+6. Not too much difference I know, especially seeing as baby will come when it's good and ready rather than according to my calendar!! Don't see the midwife again till 26th June so I'm sticking with 5th November for now.
I'm due December 2nd but that could change with my next scan in just under 3 weeks :D

Missy, hun :hugs: I would call up the MW cos having to wait 3 weeks just isnt good enough!
Had my 2nd MW appointment today, all went well. I've finally got a date to see the consultant too, 28th May, 2 days after my nuchal scan hehe, so not too long to wait. I'll find out then if the cone biopsy I had 9 years ago has affected my cervix's abilities to hold the baby in, or if I'll need to have a stitch put in.
Other than, my bloods were fine, aside from O Rh Negative (I now have a huge red and white sticker across the front of my notes saying O RH Negative lol!) but I knew this from having my DD. Urine's clear etc. She was concerned that I'd put on half a stone and told me to try and take it easy with the food :rofl: I did explain that I've been having to graze all day to keep the MS at bay!

Anyways girls, off out shopping with Nikkinoonoo and the gorgeous Jessica today, hope you're all well :hugs:
heya ladies, ur all fab superstars xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

im being super super positive today, and due daye is aprx 28th december!!!

i spoke with the early preg unit at my hospital and theyre upset that my little local unit didnt offer to fit me in at the main hospital its only 20 miles down from my army mat clinic!!! so have given me a scan date for the 21st may, to check me over and said they will see what they can see abdominally first then consider tranvaginal scan if nessacary, she also told me not to cancel the 28th may apt until after we've seen the results of 21st may, but she seemed hopeful, she said she deals with this on a daily basis and abdominal scans at under 8 weeks are soo unreliable so not to panic over the lack of things seen soo im positve and upbeat and we'll see what happens

big massive :hugs: to you all
Glad to hear you got a small result today Missy hun :hugs: At least you wont have to wait quite so long!
Aw thats great news Missy! Really pleased to hear you sounding more upbeat :)

Hi ladies,

I hope you are all planning a wonderful weekend. To bad for me, DH was planning to do something nice for my first Mother's Day but since I got fired this week, we can just not afford it. :shurg: Oh well... It was nice that he though about it though. :cloud9:
aww genki very nice he thought about it,,

ive spent today chilling out,, theres a ghost whisperer marathon on on livinguk so been watching that, but ive seen this hours episode so davids playing on his ps2 for a bit,

im at work tomoro,.... :( but davids cook,ing dinner for me getting in:)
Have a fun weekend so far. Went and bought some maternity clothes today and my husband is finishing up with a large part of our house remodel. My son had a momumental week with potty training and only had 2 accidents all week. SO Happy about that.

Mothers day we will be going out to eat with my parents and then coming home to clean up our remodel mess. We have family staying with us next week and need to clean the debris up. I am not very excited about it but my husband has promised to most of the work so I better take it while I can.

Missy... Ghost Whisperer is my favorite show.. I would love a marathon. ENJOY!

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