Mommies with style ! November/ December Babies !

:hugs: Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! I am sure you and babes will be just fine. :hugs:
My heart is breaking for unfair sometimes :(...
im soo bored today xxx only 1 week to go til my scan,i cant wait for it to be here
Ladies....thank you so much to those of you who have popped across to my journal.

Most of you probably realise by now that I will not be able to continue my journey with you. Today's scan has confirmed I have lost my second baby.....and possibly worse than that may have to contend with a partial molar pregnancy (which in effect means it could have been twins...but never divided correctly)

However, I am trying to remain strong....right now I'm somewhere between heartbroken and so angry it is unbelievable. I would never wish this on my worst enemy....but I can't understand why it has to be so hard to give all this love I have to another baby.

I know not what my journey holds from here....I may have a long wait to TTC again (medically - if it is confirmed molar)...we may decide not to try again, even. Or I may just surprise you all (and me!) and be back next week. Time, I'm sure will guide my heart in what it can cope with.

I wish you all, all the love and luck in the world. Please know that I will follow all your progress with love but it may take a little while to be strong enough to comment. I hope you understand.:hugs:

Love, luck and the very best wishes to you all...your friend Lyndsay xxx
sending you soo much love and strength & hugs in this hard time,xxxxx

I wish there were words or something that we could do to ease the pain. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Mrso ! how was it? did you see the baby well ? like the head , fingers and stuff ? is your ticker reflect your 5 days ahead or not? just curious :)!

The ultrasound was great. Heartbeat was 159 and baby was still measuring 5 days ahead but they will not change the due date unless you are measuring 7days ahead. So I decided to keep my ticker the same. This ultrasound was just for setting a proper due date and make sure everything in general looked good. Our next ultrasound at 20 weeks will be a complete one. They will measure everything including all the organs and stuff. I will have to hold out another 2 months for that one. I am content with knowing that everything is going super. So I will have my c-section on Nov 20th. I must say ladies it is nice to have a set date to plan accordingly.
thats fab news mrso :) sending you :hugs:

im off work today with really bad back ache!!! rang the midwiffe day unit at the hospital who told me its normal (at 7weeks?) and to try to sleep it off... i tried that from 11pm til 9 am this mornin got bout 4 hours kip at best!!! its soo worrying not knowing if its a good pregnancy sign or a bad one or if its my pregancy causing my cerebral palsy to flare up!! ah well guess i'll just have to ride it out, so im sat on my sofa cushions behind me and all around me waiting for paracetamol to ease it a little,
Okay... lots of news from my appointment. ... Everything looks great. Everything is in the right place. HB is at a solid 150 BPM and since my weigh in at 6+0, I have lost 1/2 a pound. I find that hilarious because I was convinced that I gained like 10 pounds. :rofl:

Anyway... the coolest news is that we decided to do one last internal ultrasound to try to get really cool pics and it TOTALLY worked. I found out my team!!!!! :wohoo:

We were all shocked. My doc was like, "OMG! Did you see that?!" to the nurse.

:blue: I am on Team Blue! :blue:

Here are the pics of that part of my... SON! How crazy!!!!!

With Labels

I am totally on Cloud 9... to say the least!
Yay Genki! Team blue!!! Thats awesome! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thats really impressive they could tell so early on!

Mrso -pleased everything went well at the ultrasound :) And how weird - knowing the date of your babies birthday already! Excellent for planning though! :happydance:

Missy - I am currently having quite a bit of back pain... I got DP to call the assessment unit and they said they wouldnt be worried at all and that it was completely normal except for if there was bleeding... :shrug:

And Lyns - once again - there are no words that can possibly help you at this time. Just know that I am very saddened by the situation and Im sending lots of love :hugs:
omg my nipples hurt!!!!! feel like some one stuck ice cubes on them!!! and wont let up
oh wow !!! it's amazing!!! a baby boy !!!!

i must admit i kind of want a baby boy too:blush:
I think it is hilarious because I have always wanted a boy but ever since I got pregnant, I TOTALLY thought that it was a girl. Like, I was convinced... However, I am ALWAYS wrong so this just proves the point. :rofl:

Oh, Miel! If you have a boy too, that would be SOOOOOOO awesome! :happydance:
genki, i love how ur ultrasound is red:) such a fab level of contrast:)
Ive got a five year old son and he is just so fab - really loving and very much a mummys boy - its lovely! Just keep a good eye on your LO when youre changing his nappy, Genki! :rofl:

Good luck for your boy, Miel! :hugs:

Oh oh missy - sounds painful! Hope youre feeling better soon! :hug:
Genki that's amazing!! Congratulations hun :hugs:
Miel, we really want a boy too and I have a feeling that's what I'm carrying.. when I was pregnant with DD, I was convinced I was carrying a girl altho everyone else said they thought it was a boy.. how wrong they were!
We're having our scan in just over a week :happydance: and I'm hoping they might be able to see what we're having too as I'll be almost 13 weeks by then :D

Missy, sorry to hear about your poor nipples.. boobie and nipple pain is awful isnt it! You dont realise just how much you touch your boobs thru out the day until they're sore!

Lyns, sending out huge :hugs: and love to you.

Well, this week has been eventful in terms of work. My line manager has stepped up the pace of wierdness by practically ignoring me all week which tbh, is fine by me cos I really cant be arsed to talk to someone so small minded. Anyways, the other girls are all doing their nut about it and reckon I should put in a complaint to the Store manager about her as they say it's discrimination. I tend to agree but dont really wanna rock the boat cos I need to work to get my mat pay. I will take things further tho if the situation doesnt improve over the coming weeks.
Good news is my tiredness is really easing up. I dont feel quite as exhausted towards the end of my shift now and I can actually do stuff around the house when I get home! MS on the other hand has changed ... I'm kinda miffed about that cos I really thought the nausea was starting to go. I'm finding now that I cant eat meals anymore, I have to graze every couple of hours still and even more so in the last couple of days cos I end up feeling so sick that I really think I might throw up (I havent puked in almost 30 years - I tend to dry heave and bring nothing up... strange!) Anyhoo, aside from that, I'm feeling pretty damned good. My skin is still clear, boobs are huge and hurt like hell :rofl: my hair and nails are having some pretty rapid growth, but both look shiny and healthy :D My bloat is actually starting to firm up a little and the bloating is getting less and less now (apart from the end of the day hehe!) I weighed myself yesterday and was pleased to see that I havent actually put on any weight this week :happydance: Hopefully this will continue for a few more weeks cos I've already put more than I should have :blush:

So this weekend, we're at my OH's place.. he moves in to mine in August, maybe before then, but we havent done a thing at my place yet about making room for his stuff hehe, so I think now that I'm regaining my energy I may have to actually do stuff next week! The whole place needs a lick of paint, my carpets could do with being steam cleaned and I need to chuck a whole lot of stuff that I dont use/want anymore! Give it a few weeks and it'll all be done :D I'm really looking forward to getting it all sorted, I think my nesting instinct is starting to kick in!

Oh and we got our pram too! It's a Hauck Infinity Esprit in Navy, yellow and green trimming. It has a carrycot and a buggy seat that can be parent facing.. it has nice big back wheels and smallish swivel front wheels. It came with a matching cosy toes and has a raincover too. We bought it second hand on Ebay, and got someone to collect it for us (saved £20 on postage then!) and it cost £50!!!!! Absolute bargain!!! We couldnt afford to get the one we wanted brand new so this was the next best thing for us. All the covers are detatchable and washable so they've all been cleaned. The chassis is in excellent condition as are all the covers (now they're clean!) We are so pleased as this was going to be our biggest cash outlay but it's turned out to be one of the cheapest!! :D
OMG I've written another essay... I think I'll quit before it turns into a novel :rofl:

Hope everyone is well. Have a great weekend, and big :hugs: and love to you all :D

I think you should probably make a complaint at work too, Mynx. Its not on that your manager is being that way. It is discrimination and you deserve better. Have a good think about it but dont wait too long - you dont need the hassle!

Yay for the bargain pram! Thats well good! I googled it and it looks really snazzy! :happydance: I know what you mean about the biggest cash outlay - they are so expensive!!! I saw a pram and set my heart on it but its quite expensive but then out of the blue DPs mum said she wanted to buy it for us!!! I want it now though!!! :dohh:

Is it common for the hospital to tell you the gender so early on? I was under the impression that it was the 20 week scan that they told you...?

Miel - do you have a feeling of what you are carrying?
mynx hunni i dnt mind ur essays lol:) i would keep a diary of every thing ur boss is doing so if you do feel like its getting you down or to be too much you can make a complaint. and great news on getting ur pushchair nice and cheap
Is it common for the hospital to tell you the gender so early on? I was under the impression that it was the 20 week scan that they told you...?

They dont usually tell you at the nuchal scan, but I'm hoping that baby is laying in the right position to possibly see *something* and I will ask them if it's possible to hazard a guess :D If they wont then I'll be posting my scan pics on here and asking you girls what you think!

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