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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hey all!

Finally got off my chuff and decided to to post :p I keep starting then getting distracted!

My little darling was due on the 28th April, and was born on the 7th May after over 40 hours of labour! Utterly horrific!

She was 8lbs 12oz at birth, 9lbs at 5 days old, and 10lbs at two weeks! Piglet child....

We are exclusively breastfeeding at the moment, and expressing the odd bottle so Daddy can do a feed.....and Mummy can sleep!

Speaking of sleep......she only wakes once per night after I go to sleep! She goes down around 7pm, up at 10, I give her a feed then go to bed and she sleeps till 3am, has a quick feed then down, and this morning didn't wake until 9am!!!

She is utterly adorable, I am totally in love :cloud9:
welcome akira....

ur labor sounded awful! poor thing! glad it all worked out in the end for u!! and what a good baby letting u sleep so much.

soory about all lowercase... currently typing 1 handed with bub on boob
lol no worries.........charli just woke up so im the same! shes very good to her mumma! dillon is gorgeous btw! how is he going?
Akira - I can't believe your LO is 10 lbs already! Dillon will be 5 weeks tomorrow and I don;t think he is even 9 lbs yet! LOL!!

Dillon is doing great though- thanks for asking. He is really so very easy... I can't figure it out! I don't know if he is really just an EASY baby or if I am just finding things are easier the 2nd time around - or maybe both? LOL.

He rarely fusses. He does have a nightly fussy period around 8 pm - but its short lived and no big deal really! He sleeps a ton. I am not nearly as tired as I remember being when my 1st was a newborn! Again - not sure why? Maybe I am used to a lack of sleep now where the 1st time around it was a shock to my body? Or maybe I really do sleep more this time? Who knows!

My biggest concerns with him right now are his constant spitting up and his baby acne! Neither of which seem to be a big deal though! The spitting up seems like more of a laundry problem than a health problem... it doesn't seem to bother him and he is gaining weight so I think its fine. And the baby acne bothers me but not him... but from my understanding there is nothing I can do for it. Logan had it too... just have to wait for him to grow out of it I guess. I hope he does soon though - cause its driving me crazy to see his cute little cheeks covered in tiny pimples! GRRR!
LogansMama - wasn't you? Damn, then I don't have any idea who was it :wacko:
jolou - he's doing great. It's not so hot anymore so we can make long walks when he's sleeping. 3-4 hours :thumbup: He doesn't like eating during daytime but when evening comes I have to feed him for at least an hour. Kind of good thing, because I have excuse to sit in front of TV and watch my soaps :rofl:
Akira - over 40 hours :wacko: And she's a big girl :thumbup:

logansmama, harrison has baby acne too and is spitting up more at the mo, i dont know if its the heat or what thats causing it tho, i did notice he doesnt spit up if i dont give him the infacol to help him burp, so i guess its a case of do i spend what seems like forever winding him (doesnt matter how much i do and how many huge burps he gets up he always seems to have wind) or have less wind but have more washing due to spit up.

last night was a a better sleep for him and me after the heat of the weekend, he went up to bed at 8, niggled a few times but nothing major just needed soothing a little, then woke again around 10ish for a feed then was back in bed again by 11 (thats how long i have to spend burping him! lol), didnt wake then till 3am, he was a bit restless after that feed but he seemed happy enough just laying in his basket, it was me who was paranoid he was gonna spit up again lol, he stayed asleep then till 7am so hopefully we getting back on track!

i am actually debating using the next size teat for harrisons bottles, he seems to take about half an hour to finish a bottle with the first size, whereas with the next size up he is done within 15 minutes and seems easier to wind..

oo and welcome akira... wow 40 hours of labour... i bow down to you lol
Hiya Girls!

Hey Marta! :)

LM - Rohan's baby acne just cleared up these last couple of days, finally! And he is spitting up alot this last week too, it worries me a bit, but then i figure, he doesn't seem to care about it, and he's eating and wetting just fine, so hey, it must be ok, right?

Akira - 40 hours of labour? Ouch! I was shattered after my 2 hour labour! Much respect to you :thumbup: Oh and we have about the same pattern of sleeping, always wakes up at about 3am, no matter what time he goes to bed, and then again at about 7am, but then he'll go back down until about 10am ish, so i get nice lie ins :)

We have our 6 week check today, and a weigh in, so i guess i'll update on weight later on. I'm hoping for 8lb or so, but we shall see. If he stays on the 25th centile then he should weigh in at 7lb 11oz about right for a 2 week old on that line (adjusted age). Heat wise, i have no trouble with that really, as the walls of my flat are about 2 feet thick and we are in the basement, so the bedroom has gone from 19c to 21c and thats the only difference. Its cooler here today anyway, which is good as we have to go to the doctors, i was dreading taking him out in the middday heat!

Anyway, better go get us ready!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to all!
About the heat--- Do most of you ladies not have Air Conditioned homes? Or just the one room kind? Is that why the heat is so hard to deal with? Just curious... cause its hot as hell here too - but as long as we stay inside its bearable!
wow bexxie he is getting bigger then! have you noticed him growing out of newborn yet? Harrison is looking a little snug in the legs of his sleepsuit lol its more the length of them so we have started unbuttoning the legs lol.

hey marta! glad you found us! hows ur little one doing?

yeah hehas defo grown out of some stuff and nudged easy into 0-3

also been feeding like mad,has 5-6 ozs sma every two-three hours and boob every hour lol is a piggy
LogansMama - we don't have it but I wouldn't say it's too hot to bear.
marta - I can not imagine living without a/c! Its realllllllyyyyyy humid here though too... so the second you step outside you're sweating. Its pretty cool most of the year where you live though - right? I remember you saying you were skiing not too long ago!

It only gets cold here for about a month (Jan) - and when I say cold... its in the 50's -60's! It never snows here. The rest of the year its average of high 80s.... but feels like 100 with the humidity!
About the heat--- Do most of you ladies not have Air Conditioned homes? Or just the one room kind? Is that why the heat is so hard to deal with? Just curious... cause its hot as hell here too - but as long as we stay inside its bearable!

Its really rare to have air-con in the UK, we mostly just have central heating, and thats it. Its also fairly rare that the temperature goes this high though to be honest, so thats why. Its also why everyone is really struggling. Basically in this country we can only cope with grey drizzling days, anything else is classed as "extreme" weather for the most part! :haha:

My flat on the other hand is great, warm in winter cool in the summer as its underground. So yeah i have to deal with a bit of damp, but the trade off is worth it! :)

Rohan got weighed today, 8lb 4oz! I'm really pleased :) We also both got a clean bill of health from the doctor, so thats grand, i can start doing some proper exercise :) Rohan also got measured for the first time, he is really long for his weight, at 57cm he is on the 90th centile i think (i get a bit confused with having to adjust everything by 4 weeks, so on the charts he is classed as 2 weeks old) and he jumped to the 50th centile on weight. I basically think all these growth charts are a bit stressful, so really i'm just happy he is healthy and growing. :)

Right its nearly his bath time so i'll run off

Hugs to you all!

LogansMama - at the moment we have 50 degrees because our warm days are gone but yes, you are right. Our summer is only for 3 months and if we are lucky then it's warm. This year they say it should be warm summer. I hope it's true. This year we also had very cold winter. It went down to -22 degrees. But I loved it.
just had a complete meltdown!!!!

mark is away for 2 nights for the first time since having harrison. he was setting off this evening on a 2 hour drive to aldridge, this meaning he wasn't going to be one bit of help to me tonight, his main focus was getting his clothes together, and a shower so he could get going as soon as possible..why he couldn't have a shower at the hotel is beyond me... he left around 7ish, leaving me with a very hyper 5 yr old and screaming 3 week old.. i still needed to bath them both, do the dishes tidy up the living room so i could actually sit and relax properly this evening and tidy Sophie's room after the mess she made in there so she could get into bed. Harrison started screaming and I was busy making his bottles up, I could tell Mark wanted to get going but i thought no he can wait 10 minutes! anyway he hovered over me holding harrison like he was waiting for me to take him i gave in and said just gimme him il go get him ready for bed (sod the bath! im way too tired), at this point sophie is playing up and im trying to calmly tell her to help me by starting to tidy her room, this ends up with me starting to shout at her cos all she wants to do is sing songs downstairs very loudly, what does mark do? shouts "im off now cya!" arghhh that makes me mad so i end up taking it out on sophie by shouting at her even more, so we are both in tears at this point, i end up telling her to stay up there whilst i calm down, so i went down and started to feed harrison, im bloomin sat there in tears just as my mum phones which sets me off even more!

sorry for the essay, im just so annoyed that he left me to cope for the first time on my own with the 2 kids and didnt even offer to help at any point with anything. Im probably over reacting lol its just he tells me to take it easy but then when it benefits him he wants me doing everything. its times like these i miss being so close to mum lol i could just get my sister to come around with mum to stop me stressing!

bah id have a budweiser to wind down if i wasnt alone with the 2 of them tonight...
jolou - screw it. have a beer. one is fine! and it will help you chill.
try 3 kids lol-no joking hun I know how hard it is!

you need to do each thing at a time and keep cool head,it wont kill the baby to scream for 1-2 mins,and when you get to him smile I know mad but calms them down.

what about a sling? I am on my own al the time,I get no help,its crap but you adjust......thinking of you
About the heat--- Do most of you ladies not have Air Conditioned homes? Or just the one room kind? Is that why the heat is so hard to deal with? Just curious... cause its hot as hell here too - but as long as we stay inside its bearable!

If the temperature in the UK goes above 70, we complain. We also complain if it goes below 60. There is no pleasing us Brits! :haha:

The main problem here the last few days was that the temperature rose very suddenly. Literally the day before we got the heat, weather people were saying how temperatures had been below average for the time of year then it suddenly changed overnight.
bexxie i have been thinking about a sling but to be honest harrison will easily just sit in his bouncer watching me go about doing what i need to do, just last night i think i was rather hormonal, tired and a bit down. feel so daft moaning about it all now. i normally can cope with having to do everything on my own but last night i just flipped for some reason!

well i have my 3rd HV visit today and Harrison is now 9llb7oz so yet another growth spurt apparently, he was 8llb 15oz last week lol. wont be seeing my HV now till june 17th..seems so long away but i do have a hospital appointment for harrison when he is 6 weeks to see if his right testicle has dropped yet. hope it has because he will have to have a lil op at 12 weeks if not dropped by then! i was also told i can drive if i feel up to it now, thank god!! i think thats one of the reasons im feeling down, i cant escape anywhere without asking for a lift from someone.
NOt many people have air con in Britain cos we never get much hot weather!

I've not had a problem, kids have slept fine etc and I've not really been affected. BUT then as a Brit Imake a point never to complain when the temp rises cos I love it, I only moan when it's too cold!
jolou hope your lo's hospital appt goes well. My 3 year old just had an exploritory op to see why his hadnt dropped. Turned out it had but had stopped growing and was tiny so it was removed :-( xx

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