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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Apparently they also get a "classic" growth spurt at about 10 days so that could well have something to do with it! Lucky you getting a 40min feed though...Finley has never fed longer than 20-25 mins, but 10 mins is more standard for him :(

I'm getting slightly concerned about my lack of appetite! I was eating like a pig just a few weeks ago and my appetite has trailed right off, I really need to remind myself to eat, most strange.
Hi ladies... just thought I'd share a picture. Took my boys to the pool today... I didn't bring Dillon in the water, but I let him sit in the sun for a couple minutes while I took some pics of him.


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awww he's such a cutie pie! xx

AFC wish i had to remind myself to eat...i've no time for real food during the day but omg the sweets have taken a battering...diet starts monday!! xx
I'm not eating much - on purpose though! I want this weight off! I've lost 32 lbs now... 18 to go to get to where I was, 28 to get where I really want to be!

The stupid part though - is even though I'm not eating much - what I DO eat is pure crap! I am getting no nutrition! I need to start eating healthier - than I could eat more... and probably would feel better too!
Hey MrsG this sounds like Georgina did about ten days ago funnily enough at the sae point, and age. But she's ok no.

I don't think it'll be colic, cos nothing soothes a colicy baby well very little so by Harry stopping when you or DH pick him up then not likely to be colic.

Hope it's eased a bit.
Hi Ladies :)

Phew i'm knackered after today! My mum and aunt came over and took me out for lunch, which was lovely, I fed Rohan and got him settled in his pram before we left, thinking, "oh good i should have about an hour and a half or 2 hours now to eat lunch" :dohh: silly me!! :haha:
He woke up as we were ordering, I managed to keep him settled through eating my starter, but by the time i got to the main course, major grizzling! He never really went off to sleep properly i think. Being that it was only an hour i figured he couldn't be hungry (he's been very routine with his feeds the last couple of weeks) so took him to change him (figured he might be uncomfy), oh, so so wrong! By the time i got back to the table it was major "help this woman is starving me to death!" meltdown :wacko: Anyway, not a problem, i fed him (getting good at the discreet feeding now, so again not a problem) and then enjoyed my cold lunch. It was really a lovely day here today, so my mum suggested a walk after lunch. Rohan seemed settled in his pram, so we went walking. After about 10 minutes he woke up again! I guess everything was too interesting and he didn't want to miss it, but by the time we finished our walk i had a seriously over-tired shouting baby on my hands :dohh: I gave him to my mum to soothe (after feeding him again) while i made some tea for us, when i came back i found my mum and aunty bouncing him about and playing with him!:growlmad:

Argh, so now they've left and i've just spent the past hour trying to soothe him off to sleep, being that he hasn't slept properly since 10.30am today! Anyway, finally got him settled, and he's calm, although not sleeping yet :wacko: I just know tonight is going to be hell....

Honestly my mum and aunt have 6 children and 4 grandchildren between them, you'd think they know better than to excite an over-tired baby :shrug:

On the plus side, i've had a lovely lunch and a big peice of cake infront of me now :thumbup: and a calm and quiet house again. I'm just hoping that the OH will be up for giving me a back massage when he gets home from work, my back is killing me :wacko:

Oh, also finished the nursery off yesterday, I'm really pleased with it, so i'll show off with a couple of pictures! :winkwink:


Hope you are all doing well, particularly Mrs G i hope little Harry is a bit more settled today.

Also well done Logansmama on the weight loss, thats some good going! I'll just be eating this big peice of cake and then wondering why my weight isn't dropping off now! :haha:

Take care all, big :hugs::hugs::hugs:
omg someone stole my baby and replaced it with a screamer!! Freya had been sleeping and feeding regularly, only woke once in the night! Perfect! Knew it was too good to be true!
Last night she woke every 2 hours, and would only settle if she was fed, kept rooting for my breast! Every time we put her back down she would cry, so then we were only getting about half an hours sleep at a time! and she has pretty much been like this all day!
My nipples hurt, my head hurts, and my heart hurts as i feel so sad she is so stressed out!
I dont know if its a growth spurt, colic or what?
Today she hasnt really had a good feed, she keeps wanting it and then giving up and loosing her latch!?
I dont know what to do!
minkat - have you tried some gas drops? Maybe that will help? Did you try a pacifyer?

Best thing I can tell you is that usually when one day is really bad, the next is usually better... so look forward to tomorrow!!

emera -the room looks really cute! Love the curtains!
hey ladies,

how you all doing?

i had a restless baby yesterday, we went to a holy communion and a little party afterwards, it was Harrisons first family party and also his first proper day out, so of course he was passed around a bit so people could get a cuddle of the new addition to the already big clan, he didnt really feed very well during the whole day and i think was generally over tired, he never seems to settle very well in his pram unless he is being pushed about. by the time we got home he was hungry again and drained a full 3 oz bottle, then again he did the same about 2 1/2 hours later, then was calm until about 11pm where he was then just niggly because he couldnt get himself off to sleep, i think it was about midnight by the time he finally went off to sleep (i was ready for bed by 8:30 lol) but he didnt wake till 5am for another bottle, which he drained again, he slept then till 9 and near enough drained another 3 oz bottle, i think if he keeps on draining bottles today it might be time to go up an oz!
Wow the nursery looks great Emera...I love that big leaf! Sounds like you had a bit of a tough day though :wacko:

MiniKat...glad Freya's back to normal...lucky you, Finley almost always wakes every 2hrs :( He's just started getting a bit more space in between his daytime feeds the last couple of days [had been every hour recently, but we've been over 2hrs now, and feeding for longer] so hopefully that's a good sign.

Not so good news...I've had to go on antibiotics :( The doctor didn't actually say, just an infection...but I think I have mastitis. Have been feeling really crappy since Friday night, freezing one minute and sweating buckets the next...sore skin and general achyness, lumpy sore boobs. Feeling loads better today though thankfully!
AFC - sorry you aren't feeling well. make sure you are nursing baby lots... best way to help the mastitis if thats what it is! that and the antibiotics of course!

Took Dillon for his well visit today... a couple days early actually. He is good...weighs 8 lbs even now (less than I thought - guess my scale isn't that accurate) - but doc said thats good. I was concerned about his spitting up a lot - but doc said he's fine if he is gaining and doesn't seem too uncomfortable. We went early because my older son has pink eye... so we took them both in at once. Poor kid woke up with his eye crusted shut 2 days in a row!
Hey ladies, just wanted to say hi and join you all over in baby club.

My yellow bump turned into a wonderful baby girl we've called Megan, she is amazing, 6lbs 13 and totally perfect.

I was due May 12th but had her on the 5th after being induced. Was a good birth and only took 4hrs 45 mins.

I am just starting to get used to my new life with this wee bundle and after a shaky start due to the breast feeding she is now on the bottle, feeding well and gaining weight.

I hope all the other April, May and June mummys are enjoying their new additions!
Aww poor you AFC, sounds no fun :hugs: glad you are feeling a bit better though, try and take it easy (if you can :haha:) :hugs:

MiniKat, glad Freya is back to herself again :)

Jolou, sounds like you've got a hungry little man on your hands there! Good for you Harrison :)

After the slight nightmare of saturday Rohan has been really good these last 2 days, he seems to have a vague routine now, takes 2 big naps of about 2.5 or 3 hours in the day and then sleeps for 3, 4 hour blocks through the night, well 3.5 hours often, but still, pretty good really. The rest of the time he's either awake or taking little naps of 20 minutes or so, it depends if anything interesting is going on:haha: Thats why so stroppy on saturday, he missed his early nap.
Today was great, nice and sunny so we went for a 6 mile walk to my NCT meet up (3 miles each way). Was lovely, and i got a good work out pushing the pram up all the hills :) Rohan really enjoyed himself and was on best behaviour although he didn't sleep properly at all, i made sure he had his morning nap before we went out, and another as soon as we got home, so he was having a good look round at everything and really relaxed :) :cloud9:
It was lovely to see the ladies there with their 9 week old babies. Its going to be so lovely when Rohan starts smiling :) Anyway, got to go cook some dinner, i'm starving!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!
(took me 2 hours to write the last post :haha: so also...)

iznil8, congratulations on the arrival of Megan :happydance::cloud9::happydance:

Logansmama, glad to here Dillion is doing well, even if it wasn't so much of a gain as you thought, sounds like a good healthy weight to me :) And poor Logan! Hope his eye is feeling better soon :hugs:
Great to see more mummies on their way in, congratz to you all.

Not much to really say about my side, life is trundling on in an okay kinda way, though yesterday was hard going after having to have a molar removed that had been through the mill with a mess up with previous dentist and only being able to have temporary work done while pregnant and the what seemed like constant gum infection type thing.

So yesterday was spent lisping and slurring my words with a banging headache and not being able to eat anything harder than a sandwich or soup which may end up being the menu for me again today

well harrison went from 12:30am till 5:30 this morning without waking up at all and so far hasnt been as hungry as yesterday, it was an odd day with his feeds, there i was hoping to get into some sort of routine with it being my first day alone after mark going back to work but it didnt quite pan out, at some point he was going 2 hours between feeds and draining the 3ozs again then there was a gap of just an hour where he had 2ozs, it went like that for most the evening but he was spitting milk back up so im wondering if he is hungry but his tummy cant take that much or he just didnt know what he wanted yesterday. HV is coming tomorrow so will see what she says. Poor little thing has had oral thrush for the last week and is on this medicine which is getting hard to keep in his mouth, they are ment to keep it in for as long as poss then swallow..try telling a baby that! and it doesnt seem to be getting any better, i dont think it has gone into his digestive system yet tho so hopefully its just taking a while to get better, didnt help the nurse at the docs told me to give it before a feed either.. i read the other day online its supposed to be after a feed! argh

non baby related my washing machine hates me lol it decided it wasnt going to drain the water or spin anymore, im hoping its a blockage! but we heard a clanging sound so im thinking its the drum, which means a new machine.. guess the new mattress will have to wait lol
Cheers ladies, I'm feeling loads better now thankfully...I usually express just once a day but I've been doing it 2-3 times and that seems to be helping too :)

LogansMama - Poor Logan, hope his eyes get better soon! Good news about Dillon though :)

Iznil8 - Congrats...and pics ;)

Emera - Your new profile pic is ADORABLE! Glad to hear he's settling into a bit of a routine too...maybe I need to get Finley taking longer daytime naps, at the moment I've been aiming to have 1 hours nap in every 3, but he's been a nightmare! I think it might have something to do with my antibiotics as well because he's had a couple of weird sticky poos, kinda like meconium!

I think I've kinda confused myself on which routine I want to follow...I've read The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg, and just ordered a couple of new ones [might just make the matter worse, but I like reading these things!]

The Baby Sleep Bible
Basically outlines five major routines in an unbiased way so you can choose which one suits you and your baby. Thought it might be good for indecisive old me!

Sleep Sense: Simple Steps to a Full Night's Sleep

aaand after much deliberation I got this baby record book:

My Life As A Baby - A Five Year Record
I loved the Very Hungry Caterpillar one but that was only a first year one so I went with this in the end, can't wait to start filling it in! :D

i didnt see this thread... im so thick! Hope your all well x

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