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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Tasha - that sounds horrible for your son. So sorry. Will he still be able to have children of his own some day?

jolou - I hope that Harrison's 6 wk appt goes well and everything is as it should be!
Hi girls anyone awake? My nighttime shift ends at 4am when my hubby takes over.
woohooo harrison slept from 11pm to 5:30am!! i wonder if that will happen again tonight..
wow, thats quite some sleeping there Harrison! :happydance: fingers crossed for you he does it again Jolou! :)
Eeee not had chance to post for a while, hope everyone is well!

Wow lucky you Jolou...Finley wakes pretty much like clockwork every 2hrs for a feed! Just been down to the baby clinic to get him weighed...he was 6lb 4oz at birth, and is now 9lb 10oz! Can't believe how much he's grown.

Just wondering what kinda time everyone puts their LO to bed?
Got Harry weighed this morning. He was 8lb 15oz last week and is now 9lb 9oz. I can't believe the amount he is putting on!
AFC we have bathtime at 9pm (so daddy can do it) then a bottle of EBM and down by 10pm at the moment, he then wakes at about 3am. We tried to do it earlier, but then i was woken in the night 3 times instead of just 2 (at 3am and 6am) so i prefer slightly later for the time being. We'll move it more to 7pm ish when he can sleep for a bit longer at a time :)
Am I the only one that doesn't keep track of my baby's sleep/eating pattern? LOL. I mean - I have a rough idea... but it varies so much... I would say most nights I put him to bed around 9/10ish. I never really look at the clock when he wakes though - I just pop him on a boob and go back to sleep... so I don't know how long he sleeps for. I guess I should start keeping better track?


I gave Dillon his first bottle ever today! It was EBM... I wanted to make sure he would drink it without a problem since I am going back to work next week. (I'm only going back for 7 days though - then I'll be off again until late August). He drank it perfectly.

He only took about 2 1/2 oz though.. .then he went into a milk coma--- LOL!! I had 4 in the bottle! The last two bottles I pumped I froze in 4 oz portions. I hate to let it go to waste. I think I will start freezing it in smaller portions - maybe 3 oz instead.

So hard to figure out... want to get it all straight before next week!
well i tried putting harrison down for the night upstairs around 8ish but he would wake around 10 for a feed anyway so atm i keep him downstairs till his lst feed before i want to goto bed so at the mo its around 10ish. he has his bath a lot earlier tho, before sophie at around 7, dont keep to a strict time at the mo cos he is still small, but once he starts sleeping more at night il keep it more strict, do i make sense? lol

milk comas...tell me about it lol all day today its been like tht with harrison plus he wont stop eating! he has been screaming every 2 hours for a feed, he is usually around3-4 hour gaps, i try to explain if he actually finished a bottle it would help lol he tends to only leave half an oz tho.. he has had about 6 or 7 feeds already since we got up this morning.. arent they only ment to have 5 or 6 in 24 hours? lol if i remember right this is how sophie started going, i ended up putting her hungry baby stuff, il have to see how long this carries on for, it might just be a 24hr thing..

in other news poor sophie has complained of headache today and when she wee's "its hot hot hot" which if im right means she isnt drinking enough.. she is a nightmare to get to drink anything! i dont know how to get her drinking more, i keep saying to her if she drank more water it would help her wee and even her skin (she has psoriasis)
I don't really keep a track. All I do know is Harry barely slept at all today, just a couple of 30 minute naps and his feeds were a lot shorter today. He finally went off about 8pm, woke again at 11pm had a feed and nappy change and went off again whilst feeding.

Last night we managed to get him into his cot, which we moved into our bedroom as he wasn't sleeping in his moses basket at all. He stayed in his cot from 11pm until 2.30am, wen he woke and I just brought him in with us, much easier while BFing!
Well here I am on my usual shift until 4am. Bobby is asleep on my legs my younger cat Hopey is asleep at my feet, older kitty Mica is near us too and my chihuahua Xiu Xiu is sleeping in her crate. Watching TV and waiting for 4am so hubby can take over.

Today is the first day I feel like I am getting better at this. Don't get me wrong Bobby HATES diaper changes and I really can't do it well enough yet to avoid his crying turning into loud screams. I hope I get better at the diaper changes :( but otherwise quite hopeful :)
Aww modo- the diaper changes will get quicker ... and he will get more used to them... but then right when you get the hang of it he will turn into a squirmy worm and it will start taking twice as long again! LOL. They like to keep us on our toes I think!
Ooohhhh so this is where you've all been hiding lol! I guess Ill try to follow both threads for a couple of weeks until all the may babies are here!

I hope everyones lo's are well, oliver has just fallen back alseep after a mega breakfast feed! I think I might join him in a min, I didn't get all that much sleep last night.

Just a quick question, is anyone else using huggies newborn nappies? How do you find them? I stocked up on
Nappies before oliver was born, we used pampers to start with and they were fab, but now we are using huggies they leak! And I bought loads of em lol! They don't seem to be leaking because they are full either, its normally if oliver is laid on his side, for a feed etc, and in the night as he tends to roll onto his side. Am I doing something wrong? I think I might have to put him in a different nappy at nigjht cos its such a pain having to change all his clothes etc in the middle of tjhe night, plus it wakes him up! Argh!
We are using Huggies size ones at the moment and we haven't had any problems.
Agreed with the nappie changes. Harry has only just started to be quiet during them and so it's only now that we've started with nappy off time, just a few minutes for fear getting sprayed! :haha: He also went into his cot again last night! :happydance: I still brought him into my bed when he woke for a feed but am thinking I might start trying to just give him a feed, as the feeds are now getting shorter, about 20 minutes, then try putting him back down again.
not been around for a few days so probably time to reconnect and say heya to all.

Had Rosa weighed in yesterday and she is currently 11lb 6 a real little porker but still manages to look a little scrawny. Had a look at my elder two's charts to have a little look see on comparison of weights (though I know both were smaller than Rosa at birth so not a proper comparison) Morgan was around this at 11 weeks after birth and Mia about the same :haha: And looking at them both now its hard to believe that at this age they were only weighing in at close to what Rosa was at birth. Morgan stands now just above my shoulder, and Mia is a chunky little toddler monkey at just under 3ft.

Oh and in other news DS's father is a ***** (find you own descriptive to fill in) has not paid child support in almost a year, currently trying to get CSA to get off their backsides, yet last night decided it would be a good time to float the idea of alternating weeks where Morgan would live. To be honest I would love him to take more of an interest but in a way that would not alienate Morgan from his friends for half the month as he lives in the centre of our town where likely there are very few children his own age and without the safety of being able to play outside. So this cued at least an hour of crying from me last night, but at least I got it out of my system by the time I talked to Morgan about it this morning
I keep track of everything...think I am a little crazy! For some reason when I was pregnant I became obsessed with writing lists, and I seem to have retained those sort of habits! I have a notebook where I write down each day what time Finley sleeps, what time he eats [for how long and which side] and stuff like that.

I was also putting him to bed around 9-10, but everything I read said to put them down at 6-7 so I tried that. He seems to hate being put down in general at the moment and just wants to be held all the time. This morning out of curiosity I tried following one of the well known uber strict routines ;) Up at 7am, but when I tried to settle him back in his cot for a nap it took me over an hour and a half! Left me wondering what you're supposed to do with the timetable for the rest of the day when that happens? :shrug:

I know it's still really early but I've been trying to encourage good sleeping habits straight away, but in the end today I decided it was better that he slept SOMEWHERE than not sleeping and getting over tired and stressed out, so I chucked him in his Sleepy Wrap and at least I could get things done! Think I need to chill with the routine stuff for a while and just let things be.

LM - Good news about Logan taking the bottle, what brand do you use?

Sarahwoo - I've got on really well with Huggies...might be a really stupid comment but are you making sure when you change him his willy is pointing downwards? :lol: Might just be me that's this thick, but for the first couple of weeks I'd forget and then he'd leak everywhere, especially during the nights where you're half asleep!

KK - sounds like a tough situation, hope you get it sorted soon!
Afc84 well I do always make sure his willy is pointing down but its made me wonder if I forget in the night lol, rhink I might have to try them again since I bought bloomin loads lol!
AFC - I use Avent bottles....

About the diapers.... I prefer pampers swaddlers - but I have the huggies newborn too... they haven't leaked for me. I think it all depends on the shape of your baby...

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