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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

morning just a quickie!

I use huggies and have not had any problems at all with them, also have pampers which are fine too, stll not sure which il keep on with, i dont have many huggies left so will see how the pampers pan out. i did try the asda own brand newborn that was on offer when they first came out.. not sure if it was the nappy or harrison doing a huge sloppy poop but it leaked all out of the side! the vest was ruined.. its not like he was left in it for long either, i changed him literally 5 minutes after he had done it! might try them again at some point when we are not going out just to see.

ive kinda gave up on getting a routine going, i didnt really do it with sophie and she settled into her own routine so i figure might aswel do it with harrison aswel, mark doesnt really agree because he likes strict routine.. im too laid back lol harrison is starting to get into his own little routine now tho anyway, he sleeps for most the morning but then can be awake for the majority of the afternoon which is great because its when sophie is home and she loves it, she sits there singing her own little songs to him lol and last night was another good night wooohooo he fell asleep around 11ish (but he was keeping me warm so i left him laying on me till i went to bed lol) and didnt wake till 6:15 this morning!
Argh Jolou what I would give for a long sleep like that lol!!! I think I got about four - five hours last night in blocks of no more that one and a half hours! I felt absolutely shattered when I got up but I actually feel okay now.

I'm thinking I might start expressing some milk so that Steve can do the odd feed, hes at work at night so he cant do the night feeds but I thought it might be nice for him to do some day time ones - maybe I could take a long nap then lol!!! Does anyone know when I could start expressing without messing my milk up? And when Oliver can take a bottle without getting nipple confusion?

Its really interesting that no one else has Huggies issues, I'm wondering now if I have a dodgy batch? I was super careful with his willy last night - if was def pointing down lol!! But it still leaked :( I've also used pampers with no issues and also the Asda ones that were a pound a pack and they were fine too, its just Huggies. I have about another 8 packs so I hope its a dodgy batch and the others are okay!! I won't risk them at night again though - when I have to change all his clothes it really wakes him up and it takes me forever to get him back to sleep!

Oliver has quite a stuffy nose at the moment, he seems absolutely fine apart from his stuffy nose! Does anyone know if thats normal?

Well we're having a relaxing weekend doing not much :) Steve is working and my parents are away so we're just going to chill around the house I think, maybe pop out for a walk if the weather gets better!! Anyone else have fun plans for the bank holiday weekend?
Sarahwoo- I have had huggies leak on me a few times, the same as you when Freya is on her side when im BF, its not all the time though and so i keep using them as i have a big box.
Also Freya got really congested at about 3 weeks too, it was just her nose and mainly just overnight/morning, it didnt seem to bother her so i didnt get it checked and just assumed it was normal!

I have started expressing to try and introduce her to a bottle 1 feed a day so that she knows wht it is for the future! Ican express about 2 oz at a time, i express from one whilst feeding on the other, and i do this twice a day. She then drank the whole 4 oz!!
Im putting 6 oz in a bottle for tonight to see if she takes that, so we know if we are leaving her with someone for the evening how much she will drink! It is hard to know tho! How much do other people express and how much do the babies drink?

Had her weighed this week she is now 9lb 3oz, so putting on about 6oz a week, how is this in comparrison to you guys?
Had a bad night last night. Charlotte would not sleep in her moses basket she would only sleep on mine or dads chest. Everytime she would fall asleep we would put her in the basket but she would wake up! She is such a light sleeper that if you go anywhere near her she twitches lol x
hi girls, we had quite a good night too.Demi went to sleep at 10.30 and didnt wake till 5 then again at 8.00. I had loads of problems with huggies when i had my son, he leaked out of every one but ive had no problems with my daughter. Maybe its a boy thing? I have al;so used pampers and asdas own and they are both fine too so when my stock runs out ill just be buying whatever is on offer! xxx
Ergh, weird night last night, Rohan had all his usual 4oz bottle before bed and was still hungry, he polished off another 2oz, and still wouldn't settle so i BF him for another 10 minutes, it was midnight by the time he went off, i was shattered! He then woke at 5am and didn't settle again till 6.30am, then he woke up at 10am for the day.
He's usually napping right now, but he just had another feed! You'd think i starved him yesterday! Could this be a growth spurt? he's 7 weeks now and i wasn't expecting one.... Poor little man has a cold too, could that make him want to eat more? I'm confused :shrug:

Oh and Sarah i started expressing at 3 weeks 2 times a day when feeding (or just after) morning and evening is when i seem to have the most milk. Doesn't seem to affect my supply at all.

might be a growth spurt emera.

we having a little problem with harrison at the mo, every feed since last night he is sicking alot back up, its like a puddle in his bib its that bad and its taking ages for him to calm down when some pain strikes poor little thing, not sure what it is, thought maybe colic starting up but infacol doesnt work anymore and he spits the gripe water back out. we tried feeding him a few oz then wind him and feed again but if i do that he wont take the rest of the bottle, he also seems hungry all the time and will drink the milk but that doesnt help with his bringing milk back up, if anything it makes it worse, last night he took 6 1/2 oz in one sitting then another 4oz 3 hours later which seems too much.
Sarah - I'm telling you - its the shape of your BABY that will determine how the diaper fits.... Some brands work better than others for different babies.

MiniKat - I have been expressing too. The first time I only got about 3 oz (pumping both sides together). The second time was first thing in the morning and I got nearly 5 oz. And then the other day I pumped one side while Dillon was nursing the other and got 2 oz. So I guess average is about 1 1/2 - 2 oz per boob? It can vary a lot from person to person, depends on the pump, and also the time of day and when you last fed baby as well. Morning is when most people can pump the most though...

I have only given Dillon 1 bottle though and he only drank 2 1/2 oz of it. I am going to start freezing in 2-3 oz portions I think.
hello! my 1st post in this thread! never seem2 have time2get on here any more!!!!!!!!!!! typing 1handed whilst owen bf!

sarahwoo - huggies nappies are no good 4 owen. every poo leaked. pampers are much better 4 him but erin used huggies and they were fine. depends on baby i guess like LM said!

jolou - sooooooooooooooooo jealous of how well harrison sleeps at night. owen is better than erin was (she woke between 10-20times a night til over a yr old!!!) so at least that's a bonus! 2hr stretch is a luxury 4 me! i end up with owen in the bed with me most of the night as i bf him lying down in bed and nod off myself :blush:
Thanks ladies, its good to know its not me putting the huggies on wrong lol!
well harrison went again from 12 till 5:30 again last night! and it was mark that got up with him, i let him have a long lie in yesterday so i told him today is my turn... my lie in lasted till midday... oppps but i must have needed it! altho im paying for it now, the living room was a tip and sophie wasnt dressed.. seriously can men not cope? that means he sat downstairs in the living room for 6 hours only doing the dishes.. in that time i have sophie dressed and washed, me showered and dressed, harrison dressed and washed dishes done, a bit of washing in the machine and a little hoover around. ahh well.

after some research yesterday i decided to try harrison on hungry baby formula, i was thinking he may have reflux or something but he didnt really have the main symptoms of that then read somewhere some babies on aptimal 1 get windy because the formula is so thin and they take in alot of air, plus he seems to always want a little more milk but his tummy couldnt handle it resulting in it coming back up with every feed and it was just getting worse. anyway swapped him over yesterday, he is still a bit windy but its not as bad at the mo and also he hasnt hardly brought any back up, im hoping its working, he also hasnt wanted more milk after a feed, altho apparently this morning he drained 5oz then 2 hours later wanted more and had 4oz..i am dubious about that tho as mark always thinks harrison cries because he wants feeding.. it cant possibly be anything else lol
well Rohan went from 11pm to 5am last night, and then from 6am to 9am, i then brought him in with me and dozed till 2pm! i feel like myself again!! :happydance::cloud9::cloud9::happydance:

Seems his cold is starting to clear up, he's still a hungry little man though, but with those huge sleeps i'm not suprised! :)
Hello! I can join this thread now :) jolou and emera - you give me hope! Alex wants to BF 2 hrly all night :sleep: he happily goes for 4 hrs in the afternoon though - I dont get that at all :nope:

jolou - that is exactly what would happen in my house if Kerry got up and let me lie in!:haha:
just read back a bit - sarah I've have the same problem with one packet of huggies! it didnt make sense to me either! x
ditto huggies-hate them I love pampers,softer too

I dont get much sleep but it doesnt bother me lack of sleep at all...I go bed 11pm up at 3am-4am
then up at 6.30 for the day.......housework done by 10am then day is my own.
amy - i am the same as u on the sleep front. owen's body clock seems 2 b set in reverse!!!

last night owen woke at 2.15am and took til past 4am 2 settle again. then he woke at just after 5 and had another feed and then projectile vomited all over the bed and down my bra!! lovely!!! gave him a nice bath this morning. he seems 2 be a bit more accepting of the bath now and didn't scream the place down! lol!

ah now i have just poured myself a cup of tea and owen has started crying! typical. will catch up later xxx
amy and maybebaby harrison was the exact same a couple weeks back, the HV said he could have a back to front bodyclock and they just grow out of it, she was right! a week later he was doing alot better.

harrison is just starting to like his baths, i did have a seat for the bath but he isn't keen on that at the mo and i think i have the temp he likes, i was doing it how sophie likes before which is rather cool for my liking! but with each bath i was making it warmer, finally i have a temp he seems to like which i thought would be too warm but he just sits there looking at me kicking his legs about.
My shift with Bobby is almost over as DH will take over at 4am. Do any of you girls have a baby book that you can recommend me? I really need help with my mother who is driving me crazy. Her last baby was 18 years ago!!! I just need a good book I can refer to. Does this make any sense or is my sleep deprived brain speaking gobbledygook?
Hello! Well I had the worst night yet last night. Alex fed at about midnight - we'd stayed up late watching a film and he had slept since about 9pm. anyway, after feeding him he cried and cried like he hasnt before and I ended up feeding and feeding, putting him down, he cried more, up again, pacing the room, more feeding, horrible sloppy nappy and more feeding. Finally he went to sleep at 5am. The girls then woke me at 7.30am :sick: I've felt like crap all day :sleep:

I get quite neurotic when I am tired and I know he's only 13 days but he doesnt seem interested in faces at all like all the baby websites say they should be. Has anyone else found this? i cant remember when the girls really looked at me. I've convinced myself he's autistic or hates me! :cry: xx

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