Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hello :) maybe Owen is soo cute and he looks like he's having so much fun!

Sarah - Alex will be going to a nursery 3 days a week. Dont worry, its actually really nice for them to be around other LOs :hugs:

well I got Alex weighed and he's lost 2 oz in 4 weeks :cry: I knew it. He's still on the same centile for length though (65cm) so I dont understand whats going on. He has plenty of wet nappies etc but I know my supply has reduced since getting the b@stard AF back :cry: My HV was off sick and it was her young assistant who didnt really offer any advice and she really rushed me so i didnt feel I had time to discuss it, not that I felt comfortable talking to her. She just said to get him checked in 2 weeks. I feel so useless, I wanted him to have the best with BF but I am scared I am starving him. Ive bought some Atamil cartons just in case. I've been taking Fenugreek and Milk Thistle but there are times when he's feeding and getting cross and I've squeezed myself and no milk comes out. I never feel full anymore. I feed him 2 hrly all day and night, I dont know what else to do to boost my supply. I'm scared to express in between feeds in case there is none there for him when he wants it. sorry for essay, feeling really useless and sad :(
Hi Ladies!

Phew its been a long time since i posted! I've been catching up here and there, but i never seem to get ny time to post, plus i haven't really been in the right sort of mood recently, things have been a bit all over the place :(

Well first to try and catch up a bit:

Maybe - I'm so sorry that you OH is being an arse still :( I'm sure when he is at work it will help you to justify how little he helps you out, but i still think you deserve to be treated better, and i can't imagine how exhausted you must feel all the time :hugs: i really hope things improve :hugs:

Sarah - I know what you mean about being sat about while OH is at work, i feel the same, and then when its his days off he's always saying "I just want some me time now" and puts headphones on and plays on the computer :dohh: I asked him the other day exactly what "me time" is, as i don't think i can actually remember what its like! :haha: Like you though i don't really begrudge him some time to himself, especially if he plans to go out and things, as he's always really excited about it, and that makes me happy ;)
Also glad you got the reusuables started up, how are you finding them? Napisan is good, although i really hate anything that makes laundry smell (as in perfume type thing, not smelly :haha: ) as it makes me sneeze alot, so i have been using an eco oxygen bleach, basically the same stuff, but it works out a bit cheaper :thumbup: I've been doing our older bed sheets with it too, and they look loads brighter :)

Also, i don't plan for Roh to go to nursery currently, i think its going to be possible for me to fit my work in around OH's shifts when i go back properly in December, its the one advantage of shift work, and just as well because we absolutely cannot afford any sort of childcare, even with the government help you can get. Its a shame in a way, because i think that especially a nursery environment can be really beneficial for social development and independance. I'm hoping that eventually we could afford for Roh to go maybe one or 2 mornings a week, just because i think he'd enjoy it more than anything

Frufru and Maybe - Your babies are all so lovely! :hugs:

Muddles - Roh loves bonjela too, he gets really excited when he sees the tube :) I've been using the powders too, but to be honest none of those things seem to help much at all. I've been using a tip i was given by a friend, Get some nice chunks of watermelon and make sure there are no seeds, and then put them in the freezer, Roh loves sucking on those, and it really seems to help alot with his teething :thumbup:

PG - Good luck with the return to work! I did a couple of shifts last week, just as "contact" days, wow i'm really out of practice! Hope everything goes well for you :hugs:

Katie - Glad Daisy is liking the food :) I've been told several times though that weaning in no way guarentees any extra sleep at night, wish there was something magic for that! :hugs:

Ergh, well, i've been having a pretty tough time. This "4 month" sleep regression thing is still here with us. I can't even remember when it started now, it feels like its always been this way, its definately well over a month anyway, but Roh has just been all over the place, some nights he'll sleep 10pm-4am, or once even 5am, but generally he'll sleep 9pm to about 12am or 1am and then be up at least 2 more times before 7am, more normally every hour. I'm quite sure there is nothing i can do about it, i'm just hoping it will pass eventually. He's definately developing though, i can understand why its happening and everything, but it doesn't make me feel any less tired :sleep:

We've also had this few week episode of pooing non-stop, although in the last week its calmed down finally and yesterday was the first single poo day for 3 weeks, a nice change from every hour i can tell you! They are still all green though, its been such a worry, no one can find anything wrong though, either with him, or how he's feeding :shrug: I'm glad its finally passing :thumbup:

Went to have Roh weighed, and as i suspected in the last 4 weeks he's gained only 2oz and has dropped to the lowest line on the chart. I could tell he hadn't grown at all. Any way the HV was really helpful, as i was worried she say something about my milk or BF (not that i haven't had trouble with that too, but anyway) but she just said that i'm likely just not providing enough calories anymore, so today i started with weaning :) Fun really, he seemed to like it alot, and after i had fed him some puree i gave him a big chunk of banana to play with and he ate most of that too! I was a bit sad as i really wanted to fully do BLW, but its quite important that i get some calories into him at this point, so i'm going to mix it for a while, until i know he's eating most of what i give him :thumbup:
I think part of the reason that Roh hasn't really gained weight and is having all this poo trouble is because of my milk supply and quality. I got a BFP a few weeks ago, and as far as i know, pregnancy can affect your milk, in quantity and quality. I'm feeling a bit sad as i had a big bleed last week and was pretty certain it was not to be, and went for a scan yesterday, which confirmed my fears :cry: I now feel really guilty because part of me is a little relieved about it :( Most of all i feel sad though, i was cautiously getting all excited about Roh having a little brother or sister so close in age, infact they would have been only slightly over a year apart. I was also getting a bit scared though. I'm not sure what to do emotionally with this, i guess i'll just try to move on and enjoy Roh and focus on him.

Phew, well, giant post there! Sorry if i missed something out

emera - I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs::flower::hugs: it sounds like you've really been through it lately. I'm having the same weight issues with Alex and I understand your disspointment with not following BLW, I fear I will be doing the same as you after Alex's next weigh in. As long as our babies are happy and healthy I think whatever we do is the right thing becasue its all for the best. Hope that makes sense. :hugs:
Thanks A3my :hugs:

I totally know how you feel with the weight thing, and i felt awful, like i was failing Roh in not being able to feed him enough. I found fenugreek not all that helpful, i think it boosted my supply a little, but honestly i think that eating well, being well hydrated and trying to rest as much as possible are the best things for keeping your supply consistant.
And i completely agree with you that whatever we choose to do for our babies to keep them happy and healthy is always going to be the right thing. Thats the whole point to Mums isn't it? :flower:
I've read that you're meant to notice a difference after three days of taking fenugreek but I havent found it helpful either. I feel like my life is one big stress sometimes, rushing from one place to another for the girls. I feel like I've let alex down by not giving breastfeeding enough time. I'm going to make sure I give him a full and proper feed when he needs it and try to make it so I feed him at times when I dont need to rush off for the girls. But if that doesnt help then i will definately wean/add formula. I think his hunger might have contributed to his awful nights, maybe thats why Roh was waking too? I'm glad Roh enjoyed his first meal though :hugs:
I know with Roh that at one point i was feeding him a bit too often i think, i was feeding him every 2 hours and i have the feeling that he wasn't hungry enough, if your see what i mean? So that meant that he wasn't taking in enough at each feed. I'm now making sure that there is a t least a 3 hour gap between his feeds and he seems to be feeding better and for longer, and seemed more satisfied afterwards. I felt more confident too as i felt fuller. I've been doing that for about 10 days and thats when his pooing has started sorting itself out and i'm convinced that if i'd had him weighed 10 days ago then he would have shown up a loss too, he's got some of his body fat back now, what there ever was of it anyway ;)
still not sleeping great at night though, and alot of the time if i offer him a feed at night he won't take it, so i don't think he's really hungry, just wakes himself up rolling about the cot and can't get back to sleep most the time i think :dohh:
I hope you find some time to sit down and relax, even if it is only to feed Alex, you need that time for yourself, not only for your milk supply! :hugs:
Emera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry, I can see how you feel in regard to the guilty/sad thing.
Amy :hugs: I hope Alex gets back on track soon, you sound so stressed and sad. I don't know anything about BFing but wish I could help x
Really I know weaning doesn't guarantee sleep, in all honesty I don't mind the lack of sleep, I quite like midnight cuddles :blush: I don't sleep well either and I'm often awake when Vinny and Daisy are fast asleep, so it's company :lol: I did it mostly because she's just SO hungry. She can drain 12oz of hungry baby formula and cry for more, and she still has 6+ bottles a day. I think her legs might be hollow. I don't know who to talk to, I'm really wary of health visitors after they said the baby was completely fine and I was being overprotective- 12 hours later she was having a seizure!
Oh Katie i didn't think you were weaning to try and get Daisy to sleep! Its just a shame it doesn't come along with the eating ;) You know your baby best and i think you should always trust your instincts, if she seems hungry and enjoys the food then its good for her :)
Also, i didn't realise but the nutritionist i saw was saying that there is no calorie difference between normal formula and hungry baby formula, only that the standard one is designed to clot like breastmilk and the hungry baby one clots like cows milk, which is harder to digest, and so technically babies take longer to feel hungry. Interesting that :) Personally i think you should weigh the decision to wean based on your own babies age, weight, appetite and enthusiasm for it and go for it when the time seems right :thumbup:

Oh, i secretly like the nighttime cuddles too by the way ;)
Emera :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I can imagine how mixed your emotions must be, its a lot to deal with. I hope you are okay hun xx

We are finding the reusables pretty good - thankyou for asking :) I've only got 6 BG V3's and 6 Dream Dris, plus a couple of others, so we're not full time yet. I tend to have two days of using them in the daytime and then a day in sposies while they are in the wash. I'm only using them when we are at home though, and not at night just yet . . . but I'm getting braver :haha: Do you use liners? I have some of those paper liners but I'm not getting on great with them and thought I might make my own out of some fleece? I bought a super cheap fleece throw from Ikea that I'm planning to chop up, I'm just not sure what size etc to make them.

A3my :hugs: You are doing great, don't forget that! To incease your supply I would say drink LOADS of water etc, eat often, let Alex suck away even when he's not really feeding, and pump - even if nothing is coming out. Pumping / sucking tells your body that more milk is needed - its the whole supply & demand thing. The ladies on the BF'ing forum are fab if you need help :hugs: Oh, and I read that its common for your supply to dip when you have your AF, but it should pick up again.

I'm getting a bit jealous of you guys all weaning - it sounds like so much fun! But I have no reason to wean Oliver early so I am going to hold out for six months and go with BLW, all been well. I've started sitting Oliver in his highchair when I eat and when I'm pottering about in the kitchen. Steve can't wait to start . . . . every time I turn my back he's put something in Olivers mouth. Grrrrrr! He's had him licking ice lollys, eating a rusk and I caught him the other day with a chocolate biscuit!!!!!! MEN! We had words after that, as you can expect. He won't do it again :haha:

Oh, lovely pics MaybeBaby :)

Well this is a really late night for me so I'm off to bed! I might brave baby club at the library tomorrow . . . . maybe :haha:
Hi ladies - how is everyone?? SOrry I haven't been on much. I tried to do a bit of catching up. We have had a crazy and difficult week. My MIL was diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma last week.... its not sounding great. She starts chemo this week. Doctor sounds hopeful - so we are trying to be also - but you hear stage IV and can't help but think the worst. My husband is doing okay - but pretty much not even acknowledging it. We have a long road ahead of us... EEEK.

In better news - Dillon is growing fast... Logan is doing well in school... I am loving my kindergarten class... things are going well in all that regard!

We have a tropical storm warning right now.... hoping for a day off tomorrow. We'll see. Its raining cats and dogs right now, but they won't cancel school unless the winds are sustained at 40mph...

He is in the bath at the moment, I can't watch as Daddy has a no hands approach, were Will lays on the bottom and thrashes around, luckily he seems to know not to turn his head.

LOL - embarassed to admit but I do that too! NEVER would have with Logan, but its much easier and I'm careful not to let him get his face under!

I think Alex is way behind all your LOs.. he doesnt seem to be putting on any weight which is worrying me lots :( he can hold his head up easily but cant sit on his own at all.

Dillon is the same as Alex... not putting on much weight, not sitting at all... I vgot him the exersaucer, but he flops over in it still so he can't use it yet! I swear Logan was bouncing in his jumperoo by 4 months, so I'm getting a little worried too, but trying to be patient.

PG - Good Luck going back to work. Its nice that your mom can watch Chloe for you. I'm sure it will all be fine! Its nerve racking at first - but after a few weeks it'll be fine.

EMera - Wow - what a little emotional rollercoaster you were on! I can only imagine. So sorry for your loss. I'm sure its very difficult... even if the timing would have been bad! I hope you feel better soon.
Wanted to add...

Is it weird that Dillon never puts ANY weight on his feet? I swear, Logan was standing from birth, always wanted to be in a standing position (while I held him of course), but its like Dillon doesn;t even know he HAS feet. I try to get him to do it, and he doesn't, not even a little bit!
LM - i know its difficult but try not to compare logan and dillon! kids grow and develop so differently! hope chemo goes well with your MIL :hugs:

emera - :hugs: mc are tough. i had two before dylan and it was emotionally draining!

amy - :hugs: i would say go with your instincts with alex and wean him if you think it may help. sarah's advice on bf sounds good too. good luck! i sometimes wonder whether the stresses we have with OH affect supply.
LM - so sorry to hear abour your MIL :hugs::hugs: really hope the chemo works :hugs:

thanks for all your support ladies :hugs: really makes me feel better. I went to the docs today to ask for domperidone after not sleeping all night worrying :nope: he's calling some paediatrician/gynae friends for advice before prescribing it so I am waiting for the call.....

Maybe - I'm 100 % sure stress with OH affects my milk :growlmad:

Katie - hope the packing is going Ok :thumbup:

sarah - did you make it to the library? :haha:
I haven't been online for a while. Just don't have time for PC :nope:
Marta - its always nice to hear from you and how you are getting along :hugs: I think we all go through periods when its hard to find time to get online x
amy - whats domperidone for?

just finally got owen to sleep by bf in my bed. think will stay here as OH is on second bottle of wine and already started picking a fight earlier and i have no energy for that :sad:
You lot have been quiet today!!
LM, it's nice to hear from you. I hope your MIL is ok xx
I think I've sold my couch via eBay. Unfortunately, it she takes it, the lady wants it on Friday.. I'm not moving until Tuesday and the new one won't fit in here!
Been to see how our new house is coming along today, it looks fab! Kitchen fitted, I'm gutted about the White appliances though as the look silly, buying black ones when I don't have a million other things to pay for! The floorboards have been sanded and are being stained and varnished tomorrow, carpets and tiles are going down on Friday, and hopefully going to sort out tiling the bathroom on Monday.. Also need to change the toilet as it's skanky. So excited, you'll definitely get pics of this little project!
Is anyone else really looking forward to Xmas already? I've picked Daisy's Xmas clothes already :blush: no idea what to buy her though!!

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