Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Evening all - I can do a proper post now :haha:

Logans Mama so sorry to hear about you MIL :hugs: I'm glad everything else is going well for you though! How was the storm? I'm sure Dillan is fine re not wanting to stand, babies are so different :hugs:

A3my any word from the doctor yet? :hugs: Yeah so about the library :rofl: well it was p***ing it down and soooo miserable outside, I did think about it but tbh I couldn't be bothered to get us both ready, get the pram out, get the rain cover out, sort everything out for us, walk in the rain to the library, sit there wet through, and then walk back. Soooo not worth it :haha: We stayed in instead and did lots of playing so we still had a nice time. Baby group at the surestart centre tomorrow :haha: Do I get points for having good intentions :rofl:

Martia I'm not suprised with three kids to look after, work etc - you are one busy lady!!! It is nice to see how you are getting on when you get the time :)

I've been pretty busy online lately . . . . my breastfeeding cover things are going really well so far. I'm pretty happy with my design now. It started off with just an off the cuff comment to Steve and just snowballed from there, I made a prototype, tried it out, redesigned it, made another, tried it out, tweeked it :haha: but I think I'm more of less there now. I'm quite excited about it really - I'm soooo not a feeding cover kind of girl but even I would have bought one of these. So I've been working on the design, website, talking to suppliers in China, phew there is a lot to do! I hope it goes well though! I'm quite excited :haha:

Maybe, I would stay there too. Alcohol is a horrible thing isn't it, I never know whether it makes people nasty or just brings out their nasty side iykwim?! My Dad is a big drinker and really nasty and violent with it so I sympathise.
Sarah you are super impressive! I can hardly organise my way out of the house sometimes, never mind organise prototypes and suppliers. I hope it goes well xx
Katie can't wait to see pics of your new house!! Are you renting or buying?

I am getting excited about Christmas too . . . I have Olivers little outfit already (from Monsoon) but I'll need a little funny outfit too :haha: Maybe a christmas pudding lol!! Pressie wise I've got him a rocking lottie ladybird, but I bought that when I was about 24 weeks pregnant :haha: and I've bought a few other bits. I'm trying not to go too mad . . . . . hmmmmm :rofl:
Thanks Katie :hugs:

Maybe I'd stay out of the way too . . . you shouldn't have to but its the easiest option and you just don't need the stress.
We're just renting but it's the same landlord as here, just a bigger place in a better area. We're paying for everything and his workmen are doing it all, except the tiles which my stepdad is doing!
Daisy's outfit is Monsoon too, a little White and gold dress, white tights, White shoes and a little cream fur coat, it's too cute :lol:
maybe I'd stay snuggled with Owen :hugs: domperidone is a drug liscenced (spell?) for nausea and digestive problems but a side effect is that it increases prolactin production so increases milk supply. I know about it from when I nursed premmie babies.
The doc wouldnt prescribe it for me though, he talked to some paediatricians, the good news is they werent worried about Alex dropping on centiles but if it carries on they would want me to wean/introduce formula. I've found a few ladies in the BF section who have had the same issues at 4 months so I dont feel so bad. The main thing is he is growing (albeit in a skinny fashion) and developing well.

Katie - cant wait for house pics! I love houses and decorating. you must be sooo excited!!! :D

Sarah - you are amazing! I would love to be an entrepreneur but I cant even spell it :rofl: - hope it all takes off for you :hugs: and I had forgotten about monsoooooooon! I am going to look online now. I always get the girls special christmas outfits from there and now I can buy little boy stuff too! :happydance:
amy - hope your supply increases soon :hugs:

sarah - wow u r so inspiring! i'd love to do something like that but haven't an artistic design bone in my body :haha

katie - cant wait to see pics of your new house!
ugh just have to get this out! i came into the kitchen to find that OH drunk two and a half bottles of wine last night :shock: he is currently passed out on sofa :grr:
MaybeBaby3 I just hope that things improve when he starts working . . . thats soon isn't it? Hopefully he will sort himself out . . . . because I know you know it can't continue like this :hugs:

Katie the house sounds fab! Can't wait to see pics! We move our lounge around the other day and it had that 'new house' vibe to it just cos it was different :haha:

morning, the sun is out and I am feeling good today :coolio:

maybe - your DH is so selfish behaving like that :hugs: hope he doesnt take his hangover out on you :hugs:

sarah - loving your cheap way of getting a new house vibe :haha::thumbup:

I've just had a nice little stroll around the village with Alex. My supply is still low but I fed and fed him yesterday and he slept from 7 till 11 by which time my boobs were feeling more full than they have for ages so hopefully its improving. I had a hellish night after that but you cant win them all :dohh:
sarah - yeah he starts tomorrow

amy - i stayed out after the school run til lunch so thank god he was not in a bad mood! he realised that was a stupid amount to drink. hopefully going back to work will keep him off it!
amy - i stayed out after the school run til lunch so thank god he was not in a bad mood! he realised that was a stupid amount to drink. hopefully going back to work will keep him off it!

does he get bad hangovers? I think I'd die if I drank that much wine! I hope he enjoys being back at work :hugs:

Maybebaby, I have been giving Will porridge mixed with water as I couldn't keep up the expressing. I have started him on breakfast as well again today. Owen's walker looks fab, I want one for Will now but I don't want any reason for the dog to want to follow him!! Trying to keep them apart is a nightmare and only going to get worse...

Amy I'm gutted for you that the HV wasn't more help, they are so useless. I found the same as emera suggested in leaving longer between feeds to make Alex more hungry and then take more at the next feed. Will is much better this way I went through a phase of feeding him all the time and could hardly remeber that feeling of full boobies. Hang in there and maybe try weaning, it'll be right for him if he needs it to grow. Then you can still feed him him and feel that you have done that bit for him. that's how I feel about weaning Will.

Emera I'm very sorry for your loss, I had one before Will and they are horrible, especially as you had time to get your head around it! I'm really glad your HV was much more helpful and that Roh likes his food.

LM very sorry to hear about your MIL, hope the chemo goes well for her! Glad Dillon and Logan are doing well and that school is good. Glad we aren't the only ones leaving there babies do there own thing in tub. I bathed him tonight and did the same - he loves it!

Katie I bet you can't wait to move in now and that must make Christmas even more exciting. I can't wait, even though Will, will probably have no idea.

Sarah you are amazing I really don't know how you manage it all, some days I don't even seem to have time to brush my hair! Really hope it all goes well, it's a really good idea, I finding especially now Will's hands are waving wildly when I feed the muslin doesn't cut the mustard.

Maybebaby - I would have tipped your OH off the sofa, alcohol can be such evil stuff. Doesn't he start work tomorrow??

We have been for a massive walk today, and only got slightly wet, thank goodness.

I got Will weighed today and the charts confirm he has had a growth spurt, he's 17.1 now.

I gave him porridge again this morning and he's hardly fed on milk again today, not sure if this is a good or bad thing. He's only had 3 1/2 milk feeds and two of food. Only the night will tell, he loves his food and I stopped as soon as he showed sign of being finished. Just really don't want him to start filling up on milk in the night again. Fingers crossed.

Anyone worried about the effect the clocks chaging will have on sleeping??

Nearly the weekend......
Katie - waiting for the pics. We haven't chosen any outfit and to be honest, I'm not waiting for christmas, OH ex said that she'll stop working abroad after christmas and come back here. Don't want that.
Sarahwoo - you say I'm a busy lady while you are doing all that? Wow, I couldn't manage dealing with some prototypes, calling etc. Keep up the good work :thumbup:
maybebaby3 - thumbs crossed that everything will go better now when he starts working.

Amy I'm gutted for you that the HV wasn't more help, they are so useless. I found the same as emera suggested in leaving longer between feeds to make Alex more hungry and then take more at the next feed. Will is much better this way I went through a phase of feeding him all the time and could hardly remeber that feeling of full boobies. Hang in there and maybe try weaning, it'll be right for him if he needs it to grow. Then you can still feed him him and feel that you have done that bit for him. that's how I feel about weaning Will.

Anyone worried about the effect the clocks chaging will have on sleeping??

Nearly the weekend......

Thanks so much for your post! I've been feeding Alex every hr - 2 hrs :wacko: I did try to leave longer between feeds today but becasue I had a load to do I ended up rush feeding him when I could and I know it was totally the wrong thing. I've given him a rusk which he loved, I'm going to take each day one at a time and if he still loses weight then I will try weaning. I think he'll love it as he loved the rusk.

as for the clock change - do we lose or gain an hour? I'd totally forgotten :dohh:

Great weight gain for Will! :thumbup: Alex is teeny, he's only 13lbs 11oz (unless he's lost anymore weight!) he's 65 cm though.

I got in a tizz tonight, after a bit of a disaster day BF wise I tried feeding ALex before he went to sleep and there was really no milk there. I cried and cried and then he cried becasue I was crying and I just felt like a complete failure. OH popped the steriliser in the microwave and got a bottle of Aptamil ready and was all set to feed him when he just fell asleep! He's been asleep for 2 hours now. If he was starving would he wake??? :shrug: or has my poor little man got so used to feeling starving he can sleep through it? :cry: sorry for the moan!

Hope everyone else had a good day :hugs:
Amy - I am sorry to hear that I am not the only one with inconsiderate dog-owning neighbours :growlmad:
On the BF front I remember how I felt when Joni was refusing to feed and not putting on weight properly and it does not matter that your know it is not your fault - you will still find a way to make it your fault in your head :dohh:. You have done so well to BF to this age and Alex sounds like he is developing just fine. Joni has always been quite long and lean and I always assumed it was because she was BF. However, when I swapped to formula she did get a bit more chubby but not much, she is still long and lean. I think some babies just don't fit the chubby baby stereotype.

MaybeBaby - Owen looks really at home in his walker :thumbup: My heart really goes out to you about your OH's behaviour and drinking :hugs: it is such a shame he is incapable of seeing how much he is hurting you and your relationship :sad1:

Sarah - I am trying not to think about childcare. I was hoping that hubby would be able to jiggle his shifts around so we did not have to have any childcare but I don't think that will happen. We will probably end up with Joni going to a childminder for a couple of days as this will be cheaper than nursery. Of course if work start the redundancy process while I am still on mat leave I will try to see if I can persuade them to make me redundant at the end of my leave that way I would get my full time severance pay :thumbup: we will see though.
Naughty Steve feeding Oliver biscuits and lollies!!

Emera - lovely to hear from you. Sorry about your loss :hugs: Joni seems to be experiencing sleep regression like Roh :wacko: I am really hoping things go back to normal soon.

LM - lovely to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your MIL, I really hope the doctors are able to help her :hugs: Great news about Logan loving school :thumbup: On the feet front, Joni has super skinny feet and ankles when she was born and still does. I really struggle to find socks to fit her as the ones her size don't grip around her ankle enough the the smaller sizes grip well but are not big enough in the foot :rolleyes:

Katie - It sounds like your house is going to be lovely :flower: I have not even thought about a Christmas outfit yet :blush: I have decided what we will be eating for dinner though :haha:

L-C - I also find some days it gets to bedtime and I realised I haven't brushed my hair so you are not the only one! I am so pleased that the weaning is going well with Will. Joni's sleep has gone completely FUBAR this last fortnight and to be honest I am cacking it about the clocks going back :blush:

Marta - Lovely to hear from you. I hope you and the kiddies are all ok.
I have been taking Joni to the local surestart baby singing group and it is such good fun. She was a bit unsure the first couple of weeks but this week she was squeaking and shrieking away :cloud9: I have also arranged a regular get-together with the Mum's I met on my surestart postnatal and baby massage courses. I am so lucky to have been in a group with such lovely Mums and babies :mrgreen: Our babies are just starting to become aware of each other now. I took a big play mat along this week for all our babies to lie on and Joni was holding hands with another girl who was having her socks pulled of by another baby :haha:

Unfortunately with all the socialising we have done this week Joni has caught her first cold :sad1: She was fine at bedtime yesterday but then woke up at 9pm completely choked up and choking on phlegm :sad1: I can honestly say I have never heard her cry like that before, it was so upsetting to hear her in some much distress. Hubby even cried! I put the futon down last night and co-slept with her - I don't think I could have slept otherwise :blush: and I think I will sleep in with her again tonight. Besides she is waking so often if I was getting up from our room to Joni's I don't think I would get any sleep! Hopefully she will make a speedy recovery.

I have just ordered a new carseat for Joni. She is still too small weightwise for the next sort of car seat but she is too long for the newborn carseat we have for her :rolleyes: So I have gone for a birth-4yr carseat so it can be rearfacing for a few more months until Joni's big enough to face it forward. Every month I say I am not going to buy new stuff for Joni and then I find something we really need and my resolve goes to pot :dohh:

Oooh the best thing happened to me today - I can pull my size 16 jeans off over my hips without undoing them :mrgreen: I am about a stone down now so have a stone to go until I reach my healthy weight, although my preferred weight is another half stone lighter past the healthy weight so I figure I have a couple more months of cake avoidance to go.

Righto - night night everyone. Big :hugs: to you all
Amy - just saw your new post :hugs: I really don't think he would have gone to sleep and stayed asleep if he was starving hungry.

Hold on in there, you are doing a great job :hugs:
Aww Amy :hugs:

I really don't think that Alex would go off to sleep easily if he was seriously hungry, if he is then he'll wake up again before long anyhow. I really think relaxing is the best thing you can do hun, the more you stress the harder it will be for your body to produce extra milk. Just don't upset yourself, if you are really feeling like there is no milk, then you know that you can give Alex formula, but if you do i'd say it would be a good idea to express whilst he's being fed, and that way your body will still know to produce more :hugs: I find if i'm stressed or upset i can't get a letdown, and then no milk comes out, even if its there, it just won't come out.
You need to not let this little dip in his weight affect you so much, just relax and carry on, and do what you think is best, whether that is supplimenting or weaning or just solidering on :hugs:

Don't feel bad about Alex's weight either, Roh is more than a month older and he only weighs 14lb 3oz. All babies are different and some have to be big and some smaller.

Leave the OH on duty and make yourself a nice cup of tea and take a relaxing bath! ;)

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