Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

hy guys im starting my lo on cow and gate hungry baby milk at night to get him used to it then will go on it full time when my sma tin is done..... do u think this is right way to go about it???
I think I might pop to mothercare :) I went to JoJo but I wasnt keen on what they had.

A3my all babies are different, dont forget us proud mums talk about what our babies can do rather than what they cant - dont worry :hugs:

I'm using Ambesol for Olivers teeth, its very good, its a liquid so much easier to use than a gel.

Its like winter here today, urgh! So dark and miserable! Steve is at work so I think we will just have a cosy day at home. Oliver is just napping :)

Yes I was trying to think of the right way to phrase that so it made sense Sarah!
Amy, don't worry, I don't mention stuff Daisy can't do :lol: like she's only rolled onto her front consistently this past week.
Oliver stopped rolling :rofl: He only rolls from front to back occasionally and he's never rolled back to front - he gets half way and then just lays on his side :haha:

Janny I have no idea about formula, sorry!!
katie - maybebaby sorry you both had rubbish nights. Ours was better, Will woke at 1:30 and 5:30 for feeds and a few fusses inbetween, really hope this is it now! Can I join the queue after Katie to shake your OH please.

Sarah - I haven't started looking at snow suits yet but will do soon, it's freezing today... I am banned from spending more as I can't seem to stop!

Janny sorry I can't help either.

Will had his injections today and was very brave and even gave the nurse a big smile inbetween screams - bless him.

He is in the bath at the moment, I can't watch as Daddy has a no hands approach, were Will lays on the bottom and thrashes around, luckily he seems to know not to turn his head.
should have said there is only in inch of water!!
LC - hope will is ok after his vaccines.

Janny - we bf but i do know that if u r on sma they do a hungry baby milk too. how come you are moving to c&g if u r ok with sma?

sarah - i use anbesol liquid too and calgel (not together)

i gave owen some porridge tonight as well as at lunch. he is so obsessed with food (like his mummy :haha: ) he's still awake as usual. gave him some panadol as he is ok 1 min and screaming the next. it has to be teething as i took him to dr and he's all clear of bronchiolitis thank god!
evening all!

Sarah - that was lovely, you put that so nicely :hugs::hugs: I've got an appt with the HV to get Alex weighed properly tomorrow rather than standing on my scales with and without him. I'm going to have a chat with her becasue I know he hasnt put on any weight since when she last weighed him, I hope its just a phase :cry: I dont want to give up BF.
And I do love hearing about how all the other babies are growing and developing so please dont stop posting it all :thumbup::winkwink:

Katie - really glad Daisy is enjoying her food but sorry you had a rubbish night :wacko: I've lost it with nights completely, Alex really only sleeps 7ish to 11 ish and then he's awake every 1/2hr - hr all through until morning :sleep: bleuurrghh

Maybe - your OH :dohh::grr: mine disappointed me again today :sigh: I told him I was really worried that stress and exhaustion were affecting my milk supply. I hoped he'd come home and be nice and supportive, instead he spent ages fussing over a teeny scratch on his car and then when I was upset trying to settle Alex for bed he said why dont you just give him formula :growlmad::dohh: not helpful!

LC - hope Will is OK after his jabs, loving the way your DH baths him :haha:

The girls were off school today so we went to Farming World which was fun but its sooo cold!! I want to get our fire going but we need to get the chimney swept and I keep forgetting to call the sweep :dohh: fuzzbrain
oh and I think Alex is teething too becasue he bites me all the time so I will try some of that stuff.

Maybe - great news Owen is over the bronchiolitus :hugs:
Sarah - I love rusks too :blush: Thanks for the tip about napisan I may have to invest in some :thumbup: I too have broken out the cosy toes - Joni is a sweaty betty so she just has it over her clothes with no blanket to keep the wind off her. I have got a all in one fleecy suit from bush baby which my cousin gave us which I will use for winter - thankfully it is just the right size :thumbup: Here is a link to the webpage in case you are interested: they do a waterproof snowsuit too : they are super-lovely but then I would hope so given the price :wacko:

MaybeBaby - I am put out on your behalf my love, may I also join the queue after Katie and L-C please :gun: Great news about Owen having a clean bill of health :thumbup:

Amy - Joni is not even close to sitting up on her own yet either. Now she is rolling she gets lots of tummy time which should help her build the neck, back and tummy strength she needs to do it. Joni is a slow gainer too - she seems fine though and my hv are not concerned so I try not to worry.

Katie - sorry to hear last night went badly. Joni has been waking loads recently, last night she was only up twice (3.15 + 4.40) but she then decided to get up for the day at 5.40 :nope: The frustrating thing is that she doesn't even need to feed in the night anymore :rolleyes:

Janny Wanny - lovely to 'see you' :hi: It sounds like a good plan to phase the hungry baby milk in as it can sometimes make some babies constipated. I suppose if you are introducing it gradually Jared's system will have plenty of time to get used to it.

L-C - that is so sweet that Will gave the nurse smiles in between jabs :cloud9:

Today was Hubbies first day back at work after his week at home with us. It was lovely spending time together as a family but a little bit of me really enjoyed it being just me and Joni on our own again :blush: Joni's naps have been all over the place while hubby has been at home but she napped like clockwork today :dohh:

I have got night in at the museum on in the background, I have never seen it before but it is actually really really funny.

Fingers crossed for more sleep for us all then we expect :hugs:
Thanks Frufru, I feel really reassured :hugs:

Night in the Museum is fab :haha: my girls have it and it always makes me giggle
LC- sorry i didn't reply sooner. We just went with it and fed Oliver more when he wanted it and let him sleep whenever. Lots of milk, cuddles, coffee (just for me :lol:) and random sleeping patterns for a couple of weeks! Thankfully he seems back to normal now. Hope it passes quickly for you.

Katie how is weaning going? You know your baby best so if you think she is ready then go for it.

Frufru love the Peke Moe. Joni looks so cute, bless her with her teething rash. You think the amber necklace works? Poor Joni with the hayfever.

Modo hope you are having a great holiday.

Amy that's lovely you have been asked to be godparents. I am sure Alex can do things that other babies can't. For instance Oliver can sit unaided but hasn't rolled over (he lies happily on his side/tummy/back until I move him!) They all do things at their own pace so don't worry. Maybe the weight gain has slowed down/stopped because Alex is more active?

Sarah Haribo Land sounds like my kind of place! :lol: I did your survey too and I would test your product too. Well done on the bargains. I got a few good ones at a local NCT sale last weekend.

Maybe baby :grr: for your OH. I really hope he stops being an ars* and starts pulling his finger out to help you for once. Owen's back flip is scary! Lovely pictures of Owen standing and Erin on her bike. Glad Owen's bronchiloitis has gone.

We haven't started weaning yet. Did wonder whether it was time when Oliver started waking more often in the night but we seem to have come out the other side of that so guess it was just the four month sleep regression/growth spurt. He can sit up unaided, watches intently whilst we feed (tracking food from plate to mouth) but isn't trying to grab it yet and he has gone back to waking just the once in the night. Looking forward to weaning him whenever he is ready, though will be sad that he wont want to breastfeed as much :cry:

Like lots of your babies he is having trouble with his teeth and drooling everywhere. Anything that goes near his mouth gets shoved in it (toys, clothes, fingers, babywipes....) You can see lumps in his gums but nothing has come through yet. He also gets really tearful about his gums when he is tired and shoves as much of his hand is his mouth as he can and makes an 'owwww owwww' noise. We are using Ashton and Parson powders and Bonjela. He loves Bonjela and smiles when you put it on. :lol:
Evening ladies!

So many posts to catch up on!!

Amy.. I hope the weigh in tomorrow goes OK :hugs: I used to get Chloe weighed regularly at our local baby clinic until I realised the pressure I was putting on myself if she didn't gain much weight one week.. :wacko:

In terms of development, Sarah hit the nail on the head! Chloe isn't even close to rolling yet.. she hates being on her tummy!

Well today is my last Monday of maternity leave... I am returning to work next Monday :nope: I am only going to work three days a week and this will be for as long as I want (perhaps until after baby no 2!!) but I am apprehensive none the less! I even had to have a chat with HR today to discuss arrangements for expressing when I go back!! :blush:
A3my I'm sure it will go fine tomorrow :hugs: Let us know how you get on! Sorry your OH isn't been more supportive, you know we are all here for you :hugs: I hope Alex starts sleeping better soon, that must be soooo hard! Does he go in his cot at night? Have you tried cosleeping?

FruFru those are lovely snowsuits! Quite pricey though, I doubt I'd get away with spending that much unless I didn't tell Steve :haha: I like having Oliver to myself too :)

Muddles thankyou for doing my survey and volunteering as a tester! I should have something ready for testing soon so I'll let you know!

PG :hugs: I hope returning to work goes well for you, thats good that you can go back part time - thats what I plan to do - if I go back :haha: Is Chloe going to nursery?

Thanks Sarah! My Mum is having Chloe when I go back to work which will make things easier for me (she has already told me that she expects lots of phonecalls from me checking that Chloe is OK!?)

However we have also made enquiries with a local childminder if having Chloe for three days a week is too much for my Mum... we are just going to wait and see how everything goes.... :)
PG - good luck with the return to work :hugs: It is a shame you have to go back so early though :sad1: I know that LogansMama expresses for Dillon while she is at work so if you wanted any tips on expressing whilst working she might be able to help.

Amy - I love night in at the musuem. I have always scorned it as I don't like Ben Stiller - foolish woman :dohh:

Sarah - I luckily got my bush babies fleecy suit from my cousin. SHe has 3 girls already and sent me a massive box of things she did not need anymore including a baby bjorn sling, the bush baby suit, a tog 24 waterproof suit and motherease washable nappies (outers and inners) covering 6-18mths. With everything going on this year I have not got around to using the nappies yet, but also we live in a small flat and do not have room for a tumble dryer so think I would struggle to get them dry in the autumn and winter.

Muddles - Joni loves the bonjela too, I love that it is banana flavoured :mrgreen:

Ah well last night did not go well :sad1: All in all Joni slept on and off for around 8.5 hours between 7.30-6 and woke 4 times - this compared to a couple of weeks ago when she was sleeping 10-11 hours a night and only waking once between 3.30-4.30 for a cuddle. I wonder if Joni could be going through the 4 month sleep regression some of you have mentioned as it would be about the right time based on her adjusted age. I have been suffering with secondary insomnia since my sister died so I frequently find I can;t go back to sleep between Joni's wakings. Then to top it all off at 1.36 when I was actually asleep my neighbours puppy started whining and crying which woke me up :growlmad: I would not mind but he just left it, no attempt to console or anything :shrug: it would not be so bad but he leaves the window of the room she is in wide open so the noise really carries to the point the dog might aswell be in the next room. I should point out my neighbour's flat is in the block opposite to me.

Well, I am about to be an evil mother and go and wake Joni up. She usually only naps for 45m first thing but she has been down for over an hour and a quarter now and I need to be at the surestart centre at 10. It would seem little miss is quite happy to make up her lost sleep from the night during the day :rolleyes:

Have a good day everyone :hugs:

PG - big huge :hugs: I was originally meant to go back to work next week but luckily (due to an insurance payout) I can stay off longer (although I have to go back full time in Feb :(). At least you'll know Chloe is in very good hands with your mum :hugs: from past experience with my girls the first week is by far the worst but it does get easier :hugs:

Alex hates being on his tummy too :dohh: he just cries and cries. I've ordered him a bumbo as all your babies seem to love them!

Muddles - Alex is another drooler and likes to munch on his fist and make the owww owww noise :haha: well done to Oliver for coming through the sleep regression phase :thumbup:

sarah - Alex sleeps in his cot untill about 1.30am and from then he co-sleeps becasue I was getting so tired I'd almost nod off sitting up feeding him and so I felt it was safer to let him feed off me lying next to me. We did have a better night last night, he wasnt awake for any long periods like he sometimes is. I'm sure teething has something to do with it as he's bitten me a few times :shock: I hadnt thought of trying teething gels so I am going to get some of the anbesol gel :)

frufru - sorry you had a rubbish night, I really feel for you with the insomnia. :hugs: I often struggle to get back to sleep once it gets a bit lighter (around 5am ish I think). We have a neighbour who lets her dogs out in the garden at 6am and they bark and bark and she does nothing to stop them :growlmad: some people are just so thoughtless!

Well its another drab dull day here, I'm taking it easy this morning. Alex is just napping on my lap so I am taking the opportunity to watch some crappy TV :)
A3my I'm glad you had a slightly better night :hugs: I find Anbesol really good - Oliver loves it too and it normally stops him crying if he's upset - I'm not sure if thats because it works or because of the distraction but either way is good for for me :haha:

PG I bet your mum is really looking forward to looking after Chloe! When I go back I think my parents will take Oliver for at least one day, maybe two. Its tricky with them living in Sheffield but they don't seem to mind all the driving back and forth! I guess if I worked three shifts and Oliver did one day in nursery (we have a nursery on site) that wouldn't be so bad.

Will anyone else's LO be going to nursery? I'm quite nervous about it. My mum stayed at home with us so I never went to nursery or anything and I feel a bit bad about it. My friends all say Oliver will love it, and he's only be going for 6 hours max, but I still feel really nervous. I know I'm really lucky having an on-site nursery, its got a great reputation and my company does so much for the kids - real raindeers at Christmas etc, he'll probably love it. I think if I can stay off until he's 1 I'll feel a bit better. Thinking outloud a bit there - sorry!

Grrrrr at your neighbours FruFru and A3my! Ours isn't much better TBH - he has a dog that crys and crys when he goes out - argh! We also had to get a new fence when he first got the dog as it kept getting onto our garden. Our neighbour is a really nice guy but he doesn't really think about things (typical bloke lol!).

Its rubbish weather here too again today, urgh its just so miserable! I might pop out with Oliver later for some fresh air. Its just so tempting so stay in the warm and play :haha:

Right, I'm off to do a stop of housework . . . . Oliver is busy blowing raspberries :)

amy :grr: men! even when u spell it out he let u down :hugs:

sarah - i'm sure oliver will be fine in nursery especially as it sounds like such a fab one!

PG - hope your return to work goes smoothly! the thought is always worse than actually going in :hugs: enjoy the rest of your time off!

muddles - glad u survived the dreaded sleep regression!

frufru - hope joni goes back to sleeping well

owen is still not right despite dr saying he was yesterday. he has runny nose and puffy eyes so am wondering if it could be allergies? he accepted porridge made with formula as he's taking 4oz milk mixed with it so am finding it difficult to express that twice a day and the quantities are only going to get larger! didnt really want to use it but i just dont have the time for so much expressing with the three kids and all the housework. better go hang the :washing: speak soon!!!
got owen a walker today and he loves it and is starting to move about in it!


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