Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hello there :hi:

Anyone remember me? I didn't realise this post existed although hardly get on here now.

I'm also having milk issues A3my - well maybe not, but Daniel only put on 4oz in 4 weeks (not lost weight but still not great). Have no idea why? He seems happy enough and alert. I knew he hadn't put much on as he was putting on 1lb every 2 weeks and it showed in his clothes/body etc. He sleeps 7 till 6am usually. We were feeding him at 10.30pm but he gave it up - refusing it. He feeds between 2-3 hours in day.

Surestart centre sounds the place I'm going to look into.

As for me, I can second/third/fourth how I feel rough. I've just started exercise classes in the park to get my body in some sort of shape (wobbles like never before) and must admit that did make me feel good - although can't walk 2 days afer the event :rofl: Off again tomo too... if I can actually move

Hey Widger :wave: glad you found us.

yeah I first worried about Alex's weight gain because I could do his nappies up tighter. Alex is also happy, alert and still growing in length. I think I got so worrried that stress affected my supply. I've done lots of reading and it seems its quite normal for some babies to have this slow weight gain around 4 months. I'm getting Alex re-weighed in 2 weeks so I am hoping he's gained. There are also a couple of threads in the breastfeeding section about babies loosing a couple of oz/slow gainers around this age. :hugs: go you with the exercising! :thumbup: I walk down to the village and back, does that count :rofl: I used to run and I really miss it! x
A3my - Daniel had his slow weight gain between 3-4 months so hope you are right. One of those things. You just feel like it is all your own fault.... failing at it when all was well.

ANyway, the reason I'm exercising is I have a holiday to go to in Dec so have a target. By the way, walking does count in my book :thumbup:
widger - thats so true! It definately helps to know other babies have had the same :hugs:

where are you off to on holiday?? lucky you!
South Africa... must be mad. Right at the time of weaning too arrghhh. Going to try that at least a couple of weeks before we go.

Thanks for replying. It is nice to know it isn't abnormal feeling this way :hugs:
Hi everyone :wave:

Happy Birthday Sarah for the weekend.

Oliver has had a stinking cold so we have been using the Karvol plug in thingy which was fab the first time he had a cold and is doing well again. Poor baby has been so snotty though it seems to be clearing now.

He went to sleep at 8:30pm (normal time) and so I got ready to go out to meet some friends for a drink. Just as I was about to leave he woke up again (this never happens) and he then spent an hour and a half screaming-it wasn't his nappy, he didn't want feeding, he didn't have wind..... he didn't seem to know what he wanted. We gave him Calpol as I thought it might be his teeth and normally he is all smiles as soon as he sees the syringe but it didn't work today. After an hour and a half of screaming he stopped though we weren't doing anything different and started smiling and laughing and trying to stand up. I jokingly said to him, are you happy you got your own way and mummy isn't going out now and he did a great big grin, little monkey, though I know he couldn't have known that i was going to go out! He finally fell asleep just after 11 which is the latest he has been to sleep since he was 7 weeks old!

I am a stone heavier than pre pregnancy (though did shift just over two and a half stone in the first couple of months) but not done anything about it. Does thinking about dieting count? :rofl: Am not going to diet at all until I have finished breastfeeding as I don't want to mess with my supply, especially as Oliver wont take milk from a bottle (he will begrundingly take it from a cup but it is such a slow and very messy process it would be a nightmare to have to do it every day.
muddles - i'm not dieting either until i stop bf

widger - south africa! wow! i so want to go there!!!

sarah - 30 isnt old! i'm 33 this month!!!

amy - glad u feel happier about your supply :thumbup:

weaning is going well. i oven roasted sweet potato yesterday and mixed it with breast milk and baby rice and owen loved it!!! last night i expressed milk for his porridge and when he was eating it he managed to kick the bowl out of my hand and it went everywhere :dohh:
Widger - wow! I'm so jealous!! sounds like you'll have a fantastic holiday!

Maybe - glad weaning is going well, apart from Owen's kicks :haha:

Muddles - poor Oliver!! what a shame you missed your night out, I'm sure Oliver appreciated having his mummy there when he was feeling poorly though :hugs: Thinking about dieting definately counts :haha: I'll be thinking about it for the next few months so I'll be raring to go once I start :haha:

Today Alex had absolutely soaking nappies so I know I've got milk back, now I just have to hope my milk has enough calories for him. We went for a nice walk, it was drizzling but it was one of those days where I felt I'd get cabin fever staying at home all day!

Sarah - Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Hope you get spoilt by Steve and Oliver and that you have a fantastic day :cake::flower:
Frufru - Hooray for weight loss. I know what you mean with babies playing together. They are so sweet when they discover that there are others just like them.
Sarahwoo - I don't believe OH's ex is changing her mind. She is still so angry with us because we took children to China. OMG, already buying christmas presents? I don't even want to hear about Christmas yet.
:hugs: for Widger and A3my. Hopefully your milk issues resolve fast.

I just love being mom. Kristan has been really moody since yesterday, hasn't slept properly etc. Tonight when I had read bedtime story for kids and was putting Kristan into his crib he smiled at me with his cutiest smile, like saying sorry for acting like he did. That smile was so sweet that although today when OH arrived from work I almost threw baby to him because wanted to get away I forgived him. I just love being mom.

I'm so tired that I don't even know if my sentences make any sense. Sorry for that.
marta - are you tired becasue Kristan is giving you bad nights? :sleep: Hope you are Ok. I love being a mum too, no matter how stressful things get once little smile makes it all better doesnt it :hugs::cloud9:
Sarah - the presents you have chosen for Oliver look lovely. You are so organised getting them all ahead of time. I think we might hold off buying Joni too many things as I think the family are going to go a bit present mad with her at Christmas and we struggle for room in our 2 bed flat as it is!
Happy Birthday for Sunday :cake: As for being 30 I can honestly say I love being in my 30's and hopefully you will too :hugs: like Maybe I will be 33 in March.

Amy - Great news about your milk supply :thumbup: I am on a strict low carb 3 meals a day plan until such time that my butt has returned to normal size! While I was BF I found even just eating three healthy meals and just snacking on fruit would affect my milk supply :rolleyes: My milk needed lots and lots of carbs and by carbs I mean cake :rofl: I am quite jealous of Alex eating rusks - I really love them :blush:

MaybeBaby - thanks for the tip about snufflebabe. It is great that Owen is taking to weaning so well. Has the extra food helped with his sleeping at night at all?

Katie - sorry Daisy is giving you a rough time at night, if it is any consolation you are not alone :rolleyes:

L-C -
Did have banana cake for breakie today though. Trying to convince myself it's one of the 5 a day??
:haha: No seriously I am sure it is

Janny - hiya, how is Jared getting on with the hungry baby milk?

Hope&Faith - it sounds like Amy is coming along great with the weaning :) and well done on losing half a stone :thumbup:

Widger :wave: of course we remember you! It sounds like Daniel is coming along well :mrgreen: and I am sure he is a hansome lad. I am super-jealous of his 7-6 sleeping pattern. Your holiday sounds lovely. As for weaning while you are away I am sure there will be plenty of finger food type things you can give him, plus you can always pack a few porridge sachets etc to take.

Muddles - sending poor Oliver lots and lots of get well :hugs: I am sorry you did not get to go out :( I tried to go out once while Joni was in her colic phase, its safe to say it did not go well while I was out and I have not been out again since :rolleyes:

Marta - I have those days too where OH comes through the door to have Joni thrust into his arms before he has even taken his coat off. I also know what you mean about the magical smiles :winkwink: I hope you get some good :sleep: tonight :hugs:

Thank you for the encouragment and support on the weight loss front :hugs: It is safe to say that I did not even think abour dieting while I was still BF. I would rather still be BF:sad1: but as Joni had other ideas and my knees are suffering carrying this extra weight I thought better to take it to task sooner rather than later. I lost about 7 and a half stone 3 years ago and maintained my weight after the big loss for two years before falling pregnant :thumbup: so the couple of stone I put on during pregnancy does not seem as bad as daunting as it might have if I had always been slim.

Joni's cold seems to be drying up a bit now :thumbup: Her sleeping is still all over the place, I am sure she is having the 4 month regression, I really hope it passes soon as I am struggling to function on 3-4 hours of broken sleep a night :wacko: I try to nap during the day but just can't fall asleep - one of the many things I miss about BF is the lovely drowsy feeling you get from the oxytocin release.

Wishing us all a better nights :sleep: than we expect :hugs:
frufru - you once lost over 7 stone :shock:=D> you are a legend! i'm sure you'll be successful in reaching the weight you want to this time :hugs: I'm on 3-4hrs broken sleep too and I cant nap when Alex sleeps, I just cant switch off in the day :dohh: good news that Joni is on the mend :hugs:
Maybebaby3 - There is nothing worse than expressing milk for it to be knocked over on the floor :rofl: It has happened a few times and sent me into a frenzy of frustration :haha:

Frufru - Glad your little one is on the mend.

So lovely to come back here to you all and see everyone is doing so well xx
Hey Widger! Good to see you!!

Is there anyone else from the original thread who didn't make the switch to this thread from the old one?

Muddles I hope Oliver is feeling better soon :hugs:

FruFru WOW! Gosh when I need dieting advice I'm coming right to you!! Steve & I also agreed not to buy too many pressies for Oliver for Christmas. But I'm rubbish - I just can't resist!!!!!

Marta I hope you get a good sleep :) Been a mum is fab isn't it . . . Oliver is even cute when it's crying :haha:

MaybeBaby how did your OH get on at work?

Right - after reading what you lovely ladies have said about dieting I'm just going to try to forget about it until I stop breastfeeding. I really don't want to risk my supply, esp as Oliver won't take a bottle anymore. So I'm just going to try to eat nice and healthy but not worry too much about the odd bag of Mistrels :haha: I just need to get over myself - I can diet all I like when I finish breastfeeding. Thankyou for talking sense ladies - you are all amazing :hugs:

Oliver has been very good the past few days and just woke once at 3/4am, quick feed and he's right back to sleep! He's been getting up at 7am though . . . . absolutely wide awake and singing away :haha: so I've been feeling a bit tired as I've been going to bed too late :dohh:

We're going out for lunch tomorrow with my parents and my sister who has come up from London, so that should be nice. We don't really have much planned but I'm sure we'll have a lovely day . . . . I'm happy just sat playing with Oliver :cloud9:

Hi all, just a quick check in from me, my mum has the baby tonight as I fell asleep in Costco cafe :wacko: I wasn't left with a choice in the matter after that, I'm exhausted and running on fumes I think. Going to take a step back from dieting before I make myself ill, massively reduced calories and 3-4 hours broken sleep don't make for happy Katie! xx
Katie :hugs: Hope you are okay hun, get a good nights sleep :hugs:
Katie - well done to your mum for giving you a break :hugs: hope you have a great nights sleep and eat some grub. we all know how much pregancy has changed the way we feel about our bodies but I saw your pic on the girly sanctuary thread and you are lovely :hugs:

sarah - well done to Oliver for being so good at night :thumbup: 7am sounds lovely to me :haha: Alex has been wide awake at 5 and 4 the last two nights :dohh: hope you have a lovely relaxing day tomorrow xxx
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been around much. Harry is pretty much taking up all my time during the day and in the evenings I forget to come this thread!

I'm feeling a bit gutted. We were BFing then he dropped from the 75th to 9th percentiles for weight so I topped up with FF, which didn't make I difference so I switched most feeds to FF which didn't make a difference. He was putting on so well in the first 3 months and now he's totally slowed down. But he's happy yet I miss BFing, although still do it at bedtime and first thing. I feel guilty though as when he's distressed with teething he seems to dive for me.

He's so so active, well ahead of his peers at baby group who are all the same sort of age. And DH and I are both slim.

Harry's such a joy to be around and so happy and content. He's even beginning to nap well which is incredible.

I still haven't plucked up the courage to let work know when I'm going back (and I have to give 8 weeks notice) or to look for a nursery. I know I need to get that sorted but I don't want to, I'm enjoying him so much.
hey MrsG, sounds like you've experienced the same as Widger and I. Its a mystery but I'm thinking these babies were meant to be slim and will fatten up when they wean :shrug: interstingly my eldest daugter was a long, skinny baby but my 2nd daughter was short and more squidgy. now they are th opposite! x
Wow ladies. When it rains it pours! First of all - thanks for all the warm wishes for my mil... BUT, lets add to our list of troubles.... DH lost his job the other night. Logan came down with a bug the same day. He passed it on to Dillon and we are now admitted to the hospital because he had a few small seizures (I think). We will see a neurologist in the am who can hopefully tell us more! AND THEN, TO TOP IT ALL OFF, dh got home from the hospital tonight to find that our a/c is broken!!! (Its hot here so we NEED it!).

How much worse can things really get? Seriously? I'm trying to remain positive, because as I look at it, there's really nowhere to go but up from here (I hope!).....

Anyhow... sorry for the pity party. I'm trying to be strong for my dh who has really taken the brunt of things... with HIS mom, HIS job, and having to be the one at home with no air conditioner, but it would be nice if I could let myself fall apart at some point instead of always having to be the strong one!!!! I guess its better this way though...

Thanks for listening.
on my phone so will do a proper post later

LM - huge :hugs:

sarah - happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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