Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

OK kids having brekkie now so have come on the laptop to do a longer post!

amy - i am so glad that you feel your milk supply is so much better :thumbup: did alex sleep til 4 and 5am? if so i am so jealous :haha:

mrsg - glad u made it back on here! when is it you are planning to go back to work?

katie - :wohoo: for a night off! good old mums eh?

frufru - glad joni is on the mend!

muddles - hope oliver is better

marta - :grr: your OH ex! what a nightmare!!!

well OH started his new job. he's not altogether over the moon about it but hey at least he's back at work. he got roped into helping out at the mini olympiad run by the polic yesterday (when i say roped in read they forced the new recruits to help :shock: ) and he was out for 11 hrs! he's in bed now but will have to get up soon as he has studying to do! tomorrow he is off on a residental week so we wont see him til friday night!

the weaning is going well! unfortunately it's not made much difference to the sleep problem! :dohh: owen needs his 4 month vaccines tomorrow so i will go and talk to the HV then. if anything bf has got harder in the last few days. owen feeds from the boob before getting out of bed in the morning and then it is a nightmare as he rarely wants to feed until the night time :dohh: then he wants to feed all night :dohh: i need help before i lose my mind!!!!! i dont know why he refuses to feed during the day. it is worse if we are out. even if i use the bf cover he wants out and just wants to be looking around all the time. at home he will feed sometimes but i have to lie down most of the time with him for him to have a good feed. any ideas girls?
maybe - Kellymom says that what you are experiencing is TOTALLY normal... and that at about this age, docs start telling moms that baby should be sleeping through the night, but all of a sudden, they aren't... mom freaks out because of it... but really its normal. Baby is curious in the day, eats less because he is too interested in everything around him, then wants to make up for it at night. IF you don't feed him at night, and he still doesn't eat in the day, then he may not gain weight... kwim?? But of course, this too shall pass, like every other phase.

I need to keep telling myself.... just one more hurdle...
Its 4:15 am here and Dillon is JUST now going back to sleep in the swing at the hospital. He was MAAAAD because I can't nurse him now... (no food between 12am-8am when he gets his EEG done) but my poor man does not understand as he is used to nursing pretty much all night long since I've been back to work....
LogansMama :hugs: I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time!! I hope Dillon is okay . . . . I think Oliver would go mad if I couldn't feed him and he wanted food!

I hope things start picking up for you soon :hugs:

MaybeBaby I posted you The Baby Whisperer, I hope it helps! :hugs: Hope you have a nice week while your oh is away :haha:


Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sarah, happy birthday to you

Awwww, thanks FruFru!! :hugs:

We're just having a chilled out morning, it's raining like mad here! Looking forward to going out for lunch :)

My pressie from Steve hasn't arrived yet :haha: DHL tried to deliver it on Friday while I was out, so its coming tomorrow instead. I have no idea what it is but Steve keeps telling me its amazing . . . . but its not a pony :rofl:
There are worse things than knocking expressed milk on the floor/worktop, like knocking it over your laptop :dohh: I am not sure that hubby has forgiven me for that yet :blush:

Katie - Bless you :hugs: I hope you managed to get a good stretch of consolidated sleep last night.

Widger - I am so glad that you found us :mrgreen:

Amy - I swear Joni and Alex's body clocks are sync'd. She always wakes between 4-5 :rolleyes:

Mrs Glitz - :wave: lovely to hear from you. Quite a few of us have slow gainers too. It is lovely that you have managed to keep combination feeding :thumbup: Joni had digestive problems from 8 weeks onwards and at 3 and a half months just plain refused to BF anymore :cry: Thankfully when we switched her FF (comfort milk) her digestive problems resolved on their own so I guess for her breast was not best. It is so great that you are enjoying being Harry's mum - of course when they sleep/nap well too that is just a massive bonus!!!

Logansmama - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and some more :hugs: Firstly, I really hope that Dillon and Logan are getting better and that Dillon is well enough to come home really soon. Bless you, karma has really given you a rough ride this year. Have faith though, the tide MUST turn at some point, until then its one day at a time :hugs: I know what you mean about being the strong one though - I know its not the same but we are all here for you if you need to talk about things.

MaybeBaby - I really hope the new job gives your OH the wake-up call he sorely needs. As for Owens feeding pattern I really am stumped :confused:


Well Joni is still a bit snuffly but she had the best night in a long time last night :thumbup: She went down at 7.30 through to 12.30 (cot), woke for a feed and went back down at 1.10 until 4.10 (cot) when she woke for cuddles :rolleyes: so I snuggled up with her on the futon in her room and she slept from about 4.20-6.10. So all in all she had about 10 hours which is great :mrgreen: Now if she wanted to keep doing this and I could get over my insomnia so that I actually sleep when she is asleep that would be AMAZING - we shall see :winkwink:

As it is the weekend and I got up with Joni in the night I took her through to Hubby at 6.10 and went back to bed and actually managed to sleep for 2 hours :shock: so I am feeling super-lucky and full of beans. I woke up as Joni was screaming blue murder being put down for a nap, hubby had been trying to put her down for nearly an hour poor man. Little monkey went down for me within 10 minutes and has been asleep now for an hour and a half when she usually only naps for 45mins at this time of the day :rolleyes:

Not sure what we will do today - I have a heafty list of housework and DIY so I gues I should really finish up on here and start there :haha: Trouble is it is much more fun on here :dohh:

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Sarahwoo - happy birthday :flower: By the way, healthy fod and lots of walking should be enough for losing some weight. Good luck with that :thumbup:
Katie - sleep well. Falling asleep like that shows you really need some rest.
LogansMama - :hugs: poor you. You must be really tough women that you get so many problems at once.
maybebaby3 - glad that your OH is working now. Being the new one really sucks. Then you get to do the dirtiest jobs.

Kristan just gave me 2 bad days and 1 bad night. That was really tirening. I can't even imagine if all nights would be like that. Now OH took kids outside for a little walk to put Kristan to sleep. After that we'll go to visit his parents. I should go take a shower but it's so good to be in pc, listen music really loud and just be by myself :winkwink:

Maybe you guys remember that Janno broke his arm in the beginning of August. He was supposed to wear his plaster cast for a month but then doctors left it on for another month. So tomorrow we are going to take it off, finally. He is so happy about it and who wouldn't be? I think they prescribe rehab for his hand but that's okey. Most important is that he can get rid of it.
Hello ladies

There are so many posts don't know where to start..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sarah, hope you've had a lovely day and I can't wait to hear what you present is tomorrow!

Amy glad your milk supply is getting better, really hope this is it and that Alex starts to gain some weight.

mrsg - Hi x

Bless Katie, it's exhausting hope you had a lovely nights sleep - Mum's are life savers.

Frufru hope joni is feeling better and well done to her for the good nights kip, fingers crossed they stay like that! Will has started to do longer day time naps, hope this is an age thing and becomes a bit more regular! Hope you get all your DIY and housework done.

Really hope oliver is better muddles

LM really hope things pick up for you very soon and especailly that your boys get better soon and Dillon comes out of Hospital very soon, you must have really struggled not feeding him, poor little man x

Maybebaby, Will did this the other day and I took a couple of days out and fed him LOADS during the day and we are not completely on track but much better. Glad your OH is out of your way at least. Goodluck with the vaccines x

Marta enjoy your time to yourself. Hope you have some better nights and that Janno's cast comes off successfully.

Well my Mum babysat last night for the first time and me and DH went out for a curry it was lovely, felt like a proper date. we were home by 10pm and Will had stayed asleep fopr Nannie, but woke once we walked through the door just for dummy, he then slept until midnight. i stayed up until then, which felt naughty but nice! paying for it today I'm shattered. very early night for me tonight - yay!!!
LC - so glad you had a nice night out :thumbup:

ooh sarah thanks for posting that u r a star!!! hope you have had a nice day. steve's surprise pressie sounds intriguing! i love surprises!!!

marta - glad janno is getting his cast off at last and that you are enjoying some time for yourself!

frufru - hope joni keeps sleeping better for you!

LM - how is dillon?

we went to my parents for a few hours so OH could study. then he picked me up and had to go to get some stuff from his parents so i have bathed dylan and erin and got their food cooking in the oven and fed owen some porridge and he is having a nap in the buggy and when he wakes will bath him! all systems go here! lol! off to check on d and e's food now. hope you have all had a nice relaxing sunday!!!
oh yeah also meant to say that we sat having a salad at lunch (followed by chocolate fingers so not really healthy!). Will was sat playing in his high chair and was really interested and so we gave him some avocado in his mesh finger food thingy and he loved it. He even cried when he had finished his first bit!
Hi girls! Hope you have all been doing well :hugs:

Bobby stopped waking up during the night while we were in Malta. He has also continued to do this pretty much in the UK. The one exception is he will sometimes roll over onto his back and cry. So I get up roll him back and go back to sleep. He has been tucking his legs under his butt, pulling them out and trying to push off to roll over. It's cute but really annoying during naptime :lol:Bobby has also been trying to launch himself from our arms which is pretty scary :(

Bobby was very difficult to deal with in Malta. He went through this really clingy stage where he wanted to be carried all the time and entertained. So we couldn't really do anything. We are all so pleased to be back home, including Bobby who has eased up on the on the need for us to carry him all the time!

I have been reading the book about baby lead weaning and I am quite keen to try that. I saw some video on youtube and really liked the idea! This means we won't be weaning Bobby till he is 6 months old which suits me fine as his apitite has gone down and he prefers playing.

DH set up Bobby's jumperoo which he really LOVES!
Marta - It sounds like you enjoyed your little bit of "me time". I love listening to music really loud too but I hardly ever get to do that now. Bless Janno, he is going to love having his cast off!

Sarah - I am really excited about finding out what your suprise present is :blush:

LM - I hope Dillon's EEG went ok :hugs:

L-C - what a wonderful date night :mrgreen: It is hubbies birthday this month and we are going to go out for a meal and leave Joni at home with her Nana. We are soooooo looking forward to it!!!
As for Will crying for more advocado that is too cute :kiss:

MaybeBaby -
i have bathed dylan and erin and got their food cooking in the oven and fed owen some porridge and he is having a nap in the buggy and when he wakes will bath him! all systems go here! lol! off to check on d and e's food now.
Wow you are so amazing, I am tired just reading this.

Modo - :hi: Lovely to have you back with us :hugs: Although Bobby was clingy I hope you still enjoyed yourselves in Malta. Great news about sleeping through :thumbup: I am super jealous now :winkwink: I have the opposite rolling issue with Joni, she rolls from her back to her front and sleeps like that for a while but then gets uncomfortable and cries until we come in to roll her back onto her back again :rolleyes: Everyday I give her loads and loads of tummy time hoping that she will learn to roll from her front to her back consistently really soon!!


Well I did manage to get a few bits of housework done and put up the new curtain track in Joni's room :thumbup: I have done a really poor job of hanging the curtains :blush: but I just needed them up for bedtime so I will rehang them another day and hopefully make a better job of it.

Joni is still snotty and congested but seems to be getting improving albeit slowly :) She did not get on with the Karvol plug-in thingy, whenever I had it on in her room it made her congestion worse and she could not sleep :shrug: so I have put it in our room for hubby as he has caught the same cold and it is making him snore really loudly :rolleyes:

We found an ELC voucher Joni got when she was born the other day so we popped to the city yesterday to spend it. We bought a percussion set and a rainmaker - they are not suitable for Joni to play with on her own until she is older, but we got them so we can do out own singing and music sessions at home :mrgreen: We have played with them loads already and Joni loves them :cloud9:

Righto - time to log off. :hugs: to you all
amy - i am so glad that you feel your milk supply is so much better :thumbup: did alex sleep til 4 and 5am? if so i am so jealous :haha:

I wish!!! nooo. I had got him sleeping well from 7 - 11pm and then until 1.30am but now he;s really hard to get to sleep again. He does sleep untill 11 but then after a feed is really hard to settle and ends up in bed with us, fussing about and biting on my fingers. Then come 4 or 5 am he lies there cooing away while I lie there like a corpse! :dohh: most days I can feed him back to sleep for an hour from 6-7am but its hell. I dread the nights! As for day feeding, Alex really fusses at times, pulling of the boob if I dont hold it in his mouth (you will drink my milk and put on weight young man! :)). I think the rest of the world is too interesting for him now :haha:

LM - what rubbish luck :hugs: poor little Dillon, that must have been heartbreaking not being able to feed him :hugs: I really hope he's OK and on the mend? I hope you get some good luck soon! :hugs::flower: you are definately due some :hugs::hugs:

Marta - I bet Janno cant wait to have his arm back, that is a long time to be in plaster. Was it a really bad break? :hugs:

LC - your date sounds lovely! :hugs: I think we could really do with some time out but I cant imagine leaving Alex with anyone becasue he's such a pickle to settle. Bless Will loving his avocado - he has good taste :winkwink::haha:

frufru - excellent job on the curtain track :thumbup: I hope your hubby doesnt keep you awake snoring. Glad you had such a good nights sleep last night though :hugs:

modo - welcome home :hugs: great news Bobby is sleeping through again :thumbup:

Sarah - sounds like you had a lovely day, cant wait to hear what Steve's present is! x

Well I definately have my milk back but much more on one side than the other. I hope the emptier side catches up. I look really wonky :blush:
We didnt do much today, the girls had horse riding and we sat in the village pub while they were out hacking. Horse riding is another thing I really miss!
oof so tired, just got back from visiting OHs family up north, it was lovely though :)

LM - big :hugs: so sorry to hear everything is happening all at once for you, i really hope Dillion is better soon! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sarah - Happy Birthday :)

A3my - Glad the milk is coming back for you :)

:hugs: to everyone else!

Weaning is going really well for us, Roh is sooo greedy! I've upped him to breakfast and lunch already and he's packing it away! Last night we were having beef stew with mash and he woke up so i was holding him at the table and he was literally launching himself at my plate and shouting, he started getting really stressed, so i mashed a bit of carrot and potato in the gravy and gave it to him, he keeped crying every time i stopped feeding him! :wacko: He loved it, even though it wasn't even pureed, and quite lumpy, he swallowed it all. Then he got all excited about my fruit salad, so he ended up having some banana mashed up with a little cream too! He had all his milk feeds and 3 big meals yesterday :wacko: greedy little chap, he then slept for 10 hours, in the really old fashioned and quite narrow cot OHs aunt had in our room. He woke me up at 7am giggling with both arms and both legs sticking out of the bars and trying to get his head through too :haha:
I know he's not meant to have things other than rice and veg and fruit yet, but i figured a tiny bit of cream and gravy probably wouldn't hurt him at this point. He did do a truly terrifying poo this evening though!!
I'm glad he's being so lovely at the moment, he's gotten really into having cuddles and its great, its really helping me to stop feeling so sad to have him to focus on all day.
Right i'm falling asleep, hope you're all well

modo - welcome back! :flower:

emera - i'm glad that roh has taken so well to weaning!

just dropped OH off at his residential week thing. they had to take so much stuff!!! kids have a fancy dress party later. leaving owen with my mum so can have some time with dylan and erin. also got to take owen for his vaccines later :cry: i have heard these are the worst so far!!!
frufru - dylan loved the elc rainmaker when he was a baby too!
Amy - :rofl: about your wonkyness. I always had one booby bigger than the other and it was a nightmare finding a nursing bra to accomodate both boobs comfortably. I am really sorry that Alex's nights are still pants :hugs:

Emera - Bless him, Roh sounds like he was so ready for weaning :) As for the cream etc Roh is less than 2 weeks away from 6 months anyway. :rofl: about the truly terrifying poo :haha:

MaybeBaby - I hope Owen's vaccines go ok today :hugs: Joni ran a bit of a temperature with her's but it settled with some calpol and she was just super-sleepy for a few days. As for the rainmaker I am not sure to loves it more, me or Joni :haha:

Well Joni had an absolutely stonking night and all in her cot :thumbup: She went down at 7.45 through to 1 when she woke for a feed. Then went back down at 1.30 til 6 :shock: I actually don't think Joni has ever not woken up between 4-5 before. Fingers crossed this is not a flash in the pan [-o<

Sadly my night did not go so well. I went to bed at 10 and between 10-1 I only got about an hours sleep :shrug: Then after Joni's feed I did not drop back off to sleep until after 3 :nope: It is so frustrating knowing that I could be getting at least 6+ hours a night and I am only getting on average 3ish hours of broken sleep a night. I have been to the doctors about the insomnia (it has been going on since Easter before Joni was born) and they have been about as much use as a chocolate teapot! THey just say it is all linked to my grief over my sister and the stress of all the other stuff that has happened in the last 6 months and it will work itself out in time. I am not sure it will resolve itself, as I used to be able to fall asleep in an hour and a half and now it is taking up to 2-3 hours for me to nod off so if anything it is getting worse. I am really worried if it goes on too much longer I will end up with a permanent sleep disorder :wacko: I am going to give it another 3 weeks and then I am going to go back and see if they will refer me for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Counselling.
frufru - :hugs: can the dr not give you sleeping tablets or something? if not an over the counter thing such as nytol? it's so frustrating when you know you should be sleeping but cant. i hope it works itself out soon :hugs:

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