Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

has anyone heard from Jolou or CG? havent seen them on here in ages!
Glad you had a lovely day Sarah, what did Oliver get you? :lol: I didn't get a proper birthday this year because it was the day after I came out of hospital so everyone was more interested in Daisy :lol: suspect that'll be a running theme as she's the 24th and I'm the 26th.
Modo, I'm glad Bobby's nights are better! Daisy has always tried to launch herself out of my arms, it's scary isn't it!
Frufru, great news that Joni is sleeping better!
Amy, I'm glad the bfing is getting back on track
Maybe, I get tired just listening to you.. 3 kids is so much work!

Well Daisy is desperately trying to figure out how to crawl. She can shuffle on her tummy, but only backwards. For a few days now she's been rolling onto her front and pulling her knees up under herself, she doesn't know to keep her head up though so she headbutts the floor and doesn't really get anywhere. It's sort of like a caterpillar crawl :lol:
I'm moving tomorrow!! :wohoo:
morning :winkwink:

emera - I'm so glad Roh is loving his grub so much :haha: I was naughty bad and let Alex have a lick of my ice cream the other day and he went the same , getting all cross and hyper that he couldnt have anymore, naughty bad mummy me :blush: I'm a firm beliver that mothering is down to instinct more than what you're meant to do so I think a bit of gravy and cream is fine. Afterall, there were no guildlines when cave women weaned their babies! Thats wondeful he's giving you so much joy, I'm sorry you still feel sad underneath :hugs::hugs::hugs:

frufru - I cant believe the docs wouldnt help you :dohh: I can imagine how frustrating the insomnia is, I get annoyed that I cant make myself nap when Alex naps in the day so to lie there for hours much be horrible :hugs: its great that Joni is sleeping so well but she needs a well slept mummy too. you should definately go back if it doesnt resolve :hugs::hugs: I'm glad I'm not alone in my wonkyness :rofl:

Katie - hope the move goes well, how exciting!!!! :happydance: and go Daisy!! :wohoo:

maybe _ I've seen facebook updates from Jolou - do you have a facebook account? she seems very happy :hugs: I hope Owen's jabs go OK. I was dreading them with Alex for the same reason and I gave him calpol straight after and then 6 hours later and he was absolutely fine :hugs::hugs:

I am having a lazy day as the weather is rubbbish :rain: I've just watched a film called "the Experiment" and I quite fancy a it of Adrian Broody :blush:
Just a quick one -maybebaby someone had posted this link in the breastfeeding forum . . . .
thought it might help x
Well Daisy is desperately trying to figure out how to crawl. She can shuffle on her tummy, but only backwards. For a few days now she's been rolling onto her front and pulling her knees up under herself, she doesn't know to keep her head up though so she headbutts the floor and doesn't really get anywhere. It's sort of like a caterpillar crawl :lol:
I'm moving tomorrow!! :wohoo:

Bobby has been doing something similar in bed when I am trying to get him to nap!

Good luck with the move hon :kiss:
Evening all,

LM - :hugs: I really hope that Dillon is ok?

Modo - welcome back :)

Amy - I'm glad the BF is back on track and thank you for the post on FB today... much appreciated! :)

Katie - good luck with the move tomorrow :)

Emera - I am glad that the weaning is going well! I can't wait to start!

Maybebaby - I hope Owen's vaccines went well? I was so glad to get the final set out of the way!

Frufru - glad Joni had a good nights sleep but sorry that you are not sleeping so well. Sadly I am the same and have been for a number of years since I lost my wonderful Dad. I had counselling which helped but the best advice was to remove my alarm clock from my bedside table so that I did not look at the time every time I woke up. By doing this I did not focus as much on how little sleep I was getting... :wacko:

Well it was my first day back at work today and whilst it went well, I am glad that I am lucky enough to go back part time! I missed Chloe so much and there is no doubt that I was appreciate my days off with her even more!

And now she is asleep in her cot.. so she must have had a tiring day with Nan! (and selfishly all I want to do is wake her up and have some time with her!! :blush:)

Instead I will have to do some housework and catch up on some Sky+!!
sarah - thanks for the link :thumbup:

katie - good luck with the move!!! pics please!!!

amy - i dont have facebook at the mo. i did but deactivated it as had lots of links to a so called friend who turned out not to be that at all!!!

well owen weighed in at a whopping 19lbs4oz!!! he had his vaccines and didnt want any solids tonight. gave him some panadol and hoping he is going to be ok. poor thing. i spoke to the HV and she has said i need to try the sleep training again. she said to feed him at 11pm 3am and 6am this week and to go back next monday and we'd reassess then. i wont start that tonight as he's had the vaccines and will probably need cuddles and not the stress of sleep training. i told HV that he doesnt seem interested in bf most of the day and just wants to feed at night. she said as he is having 3 meals it is ok so long as he's having a feed at morning and at night. i will continue to offer a bf at every feed and she also said to offer one at 4pm too and 9pm. anyway i will try starting from tomorrow!!!

took dylan and erin to a friend's fancy dress party. here are some pics (erin likes posing far more than dylan!!!) :




PG - you're welcome! I'd been thinking about you as I was originally meant to go back to work this week but luckily an insurance payout from an accident we had last year meant I can stay off a bit longer. I went back when Emily was 4 months old and Holly 6 months. First day is always the worst and as you say, it makes hometime so much more appreciated xxx

maybe aww thats a shame about FB :) Erin is such a little beauty! and Dylan is a handsome young chap. Owen is doing so well! wow! :thumbup: i hope he's OK tonight, I think you are doing the right thing not starting sleep training until he's over the jabs :hugs:

I've got enough milk that I can now express a little after feeds :happydance: I am soooo happy. I dont think he's gained any weight but I dont think he's lost anymore :happydance: I think Alex is just going to be an itty bitty baby. He's perfectly settled between feeds now (except at night :dohh:) and my little ray of sunshine :)
Awww they are fab photos Maybe!!!! I hope Owen has a good night . . . . is that his vaccinations all done for now? I was glad to get those last ones out of the way. What a fab weight too!!!

PG I'm glad your first day back at work went okay :hugs:

Katie hope all goes well with the move!!!

Amy & FruFru my boobs are wonky too - Oliver has a favourite and it's made me rather lopsided :dohh: Boob job is going to be essential after the next baby :haha:

FruFu I'm gld Joni had a good night!! Sorry to hear about your issues sleeping, how frustrating for you :hugs: I hope your doc is more understanding if you go back :hugs:

Emera I'm glad the weaning is going well!!

I had so much more to say but I can't for the life of me think what it was :dohh:

My pressie from Steve and Oliver arrived today - and its fab. Its a little digital camera which also records HD video. I already have a digital SLR (I love my photogrpahy lol) but its so big, so I end up using my phone for pics when we are out and about and though it takes a decent pic it's not really up to the standard of camera I wanted, plus I really wanted a HD video cam. I'm so pleased with it! I'll be able to take it everywhere, its just fab - the perfect gift for me! Steve buys fab pressies . . . . I am soooo spoilt :haha:

Right, well I'm off to do some ironing!

Hope you are all well - oh and a big thankyou for all your birthday wishes - you are all sooooo lovely :hugs:

Amy thats so fab about your milk - well done!!!!!!!
amy - so happy that your milk is so much better and alex is more settled. fingers crossed tonight may be the night he sleeps better!

sarah - fab pressie!!!

owen has been really unsettled and has been waking up crying but not really being awake (if that makes any sense!!!) i think it is going to be a long night :dohh:
here's a couple of pics of owen a couple of weeks ago on his 1st day of weaning!


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awww, he's gorgeous and like the bib :) Alex is settled now but I bet he'll be terrible from 1am. I should go to bed now but I love wasting my time on here :p
owen has been awful! u can tell he is in pain from vaccines :( its 3.30am and he has had 2 doses of panadol 1 of nurofen and one of medised! am even more tired than usual if that is possible :cry:
Maybe.. sorry to hear that Owen has been poorly. Chloe was really under the weather after her third set of jabs too and yet she seemed fine after the first two sets. Hope he is on the mend soon :hugs:
MaybeBaby - thank you for the hugs on the sleep front :flower: The doctors won't give me sleeping pills as then I won't wake in the night when I need to for Joni and I have tried the natural over-the-counter ones and they don't really work for me :sad1:
It is good that your health visitor is being so positive about trying to get Owen's day/night feeding sorted I hope the change to the feeding times goes well today. Dylan and Erin look super-cute in their little outfits :mrgreen: and I love Owens weaning pictures :)
:hugs: for your bad night, I hope you're ok :hugs:

Katie - Good luck with the move today. Joni does the same shuffle bum crawl thing and goes backwards too, it is so comical. She does sometimes shuffle forwards too but when she does she is on her knees and face rather than knees and elbows :dohh: as the action of getting on her knees makes her face tips forward :rofl: I really must try and get a video of it to show you all.

Amy - I am still a bit wonky in the boob dept even now :haha: I am so glad that your milk seems to be adjusting and Alex is a lot happier :hugs: I love it that you call him your little ray of sunshine, that what I call Joni too :cloud9:

PG -
the best advice was to remove my alarm clock from my bedside table so that I did not look at the time every time I woke up. By doing this I did not focus as much on how little sleep I was getting :wacko:
I had not thought of this and will give it a go, thank you :hugs:
I am glad that your first day back at work went well :thumbup:

Sarah - what a lovely present! I have always got our camera out, I wish I had a photographic memory so I could keep every happy Joni memory as fresh as the day it happened but photos will have to do instead.


Last night was another good one for Joni :thumbup: 7.15-1 in her cot, feed 1-1.30, 1.30-5 in the cot, 5-7 co-sleeping on the futon in her room. I did try to settle her in her cot at 5 but she was so close to waking up and I could not face starting the day at 5am so I just crawled onto the futon with her. My sleep seemed a little better last night. I had a lavender scented bath at 9.30 followed by a full body moisturise with aqueous cream which I mixed with lavender and chaomile essential oils. Then it was a mug of warm milk followed by a read in bed. I think it took me about 45mins to fall asleep and only woke up when Joni woke which is really good going for me. I just kept trying to focus on just relaxing rather than falling asleep which seemed to help. I will definately take PG's advice and move the clock too - now I think about it I do get more frustrated whenever I see the time and am still not asleep.

I am meeting up with a few Mum's from my surestart postnatal group this morning for a coffee. The new group of Mum's has just started their postnatal group at the surestart and their babies are sooooo tiny, I love how grownup Joni is but sometimes I miss the tiny wee curled up Joni too :blush: I am going to take the bag of unused breastpads and size 1/2 nappies along and give them to my hv to see if any of the new mums want to take them off my hands. I don't want money or anything, just my cupboard space back!!!

Have a good day everyone :hugs:
frufru - glad joni is sleeping better and so are you :yipee:

PG - Owen was fine after 1st 2 lots of vaccines too :shrug: maybe its the combo of the 3 different ones at the same time?!!

owen seems chirpier now after polishing off a bowl of carrot parsnip and baby rice!!! :haha: he still doesnt seem interested in the boob during the day though which is worrying seeing as HV said to cut out night feeds :wacko: tho HV said it was fine as he's having 3 meals it is ok if he just has a bf 1st thing in morning and last feed at night. am not convinced though. what do u girls think???
Sarah -I missed your post, what a fab pressie! I love photography too. sadly I had a boob job when I was 26 :blush: and its safe to say it was a waste of money :rofl: I just want the implants out now, I'll be left with spaniels ears but feeding Alex has been totally worth it :cloud9:

frufru - well done to Joni with the sleep :thumbup: i'm glad you had a better night too. I'm sure you'll have good and bad nights like our babies but every good night will give you a boost :hugs:

maybe - poor Owen :hugs: I hope he's over the worst. I would stick with trying the HV feeding schedule, just becasue its so important you get some sleep. Owen is a fantastic weight and if he needs the milk on top of the food then I'm sure he'll switch to feeding in the day. If you are worried about him getting constipated maybe you could try giving him some water in a sippy cup in the day :shrug: I think you should give it a go for a week and then you could get him weighed to see if he has dropped, and of course if he really is hungry in the night feed him :hugs: I've also read about a technique to reduce night feeds/increase day feeds where you reduce the length of time of each feed by one minute every time until the feeds are just a quick boob in the mouth and then try the dummy instead? Sorry if I am rambling! :hugs::hugs::hugs: hope I was some help.

Well I'm off to my mums for lunch. I had a walk in the drizzle earlier and then made shepards pie for tonight while Alex slept. Have a lovely day :flower:
Cor its been quiet in here today where is everyone?

MaybeBaby - I am glad that Owen seems a bit better, fingers crossed he has a better night tonight. As for the feeding - what Amy said :haha:

Amy - I hope you had a nice lunch with your Mum. Well done on making dinner before lunch too, you are so organised :thumbup:

Well I checked the weather forecast last night as I had a couple of loads of washing to get clean and dried but the weather has been against me this week. Last night and this morning the met office report was cloudy all day with light rain some time after 4pm and on that basis I washed two loads and put them out on the line. However, it rained between 2 and 3 while I was out and it all got soaked :hissy: I would not mind but I don't have a tumble drier and don't have room to dry that many clothes inside :nope: Thankfully a friend came to my rescue and let me pop over and use her tumble drier for a couple of hours :friends:

I have been thinking of LogansMama a lot and really hope Dillon is getting better :flower:

Have a lovely evening everyone :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

FruFru I've been trying to get on all day but Oliver has had other ideas :haha: I couldn't manage without my tumble dryer - I even use it in the summer which is such a bad habit but I get so annoyed when I hang washing out and it gets rained on, and I hate hate hate spiders, and I always seem to get spiders in my washing when I hang it out!!!

I've also been thinking about LogansMama :hugs: Hope Dillon is getting better, and that things are picking up for you, lots of love and hugs :hugs:

A3my were you pleased with your implants before you breastfed? I think I'll wait until we have another baby . . . . unless we decide to just have Oliver but I think we'll have another :haha: But when I've had my babies I def want my boobies doing.

We had a quietish day today, Steve worked. Oliver and I had a walk to the post office as I had to post some tickets I sold on e-bay. They were for Jimmy Carr on Friday, we bought them ages ago and completely forgot - whoops! I'm only happy to leave Oliver with my mum and they are away on Friday and I wouldn't ask them not to go when they have plans. I told Steve he could take a friend or something but he decided to sell them. I was dreading him suggesting leaving Oliver with his mum because it would have been hard for me to say no but I would have hated it.

I don't often have need for a MIL rant but I need a little one today :haha: So at about 17.55 today my MIL telephoned, and said 'oh, your in then, we're coming around'. She was with my niece. I said yeah I'm in, but Oliver goes to bed at 6pm so I'm kinda busy. So she got really funny and said Well I didn't know Oliver went to bed at 6pm (she said it like there was something wrong with that) so I said well its his routine, I like to stick to it as much as possible etc. She got really funny about it and started saying how my niece was bored. I stuck to my guns but it really annoyed me! I think its because the other day I was just bathing Oliver before bed (literally - he was in the bath) and I heard her try the door (she always tries the door first so if its unlocked she just walks in :dohh:) and then knock but there was no way I could have answered the door! The next time I saw her she said I called the other day but you must have been out, but you left the TV and the lights on. So I said no, I was in but I was bathing Oliver so I couldn't get to the door. She again got all funny like I was making it up or something. Argh, I'm in all day for goodness sake, why does she always call at bedtime?

Oliver's just woken up . . . . I'll be back shortly :haha:

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