Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LM - :yipee: that Dillon is home :hugs:

Sarah - we too suffer with spiders hitching a lift inside with the washing but with no tumble dryer we pretty much just have to put up with it! I empathise about your MIL :hugs: my bugbear is people getting put out when I don't answer the phone. If I am putting Joni down for a nap, bathing her, feeding her etc I just don't think it is fair to jerk her away from what we are doing. If it's urgent they can call back or leave a message so whats the problem :shrug:

Katie - sorry your move has not gone as smoothly as you would have liked :hugs: I am sure in a couple of weeks once you are in and unpacked you will forget about the stress. HOw is Daisy getting on with her weaning and sleeping?

Amy - I am really sorry that your boob job was not what you had hoped for :hugs: It is great that you have still been able to feed Alex though :thumbup: Speaking of Alex I hope his snuffles dissapear soon.
Oh and 3 stone in a month :shock: crikey

H&F - Well done on 3.5lbs that is fab :happydance: I hope Amy's weigh in went equally well

Marta - Don't worry about the difference in size between Janno's arms too much, in a few months time the muscle will have built back up in the poorly arm and it will match the unbroken one again :hugs:

Maybebaby - I am sorry you had such a crappy night and hope that tonight is a little better for you :hugs: On the sleep training front don't pressure yourself too much, just do what you can manage. Every little adjustment you can make on the sleep front will help. I hope the book Sarah sent helps a bit. I really do admire your strength and abilities as a Mum - you do such a fantastic job looking after your three wonderful children. If I can do half as a good a job with Joni I will be chuffed!

Lots of booby talk on here at the moment :haha: My boobies are quite droopy and wonky/lopsided but I much prefer them to before I lost my mega-weight :) I couldn't afford a boob job, but even if I could, after hubby's surgery experience in May I don't think I would ever have the courage to have elective surgery.

Last night was ok. Hubby very kindly did Joni's night feed. However, as a result she was up for 2 hours as opposed to the usual 30mins. After an hour and a half I had to go in and take over as she was wide awake, cooing and wanting to play. It only took me about 10 minutes to settle her down to a sleepy state but by this time she was so overstimulated she took ages to fall asleep properly in her cot. It turns out he made the rookie mistake of when she woke turning the lights on and engaging in playful banter during her bum change and feed :dohh: Poor Joni must have thought it was morning!

Oh and Joni was weighed today and she is now a cracking 15lb 1oz :)

Anyway, I think I will hit the hay and see if I can catch some :sleep:
Evening All!

FruFru thankyou :hugs: The phone thing gets me too, I normally have my mobile on me so I think if its that important, leave a message or call the mobile. My dad send me a text the other day saying 'Your home phone is broken again' as we had some issues with the line a while ago, I text him back saying nope, I'm just busy!! :haha:

Oliver automatically gets all excited and hyper around Daddy - I would never dare send Steve to settle him. In fact I think Steve has only ever settled Oliver to sleep once - and thats when he was tiny. Oliver settles for me, my mum and my sister who he hardly ever sees because she lives in London - but every time we see her Oliver is so relaxed with her. Its quite odd really but to look at them together you would think they spent loads of time together. Its really lovely though :)

Katie I hope you get all sorted soon, it will be worth it in the end!!

H&F Well done re the weight loss! I bought some tests the other day, but I haven't done one yet. My period hasn't returned yet. I know thats normal but I just want to make sure. I think I should really start taking the mini pill I was prescribed but argh, I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm just been silly I'm sure and really if it has any adverse effects I can just stop taking them. I think I should test and then start taking them. I don't want to, but I should :dohh:

I hope all the snuffly babies are feeling better soon! Oliver has been a little sniffly too . . . maybe its the weather?

Marta I'm glad Janno had his cast removed, I hope he's doing well :)

Again I know I've missed people off here - I'm so sorry!!

I'm going to baby club tomorrow - no really, I am!! :haha: One of the girls from Baby Massage is going so I said I'd go too. I'm feeling a bit ill tonight though so hopefully I'll be okay in the morning.

I want to get a hellium balloon too - you know the foil ones? My nephew had one when we visited them the other day and Oliver LOVED it! He couldn't take his eyes off it and when i held it close to him he got all excited and kept hitting it. So I thought I'd get him his own :haha:

Right, I'm off to bed. Fingers crossed for a good night for us all!!!

Oh, any Maybe - I'm glad the book arrived!! I really hope it helps :hugs:
frufru - brilliant weight Joni!!! :happydance: I hate phonecalls too, in the early days I used to unplug the phone because I HATED how people seemed to call the minute I chanced a nap with Alex. Now I just need to unplug the doorbell :haha: DH is forever ordering parcels I have to sign for and the postman has seen me in all stages of dishelvedness :dohh::haha:

sarah - I'm still not on the pill :blush: I've read it can interfere with milk production, even the mini-pill so after all my worries I darent risk it. We use condoms (bleuurgh I hate them). Luckily (in some ways) we've only done the deed 4 times since I had Alex :shy:

I've been up and down the stairs tonight seeing to poor Alex, he's really struggling to breathe and getting loads of wind when he feeds. Did some of you ladies say you'd used a karvol plug in? was it any good? :hugs:
Amy I think Sarah and Muddles have used the Karvol plug in and found it useful. We found it was too strong for Joni and actually made her worse as the menthol made her eyes stream. I have to confess we tried the plug in in our room too and both hubby and I found it too strong aswell. We had to turn it off after a few hours as I had sinus ache from it despite not even having a cold :dohh: Clearly my family are menthol wimps :haha:

Maybebaby recommended snufflebabe vapour rub which is very gentle and has really helped Joni :thumbup: I also propped up Joni's mattress so it is at an angle and naughty Mama has been letting her sleep elevated on the V cushion I used to use for BF.

I really hope Alex feels better soon x
amy - hope alex's sniffles are better. isnt it strange how we are the same age, have 3 kids and the same issues :haha: you have to laugh about it dont you!!! if not you'd just cry!!!

sarah - have been reading the book but only a few pages as owen kept waking before i got to bed so didnt have much time :dohh: my FIL had an op the other week and someone sent him a hamper with a helium balloon attached to it and owen loved it too :haha:

joni - why do men do that :shrug: sometimes when i am trying to settle owen OH comes in and starts to play with him and i just feel like bashing him over the head :grr:

h&f - gret weight loss! i am so unmotivated and just eating rubbish all the time. last night i polished off a whole tub of ben and jerry's :blush:

well owen woke at 2am and i tried to settle him like the HV said but he started crying loudly and i was so worried he was going to wake the other 2 up that i just took him into bed with me (though she's said not to pick him up!) i tried to pacify him with the dummy but that didnt work and i just put him on the boob where he promptly fell asleep again :dohh: feel like such a failure :dohh: :cry: i really wanted to sort out his sleeping before OH comes back tomorrow. he fell asleep when i took the kids to school/nursery and is napping in his buggy so i think i'm going to see if he stays asleep long enough for me to make a cup of tea and drink it (yeah right pigs might fly :haha: ) and then i'm going to make a start on the housework as having a couple of friends round tonight for a girly takeaway evening as OH not here. catch you all later!!!
morning :flower:

frufru - thanks for the advice :hugs: I'm going to try the vapour rub first as my DH has really sensitive eyes and I think Alex has too. He's asleep in the pram at the moment (with the head end propped up :thumbup:).

maybe - so true :rofl: we must both be strong women for what we endure :thumbup: so did Owen sleep from 10 - 2 ish? thats a start even if you brought him into bed and fed him at 2. I'd have done the same. How is the breastfeeding in the day going? Hope you have a lovely evening, a girly takeaway sounds fab :thumbup:

Well Alex has woken himslef coughing so I'll go sort him out. laters all xxx
amy - he slept about 11-2 but i fed him last at about 10 but when i put him down he woke up i think with teething pains :dohh: so gave him some medised as he was snuffly too. he woke about 3 times after putting him in bed with me so it is an improvement from most nights :thumbup: i am hoping to find some words of wisdom in the book sarah sent me. if i do you will be the first to know!!!
Sarahwoo - we have the opposite thing. Although Kristan settles with everybody still daddy is special. If he picks him up and dandles on his arms, Kristan is the calmest baby in world.
A3my - hope Alex will be okay soon :hugs:
maybebaby3 - enjoy your girly night.

Ohh, my best friend came here today morning just to tell me that her OH proposed. And the way he did it is so romantic. Even best Hugh Grant movie can't make me cry like that did :cloud9: So we spent whole morning looking at my wedding photos and then pictures of wedding gowns from internet. Gosh how beautiful dresses we found. Now I feel like I want to divorce OH just to marry him again :cloud9:
marta you made me laugh! getting divorced to get married again :haha: weddings are great arent they?
Maybe: your kids are all gorgeous!

LM: Great news!

Sarah: great pressie!

Amy :hugs: I am glad you have come to terms with your implants :hugs:.
I feel like I'm WAY behind because I haven't started xmas shopping yet! All I've got are cards, not even ones for my Mum and Vinny and Daisy! I can feel myself panicking :blush: I need to keep perspective and remember it's over 2 months away :lol:
Daisy is another snuffly baby just now, although her sleep seemed to be improving before she got a cold :) The night before last I put her down at 7 and she didn't wake until 6.30, then had a bottle and went back to sleep until 11 :wacko: Wonders will never cease, I suspect that was one of those once in a blue moon occurences, but it was lovely!
Frufru, Joni is a fab weight!
H&F, well done on the loss :)
Daisy won't settle for Vinny.. He's another one who plays with her though!
I've got a video of Daisy being a caterpillar, I'm going to try and upload it now :) It's too boring for FB!
ooh katie cant wait to see the video!!! i havent bought any xmas shopping apart from a silver cross ranger pram for erin from elc! :,default,pd.html
maybebaby3 - yeah they are. Now I've been thinking of my weddings for whole day. I just loved all the planning. And I can't wait to go to her wedding.
Windmills - way behind? :shock: I'm not even thinking of Christmas before December. Okay, or couple of days before because kids are waiting "dwarfs". Ohh, I've never even dealt with that.
Hey everyone -

Well AF still not come and I had got into a 4 week cycle with it again, OH has bought a test so I am off to do it in a moment. We had a brilliant night sleep last night 8 till 8 and Amy didnt want her dream feed so tonight we are going to try and miss it out tonight!

Amy now weighs 17lbs 15ozs she is a heavy lump!

I am so tired today amy wants to be on her feet constantly and if I leave her lying on her back she gets really frustrated. Right im off to do a test.

That should work I think xx
awww how cute ... amy has just decided she can roll over and over! She is so chuffed with herself! Hopefully I will be able to put her in bed soon but she is so hyper atm I know she wont settle!
Haha Daisy does that too :lol: she always bangs her head when she goes onto her back again though :dohh:
Awww Kate how cute!! Oliver does that, but ends up going backwards somehow lol! Well done on the fab nights sleep!!! And don't worry about Christmas, there is loads of time yet!!

Marta I love thinking of our wedding too :) I'm sure you'll have lots of fun helping your friend!

H&F . . . . . we are waiting for those test results!!! I need to do mine :dohh: but I was going to do one first thing but I always forget!!

Well this is going to really shock you all . . . . . .

WE WENT TO BABY CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it was fun :) There were about 10 mums and babies, the girl from Baby Massage wasn't there but I was okay. A lot of the mums seemed to know each other - I think from having older kids in school together. But they were mainly nice and friendly. We just all sat around playing with our babies and a lady came to talk to us about baby dental stuff which was interesting. Then at the end they had a sing song - I hadn't even heard of most of the nursery rhymes - Incy Wincy Spider I do know but wind your bobbin up? Jelly on a Plate? Is it just me or is it a wierd Pontefract thing? :haha: Anyway, Oliver loved the singing and joined in, bless him. I also signed up for a two hour paediatric first aid course in November, I really wanted to do something like this so I'm really pleased. They provide free child care too, and the lady who takes the baby massage course said that she would personally take care of Oliver, which I thought was really nice - though I might leave him with Daddy if he's not at work.

So after a morning of excitement at baby club we had an afternoon chilling at home, Steve is at work again. Oliver had a couple of good naps but I think baby club really tired him out! It took me a while to get him settled tonight - I'd finally got him settled and the bloomin cat started meowing soooo loudly right outside the bedroom door and woke him up - argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's fast asleep now though.

I feel a bit rubbish today . . . I have no idea whats wrong with me. I keep sneezing but I don't think I'm getting a cold. I just feel really off colour . . . I think I'll have an early night and hopefully I'll be fine tomorrow.

She was getting even better at the weird inch worm thing before I got her to bed, :lol:
I know those nursery rhymes Sarah!! But I have 3 stepbrothers who are 6, 7 and 9 so they're not too distant for me. Also my Mum is a nursery teacher and I often call in with the baby and catch a nursery rhyme or two!
Glad you enjoyed baby club, hope you get a good night's sleep tonight :kiss: I'm just waiting for Vinny to get back and then I'm going to bed. I hate not having the monitor and mat set up here, I have to keep checking on her!

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