Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LC - Alex is all ticklish too! Its so cute, he's always giggled at his stomach being tickled but tonight I tickled him under the arms and he laughed and laughed. I think I got a bit carried away though because then he screamed!! x
Amy I also have a Olbas Vaporiser . . .
I find it less strong than the Karvol Plug In :flower:
I bought mine in Boots, its quite handy :)

I hope Alex is feeling better soon, and all the other sniffly babies :hugs:

Maybe I hope the book helps . . . I haven't read it myself but I hope it works for you :hugs: Cupcakes sounds YUM! Mmmmmm I might have to bake tomorrow :haha:

L-C Its good to know that the mini pill has been good for you . . . . thankyou! I was worried it would make my period come back so I'm glad you said that, I'm going to start taking it in the morning. Yay for your new pushchair!!

Ticklish babies are so cute! Oliver is ticklish under his arms, I start off at his feet and tickle up to his arms and he starts giggling in advance now, knowing whats coming :haha:

We had a really, really good day today!! Baby Massage was excellent, Oliver was an absolute dream! He's always been quite unsettled and cries when ever another baby cries . . . so I've been keeping going and then going to baby club too, and I feel like its been soooo worth while because Oliver just loved it today! He had a full massage and just laid there cooing, blowing raspberries, chatting away - he was just perfect, I was so proud!! This was the last week of baby massage so we all got a certificate, and I also swapped numbers with two other mums and we're going to meet up for coffee and things. I'm so pleased, I finally have friends! That sounds so sad :haha:

After baby massage we went to buy Oliver a balloon - which he adores - and popped into Monsoon and bought some cute little jumpers and things in the next size up. I also got a few hats for the winter . . . for me :haha: and some cute mittens for Oliver. He has about 6 pairs of mittens now . . . . but they are so cute I just keep buying them :dohh:

Right, well I'm off to chill and watch some TV :) Its Horse of the Year Show but it's not on until 10pm so I'm taping it to watch tomorrow :)
Evening ladies,

went to the wedding show today ... it was brill! found a photographer, florist, cake, bridesmaid dresses and a tiara so was a very productive day! Amy has been a cheeky monkey all day trying to attract everybodys attention!

She is now fast asleeo in bed ... last night was her first night without a dream feed and she slept until 6am so we are going to leave her again tonight and she how she goes.

Weight watchers still going well this week really hoping to lose another 1lb at least this week and then I will reach my 5% goal and if I lose another 3lbs in the next couple of weeks that will be my first stone out of 5 I have to lose!
h&f - well done on the weight loss!!!

sarah - glad you have found some mummy friends!!!

lc - glad will is so much better at night!

amy - how are the nights going?

owen fed at 11pm and then slept til 2.10!!! then he slept til 5!!! after that he dozed and fed on and off til we got up at 7.30ish. not perfect but better! also for the 1st time all week dylan didnt get up til past 7! result!!! he did go to bed at 11pm though :wacko: we let him stay up as OH just got back! erin took herself to bed when she was tired :haha: back to the normal bedtime routine tonight though. i like them to be in bed by 9 so they rest and i have some sanity!!!
maybebaby - I shot myself in the foot had a horrendous night! up pretty much every hour and he would only take half a feed and so wouldn't last - I feel like poo today. think Will is teething, won't take his hand out of his mouth and is shaking his head from side to side x
Sarah - I could have spent half the day in the ASDA here and ours is not even that big :dohh: I chose ASDA because I wanted a few bits from the baby sale. However, as they have their "events" aisle dedicated to halloween at the moment the baby sale stuff was strewn all around the store so it was really hard to find anything :rolleyes:
When I was sleeping next to Joni on the bed in her room the other day I woke up and she had managed to maneuver herself so that when I woke it was because she was kicking me in the face :haha: charming huh!
I am so pleased Oliver had such a good day - it took Joni a while to get used to being around other babies and in large social groups but she has started to love it now :mrgreen: Oh and yay for making Mum friends :yipee: it can be really hard to make friends with other mum's and I have found my postnatal group at the surestart really helpful on that front. Plus Joni now has lots of little friends the same age as her :)

Muddles - thank you for the advice about not leaving the karvol plug in on for long period :dohh: why did I not think of that!

Amy - poor Alex :hugs:

Maybebaby - Erins outfit sounds really cute, I nearly bought one for Joni in ASDA but thought I would have a look round other places first. Oooooh cupcakes mmmmmm.
And :yipee: for Owen having a better night - onwards and upwards!

L-C - I am so pleased that you have a new pushchair you like. I bought a lightweight stroller for Joni about a month ago and I love it :kiss: and we now go out every day for walks, even in the rain!
Boo to the bad night :hugs: Have you tried Will with any of the teething powders to see if they help calm him at all. There are the Aston Parsons powders or the Nelsons teething granules. I use the Nelson's and they do help calm Joni and make her a little less fretful. I have given up with teething gels until there are signs of which teeth are coming through.

H&F - great news about phasing out the dreamfeed, fingers crossed it continues. Out of interest what time does Amy go to bed? Good luck with the weight loss this week.

It sounds like all our babies are starting to love being tickled - it is so damn cute :cloud9:

Well Joni had a stonking night :thumbup: but not such a good morning. She slept well throught the night but woke at 4.40 and hubby jumped out of bed to go to her before me. At 5.15 she was still crying and fussing so I went through to her room to see if I could help but they were not there - they were in the front room with all the lights on! Hubby says that Joni was wide awake and so there was no point trying to get her back to sleep and he had no choice but to start her day :dohh: I tried to explain that he really should have just stuck to the night time waking rules but he was not having any of it :shrug: I must confess it even when I settle JOni at the 4-5am waking it is hard work and recently I have ended up bringing her into bed with me to get her to go back to sleep until 6-6.30.

I am really looking for some advice about Joni's 4-5am waking. She has always woken up at this time since she was born. Originally it was for a feed but over time if I gave her a feed she stopped taking her 7am feed and she can go without the 4-5am feed now. I suspect Joni wakes at this time from habit but I also wonder if it is because I am putting her to bed too early as last night she was alseep for 6.45 so had slept for around 10 hours when she woke up at 4.40. Maybe she was ready to wake up? The trouble is she is genuinely knackered at 6.30 and ready for her feed and bed then even though she naps well in the day (3 naps a day of 45m morning nap, 1hr half-2hrs lunchtime nap, 20-45m late afternoon nap). Even if I do manage to keep her up a bit later and put her down say around 7.30 she still wakes up at 4-5am :confused: What do you ladies think, habit or too early a bedtime?

Oh and just a quick question - if any of you give a feed around 4-5am when does your LO have their next feed? I wonder if I should try feeding JOni at this time, maybe she would react better to an early morning feed, back to sleep for a few hours then having a later feed when she wakes say around 8ish?

Please don't think I am moaning about Joni's sleeping :blush: I know she is doing really well! I am just not overly fond of starting the day before 6am!

Maybe - thats fantastic :happydance::happydance::happydance: well done Owen :thumbup: even if he's not consistent and plays up tonight I've learnt from experience that if you stick to the same routine you'll have more better nights than bad. Alex's nights are ok considering he's got a stinking cold. He does go 2-3 hours between feeds at night now and will eventually settle but the whole process takes ages becasue he cant breathe to feed. Last night his nappy leaked and we had to change the cot too :dohh: he normally goes 8 - 11pm (feed) then till 2am (feed) then 4/5ish then might snooze then snack at 6/7am and then is awake for the day. then he naps for 1/2 hr at 9am, 11am and then whenever he can (due to school run).

sarah - glad you enjoyed baby massage :thumbup: you've reminded me I must check out monsoon :thumbup:

frufru - I feel your pain about the early starts, Alex is often wide awake really early and I always have him in bed by then so I can snooze while he munches on my wonky boobs :haha: Its sweet that your DH wants to help but frustrating that he got Joni up so early! :hugs: Alex feeds at 4/5 but he still feeds a lot in the night.

H&F - glad you had such a successful day at the wedding show :thumbup:

Well Alex is awake so I'd better go wipe his snotty nose. Oh I nearly forgot (I love my boob talk :haha:) - I was in the bath with Alex last night and DH came in and said "why is one of your boobs massively bigger than the other one" :haha: shows how much notice he takes, its been like that for ages! plus he does know how to put things in a way that makes me sooo attractive (not!!) :rofl: :rofl: Have a lovely day xxxx
Frufru I can't remember where I read it but, apparently they do go into a lighter sleep around that time and that's, why. Will is exactly the same, he usually comes in with me then.

I haven't tried anything other than a teething toy yet, so I will go and get some powders later xx
Hey everyone!

Why are weddings so expenisive! Having a financial day today and cant believe some of the prices! and the photographer I like is soooo expensive!

Fru fru - Amy goes to bed between 8 and 9 depending on her mood, we are just trying to get her into more of a routine with an afternoon nap etc at the moment she just seems to do what she wants!

Skipped the dream feed aagain last night and she slept until 6 put her dummy in and settled until 7.15 which is a brill time for her to wake ... fingers crossed she keeps it up!
H&F does Amy need her dummy to go to sleep?? Will does and I am wondering if this is what stops him sleeping longer, but if Amy can do til 6 am then there is hope x
L-C - Amy has just fallen asleep without her dummy, but that is rare! She normally likes it to fall asleep and if she wakes up during the night its the only way she will settle ... I think its a comfort thing but we are trying to wean her off it!
LC/frufru - Ive also read that babies sleep cycles get shorter and shorter and lighter through the night.

H&F - weddings are so expensive, we had to really do ours on the cheap but its the best day ever :hugs:

alex is awake again :dohh::growlmad: brb :haha:
Amy - I have fortunately just found another possible photographer I cant afford to spend £3000 on just the photographer!

How is everyone getting on?

Amy has gone to bed really early tonight - perfect opportunity to get oh at the table and discuss wedding costs!
H&F - £3000 :shock: do you know what sort of wedding dress you want? ooo I'm so excited for you!

Alex went back to sleep, I hope that was my last trip upstairs for a bit, he's taken an hr and a half to settle tonight :shhh:
Amy - my wedding dress is ordered! It wasn't overly expensive and is very simple ... just perfect!

Just been adding up how much the reception is going to cost, just over £5000 can't actually believe how expensive it is!
Just a quick one from me! Hope you are all doing well :hugs:

Frufru Bobby is still sleeping through and lately has been having two 90 min naps a day. I am very pleased :)

I am going to give Bobby his dream feed and going to bed so goodnight!

Will try and catch up Tom!
H&F - I had a simple dress too and I loved it :hugs: its crazy money isnt it but hey, you only live once :flower:

modo - wow, well done you with the routine! Hope you are doing well xx
I'm another one with 3 in the bed from 4am :dohh: I can't complain much, she sleeps 7-4/5 and then until about 7.30, and has a nap 9-10.30.
Daisy has refused to take a dummy since she was in hospital. They gave her sucrose on a dummy when she was having IVs put in and a lumbar puncture.. Is it coincidence or?
Oh my god, I've got a vile vile cold, I can't breathe and Daisy has it too :(
Evening All!

I'm just watching Horse of the Year Show . . . . Steve is working so I'm having a lovely night watching the ponies without him taking the mickey :haha:

H&F weddings are sooooo expensive. One of the reasons why we got married in Vegas with no guests :rofl: One of the photographers I used to work with a lot was about 8k for a basic package - you could easily spend about 12k just on her. STUPID! But she was the 'in' photographer so the kind of weddings I did would pay it, she was booked up years in advance. Most of my weddings just spend silly money. Honestly, the stories I could tell . . . . but the nicest weddings were the ones where it wasn't just cash been thrown about. There was one wedding, they just went sooooo overboard and had everything she wanted and a cherry on top. Their final venue payment was about 12k and the groom phoned about 2 days before the wedding and said that the bank had messed up and not moved it from the savings account, so he couldn't make the payment until they came home from honeymoon. We agreed, everything went perfectly, two weeks later he called the GM and said he couldn't pay - the wifey had spent so much on the wedding they had no money. They ended up in court, last I heard they had declared themselves bankrupt and were living in a caravan behind her mums house. He was an accountant so I think he lost his job due to the whole bankrupsy thing. All over a wedding. One day. So, so silly. Another one had literally no budget - the brides father was a multi millionaire and was showing off big time. They had about 300 guests and most of them were the father of the brides business accociates, the groom told me he knew about 30 people. The invites were £20 each - honestly I think the suppliers just saw them coming. The father of the bride wanted a free bar from when the ceremony ended until the end of the evening do - so from 1.30pm to 1.30am, and he wanted all the normal drinks available - including bottles of champagne at about £120 a pop, expensive whiskeys etc. The bar bill was up to £12k by 3pm and the bars manager was amlost crying with joy in my office :haha: I had had so many discussions with the bride and her dad before the wedding warning them that it was just too much and people would be silly drunk but he would hear none of it . . . . but by 9pm the guests were either absolutely wasted or had gone home. The brides parents left at about 8.30pm. The £20k band might as well have not been there. At 5am the groom was playing the piano in the great hall and the bride was screaming at him to go to bed. The wedding was completely and utterly ruined by too much money been spent.

My dress was HUGE! Although there was just Steve and I in Vegas we had about 300 people watching online, I really wanted a big dress :) They don't do the same style now but my dress was by Hollywood Dreams
It was absolutely huge, and I wore it for about 2 hours, it was a pain in the ass!!!


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