Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

The test was negative. I know its sounds awful but I am relieved we are going to be far more careful now!

Sarah - Im hoping to go to a local baby club soon ... we go to baby yoga, rhythum time and swimming each week but they are all a little drive away so I really want something I can walk to so I can come home afterwards and relax!

Amy is settled in bed - first night with no dream feed so I am off to bed too! Lets see what time she wakes at!
H&F - phew! It is hard having two babies that close in age (Emily was 6 months old when I got pregnant with Holly) and you've got your wedding to look forward too! :hugs:

Maybe - love your new signature :cloud9:

Marta - I sometimes think about divorce for other reasons :rofl: (joke) :haha: I totally undertand what you mean, my wedding day was one of the best days of my life too :hugs:

Katie - wow, Daisy is brilliant!! :cloud9: I still cant get Alex to go on his front he gets sooo upset and at the moment he is just snotting everywhere :dohh:

Sarah - I'm jealous! I want to go to babyclub!! sounds like you had a fab time :hugs:

I had lunch with my sister which was nice. Alex was chatting away to his little cousin it was so sweet :kiss:
Katie I'm glad you know the nusery rhymes - I think you should make a video of your singing them and doing the actions, then loads it on to here so I can learn :haha: I felt like a complete lemon when they all started singing away doing all the little actions and I'm just sat there thinking eh?!? Especially when Oliver started squeeking away - I was completely left out!! :rofl:

H&F :hugs: I think part of the reason I haven't tested yet is that I'm a bit scared.

A3my how is your sister getting on? It must be lovely having the babies so close in age :)
A3my how is your sister getting on? It must be lovely having the babies so close in age :)

It really is :hugs: she's doing fab. She had a bit of a wobbly week last week becasue of horribly sore, cracked, bleeding nipples (ouch) but she's over the worst and Gabriel is fully breast fed and gaining well. Becasue her hubby is Indian they have planned to go over to India when Gabriel is 9 weeks old to stay with her DHs family! she's braver than me :haha: Has Oliver met his cousin yet? Its so cute if you lie them down together :baby:
Awww I'm so pleased she's doing well! She's very brave - I thought going to London was a big achievement :haha:

Oliver has met his cousin but Max was only two days old and Oliver wasn't very impressed lol! He is getting more interested in other babies though. At baby club he got a bit tired before we left and had a bit of a cry, one of the little girls (she was 11 months old) crawled over to him and held his hand! He was so shocked he stopped crying! :rofl:
Awwww, that is just tooo cute! :kiss: :haha: babies are brilliant, Alex makes me laugh all the time. We took the cats to the vets today and the waiting room was really quiet, everyone was just quietly waiting when Alex blew a hug raspberry and spat all over his sisters face :rofl: I love that they just dont care :cloud9:
I've been up and down the stairs tonight seeing to poor Alex, he's really struggling to breathe and getting loads of wind when he feeds. Did some of you ladies say you'd used a karvol plug in? was it any good? :hugs:

We have used one with Oliver. What we do when we use it is plug it in when Oliver has his bath (around 6pm) then switch it off when he goes to bed (around 8:30pm) and I then put one of the Karvol capsules on a tissue and wedge it at the edge of the mattress, as yes it does get pretty strong if you leave it plugged in all night. Hope he feels better soon. The Calpol one is good too, but I found the nightlight on it a little bright.

Katie love the video. Oliver does that too, but only when he has no nappy on!

LM glad he is home!

Sarah I know Wind the Bobbin up but only from being made to sing it at a mum and baby group here. They did some others i haven't heard off-Zoom, Zoom was one. Well done for going to Baby Club.

H&F Glad you got the result you wanted. How did your OH take the news that you were going to test? Mine nearly had a heart attack when I mentioned being really broody when I saw my friend's newborn baby boy earlier this week :lol:

Amy That's so funny about the raspberries. Oliver likes to do them too, and he loves to suck on his hands then wipe them on people's faces! :lol:

Oliver is still snuffly and has a cough so we haven't been to Baby Groups as I would feel so bad if he spread his cold to them, especially the tiny babies, and haven't been swimming either (well i have but Oliver hasn't). He hates medicine (been giving him Benilyn for kids cough syrup and when you put the syringe into his mouth as soon as he realises it's not Calpol (which he loves) he makes that face that kids do when they taste something really sour and then he starts blowing raspberries so no wonder he still has his cough! The doctor checked him over yesterday and said it seems like just a cold (I only went as he had been snuffly and coughing for a week and it didn't seem to be shifting) as he doesn't have a temp, ears and throat were fine and his breathing although a bit wheezy wasn't too bad.

Following on from Katie mentioning Christmas what are you all doing for Christmas? We are going to have it just us three then visit one set of parents Christmas Eve and the other set Boxing Day that way we will just go to Mass on Christmas Day then it will be just us at home. Those of you who will still be on maternity leave what are you doing present wise? I have ordered a cookie cutter set and plan/hope to be able to make them and wrap them in cellophane and give them to some people as their present. For other people not sure yet, just token gestures I think. Am going to find it hard not to spend loads on Oliver as I have already seen loads of things I'd love to get and he will be given lots from other people I am sure.
muddles hope oliver is on the mend soon!!!

h&f - glad you got the result you wanted :thumbup:

sarah - hope you are feeling better. did i understand right that you need to do a pregnancy test too??? oh and i know those nursery rhymes!!!

katie - daisy is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!

the nights are still hellish and i havent managed to read the book yet just a page here and there :dohh: my mum is taking owen out this morning so i can rest and do a bit of housework and read the book :thumbup: dylan is still waking at 6.30am though i let him stay up a bit later to see if he'd sleep longer that didnt help :dohh: and when he wakes he wakes erin up and on many ocassion owen too and me too of course!!! OH is back today from his residential training weekend. it sounds like he'll be spending the majority of the weekend studying for his exam on monday though :dohh:
Maybebaby - I too have consumed quite a few tubs of Ben and Jerries single-handedly in my time :mrgreen: The only way to stop myself now is not to buy them! I hope you had a lovely time with your girlies

Marta - :rofl: getting divorced to get married again, that is so lovely :cloud9:

Modo - is Bobby still sleeping through now you are home?

Katie - don't worry too much on the Christmas front, if you have got some cards then you are still streets ahead of me! I am usually really organised and all done on the shopping front by mid-november but funnily enough I have been a tad distracted this year :haha:
I love Daisy's video - she is such a cutie :mrgreen:

H&F - yay for Amy on the rolling front. Joni can only roll reliably to her right which causes night wakings as she rolls in her sleep and end up trapped against the railings :dohh: I give her lots and lots of floor and tummy time every day in the hope she will learn to roll the other way but so far no such luck.

Sarah - yay for baby club, I am so pleased you had a nice time. Our surestart offer the first aid course too, I really must remember to ask about that. I hope you are feeling better :hugs: HOw sweet about the hand holding :cloud9:

Amy - Alex's chatting to his cousin is just too cute :kiss: Your sister is braver than me too, I have only stayed away from home once since Joni was born and that was overnight at my mum's house. It was during Joni's colic phase when she would scream between 4.30pm-10.30pm, except at my mums it went on until 1.30am :shock: Its safe to say I have stayed at home ever since :winkwink:

Muddles - sorry to hear Oliver is still snuffly. I went to baby singing on Wednesday and everyone of the 15 other babies there had a snotty nose &/or cough. On the present front I was planning to give home-made biscuits to most folks, for my close female friends I was going to give them a nice organic lip balm too as they are only about £2.50. As for Joni I think we will get her one gift to open on the day. We know our family are going to go mad on presents for her anyway so we will save our pennies for clothes and nappies!

Joni and I both had a decent night with 11 hours sleep for the little lady and with 5 hours for me (4hours unbroken :shock:) Joni seems to have gone back to only waking twice a night again thank goodness, once for a feed and then around 4.30 for cuddles.

Righto - off to Asda as I want to get a few bits from the baby sale and am trying to avoid the rush hour traffic and the post-school drop off crush at the checkout. Have a lovely day everyone.
Bloody hell, ASDA at 7.30am?! In October? You're a brave woman Frufru :lol:
I can't wait for Christmas :wohoo: Present wise, hopefully we'll be okay enough with money up until my MA finishes at the beginning of December to sort presents out for everyone! I can't believe going back to work is soo close. I don't want to :( I think I'll be working evenings in a restaurant owned by Vinny's boss so we don't have to put Daisy in childcare.
This is my first Christmas not living at home! But this year we will either stay at my Mum's or she will stay with us on Xmas eve because she's seperated from my stepdad, and me and my sister have moved out this year- my brother lives with my Dad, present opening all morning, then to my Mum's house for dinner with my brother, sister and her boyfriend and baby, Nana and Grandad and maybe other relatives depending on what they're up to! I can't wait :)
frufru - i went shopping this morning to morissons and spent £50 on 3 bags :shock: we dont get all the offers you do in th uk :grr:

katie - am getting all excited about xmas just listening to you :haha:

my mum has just taken erin and owen for a while so am going to tidy up a bit, express some milk and catch a quick cat nap if i can and then i need to go for dylan who finishes school at midday, which is less than 2 hrs time :dohh: am going to lie down now. it's too easy to get hooked on here tho:rofl:

I tested . . . BFN. I think I should start to take my pills now :dohh: Has anyone else not got their period back yet? I haven't had a period for over a year!! :haha:

Amy :rofl: Babies are funny :)

Muddles Zoom Zoom? I haven't heard that one either! Oliver's favourite was 'If your happy and you know it' :)

FruFru YAY for a good nights sleep!! And good luck at Asda, you are very organised!! Am I right in thinking that you are in Bristol or am I mixing people up?

Christmas . . . . well I think pressie wise we are hopefully going to just buy for the children for Steve's family, plus his mum. On my side of the family we buy for my mum, dad, sister and brother in law. All my mums side of the family go to my parents for tea on Christmas day and we do little pressies - we used to do proper gifts but it got so expensive, now we do £2.00 pressies - everyone buys five pressies for no more than £2.00 per pressie, and you choose five random gifts. Its good fun, and its become a bit of a challenge to see what you can buy for £2.00! I bought all my £2.00 pressies in the January sales :haha:

I'm trying not to spend too much on Oliver for Crimbo but I can't resist :dohh:

On Christmas day I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing - we argue about this every year. Steve would just stay home if he could - which is great - but my parents live a 45 minute drive away. So last year we had Steve's mum, son, nephew and niece for dinner at our house. In the afternoon the plan was for me to drive to my parents on my own, but the weather was rubbish and been 20 weeks pregnant at the time I stayed at home. I've already told Steve that this year we are going to my parents - I want to see my family and they want to see their first grand child on his first Christmas! I've told Steve that if he wants to have his son, mum etc have dinner with us, they can come to my parents. I just know we're going to argue about this at some point though, but while in the past I've given in, now Oliver is here I won't. We did Christmas last year with his family, its only fair to go to mine this year. Argh thats got me annoyed just thinking about it!!!!

Right, I'm off to put some washing in. We've got Baby Massage this afternoon :)

Hope you all have a fun day!!!

sarah - i havent had a period yet either.

christmas is always about compromising isnt it? Danny would also happily stay at home but i like to go and see my parents and family so we alternate. usually we do christmas eve at my in laws and then take it in turns on christmas day and boxing day going to either my parents or his one year on christmas and then the next year it's their turn on boxing day. this year we are supposed to be going to my parents for christmas (my cousins and their kids and my aunt also go there) and boxing day at his parents. i have said this year i dont want to go to his parents on christmas eve as we always end up coming back after midnight and at that point the kids are asleep and we do not get to do the leaving biccies and milk for santa and a carrot for rudolph and then we are up til 3-4am constructing pressies and putting them out! so i have said that this year we're staying at home and i'm quite happy for his parents to come to ours and my parents if they fancy it too and then when the kids are asleep everyone can help with the setting out of the pressies :thumbup: that is my cunning plan anyway :haha: then christmas day we will go to my parents about 1pm and leave around 5pm and we will go to his parents on boxing day. then new years eve everyone will come round here. phew i'm tired just thinking about the itenery!!! :rofl:

just finished expressing and loading the dishwasher and have to go for dylan in less than an hour so dont think i'm going to get my cat nap but i will have a sit on the sofa with a cup of tea and something to nibble on. am so never going to lose this weight :dohh: and i can only blame myself and my lack of willpower :blush:
Bloody hell, ASDA at 7.30am?! In October? You're a brave woman Frufru :lol:

I know I thought it was bad enough getting out of bed at that time, let alone leaving the house! :lol:

Frufru glad you got a good sleep.

Sarah it goes 'zoom, zoom, zoom we're going to the moon, zoom, zoom zoom we'll be there very soon. If you want to blah, blah, blah climb aboard my rocket ship. Zoom, zoom zoom we're going to the moon, zoom, zoom, zoom we'll be there very soon. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....BLAST OFF (you then lift your baby up in the air). I haven't had a period yet either, but no need to test as we have been super careful, though I am not going on the pill.

So I looked in Oliver's cot this morning and was really confused as he was wearning his pj top on one arm and his other arm was completely out of the sleeve and his whole chest was exposed, he did at least have a vest on!!!! How the hell he managed that i don't know, but rest assured it would have been something to do with him trying to eat his top that caused it! Ha ha. No wonder he has a cold if he is taking his clothes off! He of course was lying there looking all proud of himself, it's like he knows he has been up to no good! :rofl:
I have to say that my trip to asda this morning was the actually quite pleasant! It was absolutely deserted compared to normal, I will definately go at that time again :thumbup: Joni decided a long long time ago that her waking up time is anytime from 6am and I have tried and tried to change it but to no avail so I might as well use the early start to my advantage :winkwink: Although this morning she woke me up with her pre-waking-up-wriggling at 5.30am and finally woke up and started her dawn chorus at 5.50am. I did not mind too much as it was only 10 minutes early and we leave her in her cot to sing to herself until 6am. Plus after 5 hours sleep I feel super-charged!!!!!!

Katie - I am getting excited about Christmas just reading your posts :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - I only had 4 bags and spent £75 :blush: However they are the big reusable bags and I did buy 2 outfits for Joni, nappies and a months worth of formula. I am sorry you did not get your catnap but hopefully you got to drink your tea while it was still hot :winkwink:

Muddles :rofl: about Oliver stripping in his sleep. Joni tries to undress herself while sleeping sometimes too. The other day we took her sleeping sack off and she had managed to wriggle both of her arms out of the armholes so they were both inside the body bit of her babygro pinned to her sides :haha:

Sarah - nope not Bristol, I live in Norwich - a fine city! Christmas arrangements can often be difficult. Hubbies family are in Scotland so no chance of us popping over to them in the afternoon! We always used to do one Christmas with his parents then one at home with us seeing my family on boxing day. However, now with Joni here and me being the only driver I can't see us doing the journey up north every other year :wacko: Enjoy baby massage this afternoon.

Hmmm Joni has always been a very vocal baby and her latest new sound is an absoutely awful earpiercing squawking shriek :rolleyes: It sounds like a cross between the sound of a TIE fighter from star wars, the sound of wormhole travel in Stargate SG1 combined with what I imagine a baby pterodactyl would sound like :wacko: She generally tires of sounds after a week or two when she figures out how to make a new one, I really hope this one goes out of favour soon as it really puts my teeth on edge and I am worried she could perforate my eardrums :haha:
Oh and as for periods BOO - down with them!!!!!! I had not had one since having Joni up until a couple of weeks ago when I had to take the morning after pill. Since then I have had a constant period that will not go away :growlmad: BLAH!!
FruFru I think it must be Emera who lives in Bristol . . . I know one of us does :haha: They have a MASSIVE Asda, I could spend all day looking around it :rofl: I love the image of Joni with her arms in her babygrow - like a little worm :) How cute!

Muddles Zoom Zoom Zoom sounds like fun, Oliver loves been lifted up in the air . . . I might see if I can find it on You Tube and learn the tune :haha: Bless Oliver taking his own clothes off! Oliverwoo hasn't started doing that yet. I woke up the other night though, I was laid with my back to him (he sleeps in a co-sleeper cot connected to our bed). I didn't realise what he was doing to start with, I was half asleep so it didn't really register, but then I realised he was hitting me on the back - I turned around and he had wriggled sideways and had his legs on my bed, the rest of him in the cot, and he was kicking me! I think he had decided he wanted to wake me up :haha: I popped him back, we both went back to sleep, and then a few hours later woke up with him doing exactly the same thing! He looked very proud with himself :rofl:

Maybe enjoy your cuppa! You can't have a cuppa without a nibble by the way, it would just be wrong :)

The weather forcast for today was really nice but the weather is rubbish!!!!
Morning :hugs:

Muddles - we tried vapour rub last night and some karvol and it worked for the first half of the night but he was in a state by the seond half so I might buy the plug in and use it for a couple of hours as he is even more snotty today. Alex also has a cough, I'm sorry Oliver has had his cold for so long! I hope he feels better soon x

frufru - you must be superwoman :haha: I could not face Asda at that time :wacko: I still order my shopping online :blush:

maybe - I hope you enjoyed a but of me time even if you didnt squeeze in a nap :hugs:

sarah - I hate having my period back :growlmad: you are so lucky all you non menstruating ladies :sulk::haha:

Katie - you've got me all excited about Christmas too :happydance: this is the first year we are staying at home and just being us. I was sad at first but now I cant wait. I havent thought about presents yet but my daughters wrote their lists for Father Christmas in August :rofl:

Alex is feeling very sorry for himself today, he is streaming with snot and dribble and his eyes are all watery. Holly has got a friend coming to tea which isnt the best timing! I've got to buy something tasty for their tea. have a nice day y'all xx
frufru - i bought erin an outfit for halloween - a pink and black witch dress with hat so i guess that bumped up the price

sarah - i have made progress with the book. it makes sense but i dont know if i am tough enough for controlled crying as i still feel he's so little! i'm too soft :dohh:

amy - hope you found something nice for the girls for their tea!!!

muddles - oliver sounds like a right contortionist :haha:

waiting for my cupcakes to cool so we can ice them yum yum!!!
Hello ladies

I’ve been so slack, I’ve not been on here for ages, well it feels like ages but it’s not really. Not sure where to start, although I can join you all on the wonky boob front - mine are gross! I’m happy to say not on the pregnancy test side of things though, Sarah I’ve been on the mini pill for ages and getting on well with it… which is funny as before it took me ages to find one that I got on with. I’ve not had any problems with milk supply either and my little whopper is 17lb 1oz all from my wonky boobs. Also a result that I have not had a period yet either, for well over a year now - wahoo.

Katie hope you are all unpacked very soon. What a fab night Daisy had! Gorgeous video, what a cutie.

H&F well done with your weight loss…I have stopped eating chocolate this week, but sop far today I have eaten four bake well tarts instead so not very good at all, and I say so far as I am a nightmare and the last two keep winking at me! What a fab weight for Amy and brilliant nights sleep I’m so jealous. Glad you had the result you wanted xx

we had a helium balloon for Will and he loved it. Baby club sounds great, we went this week but it’s for all ages and it was a bit manic to be honest. We do the little pressie thing to although no limit and it’s great I love it, much more than main pressies although think we’re going to miss this year due to maternity pay.

Amy I hope Alex is much better soon, I’ve used the karvol plug in it’s really strong but brilliant, I also put some karvol on a flanel and hung it over the side of the cot.

Maybebaby I really feel for you hun, persevere with the sleep training he’ll get it eventually. I bought Will, Mummy’s little pumpkin socks for Halloween.

Will isn’t doing rasberries yet, but he is sooooo active and just won’t stop rolling, and wriggling. He wants everything that’s not his already!!

Muddles - brilliant idea about the cookies. Christmas don’t ask I’m dreading it!!! Only because of the what to do debate. Well done Oliver, that’s so funny!

Fryfru - will did the waking rolling thing but three weeks on and the novelty has worn off thank god.

We’re good Will is back to 2 night feeds any only the dummy to go off at the start of the night - yes. He is just so strong and mobile it’s so funny. He is starting to get ticklish to, which is very cute, managed to turn his mobile on this morning all by him self although I think it was more luck than judgement.

I have managed to talk my DH into getting a new pushchair, which arrived yesterday. I hated my Loola, just have to sell it now. We went for the maxi cosi mura3 it’s lovely.

Have a lovely weekend and keep smiling xx

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