Maybebaby - I too have consumed quite a few tubs of Ben and Jerries single-handedly in my time
The only way to stop myself now is not to buy them! I hope you had a lovely time with your girlies
Marta -
getting divorced to get married again, that is so lovely
Modo - is Bobby still sleeping through now you are home?
Katie - don't worry too much on the Christmas front, if you have got some cards then you are still streets ahead of me! I am usually really organised and all done on the shopping front by mid-november but funnily enough I have been a tad distracted this year
I love Daisy's video - she is such a cutie
H&F - yay for Amy on the rolling front. Joni can only roll reliably to her right which causes night wakings as she rolls in her sleep and end up trapped against the railings
I give her lots and lots of floor and tummy time every day in the hope she will learn to roll the other way but so far no such luck.
Sarah - yay for baby club, I am so pleased you had a nice time. Our surestart offer the first aid course too, I really must remember to ask about that. I hope you are feeling better
HOw sweet about the hand holding
Amy - Alex's chatting to his cousin is just too cute
Your sister is braver than me too, I have only stayed away from home once since Joni was born and that was overnight at my mum's house. It was during Joni's colic phase when she would scream between 4.30pm-10.30pm, except at my mums it went on until 1.30am
Its safe to say I have stayed at home ever since
Muddles - sorry to hear Oliver is still snuffly. I went to baby singing on Wednesday and everyone of the 15 other babies there had a snotty nose &/or cough. On the present front I was planning to give home-made biscuits to most folks, for my close female friends I was going to give them a nice organic lip balm too as they are only about £2.50. As for Joni I think we will get her one gift to open on the day. We know our family are going to go mad on presents for her anyway so we will save our pennies for clothes and nappies!
Joni and I both had a decent night with 11 hours sleep for the little lady and with 5 hours for me (4hours unbroken
) Joni seems to have gone back to only waking twice a night again thank goodness, once for a feed and then around 4.30 for cuddles.
Righto - off to Asda as I want to get a few bits from the baby sale and am trying to avoid the rush hour traffic and the post-school drop off crush at the checkout. Have a lovely day everyone.