Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hope you and Daisy feel better soon Katie, its horrible when they are all snotty and cant breathe :hugs: must be even worse when you feel rubbish yourself :flower:

Sarah - OMG at peoples wedding expenses :shock: we managed to do ours for 3K but that was only because our local pub did the reception for us. My dress cost £85 and its a good job becasue I ruined it! red wine stains and a torn bottom :dohh: I love your wedding pics on FB :hugs:
A3my honestly, doing the job I did you realise that its sooooo true when they say money doesn't buy taste :haha: A wedding is about so, so, so much more than things you can spend money on. The things that go on . . . . . one £100k wedding we found the groom shagging the chief bridesmaid in the loos :dohh: I bought the book 'Wedding Babylon' which is based on true stories, but the things that went off at our 5* venue made everything in the book look tame!!
sarah - :rofl: sometimes I think people have these extravagant weddings to try to show their relationship is more than what it is... if that makes sense. A friend of mine got married last year and it was the most expensive wedding I had been too. It was a good do but it felt fake. Turns out she'd been having an affair for over a year prior to the wedding and left him a month later :dohh: sounds like you should write a book! :haha:
Amy a few people have said that but I'd probably end up getting my ass sued :rofl:

you are right, a lot of mine were either overcompensating for something or wanted to have the wedding more than the marriage, if you get me. Lots of bridezillas and nightmare mothers lol! Don't get me wrong oi did some stunning wedding for really genune, lovely, besotted couples, but they were few and far between.

I'd like to set up a website for alternative type weddings - really unique, personal type ideas that don't cost an arm and a leg. the wedding industry is just so much about money now, yet 9/10 weddings end up just the same.

Argh I'm going to stop talking about weddings now - sorry!!!! I can go on all day!!!!

you could keep it confidential :winkwink::haha:

That sounds like a brilliant idea! :thumbup: you really should! I reckon by the time you are 40 you are going to be minted with all these fab ideas you have! x

Argh, Alex is having a bad night. took 2 hours to settle him, then he slept for 2, now he's been awake for an hour and just wont sleep. coughing and coughing and then chatting away to himself :dohh: I'm tiirrrreeeeeddd :sleep: night ladies xx
Sarah you seem like someone with sooo many stories, I want to be like that :lol:
I really really really need a wee and I'm in the middle of feeding the baby :(
h&f - it is great that amy sleeps so well!!! any tips? :haha:

sarah - a photographer can charge £12,000 :shock: that is mad!!! :wacko: OMG a £100,000 wedding and the groom was having it off with the bridesmaid on the wedding day??? shocking!

lc - hope you had a better night last night!

katie - hope you and daisy are better!!!

amy - it is good that alex has some sort of routine. hopefully it will get better :hugs:

i was really going to try and do what HV said last night. owen had a feed at about 9.30pm and settled at about 10.45pm. he woke at about midnight but went straight back to sleep with his dummy. then at 1am i was woken by a bloodcurdling screaming. i tried to pacify him with his dummy but it was not a normal cry, he was in pain so i just couldnt leave him there! so i got him up and gave him some nurofen and a feed and he fell asleep in my bed at 1.30am. then he slept til 3.30am when i gave him another feed and then til 6.10am when i gave him another. i guess the 1am feed was the only one i was not supposed to do according to HV but i did pick him up (which i wasnt supposed to do) and i put him in my bed all night from 1am. i guess it is slow progress. i have to speak to HV tomorrow morning so we shall see what she has to say.

i think i need to get back on fb as you all seem to be on there from what you say and i'm feeling left out :haha:
Hi all,

Maybe baby - to be honest I don't know why she sleeps so well but we have been baby led from the start, we do what she wants - she sleeps when she wants eats when shes hungry and is a very happy contented baby the rest of the time! We have been so lucky she is brilliant!

As for extravegant (sorry about the spelling!) weddings - we just wanted a very simple church wedding in a small village church and then a reception at a little hotel ... which is what we are doing - maximum 80 guests but the cost of the wedding is still huge! We have a budget which my dad is willing to pay for and I'm really hoping we keep it under this amount but costs just keep creeping up! We are seeing another photographer tomorrow who charges just over £500 for the entire day and then £150 for a disc and more if you want an album ... I think if we get the disc my mum can do the album for us!

Right i'm off to make Amy some breakfast ... banana porridge i think!

How is everyone today? ... Hope your feeling better Katie. x
Goodness - what a night!

A couple of hours after bedtime Joni started crying inconsolably in her sleep which is not like her at all. She had a temperature, her intestines were churning with needing to poop and really forceful wind :sad1: For an hour and half she woke every 5-10minutes crying in her sleep and eventually I went and laid down with her which helped a bit.

With a bit of massage I managed to get her to poo around 10.30 which helped a little bit but she refused her feed and was up every hour to hour and a half through the night poor wee thing :nope:

Thankfully this morning she seems a little better and I managed to get her to take a feed around 8 :thumbup:

Over the past few days I have been giving Joni some finger foods like cucumber and apple to get used to tastes and textures ahead of her starting to wean and on Friday she had a teeny tiny amount of baby rice. Given her previous constipation and digestive issues I am really worried this might be what has upset her tummy :sad1: but then I am not sure if I am just overthinking this too much :wacko:

Sorry for the neurotic moan - will do a proper post later x
Honestly those wedding stories aren't the best ones :dohh:

H&F Thats really, really good if you can find a photographer who will sell you the full disc and the copyright - not many around here will do that and the ones that do charge an arm and a leg. You can have your own coffeetable style book made up pretty cheap, this website is good . . .
Cute for babies too :haha: The little flick books are really sweet too for video :)

Katie get yourself a job as a wedding coordinator - you'll have soooo many stories :haha: and then you can be in my book :rofl:

FruFru I hope Joni is okay! Sounds like a tough night :hugs:

H&F we are very baby led too, I love it!!

Katie, hope you and Daisy are feeling better soon.

Our Wedding cost less than £1000 and my dress was bought from the hotel shop on the day for £40, was still perfect. We went to Bali for three weeks and did it there so in all it costs a lot more, but we had a brilliant holiday.

I would be intrigued to read your book Sarah!

Maybebaby that night seemed better even though Owen was not right xx

Amy hope you had a better second half of the night.

OuR night was very strange, I went to bed at 9 pm and looked in on Will who was just laying there awake, he saw me and laughed!! was cute but gutting at the same time, then he rolled over and settled to sleep on his front! This really worried me but I knew he would wake if I turned him, so I left him there and stayed awake ages pannicking. He's so strong and can flip over so easily so I'm sure he would have cried or rolled over if he wasn't happy.

Then I must have fallen asleep and the sensor alarm went off, I shot out of bed but he was fine, it was only the first bleep, but still scared the crap out of me. He was fine and asleep still on his front and so I left him there, but the alarm went of again. It's the angelcare one and I think because he is in a cotbed and he was laying right in the top corner it might not have sensed him..... still made me feel very bad for leaving him on his front!!! To top it all off he woke just after midnight and had a good feed but then promptly covered both of us in it! all in my clean sheets and right through his sleeping bag. We had to call on Daddy and do a complete change which woke him up, also I was so relieved he was ok I wanted to see him.

Will you be leaving them once they turn or keep turning them back? He's probably been doing it more than I realise, I had put one red cheek down to teething but now thinking he may hvae been sleeping on it. He is always on his front when I go in!

Modo - is Bobby still dummy free? please tell me how you did it, how long did it take. Will can't fall asleep without it, unless it's after a feed in the night. whenever I see what will happen if he doesn't have it at bed time he gets stroppy and shakes his head with his mouth open trying to find it x
L-C Oliver doesn't roll onto his front much, he likes to sleep on his side so when he starts rolling, he gets onto his side and then stays there. I think if he was happy on his front and he was rolling himself there I'd let him sleep on his front now, he's big enough that he could move himself if he got into a difficult position if you know what I mean? I let Oliver sleep on his side no problem.

L-C we have had the odd false alarm with the Angelcare and it always happens when Oliver moves up the other end of the cot! Oliver doesn't sleep on his front so I'm sure it wasn't that that set your alarm off. I know what you mean about that beep, you shoot out of bed so fast and in the process scare the crap out of your baby and your OH who are both sleeping blissfully unaware! I'm sure i read that once they can turn themselves over it is ok to leave them but to still put them on their back when you first put them in their cot.

Sarah I'd love to read your book, if you wont write one then i think you should tell us lots of stories on here instead! :lol:

Oliver decided he would sleep until 6:00 this morning, had a feed then went back off to sleep which was great. He then decided that 7:30 was time to get up for the day (which is fine with me) and he lay in his cot shouting loudly, and doing his newest addition to his reppetoire (sp?) of sounds and screaming at the top of his voice until I picked him up. :lol:

We finally got round to getting photos of Oliver printed to go in an album-we may have gone a little over the top as my H chose photos then I chose photos and we ended up with 119!!!!! That is from birth to the end of September but still at this rate our house will be overun with toys and photo albums :rofl:
Hey everyone -

Sarah just a quick weddingy question whilst Amy is playing happily on her mat ... how long do you think photographers normally stay for? Me and my mother are arguing about it! My mum thinks they should leave when we sit down for the meal but some here stay up until the first dance but I dont know if this means I have to pay for a meal for them etc!?! I told Dave the wedding would be off if my mother didnt butt out soon she is doing my head in!

Amy has been really good today but I really need to do her some more food maybe I will do apple and parsnip tonight!
H&F you really want them until the first dance, if not they will miss the speeches, cake cutting etc! So ideally until the first dance so you get those pics too. If so then.its normal for them to request food - but a bar meal is generally fine, just look at the hotel bar menu, see how much an average hot meal and soft drink would be and tell them to order what they like to a value of X amount. Tell the venue what the limit is and check before you pay that its within your budget. They just eat when you eat but they sit in the bar or where ever.

Does that help? X
L-C - how is Will doing today, did you try the teething powders? As for the turning, Joni turns onto her front while asleep all the time. I don't hear her turn unless she wakes up and shouts to be turned back onto her back. My HV indicated to me that if they can move themselves onto their fronts to sleep to leave them be as long as they seem contented there.

H&F - :thumbup: that Amy had another goodnight and fingers crossed for you that it continues.
I got married in March and we had a small ceremony with immediate family only at the registry office and then we all went for a meal at our favorite restaurant. Hubby wore his kilt which he already owned and I bought a dress from asos maternity for about 30 quid. We made our own cake - guiness cake and fairy cakes Mmmmm. We did not bother with a photographer which looking back, is the only thing I think I would change, as my sister spent the whole time taking photos with my camera so is not in many of them. All in all we spent about £650.00 all in. Even though we did our wedding on a really small budget it really was a magical day :cloud9: I am sure that you will have a super day H&F :hugs:
I hope the meeting with the £500 photographer went well today. The coffeetable style books Sarah mentioned are fab, loads of photo companies and websites do them now.

Modo - Well done Bobby :thumbup: keep up the good sleeping!

Katie - sorry you and Daisy are both poorly :hugs: I hope you both get well soon.

Sarah - your wedding stories are ace :rofl: The dresses on the link you posted are soooooo gorgeous.

Amy - I am sorry Alex had a bad night last night - maybe Bobby could have words with Joni and Alex :lol:

Maybebaby - While it is slow it sounds like Owen is making some progress with his sleeping. It is so hard to try and adjust behaviours and routine when our babies are teething and cold-ridden :dohh: I know what you mean about FB - you guys were all so quiet on here yesterday, clearly I have nothing better to do on my saturday then lurk on BnB :blush: :haha:

Muddles - So I am not the only one with a screamer then :winkwink: Well done to Oliver for sleeping so well :)

Given the rubbish night last night today has felt very long. What did not help was that Joni only took 2 naps of half an hour each with a 15min catnap in her buggy which is well short of her usual 2 x 45min + 2hrs she usually has. She was already super grumpy from not having a good nights sleep which was only made worse by not napping well either :nope: Fingers crossed we have a better night tonight.

Well off to make some dinner and do some of my tapestry. Nanight all xx
FruFru I hope you have a good night . . . I fnd Oliver sleeps a best when he's had good naps all day too.

I was sooooo suprised today, I coloured my hair so Steve was looking after Oliver downstairs. I'd already fed him etc and I didn't think he was due a nap, but I think all the playing with Daddy took its toll and when I was about half way through doing my hair I could hear crying and Steve brought him upstairs and said 'Do you think he's tired'. I said well, look at his little face, he's shattered . . . but you're going to have to get him to sleep because I can't stop doing my hair!!! Steve looked a worried and off they went back downstairs. After about 5 mins the crying stopped so I presumed they must be playing again, sometimes Oliver finds a second wind, so I finished my hair, had a shower, cleaned the bathroom, got dressed . . . . still no more crying. I finally went downstairs thinking I'd need to settle Oliver for a nap but to my amazement he was fast asleep on Steve! I think Steve was more shocked than me! :haha: Oliver woke a little while ago and Steve jumped up and said 'Shall I go?' :rofl:

I'll tell you some more wedding stories . . . . . if you really want me to :haha: I don't want to bore you all.

Oohhhhh this is a good wedding story, I just remembered this one :rofl:

Soooo . . . . the wedding in question had one of those top table cakes like this:
Everyone who sits on the top table sent a photo to the cake lady of what they were wearing etc so the cake was like a real mini top table, it looked amazing and we sat it on a little table in front of the top table - it was fab.

We only found out what had happened after the wedding . . . .

So everything was going fine, until the evening do. At about 10pm one of the resturant guests - who was waaaaay tipsy - decided to wonder into the wedding 'looking for her handbag'. God knows why it would be in the middle of a wedding :dohh: First of all she tried it on with the grooms 16 year old brother, then it seems she wondered about a bit and then walked over to the cake - which was at the side of the room and had been cut but all the little figures left to be given to the relevent people. So the intruder stood there, ate a couple of slices of cake, and then picked up the brides mother in law . . . . and bit of her head :rofl: apparently to screams from the MIL of 'OH MY GOD - SHES EATING MY HEAD!!!!' :rofl: :rofl: Our staff then realised that she wasn't a guest and she was 'removed'.

The best thing was that this woman turned out to be a head teacher, at the hotel having a meal with other head teachers :dohh: She ended up paying for more figures to be made . . . . . though everyone except the MIL found the funny side :haha: It took me hours to sort it out though . . . . I actually had to have meetings with my GM about some random head teacher eating the head of my brides mother in law :dohh:

Oh, another good one :haha: but this isn't one of my weddings . . . this was at another hotel where the girl who took my job over worked before she came to us.

So the wedding was going perfectly, it was another 5* venue so an expensive wedding. Everything was fine, then it came to the grooms speech. He did all the normal stuff, thanked everyone for coming, told the bridesmaids they looked lovely, etc etc. Then he spoke about the best man, thanked him for all his help, his friendship, talked about what a good friend he was etc. Then said something along the lines of 'I want to thank you for everything you've done, including shagging my fiance for the past six months'. You can imagine the silence in the room - apparently the bride went bright red and the best man went white, so thre was no mistaking it for a joke. The groom walked out and didn't come back, the bride ran off after the groom, the mother of the bride started having a go at the best man . . . all hell broke loose! It turned out that the groom had found out a few weeks before about the affair, but had kept quiet so that the brides parents would still have to pay for everything, and so that he could 'out' them rather publicly. The girl who was the wedding coordinator said it was soooooo awful at the time. I never had anything like that - or anyone jolted at the alter, though there was a few where I would have put money on it not going ahead.

Another one from the same wedding coordinator has to be just about the best speech I've heard. The best man, as part of his speech, said how much he liked the bride, what a great girl she was etc. Then he said 'and since you're married now, I guess you should have this back' - he got up, walked over to the bride, and gave her a key - everyone laughed, he sat back down and then all the grooms male friends got up, walked over to the bride, and also gave her a key . . . . I thought that was a great idea :haha:

They are probably crap stories :rofl: They are quite hard to put in writing, if you know what I mean.
Sarah I have just been in hysterics! those stories are so funny ... fortunately I don't think any stories like this will come out at the wedding! I am just writing out my save the date cards, my hand is hurting so much! Amy is settled in bed again fingers crossed for another good nights sleep! We have a busy day tomorrow ... rhythum time, lunch and then the photographer so I will come on tomorrow evening and let you know how it goes!

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