Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

H&F Hope you have a good day tomorrow - fingers crossed that the photographer is lovely! Quick tip - try to see a 'proper' album - rather than a portfolio of work with the best shots from several weddings. You want to see an actual wedding from start to finish, see how they tell the story of the day through their photos. Does that make sense?!?!

Oh, and Muddles, you reminded me that I really should get more photos printed out and in albums, I think our house will be all toys and photos too :haha:
frufru - really hope you have a better night with Joni :hugs: I gave Alex some apple to suck last week, he did only suck it but it seemed to really upset his stomach too, I had a bad night with him. I wondered if it was the apple :shrug: he's also had cucumber sticks and pepper sticks to suck and I had no problems after. I gave them to him becasue he sits on my lap when I eat and he moans and moans unless he has something and tries to grab food off my plate :) I thought it was nice for him to experience different tastes and textures, I know he doesnt really injest any because of his poop but I do think the apple didnt agree with him. Maybe Joni has an upset stomach -- ooh I forgot, when they have colds and the snot runs down the back of their throat they swallow it and it really upsets their stomach (I know that from nursing) - maybe thats what it was for Joni and Alex??

katie - hope you managed to pee in the end :winkwink:

maybe - I think you are doing brilliantly with Owen's sleep :thumbup: I think the Health Visitors guidelines have to be a bit flexible to fit in with your family life. Alex went down well tonight but I'm expecting the second half of the night to be bad, it always it :dohh::hugs: and do comeback on fb :) block your fake friend! xx

sarah - :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I loved your stories, soooo funny :haha: love the drunk lady eating the MIL :haha: and well done Steve for settling Oliver :thumbup: what colour did you die your hair??

muddles - I'm a photo-finatic too, my house is full of photos of my brood. I think doing an album of their first year is lovely, I did it for my girls and they love getting them out and having a look :hugs:

LC - I hope you dont have such a fretful night :hugs: I'm too scared to buy one of those monitors becasue I get neurotic about things :wacko: Alex has to suck to get himself to sleep, I have to let him suck my little finger for a bit once I put him down. For a while he used his thumb and I hoped he'd continue to self settle but he's forgotten how. I have a friend who used a dummy for her baby and she just went cold turkey when he was 13 months. She thought it was a lot easier than expected.

H&F - glad Amy is such a good girl for you :hugs:

Well we had a nice day, I cooked a roast and then took the girls out for a bike ride (Alex in the pram). Then they went horse riding and we watched. I hope Alex wants to ride when he's older. Happy days :flower:
Amy I just coloured my hair dark brown again . . . I am cursed with greys I'm afraid, I blame Steve, I was fine before I met him :haha:

I hope Oliver wants to learn to ride when he's older too, because he's going to wether he likes it or not :rofl: I really want to buy him a pony at some point. We had ponies when we were growing up and I have so, so, so many happy memories. Plus it was always the ultimate threat from my parents - if our grades at school were bad, the ponies would go. My sister and I never got into any trouble, both got good grades (hers better than mine though lol), always did our homework etc. I wasn't going to risk them selling my pony! My mum has said since that it would have broken her heart to sell them but she would have, though to be honest if she had ever got as far as placing an advert I would have done whatever it took to keep them.

I was looking on the Horse & Hound website at little lead rein ponies last night, OMG there are some gorgeous little 11.2hh ponies! I'm determind that at some point we'll have a house with a field so I can have a horse and Oliver can have a pony. Steve was completely non horsey when we met, but he's been riding with me a handful of times and isn't too bad now, he even went to the Horse of the Year Show with me a couple of years ago - poor bugger :rofl:
sarah - oooohh how lovely a house with a field and ponies!!! bliss!!! we used to horseride in spain (theres no horses in gib) and i loved it. i always begged my parents for a horse but we couldnt afford it. can i come and visit your ponies when you get your big house? :haha:

amy - hope your night was better.

frufru - hope your night was better too!!!

well my night was more successful. owen woke up quite a bit but i managed to settle him quite quickly with the dummy so he only fed at 11pm 4am and 7.15am with about 3 wakings between each feed for the dummy :thumbup: am going to see HV later so we shall see what she says!
Thanks for the advice Sarah - he is coming to our house so I will see what he brings, right I better get a move on or I am going to run really late all day! Amy has gone back to sleep on my bed so I need to move her into her car seat ... I bet she will scream!

Hope everyone has a brilliant day! x x x
Oh I had a horse when I was younger too, it's just soo expensive in a city though! I want Daisy to learn to ride, me and Vinny both can so it makes sense! I actually started my training to be an instructor, I've got a few certificates in my mums but then the riding school closed down :dohh: good job really as the pay was horrendous, I enjoyed it though.
Daisy tries to steal my food too, generally in restaurants :dohh:
Bad night for us, and I also considered suffocating Vinny with a pillow. Daisy woke at 12 and he was awake reading the paper so he offered to get her, but she resettled herself, half an hour later the same thing happened but she didn't settle herself. He was still up and refused to get her, or even hold her while I went to make a bottle. As I was coming back upstairs he was going down and I asked him to hold her while I went for a wee, and he looked at me like I had 7 heads and said no! That's my little moan over anyway :lol:

Sarah/Muddles - I think I should just look into the cot less!! Then I would be blissfully unaware and he'd be fine too. I'll keep putting him down on his back and see how we go from there. This is the first false alarm, it has gone off due to the temperature before, I'm sure it was him at the top of the cot, little monkey.

Frufru will has been much better the last two days luckily, I have bought him some powders which seem to be helping.

Sarah I'm loving the wedding stories!! A house with land is our dream to but no horse, we not really into horses, my SIL is they have a lush barn conversion with 2 acres a horse and a grass munching pony. Think we'd have dogs and lots of vegetables, and just run around in the land ourselves. Probably just a pipedream.

We we had a fab night last night if only they could all be so good. Will went down just before 7pm and woke at 1:40 am but played and even went quiet, I was hoping to sleep but fed at 2:10 and then back off until 5:30 for another feed and then back to sleep until ten to seven. I went to bed at 9 pm, so if this is a new phase I'd be a very happy mummy.

Think I'm going to leave him with the dummy, he has it to go off to sleep only as and doesn't have it again in the night (unless I'm having a bad night and being very lazy). In hind sight I would try much harder to do without the dummy. I tried him without this morning for his nap but he got so upset. It's my fault for not teaching to fall asleep himself, so I don't want to upset him if we can manage without.

Amy/Frufru hope you both had better nights. Amy, although we had that one false alarm I still wouldn't be without it and I am completely neurotic! about everything, I'm already worrying about when he can drive!

Katie sorry you had a bad night, I would have smothered my Oh had he done that.

Maybebaby really pleased you've had more success, fingers crossed this is the start of more sleep for you!

Have a good day xx
Oh and meant to add the only thing I did differently yesterday which may have settled him was giving him rusks and EBM for tea, wonder if this filled him up seeing as he had 1 1/2!!
morning :coolio: lovely day here today!

sarah - you're so lucky growing up with ponies :hugs: I went one one riding lesson when I was younger and I loved it but my parents would let me go again :cry: but for my 30th Kerry got me riding lessons and I was hooked. The girls started having lessons soon after, they're doing really well. They can canter now and I sit there looking all proud and love that they love it so much. I REALLLLLLLY want to get a pony for them, before I knew I was having Alex I was going to loan a pony for us all but I havent ridden since I was 17 weeks - are you still riding? The girls stables runs a Stable Management Club where they do jobs around the stable and earn starts that they can put towards a free lesson and I think its brilliant. Emily has just joined and Holly is green with jealousy (although when she got up this morning she said she was "over being jealous" and excited for Emily (they have to be 10).

H&F looking forward to hearing how the photographer goes - sounds like a bargain!

maybe - thats brilliant, sounds like you've really cracked it. Thats pretty much what my nights are like, I'm happy for Alex to wake at night for feeds but its so much nicer when they settle in between. How are the day feeds going? :hugs:

Katie - men!!!!! :dohh::nope: Kerry gets really mean when he;s tired and sometimes he claims he is so tired he doesnt know whats going on - hmmmm.

LC - yey for the good night :happydance: you made me laugh saying you worry about Will driving - I'm exactly the same :haha: I'm probably a bit of a suffocating mother to my two girls :dohh: its so hard to let them go but I want them to learn to be independant :wacko:

I've got a sore throat today, I'm hoping its not the start of a cold. I might go clothes shopping as the sun is out. I hate shopping but I cant keep rotating the same two outfits. I was hoping some more baby weight would fall off but I think its time to accept my tire for now :rofl:
LC - glad you had a good night :thumbup: will sounds as in to his food as owen :haha:

katie - you should have suffocated him :grr: or at least thrown a jug of water on him!!! :haha: what is it with men? one minute they are willing to lend a hand and the next they cant be bothered :shrug: :grr:

owen has just polished off a huge bowl of carrot and baby rice mixed with over 3oz ebm! little fatty. he wants my attention now so hopefully if i give him some he'll go to sleep before we need to go to the HV. catch you all later :hugs:
amy - the day feeds are strange. he will have a bf if we are at home but not anywhere else :wacko: he has just had a feed off one boob and fallen asleep. i just dont understand why he wont eat anywhere else :shrug: i hope your throat gets better!!!
amy - i am sooooooooooooooo with you on the shopping front. i think i need to get some clothes in a size bigger than i'd like :cry: but it's all my fault for being unable to resist rubbish :blush: i have to lose a stone to get to my pre pregnancy weight but i had put on a stone before getting pregnant so i need to lose 2 stone really :dohh:

Katie most horsey jobs are long hours and poor pay :( I always thought if I flopped my GCSE's and mum threatened to sell my ponies I would get a job as a live in groom where I could take them with me and run away with them :rofl:

Grrrrr at Vinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

H&F Good luck with the photographer!

A3my If there is any way you could buy or loan the girls a pony in a few years I 100% recommend it. The riding school they go to sounds fab - I'd go to stable management club myself - thats half the fun :rofl: I bet you have so much fun having two pony mad girls :) If you get chance you should take them to Horse of the Year Show or Olympia - they would LOVE it!!!! I honestly think that having a pony teaches children about SO much stuff - all the different aspects of looking after it, having to go out in the cold and wet to care for it even when you don't want to, riding and been responsible enough to ride out on your own, competing etc. I will never be able to thank my parents enough for what they did for me with the horses. I started riding when I was about 8 and I was 11 when I got my first pony. We did all sorts - most of the pony club stuff and showjumping, cross country, etc. It was so much stuff! My parents were amazingly supportive and helped us to look after the ponies, took us to shows etc. But it really did keep us out of trouble - most of the school holidays we were at the stables or riding over to meet friends with their ponies, going on long rides with picnics etc. They never really had to worry where we were. My Dad even learnt to ride! He used to help so much, I think he really enjoyed it though, especially when they bought an old Range Rover to pull the horse box and drive up and down to the fields etc - he taught me to drive it (off road of course!!) when I was about 12 :rofl: It didn't even have power steering, so he had to help out going around corners :rofl:

I haven't really ridden much since I moved up here, though I did look into getting a horse on loan a few years ago but it was a bit of a nutter which I was fine with (it was 'ineducated' :haha:' but Steve was really worried that I would get hurt. I was about to start riding lessons again when I found out I was expecting Oliver. I really miss it, I definetly plan to start riding again at some point.

Talking of horses, Steve went to the St Ledger at Doncaster a few weeks ago, with work so it was all VIP and he got spolit :haha:. He met a few trainers and was telling one of them (they were sat next to each other at dinner - Steve had to text me to see who he was :dohh:) that I like horses so the trainer gave Steve his number and said any time I wanted to go up to their stables for a look around etc just to give him a call. He then saw him in the casino one night and arranged for us to go up to the gallops with them for one of the training mornings, which was last week but it was cancelled due to the rubbish weather, so we're going to do it in the spring instead :)

Wow, its midday already and I'm not even dressed!! Whoops!!

Hope you are all having a more productive day than me :rofl: :rofl:
sarah - :thumbup: for lazy mornings! i only get to stay in my pj's past 8am on weekends as i have to do the school run :dohh:
sarah - i know, I want to join stable management club too :rofl: I think like you say, its great for teaching them so many things. I hadnt thought about the staying out of trouble part :thumbup: Emily will hit the terrible teens in 2 1/2 years :shock: and I really hope she stays into it all :hugs:

I love lazy days, I tried to be efficient today so I could get out but its not happening :rofl:

maybe - Alex isnt a great feeder in the day too, I think they get too easily distracted. Like now, I was trying to feed him (I know he was hungry) but he's starting at the laptop and seems to have just taken enough to tide him over for now :dohh: he feeds lovely at night but in the day he fusses all over the place (which is exhausting and gives me backache!). I am carrying an extra stone too and I kept telling myself new clothes would be a waste until I am back to my normal size but I cant survive the winter with one pair of jeans :rofl: and I cant stop eating crap either, I dont want to diet, just stop stuffing crap :haha: oh well

oh yeah, Katie - I havent even braved a resturant yet, I can imagine I'd get covered in the dinner with Alex grabbing at it :haha: are you still weaning Daisy?
I felt bad after I realised we weren't dressed yet - we are both now dressed and I have my hair and makeup done :rofl:

I think the keeping out of trouble thing was the main reason my parents ever bought us ponies - honestly we didn't have time to get into trouble! After school I had ponies to look after - we went to the yard, maybe went riding, did all the stables, water, feed etc, then it was home to do homework, relax a bit and bed because we had to be up early to go to the yard to turn the ponies out before school. Weekends we generally had a show on a Sunday so Saturdays were spent washing the ponies, cleaning the tack and boots, getting the horse box ready etc. From been 10 years old to about 19 (when I went to uni) my life was a blur of ponies and Take That :rofl: I went a bit crazy from 19 to 21 but I was at Uni, so you have to kind of expect that and I was never too bad (I don't think) :haha: and then I met Steve.

I've got half a stone to a stone to loose - half a stone would take me to pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd like to loose a stone. It's all around my tummy. I've decided I'm not even thinking about dieting while I'm breastfeeding. I'm just going to try to eat healthy and get out walking and things. I actually think I might be loosing weight really, really slowly so eating healthy and the walking should help. I bought myself some new clothes because I was just getting fed up of nothing fitting right - and if I squeeze my ass into jeans that are too small I just look fatter!

Chocolate Hobnobs are healthy though aren't they? They've got oats and stuff - they must he healthy!!! :rofl:
sarah - healthy hobnobs :haha: that's what i keep telling myself about chocolate (it has iron) and ben and jerry's (calcium) :rofl:

amy - i'm still in my maternity trousers :blush:

went to HV. she said not to worry about the milk intake as he's eating 3 meals. she said i can give him dairylee (sp?) triangles and baby yogurts now. she said to try and settle him at 9 in the cot, feed at 11, 3-4am and 6-7am and to wait til half term to try and cut out the 3-4am feed so the kids can sleep in if they are woken by the crying. still dont know if i have the heart to let him cry though!
owen just drunk water from a sippy cup! i am a proud mummy! he didnt even make a mess!!! now he just needs to learn how to hold it :haha:
Awww Maybe thats great about Owen drinking from a sippy cup - cute! I'm glad you seem to be getting somewhere with the sleeping too - yay!!

We've had a quiet afternoon - Steve has a horrible cold, he's just gone to work - I really, really hope that me and Oliver don't get it!!! Oliver is fast asleep in bed - he settled really quickly tonight but he's bound to wake up again soon . . . . if not I don't know what I'll do with myself, it's only 6.20pm!!!!!

Me too Sarah, Will fell asleep feeding and now he is in bed! I must admit I sat with him on my lap for a bit as I'm sure he'll soon be out of the baby sleeping in my arms phase.

I have about a stone to lose and I also can't be arsed but only have one pair of jeans and already getting them washed and dried is a pain. I'm going to have to bite the bullet. Went for a long walk with a friend today so good start. Will slept and so went five hours without a feed, and wasn't even bothered then!

Wel done Owen - that sounds like a good plan for night times. I am so hoping for another night like last night, I actually felt human today x

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