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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

amy - dont stress soooooooo much! i'm sure that alex isnt autistic! sleep deprivation is making u all the more stressed. :hugs:

owen is sleeping happily now but let's see tonight. it took him til 2am to settle last night and then he was up at 5 again. he sleeps well from 7am onwards for a couple of hours but that's no good 2 me as i have 2 get dylan ready 4 school and erin is also up 2!!!

Going 2 primark 2moro in search of some cheap clothes as i hate wearing maternity clothe now i'm not pregnant but cant even attempt 2 ft into my pre pregnancy clothes and i dont want 2 spend 2 much on clothes that i hope will be 2 big 4 me next summer!!!
Finally I'm back to internet. We've had such busy times.

I'm going to leave Kristan to my mom tomorrow for very first time. Going to teach first aid to 11-13 years old kids with group from Red Cross :wacko:

Congrats to everyone who has had their babies :flower:
modo have you tried the baby whisperer book? i found it really good when i had sophie, especially the section on crying and how to tell the difference between cries.

aww amy bless you! try not to worry too much, harrison is only just really looking at faces etc i know what you mean about trying to remember when your first did things, i cant remember when sophie did small things like that. probably a good job because otherwise i would be comparing them all the time.

i have yet to leave harrison with someone apart from mark. thats mainly because my mum doesnt feel confidant now with her ms to hold him when she is on her own and i dont really trust my sister with a newborn lol

i think last night was the best night i have had to date, he fell asleep on his own for the first time! granted it was midnight but i didnt care as i was up anyway, he then slept right through till 6:45 but didnt really wake, he was just starting to stir, it was just gone 8am before he woke properly for the day! i think it must have been all the milk he drank, he was sooo greedy at his mid morning feed, he drained his 4oz bottle then went on to drain another 4oz! and was still hungry 3 hours later and drained his 4oz again, his last 2 bottles of the day he only had 3 and a little bit oz but still! how much food can 1 baby take lol he is on hungry baby aswel!
A3my - I'm sure baby is fine! You are just stressing yourself out. I was doing the same thing... and I'm not sleep deprived. I was googling "quiet baby" and a bunch of autism sites popped up! FREAKED ME OUT... but its silly really. My baby is fine! He is a newborn! We are never gonna stop worrying! Perfect baby / Screaming baby --- there is always something to worry about!
Going to bed now. Thanks for the recommendation Jolou have ordered the book.

well the weather is certainly better today so we are off to greenachres farm park, its such a lovely day out for kids and fairly cheap for something to do with the kids, they get to feed the lambs and piggies and get to hold little chicks etc i just have no idea what il be putting on... grrrr

harrison slept well again last night but he was awake at 5.. i think he knew we were off out early so is making sure im up lol and sophie seems to have a stye in her eye, i noticed it yesterday and the pharmacist said to wash it with cooled boiling water and that should clear it but sophie is moaning about it this morning.
Amy :hugs: i had a very similar day with Daisy yesterday, she was SUCH hard work. My mum came home from work and found me in tears with the baby asleep on me because she just wouldn't go to sleep any other way- she was awake from 9am til nearly 5pm!
I've got quite lucky with the nights though. I'm not sure if it might be FF related because I saw your nights are going well too Jo!
Last night I put her down at 11, she woke up at half 3 and then started talking to herself around 7 and woke me up, just waiting to feed her now :cloud9:
it's scan day today :( she's got an appointment at 3.20 for an ultrasound on her kidneys, wish me luck pleaseee!
Katie I hope everything goes well with Daisys scan!!!! Will you get the results today?

It does sound like FF babies sleep better than BF ones . . . does anyone know if thats true? Oliver is such a hungry little thing, four hours is the most hes ever gone without a feed lol, hes such a little piggy :) I did wonder if from six weeks or so I could top him up at night with some hungry baby formula . . . does anyone know if that would be a good or bad idea? I want to keep breastfeeding for a good while yet, but I wondered if a ff topup might help him to sleep longer? If not then I don't mind, I'm doing okay with my little sleep segments lol!

Well Oliver is asleep in him rocker so I think I might try to get a sofa nap :)
Hi I dont know what to do with this baby lol

He is on 7ozs of SMA gold every 3 hours sometimes 2.5 hours and he creams blue murder for it.....I have had to stop BF with it as he was on me in between feeds and knawed so hard at my breasts it was like he was starved....I BF Amelia for 21 months so know what i am doing has been latched correct etc etc......

He has 3 at a push feeds through night too,he wont sleep longer than 2.5 hours through night as so flippin hungry.

He was a prem 5 weeks early,weighed 7lb 5oz and is now would you have it 12lb 9 oz at 6 weeks old!

So what I guess I am asking is,how many of you would switch straigh over to SMA white? I dont want to bung him up as tried a small carton last week andhis poo was a little harder,I am thinking if i give him one BF a day that woudl eliminate a hard poo,right?
I feel much better now, I know I'm a nut job when I'm tired! He slept a bit better last night. feeds at 2, 4,5 and 8 :sleep:

Katie - good luck with the scan today :hugs:

Jolou - have a lovely day! We're off to a farming world type place too as its Kerrys last day off.

Sarah - overall (from nursing experience) I would say FF babies do sleep for longer between feeds but every baby is different. You could always give it a go one night to see if it helps, on the other hand you might find by 6 weeks he is going for longer at night anyway! xxx
:hi: ladies!!

Thought I ought to finally pop over and check this thread out!! Mum and I are heading out with Chloe shortly so I will pop back on later and read all 25 pages!! :wacko:
Just a quick one from me- her scan just confirmed what we were told while I was pregnant, she's got a duplex kidney and one of the ureters is blocked. She'll probably need surgery :( my poor baby! Waiting to hear from consultant at Alder Hey tomorrow :(
bexxie your LO sounds just like sophie, i ended up switching her to sma white and found it madea huge differance, HV didnt advise me on it tho i just told her i had done it. sophie did get bunged up at first but some how it cleared up.

this time around ive now put harrison on hungry baby but the cow and gate version, was going to use aptimal but apparently its made by the same people? anyway he doing alot better on it too, not half as windy or sicky and seems to now miss out his 3am feed and just go from 10/11pm till 5:30/6am. he has been on it since saturday afternoon and is still pooing the same as before but i have noticed this evening he keeps shooting his legs up like he did when he was constipated, if he goes like he did on sma il just switch him to the aptimal hungry baby stuff.

katie sorry your daisy will have to have a wee op but at least you know she is in safe hands at alder hay.

sarah i dont know much about breastfeeding or combi feeding, could try looking at the related forums on here?

well what a lovely day today has been! we went to the farm park and only got home at 5:30 so im pooped but sophie loved it. had a bit of a melt down before hand tho because non of my trousers fit!! i know your hips go bigger but omg i think i will have to go and buy size 18 trousers to see me through untill i loose weight.. gutted because i managed to get down to a 12 after having sophie and was a 14 before finding out i was pregnant again.. ahh well hoepfully wont take me long to loose the weight!
Katie I am sorry that your LO needs to have an operation but Alder Hey has an outstanding reputation as a children's hospital so you are in great hands. :hugs:
Katie - Thats scary... I'm sure it will be fine but i can only imagine how you must feel!
Thanks :( on the scan Vinny thinks her kidney looked quite scarred top. He tried to press the radiologist about it but he wouldn't say much, although he did confirm there was some scarring. I really hope this isn't the start of a very long journey but I think it might be! At her next appointment I think they're going to put a catheter into her bladder and put dye into it to get a better idea of what's going on. I'm just so sad, I wish I could go through it all for her!
Katie.. big :hugs:

So sorry to hear about Daisy, but equally agree that Alder Hey has a wonderful reputation. Thinking of you both..

And so jealous of you ladies getting sleep. I am BF Chloe and she is still feeding every two to three hours round the clock. And sometimes she takes ages to settle down again after a feed! I am absolutely shattered!

Off to the Baby Clinic today for a weigh in and am hoping for a good weight gain this week!!
Morning all!

Katie I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy :hugs: She is in excellent hands, but it must be incredibly hard for you.

Jolou that's a good idea, ill have a look in the other sections :) I think I'll just keep going with the exclusive bf for now, and see how it goes, since I'm doing okay for sleep! Last night we went to bed at ten, he was asleep for 11 and then slept until 2, was back asleep for 2.30 and slept until 5! Yay! We got up then to see daddy when he got home and so I could express some milk cos my boobs were like rocks, probably due to missing some night feeds!

Well I just need to settle oliver down for a nap now, he gets so narky when he's tired, just like his dad!
Morning all,

Katie - really sorry to hear that :hugs::flower: must be so hard for you xxx

PG - ALex takes ages to settle too, sometimes he gets himself in a complete tizz. usually between 2 and 4 am. he did it again last night, I'm sure he knew Kerry was going back to work today! Its so exhausting isnt it :hugs:

Well my first day on my own with three children :wacko: thank god the suns out! fingers crossed I can cope :haha:

hope you all have a lovely day xx
Ooohhhh so this is where you've all been hiding lol! I guess Ill try to follow both threads for a couple of weeks until all the may babies are here!

I hope everyones lo's are well, oliver has just fallen back alseep after a mega breakfast feed! I think I might join him in a min, I didn't get all that much sleep last night.

Just a quick question, is anyone else using huggies newborn nappies? How do you find them? I stocked up on
Nappies before oliver was born, we used pampers to start with and they were fab, but now we are using huggies they leak! And I bought loads of em lol! They don't seem to be leaking because they are full either, its normally if oliver is laid on his side, for a feed etc, and in the night as he tends to roll onto his side. Am I doing something wrong? I think I might have to put him in a different nappy at nigjht cos its such a pain having to change all his clothes etc in the middle of tjhe night, plus it wakes him up! Argh!

I had the same problem with my first baby, huggies always leaked on the side. From then on I've used pampers, with this baby I didn't even bother trying Huggies again, I just stuck with pampers and I've had no problem with them!

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