Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Evening Ladies!

Yay maybe for Owens sippy cup ... Amy tried that but got it everywhere and looked at me confused!

Sarah - I love lazy days, was hoping for one tomorrow but unfortunately need to be up and out the door early to go looking at bridesmaid dresses!

We have had a really good day - saw the photographer, he was lovely and only charges £495 for the day which includes forty 6 x 8 prints to make your own album or you can buy the disc for £150 or he can do a beautiful album for £350 so I think we will probably go with him ... we are seeing another tomorrow evening aswell just to compare!
We have also booked the wedding car today! Its beautiful.

How is everyone getting on?
Sarah - "shall I go" :dohh: :haha: men are so funny sometimes. THe wedding stories are great :lol: keep em coming :winkwink:
:rofl: healthy hobnobs. I have to say chocolate hobnobs really saved me in the early days after Joni was born when she was so screamy all the time. I never had time to eat so would just eat half a packet of hobnobs a day instead of actual meals :blush:

H&F - I hope the meeting with the photographer was promising. Thinking about your upcoming wedding makes me wish I could relive my day all over again :blush:

Amy - It's funny that you mention apple as Joni also had a bit of apple to suck on aswell as a taster of baby rice on Friday. While I don't think Joni needs to start weaning yet, like you I wanted to introduce different tastes and textures but maybe her digestive system isn't ready yet :shrug: I keep meaning to ask my HV whether, when it comes to weaning, do I count 6 months for Joni chronologically or whether I use her adjusted age :confused:
:hugs: I hope the sore throat fades to nothing for you, and soon. Did you go shopping in the end? Your Sunday sounded very restful :flower:

Maybebaby - Sorry if this is a really 'stoopid' question :blush: are there really no horses in Gibraltar? Once again it sounds like Owen is making some progress through the night :thumbup: :happydance: for Owen and the sippy cup :happydance:

Katie - Blooming men :growlmad: they can be so flippin difficult sometimes. I hope you got you have your wee! I always find I want to wee just as I need to sit down and feed Joni :rolleyes: I hope you and Daisy are getting over your cold's.

L-C - I am glad the powders have helped a little bit. As for looking in the cot, now Joni is in her room I don't do this so much as her door is a bit sticky and the noise makes her stir when I open it so I always think twice before looking in on her now for fear of waking her up :haha:

Last night was ok-ish. Joni slept through from 6.45- 12.55 but was then up every hour until 5.30 when she took a couple of oz and slept until 7. So the actual getting up time was good :thumbup: it was just all the waking in between bedtime and morning we need to work on :rolleyes: Joni has been really off today. Very fretful, grumpy, impatient and off her food. Following her dreamfeed at 10.30 yesterday night she had only taken 9oz by 4pm today :shrug: Thankfully she has made up for it this evening taking 10oz in between 4-6.45 :shock: though she did then take 45mins to settle at bedtime because her tummy was so full and sloshy :dohh:

I dabbled in a bit of riding as a kid, mainly because my next door neighbour/best friend had a pony. I would love to take it up again but I don't think we can afford or justify it, particularly with redundancy looming for both of us. However I can take lots of lovely free walks in beautiful countryside and get fresh air and exercise at the same time :thumbup: which is the next best thing.

Righto time to go and do my washing and sterilising so I can make up Joni's bottles for the night. Then I think it will be a well deserved cuppa on the sofa followed by some of my new vice tapestry :mrgreen:
Oh I forgot to say ... I'm going to say to my weight watchers leader this week I can eat chocolate hobnobs as they are healthy as they have oats in them! I have or had 5 stone to lose .... I was over weight before I got pregnant and am now determined to get it off altho I did over eat today but I was desperate for a pie for dinner so I had a weight watchers chicken adn mushroom pie with some veg really hoping for a loss this week but my scales at home dont seem to think i'm going to lose it!
H&F the photographer sounds great! And if you liked him too thats brill, you have to get on with them - they play such a big part of your big day. I always used to tell my brides to choose a photogrpaher they got on with - they spend such a lot of the time telling you what to do and there is nothing worse than been told what to do by someone you don't like!!!

What car did you get? I want pics!!! :haha:

I can't believe you girls didn't know about the health benefits of chocolate hobnobs - they are FULL of goodness!! Oats, wheat, and everyone knows that chocolate is one of your five a day - coco beans are like a fruit surely? :haha: Ahhh I have so much to teach you all about healthy eating :rofl:

FruFru you've made me realise that I need to wash up :dohh: . . . but I like your idea of rewarding myself with a cuppa :) Hmmmm, I think there's some maltesers in the cupboard too (maltesers are also VERY good for you - chocolate = one of your five a day, malt - well thats natural right? And the rest of it is just air! And we all need air!! Air is soooooo good for us :rofl:)
I thought he was good, very proffesional and said he would bring his own sandwiches for lunch so no extra cost. I am hoping a friend of mine sends me her wedding list soon as I really ned a more comprehensive list of things I need to do.

The car we are getting is a vintage rolls royce ... this is the website with pics tell me what you think.
OOhhhhh thats lovely!!!!!! And your photographer sounds fab :) Its a good idea to see another just to make sure but he does sound really good :)

I wrote a planning guide for my brides with what to do when etc . . . I might have it on e-mail somewhere, I can look for it if you like? I'd be happy to send it over if it might be of use to you?

Oh yes please Sarah ... I have just had a lovely email from my photographer asking if he could meet us at the venue and church when we next go so he can see what works etc to get the best shots on the day at no extra cost!
H&F he sounds like a diamond - well found!!!!!

I've just found it . . . I was looking for ages and realised it was on the PC (which is packed away) and then I realised I wrote it all as a guide on e-bay and it's still there :haha: I'll PM it all over for you . . . it'll be a cut and paste job so I hope that'll be okay? Or I can always just send you the link :)

frufru - yep there are no horses in gibraltar! lol! there are no fields! it's only 2.5square miles! so we went riding in spain instead!

well after ages i managed to get owen to sleep IN HIS CRIB at 9.50pm! see how long that lasts!!!

OH annoying me as he speaks for ages with his mum but when i asked him a question he was 'not just sitting there but thinking things in his head' so couldnt speak! :grr:
Maybe thats a good one 'not just sitting there but thinking things in his head' so couldnt speak! :haha: MEN!

I didn't realise Gibraltar was sooooo small!!!!! I thought it was more like the Isle of Wight :haha:
Maybe - yey for Owen with the sippy cup :hugs: sounds like things are really coming together for you and Owen now :thumbup:hope you have a good night.

H&F - gorgeous car!

frufru - ahhh, a cuppa sounds just the ticket :coffee:

sarah - thankyou for the healthy eating tips :haha: I could do with some malteasers right now!

My poor cat has been hit by a car, she came in about 5pm for some tea but I was busy and I normally feed them at 6.30pm if I can). Then it all went a bit bedlam because Alex's cold got worse (how can that happen) and he was snotting everywhere and grizzling. I got him and the girls to bed and then the letter box went. By the time Kerry got there the person had gone but it was a photo of Ruby saying "is this your cat?". She'd been hit by a car and taken to a vets in the next town to us and I cant contact them to see how she is until tomorrow morning:cry: Emily and Holly were hysterical, we lost our first cat last year to a shitty speeding car, he died on my doorstep in the night :cry: then we got Ruby and Max from the RSPCA. Max got hit by a car in March and had to have extensive surgery that cost me £1000 (I didnt care as long as he was OK). They are insured now but its just horrible. We live in the country but the road that goes past my house is a 60mph limit road and people think its just a country road and fly along it, they dont realise there are houses. Arseholes :cry::cry:
thinking things in his head :dohh:

Good grief I am tickled pink about there being no horses on Gibraltar, I think I need to get out more :rofl:

I am loving your healthy eating ideology Sarah :winkwink:
FruFru I'm glad I'm not the only one who was amazed about the whole no horses in Gibraltar thing :rofl: There are monkeys though aren't there??????

A3my I'm sooooo sorry to hear about Ruby!!! Poor little thing :hugs: Is there not an emergency number for the vet that you could call? I hope she's okay, we're thinking about her :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Thank goodness for the insurance, vets can be sooo expensive.

Come on little Ruby, get well soon!!!!!! :hugs:
:hugs:I called the vets she's been taken too and it just gives an emergency out of hours number. I called that and the vet couldnt help me, said I have to wait until tomorrow. Finally got the girls to go to sleep. Unfortunately our dog was put to sleep at that vets last year (we dont have much luck with animals :cry:). I'm eating copious amounts of comfort food! :hugs:
amy - huge hugs :hugs: hope ruby is ok!

sarah - yeah we have barbary apes in gib. they live mainly up the rock but do go down towards the town sometimes! luckily we live where they dont venture to. my cousin found one in his garden or rather his wife did when she went to hang the washing out!!!!!
owen woke a few times crying. teeth again i think. gave him a feed at 11.30& settled him back in his cot asleep. finished taking the clothes out the tumble drier. hitting the sack now as its past midnight here!!!
Maybe I really don't like monkeys . . . finding one while I was hanging out the washing would be worse than finding a spider :rofl:

A3my you eat all the comfort food you want hun :hugs: I really hope that you get some good news in the morning :hugs:

Its so awful when anything happens to pets. We lost our little doggie, Johnny, a few years ago, I was so sad I said I'd never get another. He was a cavalier king charles spaniel and he was just so lovely, he was only two years old, but one day he started fitting - apparently it was some kind of epilipsy - we found out after that its a breed thing because they breed them with their heads too small :cry: He was so poorly and he didn't make it :cry: :cry: It still makes me so, so sad, he was so lovely. This is a pic of him with our cat, Tinkerbell, who now lives at my mums.


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Sarah fab stories. I am giggling at the MIL one and the key story too :lol: Damn you now I want a house with a field and ponies and i don't even ride! :lol: I love spaniels, now I want one of them. My H said no you have a baby so you don't need a puppy too!

H&F I agree with Sarah you definitely want good photos of the first dance, cake cutting, speeches etc. Our photographer didn't stay for them but we did have my H's cousin who took loads of amazing unposed shots as a present for us so he did photos of all those things. Lovely car pics.

does Joni look so proud of herself when she screams? Oliver always does, it's that same look of pride that he has when he has just done a big fart! :rofl:

Amy Oliver sucked his thumb from birth (when he could keep it in his mouth that is as it kept falling out before he could control his hands!) then he didn't do it for a while but the past couple of weeks he has started doing it again so Alex may start again too. I also have a limited supply of clothes-I have loads of tops as my pre-preg ones all fit (though I don't wear the ones that show my cleavage as it is a bit ridiculous think the picture below but with a much fatter ass and waist!) but I only wear the same two pairs of trousers and one pair of leggings as my others don't fit. I also have a stone to lose but am not worrying about it as I lost 2.5 stone without trying since having O and will shift the rest when I am not bf anymore. Hope you feel better soon. Your poor cat, hope she is ok.

Maybe that's fab, things seem to be looking up for you sleep wise finally! Oliver is a bit like that he will have short feeds when we are out and about then make up for it when we get home. That's great he will use a sippy cup too. I have been letting O play with an empty doidy cup so he gets used to it and he is getting pretty good, and also with a spoon to though he keeps putting that too far in and gagging. We haven't started weaning yet though. Think you should use a similar line when you OH asks where dinner is!

Windmills I have found it best not to give an option to say no just walk over with the baby and say 'say hi to Daddy' and hand her over! :lol: That's what i do at the weekends when my OH is staying in bed really late and I have been up for hours. Saying that I nearly fainted when he jumped out of bed on Saturday and said he would get up with Oliver so i could have a lie in!

L-C i look in the cot all the time too and we have a movement sensor monitor too! I did move it up the cot a little bit so it is slightly above the middle so that when he moves up and across it still picks him up. I think my H changed the sensitivity on it too so it is more sensitive. There are worse things than a dummy, whatever helps him sleep is a good thing!

Oliver's cold finally seems to be gone, unfortunately it seems to have been replaced by teething pain again (which seemed to be gone for a couple of weeks) so he is back on the Ashton and Parsons and Bonjella though he did need a dose of Calpol this evening before bed. Oliver and I met a lovely mummy today through Netmums. She has a little boy who is almost the same age as Oliver and we are going to meet again soon. Getting my hair cut tomorrow and I can't wait it is such a mess at the moment and kind of looks a bit like a mullet as it is in between styles where my layered bob has grown out a bit weirdly :lol:

I am not happy! Yesterday I picked up a pile of washing that I had sorted on the floor and the most enormous spider I have ever seen scuttled out from underneath it! Then later on we were in the car and I look up at the roof and there was a wasp sitting there-if it had been a spider I am pretty sure I would have stopped the car and jumped out on the dual carriageway! Last night I was watching tv when out of the corner of my eye I see an enormous spider running across the wall (I am hoping it is the same one that was under the washing as my H didn't manage to catch it I had no hope as I ran away) Then to top that all of I went in the bathroom and there was a bleeding millipede running about the floor! Yuck yuck yuck


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ugh! what an awful night! i guess the previous one was a fluke :dohh: at 2.30am i gave in and put him in bed with me and fed him. after that he kept waking and wouldnt be pacified by either dummy or boob! so exhausted and have managed to get the routine thrown out the window today as owen was feeding when i should have been getting dylan and erin brekkie so everything was thrown out and i ended up not having time to give owen his porridge before the school run. he also had to go into his pram in his pj's coz we were going to be late otherwise :blush: i thought 'never mind i'll give him his porridge when we get back at 9.15 but he has fallen asleep (he usually does on the way back from the school run!) so now he will probably have an even shorter nap than usual coz he will be hungry :dohh: agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! feel like such crap! my flat is so messy and i have friends coming for lunch tomorrow and have to take erin to dance later (with the others in tow) so i dont know how on earth am going to squeese in everything that needs doing (probably should start by getting off here i guess :haha: ) sorry rant over!

sarah - i think a spider is worse than an ape :rofl:

amy - how is ruby?

muddles - glad oliver is better from his cold. grrr to teething :grr: oh and i shuddered when i read your spider story :sick:

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