Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I agree Sarah a frying pan ... actually I use a wok more often and its heavier so I would use that!

I'm just ordering my gowns for graduation ready for November ... very exciting!
yeah we speak both english and spanish to them but they understand more spanish than they speak! i'm much better at english than spanish! we use a mix of english&spanish in gib called llanito. someone even wrote a llanito dictionary. there are some funny made up words!
H&F I have a Le Cruset frying pan - its a two hand lifter :haha: Thats soooo exciting re your gowns!!

Maybe I'm sooo rubbish at language, I can speak a little bit of french etc, enough to get my on holiday but thats it. I think I have a mental block when it comes to picking up other languages!! The reason I asked though (you're going to think I'm bonkers - honestly I'm not . . . much :haha:) I bought some flash cards today for Oliver (I know . . . . talk about forward planning :rofl:) they were reduced to 50p a set so I got 6 different sets and when I got home one of them, which I thought was English Albhabet cards, is actually English and Spanish :dohh: I think they are American TBH, they are Sesame Street ones, for ages 3+, are they any good to you? They are for identifying upper and lower case letters for something like that. I won't use them, and for 50p I can't be bothered taking them back :rofl: I'll pop them in the post if you might get some use out of them? I send you all sorts of crap don't I :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Katie - drowning a spider with glasses of water :rofl: I hope everything goes well with Daisy tomorrow :hugs:

H&F - Sarah is right don't feel too bad about having one off day. You are doing so well at WW and tomorrow is a new day :hugs: I am glad the photographer yesterday seemed like a goodun :winkwink:

Maybebaby - poor Owen, I hope tonight is not too bad for you. I just don't know what to say/suggest about your OH :nope:

Sarah - I have so many books and things for Joni when she is older but not much for her to play with at this age :dohh: It is great you are getting the new loola straps for free :thumbup: Enjoy your day tomorrow.

Well, after the failed nap this morning I decided to just go to mother and baby group. I was expecting JOni to be really grumpy not having had a sleep, however, once we were there she was quite happy laying on the playmat playing with the other babies for an hour and half. We came home after midday and she had a bottle and promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours :thumbup: This afternoon we went into the city and Joni joined the library and got out her first books :cloud9: Joni did not have an afternoon nap either but was generally ok moodwise right up to bedtime. I think maybe because she slept in for 2 hours longer than she does usually this morning she found she did not need the other 2 naps of 45mins each :shrug:

Ooooo and I bought Joni some moccis today and they are so cute
I got them from a kiddies shoeshop in the city but when I got home and looked on the net I found they are on sale on the asos website so have ordered a few more pairs in the next size up :thumbup: Joni just will not keep shoes on and I have been wondering how I will keep her tootsies warm through the winter and these will do just the trick :mrgreen:

Well I better sign off as it is nearly time for Joni's dreamfeed.

Sending lots of love to Amy and family :hugs:
Going back to the spider-talk.

One of the girls I know went to Cambridge uni and the halls she stayed in were very plush and her room had a lovely hardwood floor. She came home one day and was confronted by a rather large spider and her way of dealing with it was to stalk it with a can of deodorant and a lighter trying to burn it alive :haha: then when that did not work she boiled the kettle and ran around trying to scald it with hot water :shock: It is safe to say that the floor was ruined and she had to pay out a lot of money at the end of the year for the damage. As for the spider I am not actually sure if he made it or not!

If it had been me I would have dumped a textbook on it - much more cost effective :rofl:
FruFru I would have screamed so loud someone would have come and moved it for me :rofl: :rofl:
Oohhhhh Amy has been on Facebook and Ruby is okay! Well it sounds like she's been in the wars but she's going to be okay :) I can go to bed now, I've been thinking about her all day :rofl:

Amy - I hope you don't mind me updating that for the non facebook ladies :hugs:
Hi everyone, thankyou sooo much for all your messages. Its lovely to feel such support. Well I called the vets in the morning and apparently she was found by a woman who lives next door to the vet and he took her in himself. When I first called they said she had severe concussion and a broken jaw. Then he called me back and said she had deteriorated, had rapid breathing and her bladder wasnt filling. They thought she had a torn diaphragm and ruptured bladder and did an x-ray. I had to wait 3 hours for him to call me back but he said she was on the mend! And then at 5.45 he called to say she was well enough to come home, and the lovely vet even brought her home to me! I think he'd developed a soft spot for her because he said "look after her for me" :hugs: I wanted to kiss him! She's a bit wobbly and frail and not herself at all but he assured me she'll be ok. I cant believe people hit cats and just drive off, I'm just so lucky she got picked up and into veterinary care so quick becasue he gave her drugs to stop the brain swelling which stopped any brain damage. I'll try to attach a picture of Ruby and my other cat Max, her brother, when they were kittens. max is the black one.

Sarah - your dog was gorgeous, thats so sad :hugs::hugs: Your cat is lovely too, Ruby is also a tortioshell and white.

Maybe - I'm so sorry you had a crummy night and day, I hate it when things go like that, it always seems to be when you are busy! I hope tonight ends up better than you expect.

Muddles - great news that Oliver is over his cold - how long was he poorly with it? I think Alex's cold is going to stick around for a while too :( I hope you like you haircut - mine looks like a scarecrow!

Katie - good luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you both. I love that you drowned the spider with glasses of water :p - I dont mind spiders really! I get DH to put the big hairy ones out though. Its moths that give me the eeby jeebies. Sounds like weaning is going well :thumbup:

H&F - the photographer stayed till 9pm :shock: urgh how annoying!!!! Hope Amy settles ok :hugs:

frufru - love the mocci's! :thumbup:

Well I had Alex weighed and he's put on 12lbs in 2 weeks and is now 14lbs 7oz. He's now following the 25th centile for weight. I am so pleased. I am sure its the domperidone. I forgot a dose yesterday and my milk has dried up again! I've struggled to feed Alex today! My boobs are tingling again though so I think its coming back. I cant believe what a difference Domperidone makes, its so frustrating they wont prescribe it to me. Oh well, alls well that ends well.

I'm having a cheeky glass of Rose - its been a long day! x
Amy that's all great news in your post. More posts like this please :lol: I'm glad Ruby is ok and I'm even more glad that Alex is back on track!
Frufru, I love those :cloud9: they're too cute!
I'm currently trying to kick Vinny out of bed, he's got a delivery at 6 and does not want to move! I don't blame him, his dray is by all accounts horrible, and he's got to stand in a cold cellar dodging 36 gallon kegs as they come down the drop!
Oh, yesterday they found out that in the bar, the floor under the window is supported by.. Nothing! And has been like that since it was built. How scary!

It's really dark here and we have been up since 6 am, Will is refusing to have his first nap and so it looks like I'll be in my pj's all day.

Amy so glad Ruby is on the mend what a lovely vet!

Maybebaby how was your night?? Was Owen any more settled, sometimes when I think it's going to be horrendous it turns out better.

Muddles really pleased to hear that Oliver is feeling better.

Frufru those mocci's are lush!

I'm with you all on the spider front, I hate them although better with the smaller ones as my OH doesn't like to kill them, I on the other hand will do what it takes to get them out of the house. I hate the massive ones that you can hear their footsteps.

Our night was very average, although no dummy after the first feed which is good!

Hada funny day yesterday, I have started to puree my own food for Will and did up some potato and broccoli, which was a disaster. I pureed it, which was the first mistake it went like wallpaper paste, then I froze it. I took some out of the freezer and left it to defrost, it seemed to take ages. Then I realised it had defrosted but was just like cement. Thought I was going to have to throw out the ice cube trays!!
LC - the night was pretty awful unfortunately. i ended up with owen in bed with me and OH fell asleep on sofa so at least we had the bed to ourselves :haha: oh and on the purees thing. potato is a big no no to puree with a blender as it just goes horrid like you found out. it is fine if you put it through a mouli though. a mouli is also great for things like peas and sweetcorn with a skin on them :thumbup:

sarah - yes please to the flashcards :flower: you are too good to me!!!

amy - so glad that ruby is ok!

frufru - i'm glad joni was in good spirits for you at baby group! the story about your friend in uni and the spider :rofl::rofl::rofl: my mum does the kettle of boiling water thing to kill cockroaches!

am off to do the housework now. i tried to change my avatar last night and this morning and it came out absolutely huge :wacko: :dohh: never happened to me before :shrug:
oh and i just ate half a packet of golden crunch creams for brekkie :blush: am such a fat cow! no wonder i still have 2 stone to lose :dohh:
i've just had 3 criossants with honey - had 7 freddo's yesterday!! and I had given chocolate up for a week and lost 2 lbs...
Amy - I am so pleased that Ruby was so well looked after and is doing ok :hugs: Its sounds like the vet took a real shine to her, it is always so touching when others get involved and care when they don't necessarily need to. Great weight for Alex :thumbup: I am so glad that the domperidone has worked so well for you and allowed you and Alex to continue BF/weaning at your pace. I agree that the glass of vino was well deserved :wine:

Sarah - thankyou for updating us last night :thumbup: I hope you have had a nice day out today.

Katie - it is well scary about that floor being unsupported :shock: You and Daisy have been in and out of my thoughts all day and I hope that everything went ok today :hugs:

L-C - bless you, I hope Will has not been too challenging today. It is so frustrating when you can see they need a nap and they won't just give in. Great news about being able to do the first feed without a dummy :thumbup: Joni seems to be favouring her dummy less and less and I wonder if she will eventually wean herself off it? We shall see. Sweet Potato works well in baby purees and doesn't object to being whizzed up and frozen.

Maybebaby - thanks for the heads up on potato being a no-no for pureeing. What is a mouli? I am sorry your night was not so good but grateful that at least you got to spread out in the bed. I don;t know if I could sleep a whole night on our sofa and I certainly couldn't do a full day at work after sleeping on the sofa. I do love golden crunch creams too - it is amazing they have legs and just walk over and climb into your mouth when you are not looking :blush: same with oreo's :winkwink:

We had an ok-ish night but Joni has gone back to rolling over in her sleep and if she is not comfortable on her front wakes up and cries to be turned back over :dohh: Thanks to this she was up pretty much every hour from 3.30 onwards :rolleyes: but thankfully did not actually wake up for the day until 6.40 :) I am giving her loads of floor time each day but she is making no real effort when on her tummy to learn to roll onto her back :shrug: I am sure she will learn in her own time. At the moment she is laying on the floor on her back with a cushion against her right side so she can't roll - for some reason she only rolls to her right :confused: so I am trying to encourage her to roll the other way. She is gurgling and squawking away, it is super cute :cloud9:

We had our baby singing group this morning which was fun, Joni was a bit taken aback by the intense social and noise aspect of it at first but now loves it and is one of the few babies that will gurgling and shout along :haha:

Oh and Joni found her feet yesterday :cloud9: and is spending loads of time grabbing at them now :mrgreen: Her feet looked especially cute in her moccis today and they have stayed on all day :thumbup:
Maybebaby - yay for the bed to yourself but boo for a bad night x

Frufru think I will stick to sweet potato in future he seems to prefer it to. Will went through the whole rolling thing a few weeks back and it seems to have passed although he's always on his front when he's properly awake if you know what I mean, but we're not up all night any more.

I'm pleased with the dummy progress but don't think we'll be rid of it all together, he really needs it to go off at the start of the night unless he falls asleep feeding.

Glad you had a good morning at singing. Will did go down eventually but not before reducing Mummy to tears, he has been very hard to entertain all day! So I went and bought dairy milk! Oreo's are just like sweets aren't they, in whole, one at a time, what a pig I am.

My friend dropped one of those doughnut things you sit them in today, so I have washed it and the little monkey has been in it, he loved it, even had a glimmer of my happy little man for about 10 minutes!

Katie really hope everything has gone well today x

Just had to google mouli, a metal windy sieve to mush stuff!

Enjoy your day xx
here's a link to pics of a mouli:
Just off to weight watchers weigh in number 4 ... will update properly when I am back.
Today was.. Ok. Basically the DMSA shows kidney function in white, everything else is black. The left kidney looked pretty good, but the right showed up as half the size and patchy :(. We're going to have to wait until the 26th so see her consultant but it seems the upper moiety of the duplex is doing nothing other than cause trouble. The surgeon had hoped to see some function but had still talked about removing it. We'll see. I suspect next could be a MAG3. And tests to check the blood supply. But I think it's coming out.
I'll do a proper post later, or try at least, we're just driving home from Southport, got to get Daisy bathed and to bed and then the same for myself!

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