Amy - I am so pleased that Ruby was so well looked after and is doing ok
Its sounds like the vet took a real shine to her, it is always so touching when others get involved and care when they don't necessarily need to. Great weight for Alex
I am so glad that the domperidone has worked so well for you and allowed you and Alex to continue BF/weaning at your pace. I agree that the glass of vino was well deserved
Sarah - thankyou for updating us last night
I hope you have had a nice day out today.
Katie - it is well scary about that floor being unsupported
You and Daisy have been in and out of my thoughts all day and I hope that everything went ok today
L-C - bless you, I hope Will has not been too challenging today. It is so frustrating when you can see they need a nap and they won't just give in. Great news about being able to do the first feed without a dummy
Joni seems to be favouring her dummy less and less and I wonder if she will eventually wean herself off it? We shall see. Sweet Potato works well in baby purees and doesn't object to being whizzed up and frozen.
Maybebaby - thanks for the heads up on potato being a no-no for pureeing. What is a mouli? I am sorry your night was not so good but grateful that at least you got to spread out in the bed. I don;t know if I could sleep a whole night on our sofa and I certainly couldn't do a full day at work after sleeping on the sofa. I do love golden crunch creams too - it is amazing they have legs and just walk over and climb into your mouth when you are not looking
same with oreo's
We had an ok-ish night but Joni has gone back to rolling over in her sleep and if she is not comfortable on her front wakes up and cries to be turned back over
Thanks to this she was up pretty much every hour from 3.30 onwards
but thankfully did not actually wake up for the day until 6.40
I am giving her loads of floor time each day but she is making no real effort when on her tummy to learn to roll onto her back
I am sure she will learn in her own time. At the moment she is laying on the floor on her back with a cushion against her right side so she can't roll - for some reason she only rolls to her right
so I am trying to encourage her to roll the other way. She is gurgling and squawking away, it is super cute
We had our baby singing group this morning which was fun, Joni was a bit taken aback by the intense social and noise aspect of it at first but now loves it and is one of the few babies that will gurgling and shout along
Oh and Joni found her feet yesterday
and is spending loads of time grabbing at them now
Her feet looked especially cute in her moccis today and they have stayed on all day