Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Today was.. Ok. Basically the DMSA shows kidney function in white, everything else is black. The left kidney looked pretty good, but the right showed up as half the size and patchy :(. We're going to have to wait until the 26th so see her consultant but it seems the upper moiety of the duplex is doing nothing other than cause trouble. The surgeon had hoped to see some function but had still talked about removing it. We'll see. I suspect next could be a MAG3. And tests to check the blood supply. But I think it's coming out.
I'll do a proper post later, or try at least, we're just driving home from Southport, got to get Daisy bathed and to bed and then the same for myself!
H&F - hope you have a good weigh in!! :hugs:

Frufru - Alex is the opposite to Joni, he can only roll front to back and only to his left side! :dohh:he hasnt started rolling at night yet. x

Katie - good news that Daisy has one kidney that is functioning well, have they mentioned timelines for possibly removing the other one? Sounds like a long day, Daisy is very lucky to have such a committed Mummy :hugs:

LC Sorry you had a hard day with Will, I hate days like that. I agree that Oreo's are sweeties :haha: Do you think Will is coming down with something?

Maybe - Hope Owen gets back on track tonight. I have been a very fat cow today (I'm sure you're not) - I've eaten 3 bags of jelly beans (my current craving) anda bag of bassetts allsorts :blush: I did have salad for tea though. When I went shopping the other day I did get some clothes, some jeans that fit my legs but my stomach splurges over the top, two waterfall cardigans becasue they are good for BF in public and two tent tops to hide a mulititude of sins. All in dark colours too, so I can look fat, dumpy and drab :rofl:

I've had a funny old day running errrands and taxying the girls around. I feel like Alex has been in and out of his car seat all day which makes me feel like a crap mum :nope: I did get a timetable from the local surestart! I wondering about sign and rhyme - does anyone else do that or similar? its not just for deaf children is it? x
L-C - I am glad to hear that Will grew out of his rolling and waking, hopefully Joni will follow suit soon!! Joni is still dummy dependent too, it sounds awful but I just don't have enough energy to try and actively wean her off it at the moment. Once she sleeps most of the night most of the time I might consider it :winkwink: Yay for the donut - Joni has a winnie the pooh playnest and always has fun in it. Sorry to hear Will is having a high maintenance day, do you think he might be fretful due to teething? Joni frequently has me in tears when she has those days too :hugs: It is a good job she is so pretty :haha:

H&F - good luck for your weigh-in.

Amy - I am sure you look lovely in your new clothes :hugs: Don't worry about having a busy day with Alex, we all have them sometimes. The rhyme and sign is a bit of singing and baby sign language I think - I wish our surestart did it too. I hope Ruby is taking it easy and getting lots of strokes and cuddles.

Righto I am off to check my emails and the book of face - have a good night everyone :hugs:
Katie glad the scan was positive hope everything is ok .

I have lost 2lbs this week! Very happy with that, 13lbs in total so far so fingers crossed it still comes off at this sort of rate and then I will reach my overall goal by August next year!

How is everyone getting on today?

Amy went to bed at 8 and settled without her dummy! We are trying to wean her off it so that is good!

Oh i'm also just trying to write my personal statement for my PGCE i'm praying I get onto one next year!
Evening All!

Amy you're not a crap mum :hugs: In fact you're not allowed to think that for a second because you are a fab mum!! I bet Alex didn't mind going places all day - it sounds fun!! All the jean that fit me on the leg give me a mega muffin top too :haha: I bought some size 12's which don't give me muffin top but I'm forever pulling them up :dohh: I'm mainly wearing longer tops, and not so much fitted stuff.

Katie :hugs: It must be so hard for you, you are one strong mummy!!

H&F: Yay for the weight loss - well done!!!!!!!! We collected the new straps today and they are soooo much better - I think you can call the UK distributer of Bebe Comfort direct and have them sent out (free of charge), give it a google and see what you can find but def get the new straps :)

All this talk of pureeing and moulis . . . I'm glad we're doing baby led weaning cos I'm be hopeless!!! I bought some sweet potatoes yesterday, I'm going to start making things for me that I would make for Oliver, just so I can practise, otherwise Oliver will be about 6 and won't have been weaned yet because I won't have cooked anything edible yet :rofl:

MaybeBaby I'll post the flashcards tomorrow :) Eeeeeekkkkk at cockroaches!!!!!! If you have monkeys in your gardens and cockroaches there is no way I'm ever going to Gibraltar! :rofl: And that i sooooo my kind of breakfast!!

Amy that vet sounds fab!! What a guy!! It so nice when someone really cares - when its about more than the money. My mum dog was really ill the other year and her vet was amazing, he took him home every night for about a week! Fingers crossed that Ruby is back to her normal self very soon :) I think Rhyme and Sign is like sing and sign, so its baby signing :) Sounds good!!

Has anyone else noticed that their appitite is much bigger than pre-pregnancy? Possibly to do with the breatfeeding, I just think I can eat a lot more now . . . . maybe it will go back to normal when I stop breastfeeding.

FruFru the moccis look so cute! Oliver's shoes don't normally stay on long :dohh: I normally find them in the bottom of his cosy toes :rofl:

L-C Sorry you had a tough day :hugs: I hope tomorrow is better!

We had a nice day, we slept in - Oliver woke up at seven, I fed him in bed and then popped him back down and thought I'll just have five minutes snooze while he talks to himself . . . . after five minutes he was fast asleep again, and woke up at half nine!!!! It was lovely!! We went up to Harrogate and collected the new straps, I also bought Oliver some nice noisy toys from ELC, he was so excited looking at them in the shop!! He's been very good tonight and just woke up once - just as I was about to eat my chocolate pud :dohh: It was still gorgeous cold though :rofl:

Its Baby Club in the morning, I might go if we're up in time :rofl:
H&F I just looked on the packaging and the UK distributer of the Loola Up is Dorel - the straps I have came direct from them to Mothercare Harrogate.
There is a contact us thing on the website, it might be worth sending them a message or giving them a call :)
frufru - Ruby is getting lots of love and cuddles :hugs: she's very quiet and not her normal self at all but I think she'll need time to get over it all :cry: Alex doesnt have a dummy, he has to suck my finger to settle :haha: I wouldnt worry about the dummy use for now, it works and my friend weaned her son off it at 13 months no problem. :thumbup:

H&F - wow, well done on almost losing a stone!!! :thumbup: :happydance: I applied for a PGCE before I got my job in research but I was turned down. They like you to have experience in the class and show that you are up to date with current teaching trends. Good luck, teaching is a fab career for mums isnt it! :hugs:

sarah - megga muffin top describes it perfectly :rofl: my appetite is HUGE!!! I've forgotten what hungry tummmy feels like, its all in my head hunger. I cant stop eating jelly beans :blush:
Amy that is my dreasd because all I have ever wanted to do is teach! I have work experience lined up for after christmas but I will just have to see what they say!
what age group do you want to teach? Do you still get a bursary when you are doing a PGCE? I have a feeling you'll be successful, you've shown what drive and determination you have by finishing your degree despite being heavily pregnant so they will be impressed with that :thumbup:
Im not sure whether to write that in my personal statement! I want to teach primary! I have some experiance and have done some disability work. I just need this statement to be proof read and made to sound really good but Dave is refusing!
I think you should put it in, it shows your commitment. Sounds like you are a perfect candidate! I wanted to teach primary, I went into Emily's class and helped out and its so rewarding :hugs: Dave should read it for you!! mean man x
I know I started the spider talk but ewwwww way too much spider talk on this thread now!

H&F any classroom experience or experience working with kids you can get will put you at an advantage, and the more keen you are the better! I love teaching and really miss seeing my class everyday. That said I am not going back after maternity leave as all the paperwork and crazy long hours have fried my brain and I need a break. The holidays were fab though, but you certainly earn them by the time they come around! Oh and I had to have chips for dinner tonight-wonder who planted that idea in my head?! :lol: I have my personal statement I can email you if you want, though it is the one I used to get my last job not my one to apply for uni but it will have similar things in it to what they will look for at uni.

Amy Glad Ruby is going to be ok. Good weight gain for Alex. Oliver had his cold for a couple of weeks and I thought it was never going to go away! I am growing my hair but now it has had the ends hacked off and been thinned a lot (she needs to thin it every 8 weeks when i go!) it is so much better. Oliver hates his car seat-if i put him in it/the pushcair then go off to brush my teeth/grab something I have forgotten then he has a little paddy as once he is strapped in he wants to go RIGHT NOW! I think sing and rhyme is baby signing with songs.

Frufru those moci things are lovely. I can imagine me doing something similar with a spider too.

L-C :lol: at the cement cubes. Glad Will likes his donut thing, they are fab. Oliver loved his until he learnt to sit up now he thinks he doesn't need any help so sits in a kind of half sit up doing a little cough cry until you take his hands and he pulls himself to sitting! :lol: I can see I am going to have trouble on my hands if he has such a strong character already :lol:

Sarah :lol: at maybe going to Baby Club. Glad Oliver has had a good day and new toys sound fun. I love showing new toys to Oliver and then buying whichever ones he shows an interest in. I eat so much whilst breastfeeding, hope my appetite goes back to normal once I stop otherwise I am going to get seriously fat!

Windmills :hugs: for you and Daisy. Glad it went ok. You are such a strong person i don't know how you deal with it all.

Maybebaby Cockroaches yuck that reminds me when we went on holiday in October we were sitting in the bar and my foot was tickling and when I looked down there was a cockroach on my foot :OMG: despite being pregnant I was up and out of that bar running so fast! Sorry you had a crap night, hope you have a better one tonight.

I found out today one of my friends is expecting twins!!!! So she will be a mother of four in 2011 (her other kids are 3 and 2) so she will have her work cut out, but twins wow double the fun.

As for us Oliver and I went to breastfeeding drop in and Oliver decided he would have a nap on me instead of feeding despite the noise of lots of teeny tiny newborns screaming and lots of us mummies of older babies talking-why does he fight daytime sleep at home then? Maybe I should make loads of noise at home! :lol: We then met my friend and her 8 day old baby. He is so cute! We went to the park as she has an older boy too and Oliver loved the swings and the slide and had a huge smile on his face-I held his hands on the swing and swung him back and forth gently and held him all the way down the slide too.

Anyone else sing nursery rhymes to their LO? What ones do they like? Oliver LOVES 'row, row, row your boat' and anytime he is sitting holding your fingers he starts rocking back and forth. He laughs and grins as soon as I start singing it. Poor boy obviously doesn't know what it is supposed to sound like in tune then :rofl:
Muddles I'm learning nursery rhymes :rofl: I put You Tube on and learn the actions from there, and I bought lots of nursery rhyme cds. Oliver loves Wind the Bobbin Up (I learnt it - yay!) an goes mad for 'If your happy and you know it' :)
Muddles I'm learning nursery rhymes :rofl: I put You Tube on and learn the actions from there, and I bought lots of nursery rhyme cds. Oliver loves Wind the Bobbin Up (I learnt it - yay!) an goes mad for 'If your happy and you know it' :)

Oh You Tube good idea! That reminds me Oliver loves the computer-he watches my H on it. My H had on and Oliver was mesmerised. Don't really want him on the computer though until he is much older, but I suppose now and again is ok.
h&f - good luck with the PGCE application! i remember when i did mine but i cant remember what i put in it :haha:

sarah - yey for youtube!!!

muddles - owen loves row row row your boat too!

amy - how is ruby doing?

katie - :hugs: poor daisy! i'm sure she will be fine in the end, it is just awful waiting to find out what is happening i guess :hugs:

owen is in his walker and i think is doing a poo in it :haha: we just came back from the school run. i am hoping owen will tire himself out and have a nap soon so i can get some housework done. he doesnt want me out of his sight at the moment and it's difficult having to move him around from room to room! (also a good excuse to come on here before he naps :haha:) The nights are still rubbish. i went to bed past 11pm and i dont know how many times between then and 2am he woke up :dohh: he settled quickly with the dummy but my sleep was really broken! at 2am he wouldnt settle and i put him in bed with me and bf him. and then after that he woke regularly the rest of the night. i know i should really try controlled crying but i just dont have the heart as i feel he is so little. with erin it took over a year before i decided i had to make a stand and stop night bf. it was not pretty but it worked in the end. there was no other way as i was back at work full time and going to work on a few hours of severly broken sleep and OH was completely not interested in helping out :dohh: thankfully he is a bit better now (though not at night :dohh: )and i think he appreciates what i do for the kids which i dont think he did before.

well off to change owen's pongy nappy!!! have a good day all :hugs:
oops got waylaid looking at toys on as they do free delivery to gib :blush: i did put a wash in. does that count as something constructive? :haha:
Hey everyone ... well the personal statement is done ... my work experiance bit is done so I'm hoping to send if off later on. Im really hoping I get onto one of the PGCE's im applying for as I dont have the luxury of going into clearing and going anywhere in the country. But once its sent i'm not going to worry about it, if I dont get on one I will find some more experience or do something else!

How is everyone getting on today?
Worcester and Birmingham city as they offer part time courses. I dont really want to leave Amy for 5 days a week!

How are you getting on today?

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