Evening All!
Amy you're not a crap mum
In fact you're not allowed to think that for a second because you are a fab mum!! I bet Alex didn't mind going places all day - it sounds fun!! All the jean that fit me on the leg give me a mega muffin top too
I bought some size 12's which don't give me muffin top but I'm forever pulling them up
I'm mainly wearing longer tops, and not so much fitted stuff.
It must be so hard for you, you are one strong mummy!!
H&F: Yay for the weight loss - well done!!!!!!!! We collected the new straps today and they are soooo much better - I think you can call the UK distributer of Bebe Comfort direct and have them sent out (free of charge), give it a google and see what you can find but def get the new straps
All this talk of pureeing and moulis . . . I'm glad we're doing baby led weaning cos I'm be hopeless!!! I bought some sweet potatoes yesterday, I'm going to start making things for me that I would make for Oliver, just so I can practise, otherwise Oliver will be about 6 and won't have been weaned yet because I won't have cooked anything edible yet
MaybeBaby I'll post the flashcards tomorrow
Eeeeeekkkkk at cockroaches!!!!!! If you have monkeys in your gardens and cockroaches there is no way I'm ever going to Gibraltar!
And that i sooooo my kind of breakfast!!
Amy that vet sounds fab!! What a guy!! It so nice when someone really cares - when its about more than the money. My mum dog was really ill the other year and her vet was amazing, he took him home every night for about a week! Fingers crossed that Ruby is back to her normal self very soon
I think Rhyme and Sign is like sing and sign, so its baby signing
Sounds good!!
Has anyone else noticed that their appitite is much bigger than pre-pregnancy? Possibly to do with the breatfeeding, I just think I can eat a lot more now . . . . maybe it will go back to normal when I stop breastfeeding.
FruFru the moccis look so cute! Oliver's shoes don't normally stay on long
I normally find them in the bottom of his cosy toes
L-C Sorry you had a tough day
I hope tomorrow is better!
We had a nice day, we slept in - Oliver woke up at seven, I fed him in bed and then popped him back down and thought I'll just have five minutes snooze while he talks to himself . . . . after five minutes he was fast asleep again, and woke up at half nine!!!! It was lovely!! We went up to Harrogate and collected the new straps, I also bought Oliver some nice noisy toys from ELC, he was so excited looking at them in the shop!! He's been very good tonight and just woke up once - just as I was about to eat my chocolate pud
It was still gorgeous cold though
Its Baby Club in the morning, I might go if we're up in time