Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

ok thanks! we did jigsaws and r now watching toy story 3 before i get dinner sorted! have to eat a decent meal tonight as only eaten bananas crisps and biscuits all day :blush: i wish i had more willpower like you!!!
I don't know what this is about. After moving here me and OH both have been using pc a lot less. I only use it to visit my mailbox during day and to do workstuff. Plus if I forget to visit this forum one day then next day I tend to do that again.

Anyway, had time to watch video of Daisy. That was so cute :cloud9: I'm doing pizza with kids at mo so have to hurry back to kitchen. I'll try to come back later.

By the way, Kristan is crawling :happydance:
Hello, well Will has been fairly grumpy again today and hasn't really slept enough again... in between he has been gorgeous. I took him to get weighed today, he is 17lb 9 oz's so 8 oz in two weeks. He was 69 cms tall as well.

Done lots of walking today must have done 5-6 miles, but eaten like a pig in between. Amy fat, dumpy and drab is exactly how I feel, that made me chuckle. I was beginning to wonder if Will was coming down with something but am sure it’s his teeth he has the rosiest cheeks, this evening! How is Ruby?

H&F well done for another 2lb, I’m so jealous that you have the inclination to lose weight, I have good days then on a bad one I go straight for the choc.

Muddles I have been thinking the same thing about Will, having a strong character, he already kicks off if he doesn’t want to do something or is fed up, he is so strong too! I really have to battle with him, I’m dreading the terrible two’s already.

I bet it was really funny seeing an eight day old baby again, I’m sure I can hardly remember Will that small. I can carry him around on my hip now, makes him feel really old.

Will is loving the doughnut, I have managed to squeeze it into the travel cot to so he can be dog free.

Maybebaby I didn’t even realise controlled crying was an option to stop night feeds?? I am so niave, I thought they dropped them of their own accord.

Sarah - never thought of youtube - what a good idea!

Can’t stop online shopping bought Will a high chair toy today as it’s obviously a necessity! Roll on pay day…

Well done Kristian for crawling!!

Hope we all have sound asleepy babies tonight x
i have a wish list of things i want to buy from now!!! i should stop looking!!! :haha: will order some stuff when i get paid at the end of the month. after that i go on unpaid leave :dohh: so i only get partial pay in november and then nothing til i am back at work :dohh:
I'm not sure how long my will power will last we have had garlic dough balls, pizza and pasta for dinner - all small portions and all weight watchers! Feel so naughty but am well within my points I think! Amy is still wide awake but we havent used the dummy at all today so I'm feeling good about getting rid of it althogether!

How is everyone?
Evening All!

Wow Marta that great about the crawling!! Oliver tries and tries but still just goes backwards :haha:

MaybeBaby I love internet shopping - I'm hoping to do most of my Christmas shopping online this year - I really don't fancy busy Christmas shops with a buggy and a grumpy Oliver! Unpaid leave doesn't sound good!

L-C Will is a fab weight!! I think Oliver gets weighed again in a few weeks, I'm really curious as to how much he weighs now! I reach for the chocolate waaaay too easily :haha:

H&F good luck with the course!!

Muddles Steve has showed Oliver the computer a few times, there are baby games on the FisherPrice website. Oliver got all hyper and cried when he switched it off!!!! I also would prefer him not to use them until he's much, much older!!!!!! I think it will lead to some, erm, 'debates' between Steve and I in the future because Steve's son (my step son) always used the X Box, Playstation etc - even when he was really small. At 10 he was playing all the shoot em up type games. He's a perfectly good kid, so I can't say it's made him violent or anything like that, but there is no way Oliver will be doing that. No way in the world.

We have had another lovely day, Oliver had a fab night - I fed him at 11.30pm when I went to bed, and then he slept until 6am! He then had a quick feed and fell back asleep until 8.30am!!! So we were a bit late for Baby Club but we till went and we had a lovely time :) One of my mummy friends from baby massage was there so we had a good natter :) Oliver sat in one of those doughnut things and it was fab - I might get one. He's so close to sitting unaided so he can just sit in the middle and doesn't hurt himself if he wibbles over :haha:

Well dinner is almost ready so I'm expecting Oliver to wake up any moment :haha: I hope you all ha a good day!!!

sarah - i love internet shopping but the postage rates are ridiculous to gib except for some reason who does free shipping!
H&F - well done on your weigh-in :mrgreen: and well done on the dummy progress :thumbup: I don't have a clue about personal statements for PGCE but really hope you get onto the course you want. Your dinner sounds lovely :pizza:

Sarah - Oliver is such a good sleeper, maybe he could have words with Joni :winkwink: I am glad your pud was still delicious cold. I learnt wind the bobbin up today :) I had never heard it before :blush: I hope you managed to eat and uninterrupted dinner.

Amy - I suffer really badly with head hunger too :hugs: I have had a really challenging day with Joni and all I have wanted to do it eat chocolate all day long :munch:

Muddles - How cute that Oliver loves the park, it makes me think that I should take Joni. I sing to Joni all the time, sometimes nursery rhymes or songs from baby singing group. Sometimes just random things that come into my head :haha: Joni's favorite is twinkle twinkle little star, especially if you do the hand actions as well. We went to yet another baby singing group today :blush: this one was at the local library just up the road so we booked out some nursery rhyme books. JOni loves being bounced on the knee and I found a book of songs especially for bouncing :thumbup:

Maybebaby - I hope the nappy was not too pongy!!! It is funny that you mentioned Owen does not like to let you out of his sight as Joni has got that way over the last few days and she never usually minds. I see you got your avatar fixed, your kiddies are such cuties :)

Marta - yay for Kristan :happydance: With such athletic parents it is no suprise he is mobile already :winkwink:

L-C - great weigh in results for Will :thumbup: I love the new avatar :) I am with you and muddles on the character subject. Both hubby and I are very strong willed, opinionated and stubborn and Joni seems to have inherited a double dose :rolleyes:

No online shopping for me today However I did buy Joni some rubber ducks and bath toys from Morrisons and Boots and then came home and found a few more things on amazon and put them in my basket for after payday :haha:

Joni's sleep seems to be getting worse and worse :sad1: Usually we do not hear a peep out of her between bedtime and her dreamfeed but last night we had to resettle her again twice and tonight we have had to go in 4 times already :shrug: Joni woke up before her dreamfeed and took until 11.30 to go back to sleep :dohh: then she was up every hour from 1.30am :nope: I am not holding out much hope about tonight. It is so frustrating as last week she had 3 really decent nights in a row and now everything seems to have gone completely backwards :confused:

Top comedy moment of the day was as I reached for the new nappy mid-bum change, Joni rolled over and farted in my face with her naked bum :sick: I have to say I don't wish to repeat the experience again!

Righto - fingers crossed for good nights for us all :hugs:
frufru - sleep problems really suck! owen seems to be going from bad to worse sleep-wise too!!! it's so disheartening.

i have finally managed to settle owen in erin's buggy which is a maclaren quest so it doesnt recline fully so i cant leave him in there too long, not that he'll be asleep for too long anyway!
Bless you Maybebaby - I am so sorry that we are both in the same boat :hugs:

I am going to try and get through tonight with Joni in her cot as much as possible but we will see..... I have already had to settle her again since my last post :shrug:

I suppose the thing that saves my sanity is that as it is her sleeping can't really get any worse :winkwink: and if things don't improve this month we could always resort to sleep training once she is over 6months. I would rather not have to but I just can't keep running on empty.

I hope Owen and Joni have better nights than we are hoping for :hugs:
FruFru I wa just reading your post as I resettled Oliver (reading on my phone) and the top comedy moment of the day made me laugh so much I almost woke Oliver again :haha:

Oliver woke just as we sat down with our food :dohh: I'm getting used to luke warm food - Oliver seems to have an alarm that goes off whenever I sit down with a meal. Chocolate escapes his radar :rofl: I'm just eating some minty Matchmakers . . . . mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!
Muddles - I sing to Alex too but it tends to be silly songs I make up :haha:

Maybe - sorry your nights have gone a bit downhill again, its so hard isnt it. I tried CC with Alex for about 15 mins when things were really bad and ended up in tears myself. He still has 3-4 night feeds and wont settle without co-sleeping but I would rather have that than him losing weight. How is weaning going, is Owen on 3 meals a day now? I guess that hasnt helped the nights? I want to see Toy Story 3 :thumbup:

H&F - well done for completing your personal statement!

Marta - well done to Kristan for crawling!! he's going to be a runner like his mum :happydance:

Sarah - well done Oliver for the fab night and I'm glad you had a lovely time at babyclub :hugs:.

frufru - its a shame these babies cant be more consistent with their sleep! At least Joni still makes you smile, even if its by farting in your face :winkwink:

I feel like I've spent another day rushing here there and everywhere. Emily had the day off school becasue I took her to view a couple of secondary schools (yep - I feel very old!), then I took her to the stables, then I had to get Holly from school late because she had been on a school trip! Phew. My mum keeps telling me Alex doesnt get enough time on the floor (tummy or back time). Tomorrow I will make lots of time for him....once I have cleaned the house because Holly;s friend is coming to tea. Hope you are all feeling chirpy :hugs:
Aww Sarah - cold food isnt it lovely! Amy seems to have that radar too!

Well I have submitted my personal statement now I just have to wait for my referee to submit her referenece and then it can go to the Universitys wont here anything till after Christmas tho unfortunately - although it means I dont have to look for a job until I know whats happening with my PGCE! yay! Im just off for a bath. Dave has booked next week off work and we were going to go away for the week but now I think we are just going to have a week at home tidying up and buying some new things from ikea!
:happydance: we picked up our new car today a Citroen Picasso. We also got Oliver's next stage car seat (and he will use his Maxi-Cosi one in our little car until he grows out of it then we will just use the new car). We want to keep him rear facing for as long as possible so we went to a place in Milton Keynes that stocks them and we got a Britax Two-Way Elite which is a rear facing one until 25kg. He looks so teeny in it as it is one that he can be in until he is around 4. I am worried about driving the new car as I have a Peugeot 107 and it looks like the new car's baby! I have visions of having to phone my H to come and rescue me because I can't get the Picasso out of a parking space! :rofl:
oooh lovely car Muddles, I like bigger cars, it's so nice to have all the space inside. I'd like a bigger car as three children in an Avensis is getting tight (and messy!) x
Bless you Maybebaby - I am so sorry that we are both in the same boat :hugs:

I am going to try and get through tonight with Joni in her cot as much as possible but we will see..... I have already had to settle her again since my last post :shrug:

I suppose the thing that saves my sanity is that as it is her sleeping can't really get any worse :winkwink: and if things don't improve this month we could always resort to sleep training once she is over 6months. I would rather not have to but I just can't keep running on empty.

I hope Owen and Joni have better nights than we are hoping for :hugs:

i so know what you mean about running on empty. it cant continue much longer here either. owen slept in bed with us last night. it's terrible when there's 3 in a bed i get such bad quality sleep!!! i prefer when OH sleeps on the sofa :rofl::blush:
muddles - we have an alfa romeo 156. it's a nice car but we got it when we had no kids. it has 5 doors thankfully but we have to have a roof box on it especially in summer as we cant fit the pram, beach stuff and shopping in otherwise. as it is we end up shoving shopping at the passenger's feet as there's no more room!!! we cant afford a new one at the moment though OH really likes the picasso too!

amy - wow secondary schools. i feel that i'm going to blink and dylan will be there soon!!! secondary schools here start at year 8 not year 7 here though.

i have a job interview for year co-ordinator and foundation subject leader on tuesday and nothing to wear!!!!! i think i will have to wear my maternity black trousers which are quite smart but i think i will have to get myself a top of some description as all my smart stuff is still too small for me :blush:
sarah - owen has the food sensor too! so annoying!!! he even senses when i am stuffomg my face with ben and jerry's :haha:
Ooohhh Muddles I really want to keep Oliver rear facing for longer too - its an ongoing debate in our house. I've told Steve that I won't discuss it further until he takes the time to do the research like I have - rather than just saying 'forward facing is fine because that's what everyone has' Grrrrr! I found a shop near York which sells them, he's concerned about space so I said we could just go and look at them and see how they sit in his car, and go from there. How do you find yours so far?

Oliver slept until 9.30 today!!! He woke up a couple of times for food but went back to sleep!!!

Right, I'd better get some things done, have a good day everyone! X

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