Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah - Glad my nasal assault amused you :haha: Well it is good that Oliver is not able to detect chocolate :mrgreen: Joni has been exhibiting teething symptoms for the last month or so like excessive dribbling, ramming everything into her mouth and gumming it, hot flushed cheeks, bit of nappy rash to name the main ones. She has her amber necklace on and I am giving her teething powders which do help a little. Still no sign of teeth though!

Amy - cor you had a busy day yesterday! I hope you have a nice time at home with Alex today. Secondary schools already :shock: scary biscuits!!

H&F - well done on finishing your personal statement :yipee: Sometimes I think staying at home and getting stuff done can be as refreshing as time away.

Muddles - yay for the new car :happydance: Joni just got a new carset in the same age range too as she was too tall for her's despite only being just under 7kg. It is funny how tiny they look again :cloud9: I had a peek in mamas and papas yesterday and picked up a pair of newborn trousers and found it hard to think that Joni was ever that tiny but of course she was :dohh: Maybe you could take the car to the supermarket out of hours and practice parking :winkwink: We have a Honda Jazz which is actually quite spacious in the back so I think we will be ok with it for a few more years at least.

Maybebaby - I have a futon in Joni's room so I sleep on that with her, OH is 6ft6 and I am not exactly short at 5ft7 so our bed is just not big enough for the three of us now. I would love to get back to the marital bed though as the futon is so hard and uncomfy! Plus Joni is a spreader and had just learnt to swivel herself around so I keep waking up to find I am being kicked in the face :haha: Good luck with the interview on Tuesday :hugs: I hope Owen had a better night last night :hugs:

Well after an unsettled evening Joni had her feed at 11 and was back in her cot by 11.30 and slept until 3.15 when she had a top up feed and was back into her cot for 4.15 until 6. I did snuggle her on the futon from 6-7 as I just could not drag myself up and out of bed at 6. So all in all pretty good going :thumbup:

The difference in Joni when she has had enough sleep is just amazing. She has been an absolute joy all morning, she even spent 5 minutes laughing angd giggling at me going "ahhhchoo and ahhhhtishooo" :cloud9: it is so odd the things babies find funny and also that what is in favour one day won't cut it the next.

I am not sure what my plan is for today as the weather is supposed to be on and off rain all day :wacko: I managed to bag an ebay bargain and get a graco activity centre for Joni for a mere £15 :mrgreen: I am waiting for an email to see when I can pick it up hopefully this afternoon :)

Have a nice morning everyone :hugs:
morning, just a quickie. Alex pee'd through his nappy last night and woke up screaming :sleep: he was thoroughly upset after a complete change and took a while to settle.

frufru - glad you had a better night :hugs:

maybe - good luck for the interview, I've just had my shopping delivered and Ben and Jerrys ice cream is 2 for £3 so I got 4 tubs :happydance::haha: fatty mcfat.ster is me :happydance:

I'm off to see my sis. Have a lovely day all :flower:
2 for £3!!!!!! :shock: Where???? :munch: It is hubbies birthday next week and L.O.V.E.S Ben and Jerrys

OH Amy I hope it did not take too long to settle Alex- what brand of nappies do you use?

I usually use pampers baby dry at night and active fit in the day. I bought the asda baby dry equivalent to try and they are ok for naps but I had to change Joni in the wee hours this morning as she was sopping wet. I will definately go back to pampers as my night nappies. i have still got the active fit asda brand to try too, I will be interested to see how they perform.

I am so proud Joni had her midday nap on her own today, in her cot and stayed asleep for 1 hour 50mins :shock: :wohoo: You would think I got lots done while she was down but the truth is I spent most of the time loitering outside her bedroom door expecting her to wake up as she has only been napping for 30-40mins at midday unless I go to bed with her :dohh:
Well done Joni for a good night and good napping, there must be something in the air as our night was better and Will napped for an hour and forty five minutes at lunch! We ware using the same pampers combination as you Frufru and I'm so pleased I daren't experiment.

Thank you for being sweet about the new pic, but please excuse my spare tyre in it, sticks out further than my droopy udders!

Maybe good luck for your interview!!

Sarah I'm insistent on the rear facing car seat too, I just need to find exactly which one we are going to get, some are a bit limited on leg room (be safe) so I need to have a proper look.

hope you had a good day with your sis!

We've had a good day, nice morning in and then a long walk with a friend this afternoon, I took Will round Waitrose, just popped in to look at the offers and so carried him and everyone was looking at him, I felt very proud. Will is definitely teething, he keeps getting very rosey cheeks poor thing x

Yay it's the weekend and we have sneaky bottle of red for tonight - yippee
Hey everyone,

Just a quicky from me today, feeling very fat and I have been eating all day ... Amy in a foul mood aswell and wont settle.

Quick question about car seats ... we have a maxi cosi but I dont know how much longer its going to last and not sure what to do next!
frufru - B&J is 2 for £3 in Asda :) :happydance:

L-C - thats not a tyre!! I had to squint to see and its just you sitting! I keep meaning to say I love your avatar, Will is just sooooo cute! :flower:

H&F - I think they are meant to stay in the first stage car seats until they are 9 months :shrug: Alex hates his, he keeps straining to get out x

I have also been a pig today and I am just waiting for the girls to go to bed so I can sneak some Ben and Jerrys without them seeing :haha: they always stay up a bit later on a friday :)
mmm ben and jerrys. I have just had a meringue nest, a weight watchers choc whip bar and a spoon of ww cream for pudding yummy.

Hoping for a massage of dave later ... he still owes me a pressie for reaching my 5% ww goal but will what i'm eating i guess i will be back above it next week!
That sounds like a very good pudding! yummy

Kerry is crap at massages!:(
ooo I forgot, I use pampers baby dry. even though he's not heavy enough I've just moved to size 4 becasue the size 3 were like little briefs on him :) What is the difference between active fit and babydry? :shrug: I used to leave Alex in the same nappy all night because changing him wakes him but since I started domperidone his nappies are DRENCHED and I need to change him more frequently me thinks x
Evening Ladies!

I just ate my tea - without getting intrupted! Woo hoo! Hot food . . . . haven't had that for a while :haha: Might tempt fate and have a pudding in a min . . . .

FruFru do you think Joni might be waking up more due to teething? Oliver seems to be more unsettled early on now, I normally have to go up maybe 5 times to resettle him. He seems to be crying but not really awake and I wondered if his gums might be hurting, Steve mentioned that if he has tooth ache it always seems to be worse at night - I guess there is nothing to distract you from the pain? I love an e-bay bargain, did you get to collect the activity centre?

Amy Oliver is in size 4 nappies at night now too - I'm not brave enough to use cloth nappies at night. He had been fine in size 3's but they began to leak so I moved up to a size 4 and they are fine.

H&F I hope you get your massage! Steve point blank refuses to do massages - probably because they send me to sleep :rofl: So he knows a massage is 'only' a massage - if you know what I mean :rofl: He would sooner pay for me to get a massage now than do it himself - lazy sod.

L-C that is a really cute pic, Will is a sweetie!! I'm glad you had a good day - I find that Oliver gets 'cooed' over a lot more now too - I think maybe because he smiles at everyone :haha:

I resisted the Ben & Jerrys on offer in Asda. That was all I resisted though :rofl:

While we're talking about bargains, there are a few baby ones at the moment - just in case you guy don't know about them :) (MaybeBaby - WARNING - might make you super annoyed that you don't get the offers :hugs:)

Morrisons have got the big boxes of Pampers BabyDry at 2 for £10.00! I bought the size 4's, it works out at about 5p per nappy! Sooo cheap! And Tesco have the same offer but on Pamper Active Fit.

Also . . . . Asda have their Baby Event things half price, well not all of them but a lot of them. I bought the buggy yesterday, just to keep at my mums and to take if we go on holiday and fly so I don't get my good ones ruined - we got it for £12.50! I sent Steve tonight on his way to work and he managed to get the stair gates half price - so £7.50!! Bargain :) They have quite a few of the weaning things half price too - spoons, little bowls, little containers etc :)

We went to see our little nephew Max again today, he's still so tiny and floppy! Very cute, I can't wait until they start interacting :)

Sarah - is that buggy any good - we are just thinking about getting a spare to stay at my mums as I cant be bothered to drag mine everywhere!
Sorry also does anyone have a jumperoo or similar, amy just wants to be on her feet and im really struggling and could do with putting her in something!
H&F Its still in the box :haha: The reviews online aren't great but I think for the price you can't really go wrong. I'm just going to keep it at mums - handy for when I go back to work :cry: and Oliver has a day / night down there. It also looks like it will fold much smaller than my two pushchairs, handy for my parents car (Saab covertable) as their boot itsn't massive.

We have a Jumperoo - they are amazing! I just went to Mothercare and popped Oliver in the display one to make sure he liked it :) Oliver just loves it! You can pick them up on e-bay for a good price, we paid full wack from Argos (out of stock at Mothercare) but it was well worth it.
This is the pushchair . . .,default,pd.html
And the stair gate which we got for half price . . .,default,pd.html
:sick: OMG, I just ate a whole tub of B&J half baked, once I started I couldnt stop. I feel sick but it was heavenly!

Sarah - I put Alex and Gabriel on the floor together and it was so cute, Alex kept reaching out to Gabriel's face and chatted away to him. I remember worrying when Alex was tiny that he wouldnt look at faces, Gabriel is lovely, he stares right into your eyes and really looks at Alex. He's also proper smiling (not wind) at 3 weeks! :cloud9:

Alex is going through a phase of not smiling at people he doesnt know :dohh: he just frowns :blush: he smiles loads at people he does know, especially his big sisters, he absolutely squeals for them. I think he's going through an anti-social phase :haha:
Ooohhh Muddles I really want to keep Oliver rear facing for longer too - its an ongoing debate in our house. I've told Steve that I won't discuss it further until he takes the time to do the research like I have - rather than just saying 'forward facing is fine because that's what everyone has' Grrrrr! I found a shop near York which sells them, he's concerned about space so I said we could just go and look at them and see how they sit in his car, and go from there. How do you find yours so far?

Oliver loves his new seat, we put up one of those mirror things that means you can see what he is up to whilst you are in the front and Oliver spent the whole journey staring wide eyed out of the window, his little eyebrows were going crazy looking at everything. Maybe you could get round Steve by suggesting the one we got as it can be rear facing until 25kg or you can have it forward facing if you want (but then never turn it around forward facing! :lol:). They tried a few different ones in our car but because of the storage boxes in the floor of the car most seats wouldn't work as the leg just went right through the floor box so wasn't secure. Only downside, which isn't an issue in the Picasso but may be in a smaller car is that you can't adjust the front passenger seat as the seat has to be tethered to it.

Good idea Frufru about the parking practise after hours. Is the Graco thing called a Graco Entertainer? If it is we borrowed one from my sister in law and Oliver really enjoys it, as he loves the orange crab on it as well as eating the red lobster's claw. Does Joni like it?

L-C lovely avatar picture. It's lovely when you see people looking (but not touching!) your baby and saying how cute he is isn't it?

Maybebaby good luck with the interview.

H&F we just bought a Britax Two Way Elite which is an extended rear facing one (rear facing until 25kg!) though we can turn it around to be forward facing if we chose to in the future. It can be used from 9kg. The Maxi-Cosi Cabriofix one is up to 13kg or when their head is at the top of the seat, so he still uses that one in my little car as he is less than 13kg and doesn't yet reach the top.

Amy sorry about the leaky nappies, but must in a weird kind of way be a nice feeling knowing that he is getting loads of milk now!

Went to baby group this morning and Oliver tried out a new toy there and he grinned the whole time (apart from when he was chewing the handle!) My H came too as he had today off work (it is his birthday) and he said another mum put their baby on it after us (their baby was 7.5 months) and he wouldn't even sit on it so I was proud of my baby sitting up and holding on.Pretty sure if he knew that it moved he would have had a go at doing that :lol:
Sarahwoo - Kristan also likes to watch computer screen and he loves when it's commercial pause in TV but I'm the evil mummy, I won't let him watch.
Frufru - glad Joni had better sleep now and her comedy moment was good :thumbup:
A3my - I know what you mean with being everywhere. In the beginning of September when I had to pick up Janely from school and Janno from kindergarden I welt the same. Now she knows the way to school and home and goes by herself. Some mornings she is lucky, OH or me can take her to school but she is so proud when she can go alone. Sadly this feeling of proud will go away soon and she'll be begging for us to give her a lift :haha:
muddles - I found pictures of Picasso. At first the car seems so tiny but inside it looks big. And I'm really not looking forward choosing a new car seat. And Oliver is so sweet:cloud9: Sitting already? Wow:thumbup:
maybebaby3 - good luck for interview:thumbup:

Went to doctors yesterday with Kristan, he weighs 20,28 lbs. He's really chubby boy but oh what muscles I have :winkwink: And I really can't remember time when Kristan was small. Was he really that tiny that could fit in me?:dohh: Doesn't make any sense :rofl:
Wow Marta Kristan is a great weight!

Muddles thanks for the cat seat info! Thats a fab idea re getting one that could go forward facing and just not turning it :haha: I think Steve might be coming around to the idea, we had a bit of an arguement about it so I was avoiding the subject for a while, but them yesterday we were talking about Oliver learning to ride and he made a joke about him riding backwards . . . I didnt get it to start with but then he said 'you know, with him going everywhere backwards' . So he's agreed we can go and look at them, though Oliver fits fine in his baby seat still so there is no rush.

Muddles Oliver is too cute!!!!!!!!!! He looks so grown up, hes so handsome!
L-C - Well done Will on a cracking lunchtime nap :happydance: I think we are ready to move up to size 4's for Joni as although she is still weeny round the waist they don't come up around her body far enough really and the active fit 3's need to be changed every couple of hours otherwise they leak. I hope you enjoyed your :wine: Oh and I see Will is exactly 5 months old today :happydance: :cake:

H&F - Sorry Amy has been fretful and grumpy for you. My understanding of carseats is our little ones should stay in the stage1 seats rear facing until 9months when they are 9/10kg and can sit up reasonably well. Joni has outgrown the length of her stage1 carseat so I have bought a new seat which is suitable from birth to 4 years; it rear faces for the first 9 months or so and then you can turn it round. I hope Dave came through with the congratulatory massage.

Amy - I am glad you enjoyed your stealth B&J :haha: The pampers active fit are a lot thinner and less bulky than the baby dry so allow your little one to move about more freely but they will not stay dry as long. I use the active fit for when Joni is up and about and the baby dry for naps, nightime and if we are going out in the buggy/car and I know she is not going to be very mobile for a while.

Sarah - yay for a hot dinner :thumbup: I think Joni is definately teething but often when she does the crying while asleep it is really bad wind that is disturbing her. For the teething she wears her teething necklace all the time apart from when she is in the bath, I am giving her teething powders and in the day she has a couple of teething toys she loves to gum on. I have not been using teething gel as she is not actually cutting teeth yet. I am not sure what else I can do other than going down the calpol route and even then I am not sure it would help :shrug: I think the busy bum problem is not being helped by her stopping feeding properly in the day and swapping to feeding more in the night as her digestion is not getting a rest when she is asleep. Thank you for the heads up on the nappy offers :thumbup:

Muddles - I love the new avatar, Oliver looks so cute sucking his thumb :cloud9: It is the Graco Entertainer I have bought. I only picked it up last night and so Joni had her first go in it this morning and the first thing she did was try to eat the lobsters claw :dohh: Does this mean she is weaning now and her first food was lobster :haha: We have the carseat mirror and it is great :) Oliver is such a clever boy sitting on the toy at group!

Marta - What a great weight for Kristan :thumbup: I have the thoughts about how did Joni fit inside me too :dohh: :blush:

Yep so as I mentioned above I picked up Joni's activity centre last night. I really wanted a Mamas and Papas sit and step 2 in 1 but I could not find any secondhand in our area and also they are quite big. The Graco entertainer was an absolute bargain at £15 though and it is also more compact :mrgreen: Joni did not want to be left alone in it today and we had to sit and beside her while she played but this is the same with most new toys. Once she is more confident with it we will be able to leave her to play on her own. Here is a pic of her first taste of lobster :haha:

After the good night on Thursday Joni was delightful all day yesterday and napped extremely well. I am so grateful we had that good night and day as last night she would not settle properly in her cot and was up 6 times including a 2 and a half hour stretch between 2-4.30 :wacko: I am not sure how much of her bad night is due to teething and how much is digestion related as once again she had a busy tummy last night. Today Joni has been off her food again :confused: She had a feed at 11 last night of 5oz, 4.5oz at 3.30 and then at 7.45 she only took 1.5oz and at 11 managed 3oz :shrug: Who knows - all I can do is keep trying to encourage her to have a good nights sleep and hopefully one day it will all fall into place :winkwink: In the meantime I will have a chat with my HV on Wednesday about sleep, feeding and weaning and see what advice she has for us.

Well despite the forecast being for rain here it is lovely and sunny outside so Joni has gone out for a walk with her Dada. I have only just finished my breakfast and I am about to go for my shower and get dressed :blush: We have a friends birthday gathering to go to this afternoon and I am a bit excited as Joni is finally big enough to wear the lovely dress my sister gave me for her. It is a very special dress as it was worn by both my nieces when they were babies and is the only thing Han gave me for Joni before she died :cloud9:

Righto, I must stop procrastinating and go and shower! Have a lovely day everyone. :hugs: to you all and your extremely gorgeous LO's

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