Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Marta yes he is able to sit unaided (started doing it at 22 weeks). He will sit by himself for around 5 minutes then leans to the side and I catch him quickly so he doesn't hurt himself. That is a great weight for Kristan!

Sarah hope you get your way with the car seat then!

Frufru :lol: at Joni chewing the lobster. I have a similar picture of Oliver doing that! Joni is really cute. I bet she looked really lovely in the dress from your sister.

We went swimming today and as usual Oliver loved the shower. A lady in the changing rooms commented about how good he was (I guess she heard him babbling or giggling or maybe it was because he wasn't crying). My poor boy is having trouble with his teeth, his gums are so lumpy and his cheeks are bright red. He has needed Calpol twice today as well as the usual Bonjella and Ashton & Parsons. Thinking I will order an amber necklace as it's worth a try.
Thank you for the car seat advice ... Amy seems to be getting to long for hers so I am going to have to look at alternatives as well as alternative cars as my ford ka just isnt practical! I may drag Dave out tomorrow to have a look, I just want a slightly bigger car 5 doors! I might actually have a look on auto trader now!
Quiet on here today!

Marta - great weight for Kristan! you should post some pics of him :flower:

frufru - I found the jump from size 3 to size 4 a tricky one. The size 3 looked like little briefs on Alex but he's not heavy enough for size 4. he is long in the body too so I switched him but I fold over the top of the size 4s and have to fold the extra padding at the bottom into his vests :dohh: I keep telling myself he'll grow into them. I'm going to try some active fits as you said they are less bulky :hugs: I'm sure Joni looked beautiful in the dress, what a lovely special dress to have :hugs:

muddles - I've recently introduced Alex to the shower and he loved it too. I'm hoping to take him swimming in half term with the girls, our local pool is freeeeezing though brrrr. How long do you have Oliver in the water for? I hope he sprouts a tooth soon to ease the teething :hugs:

The girls had cross country this morning so we had an early start. Alex was wide awake at 5.15am, I thought I was going to die :sleep: but he went back to sleep at 7am for an hour. I've had chinese takeaway tonight and a bag of malteasers :blush: I must stop pigging!!!!
amy - u r not alone on the pigging out! :haha: i had a whole tub on ben and jerry's the other day (minus one scoop that OH had) and OH went looking for it the day after and i had to tell him i'd stuffed my face with it :blush: last night i had biccies and half a bar of lindors. oops! they just seem to find a way to my mouth without me trying to! :rofl:

not sure what to do today. OH has to study so i think i will have to take the kids out so he doesnt do his nut! will go to airport in a bit as my sis is back from the UK and kids like to see the planes. then will probably pop back for lunch and then take them to the park. am tired just thinking about it. i gave up sleep training for now. just too tired and it's far easier to co-sleep and put him on the boob when he wakes. last night he woke 5-6 times which i guess is an improvement at least!!!
Good morning -

We are off car shopping this morning looking for a small cheap 5 door! We havent much spare cash but the need for a bigger car is getting desperate!

Hope everyone has a good day.

x x x
FruFru Joni looks like she loves her new toy :haha: I hope you enjoyed the party, Joni's dress sounds lovely :hugs:

Muddles wow Oliver really is doing so well with his sitting up!! My Oliver wants to sit all the time but wobbles over a lot still :haha: I think I'll have to get a doughnut thingy.

H&F Enjoy the car shopping!!! I decided to try to make do with mine (I still haven't driven it since March though :dohh:) Steve is going to get the battery charged up and get it running again and then take it to work once or twice a week to keep it ticking over. Hopefully Steve will get a company car in the next year or so, then I would take his car and get rid of mine. I'm just going to get a baby seat for mine that can stay fixed in. Its only for short trips really,and in case I really need to go out for some reason when Steve has his car, and it will solve the seat belt issue.

Well I went out last night!! On my own!!! :rofl: My niece, whos 16, had tickets to see Kate Nash in Leeds and her friend who was going with her fell out with her mum and wasn't allowed to go! So poor Jess really wanted to go but none of her friends could go with her, so she asked me. She'd won a competition to design a T-Shirt and they were been sold at the gig so I felt really sorry for her. So as Steve was working my parents came up and looked after Oliver. I only know one Kate Nash song :dohh: but it was still quite good - very loud :rofl: I though I'd be the oldest person there but I wasn't :haha: It was odd been out without Steve and Oliver. I put Oliver to bed before we went but he woke up and wouldn't go back to Sleep - Mum said she went up to settle him when he woke and as soon as he saw her he just got all excited! So that was it then - and he wouldn't take a bottle at all :dohh: They ended up just bringing him downstairs, so when I got home he was fast asleep on the sofa, bless him. It worked out quite well though because he then didn't want to get up until 10.30 this morning so I got to sleep in!! :happydance: Even though I had a nice time, I did spend the evening thinking that I really just want to be at home with my baby - which made me feel a bit old and boring but also very, very content, if you know what I mean :)

Right, well its a gorgeous day here, I'm off to get some house work done :) Hope you all have a lovely day!


Well we had a brill day and have found the perfect car.

Sarah what car have you got.

We saw a nissan and took it for a test drive its beautiful, perfect will tow the caravan and is plenty big enough for more kids ... only issue os the cost even a second hand one is over £10000 so we are just looking at the figures and working out if we can afford the montly payments! I really hope we can but if we cant I will just have to manage!
I've got a Saab 93, but its a three door so its a bit of a pain lol! Its a lovely car though. I normally drive Steves car now which is a BMW 330

I hope you can get the car you want!!

I am on the search for a cheaper one ... have found one at £8000 and with the part ex on mine it becomes more resonable ... going to ring them tomorrow, really want one preferrably before the weekend!
you girls are so lucky, I have a crappy old car that leaks air from the brakes and sounds like a screaming banshee all the time!

sarah - rock on lady :happydance: glad you had a fun night out and a lie in! :thumbup: I love that you said about being content :cloud9: Kerry and I are getting on really well (since he had a dream I died! :shock:) and I feel so content and happy at the moment, I love being a mum soooo much. I'd have 9 children if I could :haha:

H&F - hope you get the car you want :hugs:

Alex slept well last night, he went down at 7 and woke at 8, 12, 3 and 6.30 (thats good for him!). I really think my previous lack of milk made the nights worse before. We popped in on my sister today and then the girls went out on a hack with the riding school and we found a lovely little old pub to have a sneaky drink in. Hope everyone else had a good day :flower:
I think we are going to have a nightmare night! Amy was so tired she went to bed at 6.30 but I reckon that means she will be up during the night. I am preparing myself for it tho!

Going to look at more cars tomorrow fingers crossed the bank say we can have some money and Dave loves me enough to buy me my beautiful car!
Amy That's cute that Alex likes the shower too. we stay in the pool for half an hour. Oliver wears a little wet suit thing that I bought from Tesco and a disposable swim nappy underneath that.

H&F we bought a 55 plate Picasso for just over £5000 and it has loads of space in it. Hope you get a car you like.

Sarah Glad you got a night out and enjoyed it. Only trouble with my Oliver sitting up by himself is that he doesn't like to lie down at all now (unless he is sleeping) :lol: When you lie him down he puts his hands up and if you put yours near his he grabs a finger in each of his hands and pulls himself up to sitting then standing! Little monkey :lol: We borrowed one of those Bumbo seats from a friend and he loved it, he was trying to sit by himself around 20 weeks but kept wobbling over then we used the Bumbo which I think helped him to get the right position meaning he was able to do it himself. I would recommend one if you don't have one already-just keep an eye on Oliver in it as my O arches his back and if his legs were slimmer he would pop right out.

We went to Toys R Us today and have seen so many things we want to buy for Oliver! We took pictures of the things we liked so that if people ask us or we are given money for him at Christmas we will go and buy them. One thing we are getting him is this as he loves rocking (to the tune of row, row, row your boat....):,default,pd.html?cm_mmc=gb-_-merch-_-6081-_-#descriptionSection

It is for 12 months plus but we will either hold him around the middle whilst he rocks or hold his hands on the handles whilst he does it. He was going crazy rocking back and forth on my H's knee earlier and giggled so much when my H sang the row your boat song! :lol:

What are you all getting your LO's for Christmas?
A3my I'm glad you're getting on better - the things it takes to get through to men eh - I can't believe he had a dream that you died!! :dohh: I did feel quite old last night . .. it was like been in an episode of the Inbetweeners :haha: Oh, and my car isn't at all new, Steve's is all lovely but mine is about 8 years old and has mega milage :haha:but its a diesel and its a lovely car. Yay for a good night last night and YAY for the sneeky drink :rofl:

I love been a mum too, I love my life at the moment - though to most people its super boring :haha: But I just love everything about it, I'm very happy :) I'm so easily pleased too - the other day we went to the park, and just sat with a coffee while Oliver watched the trees, and it was so nice!

H&F fingers crossed for you and your new car! And I really hope you have a good night :hugs:
Muddles I LOVE that rocking horse!! I have bought a similar thing for Oliver but it's a rocking lottie ladybird from M&P's. It's suitable from 6 months so I'm sure that your Oliver will be okay with his pony!!

I've also bought (so far, I've got to stop!!) some 'Thats not my . . . . ' Books, some fisherprice toys, argh I can't even remember what else :dohh:

We do have a bumbo, I might start using it more. Oliver's legs are so chubby I worry that they are a bit squashed :haha:
Muddles I LOVE that rocking horse!! I have bought a similar thing for Oliver but it's a rocking lottie ladybird from M&P's. It's suitable from 6 months so I'm sure that your Oliver will be okay with his pony!!

I've also bought (so far, I've got to stop!!) some 'Thats not my . . . . ' Books, some fisherprice toys, argh I can't even remember what else :dohh:

We do have a bumbo, I might start using it more. Oliver's legs are so chubby I worry that they are a bit squashed :haha:

Thanks! I really like the ladybird you got too. I am sure by Christmas i will have bought way more things than I should do, lets face it Oliver is going to be far more interested in the wrapping paper if him destroying the roll of it when I was wrapping my H's b'day presents is anything to go by!

Look at my avatar picture and you will see that Oliver's legs are not slim so sure your Oliver will be fine.
H&F - fingers crossed Amy proves you wrong and you have a good night :hugs:

Muddles - what a cool present for Oliver. I'm too scared to think of what to get Alex yet, I need to work out finances or I'll go mad buying :haha: its going to be an expensive Christmas with 3 children :shock: my girls still believe in Father Christmas though which is lovely and I treasure every year they still do :cloud9:

sarah - I'm easily pleased too, simple things make me smile. I love how Alex likes to watch the trees too :cloud9: I loved my having my girls when they were little but being in my early 20s I did feel I was missing out when all my friends went out on the lash. I dont feel that at all now, home pleasures are my thing, I sound like an old fart :rofl:

I got a bumbo for Alex but he's so skinny he ends up leaning to one side and going all lopsided :haha: he always sits on my lap though.
Just want to say hello to all and tell you that I have not forgotten anyone.... no time to catch up now but will try soon. Hugs to all.
A3my we can be boring old farts together :rofl:

Last night I wondered if I would have a great time and wish I could do it more often - but I literally just thought yeah it was fun, but I'm at my happiest when I'm home with my baby :cloud9: There is no where I'd rather be.

LogansMama Hope you are well!! :flower:

Muddles thats a gorgeous picture in your avatar :)
Morning ... well i was right Amy was up screaming for half the night.

Just trying to decide what to do today ... Dave is work all week think we may just have a lazy day today do the bits done we need to do and Amy has rhtymn time so will try amd make that.
has anyone got any plans for today?

Sorry you had a bad night H&F :hugs:

Oliver was very strange last night, from about 2pm onwards he would only sleep if I was holdiing him :dohh: every time I put him down he cried, but he wasn't really awake, I would pick him up and he would be fast asleep again. It was almost like he was having bad dreams - which made me feel bad thinking maybe he was dreaming that I wasn't there - like on Saturday night when I was out :cry: SoI ended up propping myself up on pillows and sleeping half sat up with him in my arms. He's absolutlely fine now, I'm a bit tired though but not too bad :)

Well our plans for today . . . I think Oliver and I will have a walk into town shortly, I need to go to the post office and to Boots.


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