H&F - congratulations on the new car
SOrry to hear that Amy has the teething grumps too
Fingers crossed her teeth come through nice and quickly! I hope your cold is getting better.
Maybebaby - I have stopped looking at the time properly when Joni wakes too
Sorry to hear about the trouble with the guy living above you. As for his remark to just paint
How did the annabel karmel puree go down with Owen? It sounded absolutely delicious
FIngers crossed for you following your job interview
Modo - sorry to hear Bobbies naps have gone off-plan again
It is great to hear that your DH has stepped up and is helping out
it really makes the world of difference to have back-up. Joni has been waking pretty much at least once an hour from 2am-5am and waking up between 5-6am which is really gruelling
I swear I got more sleep when she was a newborn
Hubby has started going to bed about 9.30 so he can take over with Joni between 5-7.30 before he goes to work so I can at least catch an hour or two of sleep and I am soooooo grateful to him!
L-C - have Will's naps been any better the past few days? Joni's teething certainly affects her appetite. For the last couple of weeks she has been drinking 5-10oz less than previously and most of that is at bedtime and her last feed. I have stopped worrying about it now as she is still having plenty of wet nappies and I still offer her full feeds at her usual times regardless whether I think she will take it or not. I figure if she was hungry she would let me know
How are you feeling now, has the sore throat gone? I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy the day with Will and your Mum
Marta - it is lovely that you are so content and happy
Amy - No sign of any erupting toothypegs yet
Hopefully it is not too far off though, Joni has started doing daily explosive poops and is dribbling through bibs in 20mins
Gutted about your BF group being cancelled
but glad to hear you had a nice day with your sis anyway
Well done to Emily passing the kent test
what a clever little lady
Muddles - poor Oliver and his sore teeth
I am glad that the calpol and Mummy cuddle did the trick for him
C-G - ooooh ipad - nice
I really admire you being so active and busy with Che. I have a few regular things I do but try to keep quite a few mornings and afternoons free to make sure that Joni naps well as she is a real handful if napping goes sideways
Bless Che and his swimming
I really must take Joni
:wave: Insomnimama
Sarah - you are so good listing things on ebay, I am so lazy I just end up giving stuff away to get it out of the way
I hopeyou have a lovely day with Steve and Oliver today
It is hubbies birthday today
Although Joni had a very fragmented night again she did not get up until 6.30 this morning
as a present for her Dada. I fell asleep at about 6.45 and did not wake again until 9.45 which was sheer bliss
and hubby said that seeing me sleep so peacefully was the best present ever
We did presents and cards when I got up, then Joni and I got dressed and went out to baby singing. Hubby has gone out to have lunch and a pint with some of his friends and Joni is having her lunchtime nap in her cot alone
My Mum is going to come over tonight and sit with Joni while hubby and I go out for a quick bite to eat
which will be a real treat.
I have decided to experiment with Joni's formula as I wonder, now her digestive system is more mature, if the comfort milk is no longer the best option for her. I have started by giving regular formula for her first feed of the day and 2 days in so far so good
Joni is still loving the graco entertainer, sometimes she even looks at it and squawks asking to go in it
Hubby has called it her "playstation"
when I got up this morning they were both playing with their own respective playstations
Would you believe it is hailing outside
I don't think Joni and I will be going out for a walk this afternoon