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Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hello! I can join this thread now :) jolou and emera - you give me hope! Alex wants to BF 2 hrly all night :sleep: he happily goes for 4 hrs in the afternoon though - I dont get that at all :nope:

jolou - that is exactly what would happen in my house if Kerry got up and let me lie in!:haha:

A3my I feel you, Dylan wakes up every 2 hours in the night but will sleep 3-4 hours during the evening:nope: I am so freaking tired all day:dohh:
Well ladies it is 2 am here and i am typing with one finger as i have dylan in my other arm. Well I actually cried today! I am so freaking exhausted! I only had 3 hours of sleep yesterday...Dylan will only sleep 2 hours at the most in the night. Is that normal, he is going to be 4 weeks tomorrow?? I am so tired and I get no time to myself because he constantly wants to be in the arms. ALL THE TIME! It takes forever to put him to sleep because once I put him down he will wake up right away crying for me to pick him up. I literally can do nothing, it is a miracle when I find time to brush my teeth:dohh: He has a swing and a bouncer but will only be in either for about 10 min:nope:

Anyone else have a baby who doesn't sleep much at night or constantly wants to be in the arms?

Well I was finally able to put him in the crib, so I am going to try to get some sleep....I know I will be up again shortly:dohh:
Hi ladies!

first Katie - big hugs , thinking of you! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

About settling, Rohan either settles really well, within 5 minutes of going in his basket or sooner, or.... just not at all!

After about 10 days of sleeping 10pm -5am or there abouts everything has gone haywire these past few days! :dohh: first he dragged in an extra feed at 1.30-2am ish, and suddenly didn't want to settle down after it. He is also waking up for the day at 5am, when he used to be going down again until 9am ish. :shrug:

Last night was the worst yet, he took 8oz after his bath at 9pm, he just kept shouting for more!, and then just wouldn't settle not crying or anything just wide awake and gurgling away quite cheerfully, basically wanting to play! :wacko: he was looking for more food every hour and must have had about another 6oz+ (he ended up with 3 bottles of 4oz - bottles are his bedtime trigger and usually spark him out) and 3 good BF from 9pm to 3am! thats a ton more than normal! I ended up bringing him in with me and he finally went to sleep at 4am.... then woke me up again at 8.30am. Argh, he must be exhausted, i am! Luckily he went back down from 9am-12.30pm but still, crazy night! I hardly slept as i'm so terrified of co-sleeping, i know i shouldn't be, but the MW who discharged me from hospital gave me a long talk on how dangerous it is, and although i know it can be done safely i somehow can't get her warning out of my head :( at least he was cheerful and awake, just staring up at me sweetly, and not yelling though. Here's hoping tonight is better :haha:

well good he's just sneezed milk all over my boob, so i'll go clean up! :haha::haha:

Babyhope Oliver has been sleeping in two hour blocks, but for the past two nights he's been sleeping for three hours, bliss! I haven't done anything different, I think he will just sleep longer when he's ready. He loves been held and doesn't like his moses basket, so now we co sleep. I know its not for everyone but I love it, I follow all the guidelines and it makes breastfeeding at night so easy! I guess it makes it easier for me that Steve generally works nights so Oliver and I have the bed to ourselves, but I just love it! In the day I found I was getting nothing done at all with oliver napping on me, so now if he falls asleep on me I pop him in his graco sweetpeace swing and he sleeps quite happily in there most of the time. I also have a 'close' sling which he goes in if I'm doing the housework or something, he always falls alseep in there. Its amazing - I get sooo much done and can actually make myself lunch lol!

I am hoping to get him sleeping part of the night in his moses basket, hopefully be getting him to sleep on his own in the day will help with that. The sweetpeace is great, he will settle himself to sleep in there too which is good.
Argh, I feel like I'm going round in circles today- we had a bad night, she just wouldn't settle at all and I think we got about 2 hours sleep altogether. My mum watched her for an hour or so this morning while I tried to catch up a bit but I couldn't switch off because I'm worried about her kidneys.. She's been whiny all day and nothing seems to really settle her :( I know I've been really lucky so far so I shouldn't be moaning, but I could really do with a nap today :lol: I'm getting cabin fever I think, soo sore after walking a bit yesterday though so we won't be going anywhere for a couple of day now :dohh:
Sarah, I think I'd co sleep too if v worked proper nights, it just sounds so much easier for now!
katie - i'm sorry daisy will have 2 have an op :hugs:

sarahwoo - when i combi fed dylan at 3months and then switched dylan from bf to ff at 5 months it made no difference to his sleep, it was still rubbish. but every baby is different! owen and i spend most of the night co-sleeping too. he starts off in his crib but when he wakes i put him in bed for a feed and end up falling asleep whilst he feeds and he just stays there!
Maybebaby do you breastfeed laying down? We haven't mastered that one yet, I've tried a couple of times but I'm either doing it wrong or my boobs are too small lol!
hahaha, just walked into the bathroom whilst OH was bathing Rohan to find him tipping Roh upside-down over the bath and bouncing him gently muttering "come out, come out".....

Apparently Roh had flung himself backwards unexpectedly and dunked his head and drunk a mouthful of bathwater, OH was trying to tip it back out again! Strange man :haha:

sarah - I'm very small boobed...LOL but I can nurse laying down without a problem...there is a youtube video someone posted on here to show you how... I don't remember the thread... maybe do a search for it. But basicaLLY, lay on your side, baby facing you on their side as well. Place them so there face is just under your nipple, so they kind-of have to look up to get to it. Its wonderful once you get the hang of it! Will make your nights soooooooo much easier!
Maybebaby do you breastfeed laying down? We haven't mastered that one yet, I've tried a couple of times but I'm either doing it wrong or my boobs are too small lol!

LOL...my boobs are too big! I swear it is uncomfortable laying down breastfeeding because I have to hold my boob or it smothers his face:haha:
Is it weird that I kind of love Daisy's night feed? :cloud9:
I think it's probably a lot easier on me because I only have to do one, but she's so cute and squeaky at night :lol:
the BFing lying down thing- I'd be scared of falling asleep like that! I suppose like everything though, you get used to it :) I feel guilty for not breastfeeding. I know I would have had a really hard time with it because of her size though, she takes 5oz now at 11 days old.. I did try, and the mw latched her for me and then left the room, leaving me with no idea what I was doing, so I got freaked out and asked for formula :lol:
ignore me, I'm just airing out my guilty conciense.
Is it weird that I kind of love Daisy's night feed? :cloud9:
I think it's probably a lot easier on me because I only have to do one, but she's so cute and squeaky at night :lol:
the BFing lying down thing- I'd be scared of falling asleep like that! I suppose like everything though, you get used to it :) I feel guilty for not breastfeeding. I know I would have had a really hard time with it because of her size though, she takes 5oz now at 11 days old.. I did try, and the mw latched her for me and then left the room, leaving me with no idea what I was doing, so I got freaked out and asked for formula :lol:
ignore me, I'm just airing out my guilty conciense.

hey hunny dont beat yourself up-also not too late! I do three BF's a dayas harry has 7ozs every 2-3 hours and I BF in between but do 3 big BFs a day mainly in the night I lay down and co-sleep

if you have a tiny amount of milk in there you shoudl be able to build it up again but it will take work.

Dont feel guilty though a baby would rather have a mums love than that anyday,as long as a baby is being fed thats all that matters ultimately.

Logansmama thanks so much for that, I'll have a look on you tube! I tried again last night, oliver seemed okay when he was latched on but I must have got it a bit wrong as he ended up with quite a bit of wind, we had some mega burps lol!

Babyhope that gave me a giggle, I never thought about that lol!! :rolf:

Steve is working this afternoon so my parents are coming up, they are going to watch Oliver while I get get on top of my housework and stuff, I'm actually rather looking forward to it lol! Mum wants to catch up on my gardening too, yay! So I'm looking forward to a really nice day today :)
Thought I would just come and share a little piccy of my sweet lil gigantasaur in her almost too small bassinet lol, looks really wide in the photo but most of her sleep suit is just empty material around the edges :haha:


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katie i felt guilty too not breast feeding (i didnt with soph cos i did try it in the hospital) so much so i went and bought a breast pump (after trying to breastfeed harrison when he was so constipated, i just didnt like the feeling of it at all, it actually freaked me out) from asda when it was the baby event, didnt last long with it tho, i just didnt like the feeling of it at all and harrison was growing well on FF and seemed very happy with it. so now i dont feel guilty, i think the main trigger for me feeling like that was how constipated he was but we fixed it and he poos like there is no tomorrow!

well i went to matalan yesterday and bought a dress and some leggings to go with, its ok i guess, i just hate how i still look 9 months pregnant! it seems to be worse towards the end of the day, ive decided monday is the day i start weight watchers unofficially, they wont let me join until i have my 6 week check.
jolou - my mom and OH are only ne I dare to leave Kristan with. He's too small for others.
Katie - so sorry to hear about Daisy but I'm sure she'll be okay. Shes's a brave little girl.
babyhope - have you tried putting him into the blanket really tightly and putting next to him your blouse or something what has your and milk smell on it?
emera35 - that was good one. Does you OH always bath Rohan? Mine does it with Kistan. He has to have something I don't do. He also cuts his nails.
katie, jolou - don't feel guilty for not breastfeeding. It isn't that important. Most important is that you feed them at all, no matter how you do it :hugs:
Diapers - we use Libero and Pampers. This pack is Libero, net on is Pampers. Don't see any difference which one to use.
Feeding positions - I think I can even run and he can still eat. For real, if he's hungry he'll eat.
Sleeping - same with feeding. No matter the positsion, previous activity or something else. If he's tired he'll sleep. And ofcourse he'll fall asleep as soon as I put him into car or into stroller.
We don't have Libero here Marta!
And Daisy is the same, she'll eat and sleep basically whenever, wherever! Except for around this time most afternoons when she gets overtired and cries until she falls asleep on me.. I don't mind though, I just come on here :lol:
just been to take in a repeat prescription for mark and thought id ask if the doc will send me an app for my post natal check or if i have to make it myself, i always thought it was 6 weeks after giving birth but the receptionist said its after 8 weeks and the doc will get in touch... arghhh i cant wait any longer i want to start weight watchers but reading their site they wont let u join until you have had the check up... im gonna start it myself at home on monday but im not as strict with myself that way, was rather looking forward to joining up again a week on wednesday :( i cant remember if they need proof of the app, im sure they didnt after i had soph.
Hey ladies :)

Jolou - Can't you just say to weightwatchers that its been 6 weeks? surely they don't need a form or something?

Never feel guilty for not breastfeeding! Babies also thrive on formula and these days its very close to breastmilk. As long as our LOs are loved and well cared for, they aren't going to care where their food is from as long as it fills their little tummies and helps them to grow :) That said, i'm happy i'm breastfeeding, mostly as i'm a cheapskate!
With feeding positions, i'm getting to the point where as long as there is a nipple on show he'll just latch on in any old position and get drinking! Hungry little man that he is! :haha:

I'm a bit scared about the lying down feeding now as i woke up this morning with my boob leaking milk everywhere and he was lying next to me looking up sweetie and LYING ON HIS FRONT!! how the heck he managed to roll over so far, i've no idea, but it made me panic for a moment! :wacko: I'm going to wedge him in his basket tonight with rolled blankets as i'm scared he'll do it again...bit early for him to be rolling isn't it?!?

KittenKat - gorgeous photo! :cloud9:

Marta - Yes my OH always does bathtime and a massage after, and same as with you, he also cuts LOs nails, as i'm too frightened to do it!

Nappies - I can't really comment as i use re-usables. When i do use disposables its boots eco ones. I used the pampers ones i had as samples and they all leaked within 30 minutes of putting them on, so those clearly wouldn't work for me (either that or i'm just rubbish at putting them on)!

Roh's sleeping is still all weird, he's gone right off any pattern, although he did sleep from 9.30pm to 4am last night, so i'm not going to complain. Hard to get him to sleep in the day these days though....


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