Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Its called 'I Made This' . . . . its not finished yet though but feel free to have a looksie! I've got a few things on there :)

I love SureStart too, its fab! I kept saying to Steve when we were watching the budget thingy 'They've taken our tax credits, and our child benefit . . . but if they dare touch SureStart I'll be REALLY mad' :rofl:
cool :) yeah I'd have been livid if they'd scrapped it! It makes a HUGE difference. I want to stay off work forever and go to mum and baby/toddler groups :D
Haha, I know, I keep thinking when I go back to work I can't work on Thursdays 'cos thats Baby Group day :rofl:
hehehe, thats why I'm going to cram in as many as I can now :rofl: I've requested a place on a course called "locomotion" :D
amy - hope alex shifts his cold soon. with other children there's always bugs being brought back so i guess that's why they always seem to have a cold :dohh:

h&f - hope your certificates arrived!

marta - i really want to gp skiing! it's too expensive at the moment tho :dohh: maybe next winter when i am back at work.

LC - i keep thinking the colds maybe down to teething but a tooth has yet to emerge so i dont know :shrug: he was slightly better last night. i cant do much when owen is awake as he demands constant attention. i let him whinge a bit when i am on my own but OH cant bear to hear him moaning so i told him i either let him moan or we have a messy flat and he said he prefered the mess to the moaning :dohh: men!

i am dreading going back to work!!!!! people keep asking me when i am going back. i know i have 6 months left but that's the time i've been off work and it has flown!

thanks all for your birthday wishes :flower: i had lunch with my parents and the kids and i was so proud of my kids for behaving well in the restaurant, especially dylan who sat nicely all the time we were there and ate his food up so was rewarded with a giant strawberry milkshake which my dad had to finish as it was so huge :haha: dad wasnt complaining tho :rofl: then dylan went off to rugby lessons, my MIL took him so i went into town with mum and we had tea and cake in a nice coffee shop. erin fell asleep in the buggy so we went shopping for my bday pressie from my mum as i told her i wanted clothes but erin woke up and she had wet herself in her sleep so we had to abandon mission find new clothes and go home :dohh: the joys of shopping with young kids :haha: tonight OH and i are going to go into spain to a nearby marina town for an indian as there's a lovely restaurant there. that is if he can get MIL to agree to babysit!
Morning - i am in a state today - the certificate is here but the car isnt am currently very stressed as my insurance is going to run out on my ka but my new car hasnt arrived and better still the dealership doesnt even know where it is.

argh will update later.
H&f - congrats on the weight loss. When is the wedding?

Sarah- ooh lovely new sofa. Just in time for Xmas! Good on you for the FB shop. Can you send me the link too?

Frufru - what a fab photo. And how lovely he said you sleeping was the best present

Maybe - sounds like a lovely day. Hope you made it out in the evening

Marta yay you finally get to snowboard after missing out last time

Had baby massage too yesterday. Everyone is so lovely we end up chatting for ages after. I will be sad when it finishes.

Today we have aqua babies and then I am going into Manchester with one of the mums from massage with babies as there is a huge craft market on which looks amazing.

Last night was shocking. Lost count after Che woke for the 6th time. Does everyone think it is the 4 month regression??
A3my - well, mine is too young to not to do what I say :rofl: Older kids, well, OH and his ex have actually done pretty good job raising them.
Sarahwoo - it is a lot of stress but I know that when I'm riding with my board then it is worth that stress. Our biggest stress source is that we're taking kids with us and you all know how their mother reacted when we took them to China. I don't know what happens if she'll come back to Estonia for Christmas.
Tried to find your shop but didn't :(
maybebaby3 - glad you had great birthday :thumbup:
Amy - still no sign of any teeth :( Gutted for little Alex catching another cold. I am glad I am not the only one with piles of junk around the house :winkwink: I loved the massage classes at my surestart but they are all finished now :rolleyes: My hypnobirthing instructor also does a combined baby massage and yoga class which I think I might look to do with Joni, it is £36 for 6 weeks which is a lot of money, but then if I meet friends for coffee and cake I spend at least that much so I don;t know what I am griping about really :dohh:

Insomniamama - housework what's that? :haha:

H&F - I really hope you get the new car sorted :hugs: and a BIG WELL DONE on such fantastic weigh-in results this week :happydance:

Sarah - I agree with Amy, you are so going to be a millionaire with all these ideas and ventures of yours :mrgreen: I could not find your facebook shop though :sad1: I totally know what you mean about feeling like you should give all your attention to your LO when you are doing other things. However, I decided a long time ago that Joni learning to play independently was something which was important for her and to be honest sometimes she is happier amusing herself. She always lets me know when she is bored and in need of some "silly mummy" entertainment :haha:

L-C - Poor you and your horrid cough :hugs: I hope it goes away soon! I am glad Will liked the Bickiepegs :thumbup:

Marta - good for you for booking the snowboarding holiday :thumbup:

Maybebaby - I am so pleased you had a lovely time with your parents on your birthday :hugs: Fingers crossed your MIL can babysit tonight - I have been craving a curry all week :winkwink: So if OH would rather you comfort Owen than do housework does this mean he is going to pick up the slack with the housework then :winkwink:

CG - I am really sorry you are having such poor nights with Che. If it is any consolation I am in the same boat. Joni only woke 5 times last night which was an improvement :haha: I am pretty sure Joni had the 4 month regression in September. At the moment I think her nights are down to teething and possibly gearing up for weaning.
Joni has been sort of shuffling backwards during tummy time for a while and sometimes she gets up on her knees and pushes forwards with her face on the ground :rofl: but today she stayed on her elbows and pushed herself forward almost commando/caterpiller crawl style. I was super proud :cloud9: However, on the flip side I am now bricking it as I need to baby proof the house in preparation for mobile Joni :shock:

I am totally with you ladies about surestart being fantastic :thumbup: I am lucky as mine is only a 5 minute walk away. We had 6 weeks of postnatal classes about topics like weaning, baby illnesses, speech development. THen afterwards we had 4 weeks of baby massage. I am so lucky as all the mums I met on the group are lovely and we all still meet up weekly. Plus I usually see them all again at the surestart baby singing class.

I have to say I am addicted to baby singing - poor Joni gets sung to all day long :blush: If only I had a better singing voice, luckily Joni does not know any different :haha:

Joni's feeding has picked up over the last few days and she is taking full feeds again :thumbup: and I have seen a slight decrease in the number of times she is waking at night which I am so grateful for!!! Saying that she is still waking at least 5 times :wacko: so we still have lots more room for improvement.

The transition from comfort to regular formula is going ok. Joni has had 1 regular feed out of 5 for the last 4 days and has been fine so I am increasing it to two feeds today. Hopefully, all going well, I hope to have her on regular formula by the end of next week-ish. Everyday Joni seems to be exhibiting more interest in food so I think we will start weaning in November once the formula switch is complete. I figure I probably don't want to combine starting weaning and changing over the formula as if Joni does experience a reaction I won't know what is responsible.

Have any of you noticed with the cold weather that your babies faces are getting a bit chapped and weatherbeaten? Joni makes sure her face is permanently covered in lick which I don't think helps and she has little red dry patchs on her cheeks and chin. A friend of mine recommended I get some Weleda weather protection balm for babies (they sell it in boots) and it is brilliant :thumbup: so thought I would mention it in case any of you are having the same issue.
PS - Sarah thank you so much for posting about the pampers offers in Tesco and MOrrisons as you saved me £20 :mrgreen: :hugs:
hi all have been reduced to updating on my phone as erin is watching hannah montana on the laptop :haha: OH and i are going out to eat tonight. i bought some hair dye as i cant afford the hairdresser this month :dohh: and am crossing my fingers it'll look ok. its itching a bit so hope my hair doesnt fall off :rofl: anyway after i finish dying my hair i need to see if i can squeeze into any of my nice tops although i prob will have to wear my maternity black trousers :blush: at least they are topshop ones so are nice and you cant really tell they are maternity! ok back to the housework whilst the dye develops.....
Forgot to tell you that we have snow. It snowed last week once too but then melted right away. Today morning I drove to my parents' place. In here there wasn't a sign of snow but as soon as I got out of the city there it was, slippy roads etc. By the time I got to my parents place it was a real snowstorm. I was on a traffic circle, speed was 10-20km/h and I almost drove off the road. Christ, that was nervous moment. Tomorrow OH is taking our cars to workshop to get winter tyres.
wow marta! we never get snow in gibraltar :nope: was wearint t-shirt on tuesday and it ws so hot! today is grey and cloudy though!
Hi all!

I havent got my car ... its been a nightmare of a day the dealership did find the car but the keys were with the lorry driver in Manchester so they waited for the keys to come back, then put the car thru its mot and did everything that needed doing before sending for the tax disc, but the tax group was wrong or something and therefore they wouldnt issue a tax disc until the documents had been changed at the DVLA on Monday. I am so angry! We were ment to be picking it up at 5 and only had a call at 4.45 to say it wouldnt be ready. They also advertised the milage at 30000 and it is actually 43000 so i guess that is false advertising.

How has everyone elses day been? I am so looking forward to a long bath and bed!

x x x

MaybeBaby I'm glad you had a good birthday! Enjoy your evening tonight!

CG Your day sounds like fun! I hope you had a good one :) Sorry to here that Che isn't sleeping well . . . . I'm afraid I'm in that boat too - more about that later.

FruFru & Amy . . . millionaire would be nice :rofl: I'll pay for a May Mums & Babies holiday if that happens :rofl: To be honest I'd be more than happy just not having to go back to work . . . or even been able to wait until May before I go back.

FruFru I'd never thought about it like it been good for Oliver to learn to play on his own - but thats a good point, thankyou! I'm glad you saved on the nappies! What songs do you sing to Joni? Thanks for the tip about the balm - Oliver's cheeks so all rosy in the cold, I think I'll get some of that!

Marta wow - snow! Estonia sounds great - you get gorgeous hot weather in the summer and a proper winter!

H&F thats soooooo bad about your car! Are they going to reduce the price since they have messed up so bad and the milage was waaaaay out?!?! Enjoy your bath :hugs:

We have had a fun day! Oliver and I met up with two of the mums from Baby Massage and we had a walk around the park - well around Pontefract Racecourse! It was lovely, the weather was fab - but we were all tired out by the end :rofl: We're going to make it a weekly thing so that we all feel like we're getting some exercise. So when I got home Steve wanted to go an pick some sloes (to make sloe gin - yummy!) so that was another long walk! I think I've walked about 5 miles today, but its been really nice.
So Olivers sleeping has been awful for the past two nights - goodness knows why. From when I go to bed he just wants to nurse the whole time, I ended up feeding him laid down so I could sleep but I still only got a couple of hours - urgh! I wonder if its a sign he's ready for weaning? I really hope all the fresh air today means we have a good night!

I think maybe my Facebook shop isnt in the search yet because of my settings, I'll have a look. I think thats the problem. I'll get the linky for you all :)

Hope you all had a good day!

Sounds like you had a good day Sarah.

Dont think they are going to reduce the price ... very annoyed but I am expecting some sort of compensation we have asked for a tow bar to be fitted worth £300 the sales man was saying well we could give you a full tank of fuel I just told him to speak to his manager and sort it out for first thing Monday because I dont like being messed around. I am also going to write a letter of complaint to the dealership.

hmm need to go find some dinner!!/pages/I-Made-This/157249457648090

linky for 'I Made This!' . . . . hope it works :haha:
Evening :flower:

sarah - I love your shop!! :thumbup: locomotion is just moving about i think. I didnt get a place though, its all booked up :cry: sorry to hear Oliver is fretful at night. I always feed Alex lying down, I get such bad neck ache from sleeping crooked. I hope things improve :hugs:

Maybe- glad you had a lovely birthday and your children were good for you :thumbup: hope you have a lovely meal tonight :hugs:

frufru - thanks so much for the info, Alex has chapped little cheeks. Glad to hear Joni is slowly improving at night and almost on normal formula :hugs:

marta - wow snow, brrrrrr. Poor you with the scary driving moment :hugs: did you have Kristan in the car?

H&F - sounds like you've been really messed around :grr: I hope you get decent compensation for all the messing around :hugs:

well I woke in the night and found Alex in bed. I had no recollection of putting him there :wacko: I always pull our pillows wide apart and he sleeps really high up and in between the pillows but there was only a small gap and he was on fire. It was really scary (I know overheating can cause SIDS) :sad1: DH said he'd put him there in the night. I had a lovebite on my boob where he'd tried to feed from me :blush: I felt awful, I;ve never slept so deeply with him in bed and I've never not woken when he needed me :cry: I'm going to get to bed earlier tonight, I think 4 hrs broken sleep is catching up with me.

We had a lovely day though, went for a walk in the woods with my sister and Dad and Milly my parents dog. Then my Grandad came round to see the children and have afternoon tea. I'm now relaxing with a Ben & Jerrys pot of half baked :cloud9:

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