Amy - still no sign of any teeth
Gutted for little Alex catching another cold. I am glad I am not the only one with piles of junk around the house
I loved the massage classes at my surestart but they are all finished now
My hypnobirthing instructor also does a combined baby massage and yoga class which I think I might look to do with Joni, it is £36 for 6 weeks which is a lot of money, but then if I meet friends for coffee and cake I spend at least that much so I don;t know what I am griping about really
Insomniamama - housework what's that?
H&F - I really hope you get the new car sorted
and a BIG WELL DONE on such fantastic weigh-in results this week
Sarah - I agree with Amy, you are so going to be a millionaire with all these ideas and ventures of yours
I could not find your facebook shop though
I totally know what you mean about feeling like you should give all your attention to your LO when you are doing other things. However, I decided a long time ago that Joni learning to play independently was something which was important for her and to be honest sometimes she is happier amusing herself. She always lets me know when she is bored and in need of some "silly mummy" entertainment
L-C - Poor you and your horrid cough
I hope it goes away soon! I am glad Will liked the Bickiepegs
Marta - good for you for booking the snowboarding holiday
Maybebaby - I am so pleased you had a lovely time with your parents on your birthday
Fingers crossed your MIL can babysit tonight - I have been craving a curry all week
So if OH would rather you comfort Owen than do housework does this mean he is going to pick up the slack with the housework then
CG - I am really sorry you are having such poor nights with Che. If it is any consolation I am in the same boat. Joni only woke 5 times last night which was an improvement
I am pretty sure Joni had the 4 month regression in September. At the moment I think her nights are down to teething and possibly gearing up for weaning.
Joni has been sort of shuffling backwards during tummy time for a while and sometimes she gets up on her knees and pushes forwards with her face on the ground
but today she stayed on her elbows and pushed herself forward almost commando/caterpiller crawl style. I was super proud
However, on the flip side I am now bricking it as I need to baby proof the house in preparation for mobile Joni
I am totally with you ladies about surestart being fantastic
I am lucky as mine is only a 5 minute walk away. We had 6 weeks of postnatal classes about topics like weaning, baby illnesses, speech development. THen afterwards we had 4 weeks of baby massage. I am so lucky as all the mums I met on the group are lovely and we all still meet up weekly. Plus I usually see them all again at the surestart baby singing class.
I have to say I am addicted to baby singing - poor Joni gets sung to all day long
If only I had a better singing voice, luckily Joni does not know any different
Joni's feeding has picked up over the last few days and she is taking full feeds again
and I have seen a slight decrease in the number of times she is waking at night which I am so grateful for!!! Saying that she is still waking at least 5 times
so we still have lots more room for improvement.
The transition from comfort to regular formula is going ok. Joni has had 1 regular feed out of 5 for the last 4 days and has been fine so I am increasing it to two feeds today. Hopefully, all going well, I hope to have her on regular formula by the end of next week-ish. Everyday Joni seems to be exhibiting more interest in food so I think we will start weaning in November once the formula switch is complete. I figure I probably don't want to combine starting weaning and changing over the formula as if Joni does experience a reaction I won't know what is responsible.
Have any of you noticed with the cold weather that your babies faces are getting a bit chapped and weatherbeaten? Joni makes sure her face is permanently covered in lick which I don't think helps and she has little red dry patchs on her cheeks and chin. A friend of mine recommended I get some Weleda weather protection balm for babies (they sell it in boots) and it is brilliant
so thought I would mention it in case any of you are having the same issue.