Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

H&F Thats rubbish - I hope you get somewhere with them. I hate it when a big purchase like that goes wrong - when it should be fun. We ordered a gorgeous arm chair from Laura Ashley last year and they messed us about so much that I cancelled in the end, they just annoyed me so much :dohh:
A3my I'm glad you like my shop, thanks for looking! :hugs:

I can appreciate how scarey it must have been to wake up with Alex in bed like that - but if your OH had popped him in bed you weren't to know he was there hun :hugs: I'm sure if you had known he was there you would have been more alert to him, as long as your OH knows that in the future if he puts Alex in bed he needs to wake you up and tell you, sort the pillows etc. Don't worry :hugs: An early night sounds good though, I just has a chocolate pudding and I think I'll be off to bed when Steve goes to work in an hour.

I'm glad you had a good day though, oh and get on a waiting list or something for locomotion - our courses always have people who drop out :)
That was the scary thing, DH said I told him to put Alex in bed but I cant remember it at all :blush: I'm surprised he didnt realise thats not like me in the slightest, I must have said it in my sleep! I'm on the waiting list :happydance: I nearly went to an under 1s group today but I wasnt sure if I had to register becasue there's a contact name and no so I'll call her in the week :haha: :flower: hope you have a better night :hugs:
Here is the info for the cream I mentioned I love that it is suitable for vegetarians :rofl:

Maybebaby I hope yoiu managed to finish dying your hair and have a nice meal tonight :flower:

Marta - :shock: that must have been so scary :hugs: Good news that your hubby is getting the winter tyres sorted out tomorrow :thumbup:

H&F - :grr: :gun: I think a letter of complaint is totally justified. Also they have mis-sold you the car if you agreed to purchase it based on a mileage of 30K and it is actually 13K higher. Surely that voids any contract you had with them or at least means that they should have to be willing to negotiate it with you - I wonder if the sale is covered by trading standards regulations :confused:

Sarah - I love the shop, the applique patches are wonderful - I have liked for you :hugs: I am gutted to hear that Oliver's sleeping has not been up to his usual high standards, fingers crossed he gets back to normal nice and quickly for you. I sing allsorts to poor Joni :haha: SHe loves twinkle twinkle little star with the hand actions. Regulars on mummy's playlist are horsey horsey, animal fair, sing a song of sixpence, row row row your boat, three blind mice. When I was pregnant I came across a cd by Renee and Jeremy called "its a big world" which is just gorgeous. When Joni had colic I would play the cd and sing along and it was pretty much the only thing that would get her to sleep. There are so many lyrics in the songs which I still tear up over when I sing them to her :blush: "We are one and that's wonderful, you are you, and theres never gonna be anyone like you. Wherever you go, whatever you see, however you grow you're a part of me" :cloud9: :cry:

Amy - gosh that must have been scary waking to find Alex in your bed like that :hugs: It is so hard surviving on such a small amount of sleep particularly when the quality of the sleep is so poor too :nope: Every night I say a little pretty please to the universe for all our babies to sleep better :blush: I hope you manage to get more rest tonight :hugs: oh and enjoy the half baked Mmmmmmmm thats my favorite :mrgreen: I used to love phish food but when our dog died many moons ago my mum bought us that as a treat to take our minds off losing Fox and now I can't bear to eat it :dohh:

Well I tried to give Joni regular formula for her afternoon feed but today she decided she was only going to have 4 feeds and refused to even let me put the bottle in her mouth at 3.30 :rolleyes: I will try again tomorrow! I have to say that Joni's feeding and general mood seems to have been better the last couple of days. Hopefully that will be reflected in her sleeping at some point (soon!!)

It was a beautiful autumnal day here today, Joni and I had a super-speedy walk into the city to run a few errands before her midday nap (2 hours and 5 mins in her cot - well done Joni Rae :happydance:) then in the afternoon we met a couple of the mum's and babies we know from my pregnancy yoga class and we had a walk round one of the lakes close by. This evening hubby and I have pottered around the house and watched the latest SGU episode (we are sci-fi nerds :blush:) Hubby has retired to bed as he took over with Joni for me at 4.30 this morning - she was wide awake in bed chatting to herself :rolleyes: and hubby went in to check on her and she was awake because she had done a massive poo that had run out of the nappy and down one of her legs :sick: it took him half and hour to change and re-dress her, then he gave her half a feed and she went back to sleep until 6.45 :thumbup: Joni has been waking loads in the evening between bedtime and her last feed but tonight I have not heard a peep out of her :mrgreen: lets hope this is a sign of a good night ahead :winkwink:

Right I could ramble on for hours but I really should go and get ready for bed. N'night all :hugs:
OK, for those of you who wonder how I got the house in order (and apologies to those who don't care):

FIRST DAY: All bets are off. Clean like mad; ignore whimpering; only attend to actual crying :rofl:

EVERY DAY: Strict routine.
6:30am- Wake up. Make light breakfast for son (toast & yogurt or something quick/easy). Pack lunch. Get son his clothes and tell him to get dressed ASAP & report to dining table to eat.
7:00am- Eat breakfast with son.
7:10am- Walk to school bus stop with son.
7:45am-Arrive back home. Change toddler, put him on toilet, give him a sippy cup or bottle with milk- often he will go back to sleep. Change baby. Nurse baby.
8:00am- Shower.
8:15am- Make larger breakfast for OH/me/toddler (What, I'm hungry) :rofl:
8:30am- Eat
9:00am- Clean house / do laundry
9:45am- Put toddler on toilet, change if necessary, change and feed baby
10:00am- Leave for morning activity (Library/Gym/Playground/Children's Bookstore)
10:30am- Arrive at morning activity
11:30am- Leave Morning Activity
12:00pm- Arrive at home; Change/Toilet/Feed baby (baby usually sleeps after fed)
12:15pm- Eat lunch with toddler
12:30pm- Brush teeth with toddler, read "word" books with him before nap
12:30pm- Quiet time. Often he will sleep but regardless he is expected to be quiet and not demand attention, and he generally complies. Usually he plays for half an hour or so & then passes out on his bed :rofl: At this point I clean / apply for jobs / fart around on internet a bit if nothing left to do.
2:15pm- Change / Toilet babies
2:30pm- Drive to son's bus stop
3:00pm- Grocery Shopping (somehow there is almost always something to get; I am not the best meal planner)
3:30pm- Put away shopping, feed baby, give snack to toddler / son
4:00pm- Standing playground date with other neighbourhood mamas
5:00pm- Change / Toilet babies. Give guidance to son on room cleaning :rofl:
5:30pm- Dinner Prep
6:30pm- Eat (for some reason dinner prep always takes a long time- there seem to be a lot of interruptions)
7:00pm- Bathe toddler; prepare bath for son; do vitamins /teeth with both; read toddler story & put to bed.
7:30pm- Son bathes, I nurse baby
8pm-9pm Homework with son (sometimes 9:30 if truth be known)
9 / 9:30pm I collapse in a heap on the floor.

It's working though, honest!
Amy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

FruFru I'm glad you like the shop so far! Shall I add you as a friend? Thanks again for the balm recommendation - I'll be buying some next time I'm in Boots! I might use it on myself in the bad weather :rofl: Oh, and you nearly set me off with those lyrics lol!

Insomnimama blimey - it made me tired just reading your post! :rofl: You are one busy lady! I really struggle to get any kind of a routine (we have a very, very flexible one lol!) - with Steve working nights I'm quite restricted to what I can do in the day - we have to be quite quiet and I can't really go into our bedroom for laundry etc, and I can't hoover or anything. I tend to get the quiet things done - like dusting, washing up etc, while Steve is in bed and then the rest when he is awake. We also have piles of junk every where :rofl:

Oliver was a bit better last night. Its very strange because when he's crying, its more of a moany cry and when I pick him up he is pretty much fast asleep! So last night, as Steve was at work so I wasn't worrying about waking him, each time Oliver started crying / wimpering I rolled him onto his side (which he loves) and sushed him, and mostly it worked. I think I fed him about three times in the night which wasn't so bad, so the shushing was quite successful. He was wide awake at about seven but went back to sleep until 10am!

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend, we don't have any plans as Steve is working pretty much all weekend, I might try and get rid of those piles of junk :haha:

Insomniamama - I'm with Sarah, I felt exhausted just looking at your schedule :wacko: However, I imagine that with 3 little ones to care for super-organisation is the only way to keep on top of things. Joni has her feeds and naps at more-or-less the same time every day give or take an hour which should help me get into my own routine with housework etc. However her night time sleep has been so poor recently I have been napping when she sleeps :blush:

Sarah - yes please add me :flower: I am the one with the black and white picture which looks nothing like me in real life :haha: I am such a softie with the lyrics and a lot of things really. I was never very weepy before being pregnant but now I cry at the drop of a hat. Hubby texted me yesterday to say some friends of ours we know through work had had their baby and I burst into tears reading it and spent the whole afternoon having a little weep everytime I thought about it :blush: :haha:
I am glad Oliver had a slightly improved night :thumbup: Joni had a couple of weeks of whimpering and crying in her sleep and it was really hard to soothe her because she was asleep :rolleyes: I am pretty sure it was her teeth bothering her. Lucky you Oliver sleeping until 7 then until 10 :mrgreen: Joni woke up at 5.40 as she had pooped. She usually gets up for the day between 6-6.45 so by the time her bum was changed it was 6 so she had a slightly earlier start today.

It is weird Joni had hardly ever pooped at night time but she has done this loads in the last 5-7 days :shrug:

So Joni is 26weeks today so she is exactly half a year old :shock: I just gave Joni her feed and put her down to nap and it is hard to believe she is the same baby that 6 months ago was in the NICU , still being called Wee-J at the time, struggling to breathe and being tube fed as she was too tired and weak to feed. I have to say that the last 6 months have been harder and more challenging than I could have ever imagined, however I love Joni with every cell in my body and she is worth everything a million times over :cloud9:
Sarah, love the shop!
Amy, that must of been scary, I hate when things like that happen. I had a similar episode this morning when I woke up to the baby punching me in the face and had no idea how she got there. I always sleep snuggled up with her if she's in bed with me (Vinny has terrible insomnia so is rarely in bed past 3am). But today she was just in the middle of the bed..
Marta, I hate snowy roads, I can't believe it's time for you to get winter tyres already, I remember you getting them last year!
Frufru, your post about Joni was so sweet! I can't believe she's 6 months!
I've probably missed stuff, sorry. Been busy this week so not really been around, my friend had her little girl on Thursday. I'm soooo broody- although after receiving a stressed phonecall from her at 6am along the lines of 'WHY WON'T CAITLIN STOP CRYING ARGHHHHH' I was kind of glad I'm not back there!
Daisy is fab, she's getting so funny. I'm sure you've all seen my fb updates anyway!
Frufru if I can find you I'm going to add you if that's ok, hope you don't mind a news feed full of Daisy!

Well I just ate my tea and Oliver is still asleep :happydance::happydance: I might even push my luck and have pudding :rofl:

FruFru what a half year its been eh! Oliver is 24 weeks today :cloud9:

Katie I loved the video on facebook of Daisy holding her feet while she eats! Cute!

Oliver is soooo close to crawling now, he goes backwards really, really well and can turn around :) I took a video of him earlier, its too cute!

I feel like a bit of a cow :cry: I want your opinions please! My friend had her first baby on Wednesday. We met up while she was pregnant and she said she really wanted to breastfeed, and we had a good chat about it. So she text on Wednesday night and said she was doing okay but struggling with the b'feeding, so I offered support, told her it gets easier etc. I text her today to see how she was doing and she said that baby was using her as a dummy, so she had started combi feeding to give her poor nipples a break. Now I know that babies suckle loads at four days because you're milks just coming in and they need to establish your supply - I wouldn't have know that if a breastfeeding support lady hadn't explained it to me (my friend is in a different area and has no b'feeding support :nope:). So I text back explaining - in a nice way - that thats normal etc. I also asked if she was expressing, she said she had a pump so I said to pump when baby has a bottle to encourage supply and let baby suckle as much as she could. I also suggested nipple shields - baby is having a bottle so nipple confusion isn't really a reason not to use them. She didn't know about nipple shields, so I've sent her all the details etc. I just don't want her to think I'm preaching - do you know what I mean? She didn't actually ask for help - but she isn't getting the info I got which I feel is really unfair. I just want to help but I don't want her to feel like I'm shoving my nose in. Should I have kept my mouth shut or was I right to offer advice?

Argh, Olivers awake, pudding will have to wait :rofl:
Evening all,

Just a quick post from me tonight as I am heading off to bed. Glad everyone is getting on ok. Amy is no where near crawling. I have confirmation that my car will be available on Monday at 12 - and as a gesture of good will it will have a tow bar fitted for free. We are still sending a letter of complaint due to their sheer incompetance.

Hope everyone is ok. I have lost my voice just hoping Amy has a good nights sleep and that we can have a nice relaxed quiet day tomorrow! Doubtful tho!
and Sarah I think you were right to offer advice I would've appreciated it at that time as Amy fed constantly and without advice from my friends I would've given up!
Katie - it freaks you out doesnt it!! I never knew I could sleep so deep. Daisy is so cute :hugs:

frufru - happy half a year Joni! :cloud9::hugs: wow, what a whirlwind. I can still remember CactusGirl telling us you'd gone into labour :cloud9:

insomnimama - wow you are so organised! I have 3 children but I am all over the place :haha: I'm rubbish at schedules, although in the week we do have the same morning routine and school pick up routine. I've realised 3 children means things need to be a bit less chaotic so I am going to try to get my girls to do as they are told first time (hmmm... I'm dubious about my success chances :haha:) :hugs:

sarah - yey, go Oliver! we'd love to see the video, can you put it on here or fb? As for the breast feeding friend I wouldve said the same as you. I dont think you've been pushy, you've been helpful. people get told so many different things by different midwives and sometimes it makes all the difference to hear it from another mum :hugs:

H&F - Alex is no-where near crawling either. He still hates tummy time and just puts his face down and boos. He can roll from front to back and nearly from back to front though. Hope you feel better tomorrow :hugs:

We had a hectic day, Holly had streetdance at 10-11, then Emily had badminton 1-2. We went for a nice walk in between rain showers and Holly cooked tea (bless her). She made tomato pasta. Kerry cleaned out the wood burning stove as we are having the chimney swept on Monday. Cant wait to get the fire going again :)
Thanks ladies :hugs: I'm sure you're right :hugs:)

Amy the video is in a funny format so I need to download something to be able to put it on, but I will try to at some point - though you can here me talking crap all the way through :rofl:

Your wood burning stove sounds fab - a real fire!! Our house had all its fireplaces blocked up and taken out before we moved in. Our next door neighbour put all his back in the other year - I can always tell when he has the fire on because it warms our house too :rofl:
Our fireplace was all blocked up when we got here. We're on gas cylinders and our first winter was freeeeeeezing and expensive so Kerry smashed out the fireplace in the lounge again. He found about 10 dead pigeons that had fallen down the chimney and died :sick: poor things. then we got the stove and its lovely, it heats most of the house, our bedroom is above the lounge and that gets toasty warm too. I'm a bit worried about when Alex can crawl though :wacko:
Hi ladies. Getting cold there huh? Its in the 80's here - and feels fab! Finally not so hot! And the early mornings are gorgeous - 70's!

Sorry I haven't kept up. Its been so hectic! Work for one... I'm always doing lesson plans or something when I'm home. And then other stress on top of it all. My little niece Chloe is still not doing well- been in the hospital almost her whole life. They are starting to talk about a possible Liver transplant... but nothing is certain yet. Thats the worst part - they just don't know whats wrong with her for sure! Please keep her in your prayers!

In happier news - Dillon is now 6 months old and we started him on solids on Wednesday. We tried him with peas first. He wasn't impressed - but he ate them. Today I let him try some applesauce. He gobbled that right up - def liked it more than the peas! I wanted to do the BLW - but decided its too much of a PITA to try and make sure I have stuff he can eat all the time. I think jar stuff is just easier. I do only organic though. I will still make my own baby food whenever I can, but I think being able to buy jars is just more convenient most of the time. It all boils down to my wanting to keep him strictly organic as long as I can. I buy as much organic as I can for the rest of us, but it adds up. So when I have it, I'll offer it. But with jars I can make sure he gets organic - kwim??

Also - My birthday is tomorrow. I'm turning 34! Can't believe it! Where has the time gone?? My sister is in town for the weekend - so that will be cool. I'll get to see her for my bday.

Where can I get one of those cute cow BFing blinkies? I've looked and looked but can't find one?

I'm gonna go back and try to read up a bit on how you are all doing now! Hope everyone is good!
Lovely to hear from you LM and happy 6 months to Dillon :flower:.
Your poor neice, I really hope they get to the bottom of things :hugs::hugs::hugs::flower::flower::flower:
Here are the breastfeeding blinkies LM!! Blinkies/

So sorry to hear about Chloe, poor little thing. I hope they find out whats wrong soon!

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