Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I AM SOOO hungry!! I just had Chinese too :(
Also, as I've shared this with half of facebook, I think I need an operation.. My epis still isn't closed, there's a 2cm (ish) hole in it. The pain is unbelievable to say it's been 5 months. I'm at the doctors tomorrow, I'm scared..
Blimey Katie you poor thing! That must be so horrible for you :hugs: I really hope that things go well at the doctors tomorrow :hugs:
oh noo, poor you Katie :hugs: I really hope the docs can help :hugs:
Happy B-Day LM! I hope Chloe is doing better soon.

Good luck tomorrow with your apt, Katie :hugs:

SarahWoo, I don't think you're being a cow at all; mind you I nearly got my head bit clean off by a complete :mamafy: on this board after she said she didn't plan to BF if she were to get pg & have a baby because it's disgusting to her. As gently as possible I said "it's not that bad, really" and "don't knock it till you try it" and she reamed me out over several paragraphs and called me a huge bully and loads more. Put me off posting on the board at all for months and months, the :mamafy: So what do I know, really? :rofl:
Insomnimama thankyou, and sorry you had to deal with the :mamafy: :hugs: I'm so pleased that my friend is giving it a try and if she had been pretty half hearted about wanting to breastfeed I might have left it, I just know she wanted to do it so bad and I don't want her to have to stop because she doesn't have the right info / support. I didn't want to come across as pushy or anything. I'm actually pretty upset that she doesn't have the support that I had.

I'm actually thinking about volunteering with Little Angels, who do the b'feeding support around here. Maybe when Oliver is a little older.

Well we had a great night!! :yipee: :yipee:
Oliver woke at 4am and 6.30am and we got up at 8.30! And we had no funny crying episodes, phew!

Insomnimama thats such a shame you had a :mamafy: make you feel bad :hugs: we missed you!!!! I'm really passionate about breastfeeding and I wonder if I get preachy sometimes. I dont mean to, I totally respect any mums choice on how to feed their baby. I just had my mum drum it into me all my life and then when I used to nurse premmie babies it was so rewarding when my help made the difference and helped a mum breast feed.
Sarah - thats such a lovely idea!! I really miss being a SCBU nurse since I had Alex. I wish I had stuck it out. I found the shifts to hard though and just before I left I had to work Christmas day and I cried all the way there leaving my girls :cry: yey for your good night :hugs: xx

Katie - how did the docs go? Hope they can help you :hugs:

Well Alex had a really cappy night, I'm sure its his teeth. I can feel and see one that will be the first to pop I am sure. His drooling has become tap like!!
Consquently I'm shattered and I've been a grumpy moo this morning. My poor girls got the brunt :blush: I've made them a nice spagetti bolognese though.

Hope everyone is having a lovely sunday xxx
Hi Amy,

Sorry about your bad night :( If you live closer we could have swapped babies for the night :rofl:

I imagine working as a SCBU nurse is very rewarding, but also quite emotionally draining? We work 24/7/365 in my job too - why people feel the need to call their bank on Christmas day I will never know but they do - quite often to say 'Merry Christmas' or to have a chat if they are on their own. I haven't had to work Christmas day yet and to be honest, now Oliver is here, if they ask me to I will hand my notice in before I work it.

Talking of work, I spoke to Steve yesterday and said that I have enough money of my own saved to cover at least one month of unpaid leave, so I am not going back to work until the beginning of March at the soonest. He was fine with that and said we would need to sit down and look at things and see if we could do an extra two months, and maybe look at me not going back. So I really need to get my little businesses going and hopefully I can just stay home with my baby :)

Well Steve is working today and my parents are in London with my sister, so Oliver and I are home with no plans. I think we might go for a walk in a bit, its a lovely day though quite cold!

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Insomnimama I hope you don't mind, I just found and read the posts you mentioned and omg, what a bitch! You were really nice about it and she was so nasty and defensive - it was so uncalled for! What an absolute bitch! Don't let her put you off coming on here - we missed you!!! :hugs: Oh and I completely agree with what you said too :hugs:
Katie - :hugs: I hope you appointment with the docs goes ok. It was funny to read you are broody, I am so not broody it is untrue. So-much-so I am off to the doctors in three weeks time to have the implant fitted to ensure Joni does not get any surprise siblings! Oh and of course I don't mind a newsfeed full of Daisy - I hope you don't mind one all about mine and Joni's sleep or lack thereof :haha: I hope you enjoyed your chinese Mmmmmm nom nom nom. I love reading about what you all eat as all I have had for months now is porridge, salad, green leafy veg, chicken, tuna, white fish and tuna. It is rather a strict and boring regime but it works for me.

Sarah - I think your friend is really lucky to have such an experienced BFing Mum such as yourself to turn to. If she texted to say she was struggling then it would seem she was looking for advice/support so I think you did exactly the right thing by trying to help. I work in a bank also and we often have customers ring us on Christmas and NY day just to check we are there :rofl: I really hope you can manage to stay at home the extra two months with Oliver. I realised this morning that now Joni is 6 months old I only have 6 months left at home with her before I go back to work :cry:

H&F - Boo to the dealership :growlmad: I suppose the free towbar is something but buying a car is supposed to be exciting and fun and they have taken that away from you so I think you are completely justified in writing a letter of complaint too. Sending you :hugs:

Amy - Whirlwind is exactly the right word! It is funny as I only told my best friend and CG I had gone into labour. I did not tell any of my family or other friends as I did not want to worry them after the stress of the previous couple of weeks, especially when there was nothing they could do to help. So you ladies knew more than they all did which I find very amusing :haha:
:thumbup: to Holly cooking tea. Eeeeeew :sick: to the pigeons :wacko: You can get some really good metal fire guards you can screw to the wall for when Alex is mobile. I am sorry Alex had a crappy night - have you used any of the teething powders at all. They are by no means a miracle cure but they do seem to help Joni a little.

LM - :cake: :mrgreen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :mrgreen: :cake: So sorry that poor Chloe is still in hospital :sad1: I will keep thinking positive thoughts for her. Yay to Dillon's half year and starting weaning. I would like to do BLW 100% but I think I will probably to a mix of BLW and TW

Insomniamama - :shock: about your :mamafy: experience. All you were doing was saying to keep an open mind :shrug:


It seems to me that when it comes to breastfeeding support it is pretty much an all or nothing affair. I know ladies who have really struggled with BF and had BF support but it was too full on and the pressure was too much and in the end they switched to FF. Similarly I know ladies who have struggled and had no support so ending up FF. I know that the NHS in the UK are forbidden to encourage/suggest FF but I really think that sometimes this is taken too far and mother and baby end up suffering emotionally &/or physically as a result. Every breast feed counts as far as I am concerned and I can't help wondering if the NHS were not forced to be so incredibly pro-BF whether instead of giving up BF completely more Mum's might end up combi feeding? Of course ideally everyone would EBF but sometimes things just don;t work out that way. Just look at Joni and I - I gave BF everything I had and ended up with pnd. Then Joni started refusing to BF anyway and had allsorts of problems whilst being fed BM. We switched to formula and her health issues all went away and FF took some of the pressure off of me.

SOrry that is a discussion I have been having in my head since last night and just needed to get it out - sorry if it offends anyone as it certainly is not intended that way :flower:

Well Joni only woke twice last night (10.45 & 3.10) which is an awesome result :thumbup: However she did wake up at 5.20 :rolleyes: you can't have it all!!!! I went to a carboot this morning but was only there 5 mins and it starting raining cats and dogs so my friend and I went back to hers for a cuppa and a natter instead :mrgreen: I popped to B&Q on the way home as I need to pick up some bits, including a new toilet seat, which is so much easier without Joni in tow. However, when I got the toliet seat home my hubby told me the box and fittings bag had been opened before then resealed and when I looked some bugger had opened the box and taken the original seat and fittings out and swapped it for the cheap naff version :growlmad: I am so peeved as it has taken me weeks to get the opportunity to go to B&Q and now I have to find time again to take this bloody thing back :grr: BLAH

I hope you are all having a lovely day - thank you for those of you have added me on FB, it is lovely to 'see' you all :hugs:
FruFru how annoying about the loo seat!!! I love a walk around the car boot on a Sunday morning - its my guilty pleasure :rofl: I've picked up some bargains over the years though - last year I bought a really gorgeous old oak book case for a fiver!!!!!

Yep we have people calling on Christmas day to make sure we're open too :dohh: Which bank do you work for? I'm at First Direct. If you've seen the adverts they have out at the moment - it really is just like that we just chat all day - its about a 50/50 split between banking and random crap :rofl:

I think Oliver is reallt getting ready for weaning. I was just eating a sandwich and he grabbed it off me and shoved it in his mouth! He then squiged it into his foot. Nice! I might start giving him the odd thing . . . . that should be okay shouldn't it?

Oh, also, are all the babies making 'word' type noises now? Oliver sounds like hes talking a strange language sometimes - but so far he has said words that sound very much like 'Good boy' 'Daddy' and 'meow' :rofl: I know its not 'talking' but its certainly funny :haha:
sarah and frufru - glad you had better nights!!!

sarah - how great to possibly not go back to work. i tried the link to the shop you have but as it is a fb link and am not on fb i couldnt see it :dohh: And lol about oliver and the sandwich :rofl: he certainely seems to be trying to tell you something :haha: maybe he will go back to sleeping through if you start weaning :shrug: owen definately prefers food to milk.................................except at night :dohh:

amy - :hugs: i know what you mean about the other kids bearing the brunt sometimes. you try so hard not to let that be the case but sometimes they just really push it.

katie - hope the dr went well! :hugs:


well owen is having a nap. he did a poo and when i went to change him it came out of his nappy up his back to his neck and all over out the sides onto my clean trousers (i always change him on my lap) :dohh::dohh::dohh: so we ended up in the bath and dylan and erin joined us. so we are in our pj's at 4pm :haha: i had just poured a cup of tea and of course it ended up stome cold again! am destined never to have hot tea :nope: well owen is napping and i have poured another cuppa in the hope i can get to drink it and am having a look on here for 5 mins before returning to the chores! am going to make a roast chicken tonight so need to prepare and think have to nip out and get a few more ingredients that i am missing!
Hello all.

Just a quick post from me as we are trying to clean the house! and i'm going to try and make a lasangne for dinner but need a recipe!

Hope everyone is ok. Amy has gone completly off her food today but going to try and give her some dinner.

Hope your all ok. x
h&f - owen was poorly and off his food for a few days but is back to normal eating now. hopefully amy will be back on form soon! did you find a lasagne recipe? i do it differently every time i do it as i never stick to a recipe :haha:
I got a recipe off the weight watchers website! It was really yummy even tho we ate more than the stated amount as I have so many points left today! Now just tucking into a weight watchers lemon cheesecake. Really hoping for a good weigh loss this week to take me into the next stone bracket.

How is everyone getting on today?

x Sarah x
I'm silly, my appointment is tomorrow of course- I lose track of days just now as V has Tue and Thurs off and my Mum is off for half term :dohh:
LOL at Oliver stealing your sandwich Sarah! Daisy stole lettuce of my plate in Pizza Hut before we started weaning :dohh:
Frufru, I really need to get on a diet. I eat really erratically just now (actually I've eaten this way for pretty much as long as I've been able to make decisions food wise!). I eat nothing all day except maybe a piece of toast or a Flake and then eat tea and that's it. I've actually lost quite a bit of weight like this but I think that's because I'm naturally a size 10-12.. Which is what I am now, although I was smaller a week or two ago and fitted into size 8 toos in Tooshop :dohh:. Anyway, I want to get back to an 8 ideally, so I'm going to have to diet now I think, particularly since I've put weight on.
Amy I really hope your nights get better soon!
Daisy is 5 months today. What a 5 months it's been!
Also, does anyone else have ridiculous names they call their baby? She's rarely just Daisy, the most common ones are babafish/babblefish, Daisy doll, dolly mix, Daisybug or Daisy duck :blush:
sarah -you're so lucky there's a chance you may not have to go back to work :hugs: I really hope it works out for you and big :hugs: to Steve too for being such a good supportive hubby/Dad! As for noises Alex really sounds like he says hello sometimes :haha:

frufru - I'm so pleased you caught up on some sleep :hugs: totally understand what you mean in your post about BF :hugs: I didnt realise you had pnd :hugs: are you feeling OK now? I had it after Holly and it was awful. I snapped out of it when she was about 5 months old because Kerry had viral meningitus and was in hospital for a week. That is SOOO annoying about the car seat!! :grr:

maybe - Alex did a huge poop earlier while he was sitting in my arms, I went to change him and he'd shot it out of his nappy, down his trousers and into his socks! :sick: it had seeped through all over me too.

sarah (H&F) - hope Amy is OK :hugs: your dinner sounds yum, I have a real urge for lemon cheesecake now mmmm

Katie - I call Alex silly names but I cant remember them! my brain is useless! :dohh: we sing him silly songs too - Holly made one up that goes "Alex with his little face, Alex with his little nose, Alex with his little arms, Alex with his little toes" - it was so catchy I bore him with it all the time :rofl: Good luck with your appt tomorrow :winkwink:

We had a nice afternoon, we went for a walk and stopped off at our local pub for a hot chocolate then the girls had riding. its sooooo cold today though brrrrrr xx
Katie I'm the same with the days of the week - I never know what day it is! Steve always has different days off, its toooo complicated!

Oliver gets called allsorts too - Ollie, OlliePops, OllieWoo, OlliePoo . . . . Walliver . . . . :haha:

I think I've got a chest infection :nope: I started feeling a but urgh yesterday but though nothing of it - I just felt yuk - a bit like a hang over but without the drink! Then I started with a nasty cough and not its really on my chest. I don't feel really awful but I feel pretty crap. I guess I'll have to phone the dr's and get an appointment, I have asthma :dohh:
Amy that song is tooooo cute!!!!!!!!

I have your parcel ready to post tomorrow by the way, there is a little something extra in there for the girls :winkwink:
sarahw - oh no! poor you. yes get to the docs, olliepoo needs his mummy well (I love that nickname its sooo cute :haha:)

Oh I've remembered my daft silly name for Alex - chumley bumpkin :blush:

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